Category Archives: Dippity

Escape to Dunsborough

I’m in Dunsborough. Limited internet access but I confess even more limited enthusiasm for blogging, for anything technical really.

I’ve been reading, staring at the view, popping down to the beach for a dip, eating and doing sudoku… a lot of sudoku.

I’m here with Dippity, and I’ve discovered the way to Dippity’s contentment is finding her a good book, or at least, a book she’s prepared to read.

I found Ballet Shoes by Noel Streatfield in the bookcase.  A copy from my childhood.  It was a lovely story when it was written in 1936 and still is. 

Dipp devoured it in a couple of hours.

She is now reading City of Bones by Cassandra Clare, it will make do she says until we get back to Perth and she can read her brother’s copy of Eldest.

We’re staying with my Dad and had invited some other friends to join us for a few days.   On one of those days we went on a trail ride through the national park.  On horseback.

I thought I’d escaped lightly the next day but three days later the strain on my thighs is evident.
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I wonder how the horse is bearing up.

I’m also using this time away from my coffee machine to prepare myself for The Colon Cleansing Kit I received for Christmas.

It’s my third day without coffee (although I’m getting some caffeine from black tea).  The headaches have passed and I’m ready to transfer to green tea – or I will be when I get back.

Last night we went to a new Indian restaurant in Dunsborough.  It seems an odd cuisine for the South West – I don’t know why but I tend to think of fusion-cafe style food as more the go here.

The Indigo Pearl however is excellent and worth a try if you’re staying down south.   I recommend the India Plate for starters.   It’s in the old Bay Cottage Restaurant if you know Dunsborough at all and has been in operation since August.

Right.  Dad’s in his bathers and my little window of blogging opportunity is closing.  It’s time for a dip down at Little Meelup.

Tomorrow we’re visiting my cousin’s farm to witness preg-testing the cattle on our way back home where normal service to this occasional missive will no doubt be restored.

See ya.

Not scary enough

You know I liked the Twilight series, so it should come as no surprise to learn I went to the movie.

In fact I went with three other mums in Dippity’s class – with the four girls who sat a few rows in front of us.  Sit with their mothers?  You’ve got to be joking.

The movie follows the plot of the first book pretty closely.  The scenery is breathtaking.  The character of Bella looked exactly like I imagined.

But as you’ll have guess from the title of this post, I felt it lacked a little in the scary department.

Edward goes on and on about being a monster and dangerous to know but he just looks like a cute teenager, and the bits in the book where you “see” the monster just look a bit silly in the movie.
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I guess I was expecting it to be a bit more Van Helsing.  A bit more scary teeth and hissing.

Especially in the vampire v vampire scenes.

With the scary scenes looking a bit silly it lost a bit of gravatas for me.

Still that said – sans menace – I enjoyed the film and I’m looking forward to seeing what they can do in book 2.

Maybe this time find some money for some CGI.  🙂

Personal Excellence

This is the book my daughter wonMy daughter was awarded a prize for “Personal Excellence” at this year’s “Celebration of Learning”.

She has had a great year and it seems that the move to the new school has really worked out for her.

I’m so proud of her my heart might burst.

I had to laugh though at the terms they use.  What happened to duxes and speech nights?  

I guess there weren’t many speeches come to think of it.  The principal of course and the head of Junior School gave a little speech but that was about it.  

The rest of the evening was dancing, acting and displaying artwork.  I guess it really is better described as a celebration of learning… not that I saw much in the way of maths and science – does Jack Johnson’s song “3 R’s” count?

As we mingled about afterwards I saw a girl I used to hang out with at uni.  She was the girlfriend of my boyfriend’s friend.  She hadn’t changed a bit.

It can be used for relieving all these conditions and many others. levitra generika There are also mental factors such as stress, order free viagra anxiety or relationship difficulties. This solution contains the substance of sildenafil citrate which is a nutrient that cheap cheap viagra a body requires. Lucky for you guys, there is cialis generika 40mg a solution to this problem; online pharmacies. Still immaculately turned out.  Full make-up.  Coifed hair.  Her cream suit spotless.

I felt like dumpy Dora. 

Not much changed there then.

Groover earned his wedding ring as we walked away that night.

“She’s got too thin,” he said, his arm around my waist.

Ohhhh gotta love that man! 

(did I mention my Dippity won a personal excellence prize?)

Royal Show Redemption

A couple of years ago I wrote about the bogans at the Perth Royal Show. I was quite scathing. Now, it’s not that the show has suddenly become a bogan-free zone – quite the contraire – it’s just that – for the first time in about ten years I went to the show and I actually enjoyed it.

Far from the jaded worn out parent from a couple of years ago, dragged from one show bag stall to the next overpriced ride, this year I left the elder at home to play Spore (thanks to his Aunty he is now SUPER popular) and simply dropped the young one off to volunteer at Animal Aid Abroad

Where she stayed happily content all morning.

This left Groover and me free to wander the showgrounds at our whim and act like young teenagers in love – without the heavy petting in public.  

It took me back to my younger more impressionable years and my Grease-like fantasies of what teenagers did at Royal Shows… or at least end of year carnivals…

Okay so he didn’t hit a mallet and win me an oversized stuffed dog twice my size (this year’s choice prize) but then, I’m not actually a teenager and so didn’t miss it, nor miss finding the wretched thing space in my over-cluttered house.

Back to this year’s Royal Show…  does anyone else find it distasteful that they sold the naming rights?  It just doesn’t sound right to have the [insert advertiser name here] Perth Royal Show… did they ask the Queen first?  Wrong wrong wrong.

And would you go on a rollercoaster propped up on stacked wooden blocks?

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Groover and I did go on one ride though, which seemed to be made for teenagers, or at least smaller people than us.  It was the best ride I’ve been on at a local show.  And so it should have been at $10 each.  Highway robbery.

Didn’t seem to be putting off the masses of people in sideshow alley though.

Anyway after our free time we picked up Dippity, had some lunch (a lovely wood-fired pizza), Groover left and Dippity and I did a bit of wandering before doing another volunteering stint at another exhibit.

We finished the day exhausted and I learned a few lessons.

  1. Get your kids to volunteer for a stall – it tires them out and they spend less (of your) money
  2. Volunteer yourself and get free entry to the show – saves $24/adult ticket
  3. Leave kids at home or get them to go with someone else and enjoy the show 
  4. Check the base of all rollercoasters you intend to ride

Scene from the dinner table

Okay then Dippity – what do you want to achieve with your life?  What do you want to do?

Oh I don’t know…

C’mon you must have something you want to do…

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I’d like to take over the world with my army of flying evil ninja monkeys!


Where did this child come from?

Picnic at Elachbutting Rock

On the way back from the station last week we stopped by Elachbutting Rock. This granite outcrop is one of many in the area but a bit more special because of Monty’s pass – where part of the rock has sheared off and created a tunnel, and the Rock Wave…. cunningly a little like Wave Rock would you believe.

Elachbutting Rock

Elachbutting Rock

The Shire says the name Elachbutting is thought to mean “that large thing standing”. Cute. And also according to the Westonia Shire: “Elachbutting has a reputation for being bigger, better and more pristine than any Wheatbelt granite rock formation that you may have seen before.”

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Before I go… would you have been slightly concerned that your kids might have fallen off the side of the rock?

Elachbutting Rock

Station country moments

We’ve just come back from four days on the station. Every time I go I wonder why it has taken me so long to go back.

This time it didn’t rain while I was there but the winter temperatures made walking a pleasure.

We taught the kids how to drive – Hugamuga driving by himself by the last day – and well. I love the fact that my city kids get the chance to practice driving on the station where there are no cars and just the odd bush to avoid.

I found it hard to cull the photos for this post, but if you’re really keen feel free to check out the set on Flickr.

Ennuin July 2008
Sunrise over Lake Deborah – it was very cold.

Ennuin July 2008
Lake Deborah could do with some rain.

Ennuin July 2008
My arty bark shot.

Ennuin July 2008
Dad rigged up a mini-water trough for the birds and set it high so the roos don’t get all the water.

Ennuin July 2008
Watching the cattle.

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Ennuin July 2008
Face off at Ennuin Station.

Ennuin July 2008
Cracked earth near Gnamma Dam.

Ennuin July 2008
Help or hindrance?

Ennuin July 2008
East dam made for some fun leaping moments but no one got wet… this time.

Ennuin July 2008
Learning to drive.

Ennuin July 2008
Sun setting over No 1 Dam

Ennuin July 2008
An old billy says our new picnic spot has already been discovered.

Ennuin July 2008
Sunset over Ennuin Station

View the whole set.

I’ll get you with my magic vagina!

Oh it’s the stuff of 21st birthday party speeches isn’t it?


When my daughter was 3 and my son 5, I made the mistake of picking up that “Where did I come from?” video at a second-hand book sale.

This cute animated video enthralled my two who watched it over and over, fascinated by the wiggly little sperm – the talk of penises and boobies – the love hearts appearing over the marital bed…

“This is a magic thing when the vagina and the penis rub together – like cats – which you parents do make you.” Close up of glowing egg and the fertilization tango.

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I threw the video on top of the bookcase where the kids would never find it and pretended it had got lost.

But the damage had been done.

Not long after I caught my little girl standing on the letter box shouting: “Come back here you or I’ll get you with my magic vagina!”


Is fan fiction a bad thing?

Reading Spot

My girl reads a lot of fiction but not books.

She reads fan fiction. Fiction written by fans of an author using the author’s world, and the author’s characters.

In Dippity’s case it’s Harry Potter and Avatar and there is a lot of it.

Fan fiction is not a new thing and I suspect some interesting collaborations have come out of it… so the writing isn’t all bad. And if it inspires someone to write, well, isn’t that a good thing?
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She spends a lot of her free time with her head in a laptop – would I care so much if it was in a book? After all much of my childhood was spent reading. I read everywhere – walking to and from school, in the car, in bed, I didn’t feel dressed unless I was holding a book… so what is the difference?

I guess to be fair she did read the original Harry Potters before going online. I guess what I really hate is her unwillingness to try new authors.

It makes it very boring when going to a bookshop or library.

Should I be concerned? Or should I just be grateful that she’s reading… anything at all?

Who has the strongest genes?

Tales from the Tracks found this great site where you can scan in your photos and find out whether your kid looks more like you – or more like your partner.

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A word of warning: This is highly addictive. My Sunday is wasted!