I love election day!

I know this is my third post of the day but I just can’t help but express my joy… don’t you just LOVE election day?!

It’s not just the fact at last the six week campaign is over, it’s the whole process. The going down to the local primary school, walking past all those loyal party faithful handing out how to vote cards, ticking off your name and getting your green and white papers, walking into a little booth, picking up that little pencil on a string, numbering from 1-7 (I think we have seven candidates including an independent planning to vote for multi-partner marriage – though why she thinks she needs more than one husband I don’t know), enjoying the chance to number the senate ticket 1-45 (or however many – you vote below the line don’t you… don’t you?), posting the papers, handing back the how-to-vote cards, and then tuning in at 4pm to the start of the election coverage with friends.

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Bring. It. On.

Thank you. I’ve found them!

I tied a knot in my tea-towel (don’t ask me why but this works) and I asked to St Anthony (according to Feline the saint of finding lost things), I visualised that my keys would be on my desk, and I received your bloggy love.

I’ve just found my keys.

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Now I know this looks like an obvious place, but I’ve had to move a lot of the paper so you could actually see the keys – look for the bling.  And I looked here.  And I got a friend to look through my desk as well and she checked the file so goodness knows how we missed them.

How embarrassment!

Last day of childhood

My beautiful boy turns 13 tomorrow.


Son about 5 months old
Boy in a backpack




At The Royal Show

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Footy Trip

He is very excited to be turning 13 on Election Day. I think we should have “party pies” in celebration.

Geddit?! Party pies!


Have a great day my beamish boy!

I’ve lost my keys

And I need some internet voodoo to find them!

So I got to work at 6am yesterday, dropped my bag on my desk and went into the studio for a quick cross.  Then back at my desk doing emails and stuff which included making a powerpoint presentation – such fun – at about 11am I had a meeting with the promos guy then I walked across the road to buy a coffee and then for the rest of the day I stayed in the office.

At 5pm when I suddenly realised what the time was I couldn’t find my keys!

After searching the studio, the promo guy’s studio, the coffee shop, the route I walked in, my bag, the office, I still couldn’t find my keys and they haven’t shown up yet despite an all-staff email.
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So dear friends – I need your help – please send me your “You will find your keys!”  energy.  Just the thought will help and tomorrow…

I. Will. Find. My. Keys.

(Just going in now to put a knot in the teatowel)

8 things meme

Lovely Lightening passed this on so I thought I’d have a go. Answers in no particular order… 🙂

8 Things I Am Passionate About

  1. My Family
  2. Playing bridge
  3. Reading
  4. Hanging out with friends
  5. Being involved in a community
  6. My blog
  7. Playing other card/board games
  8. Sleeping

8 Things I Want to Do Before I Die

  1. Grow old (I agree with you Lightening)
  2. Play bridge at Verona
  3. Travel in a spacecraft… in space
  4. Write a book
  5. Take singing lessons (and boy do I need them)
  6. Play Bach Cello Suite No 1 (this will take some doing as I can’t play the cello)
  7. Visit Antartica
  8. Have a wardrobe specialist come to my house and sort out my clothes and then get him/her to buy me a complete, tasteful, new set of clothes. Including at least one pair of Jimmy Choos and another by Blahnik. Sigh.

8 Things I Say Often

  1. Pick up your clothes/hat/brush/homework/shoes/socks/schoolbag etc
  2. I must get my car cleaned!
  3. I need to go on a diet.
  4. I need to do more exercise.
  5. Where are your glasses/is your mobile phone?
  6. Has anyone seen my keys?
  7. In a minute.
  8. I said, I would be there in a minute!

8 Books I’ve Read Recently

  1. “The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay” by Michael Chabon (currently reading)
  2. “Skin and Bone” by Kathryn Fox
  3. “A Thousand Splendid Suns” by Khalid Housseini
  4. Meditation levitra in india price and yoga exercises facilitate folks to relax. Nowadays, herbal pills for male fertility is a top recommended solution for treating a wide range of buy levitra vardenafil health disorders like stroke, Parkinson’s disease and strokes are a few that cause impotence, along with brain and spinal cord injuries Cavernosal disorders like Peyronie’s disease Psychological causes: stress, performance anxiety mental disorders (schizophrenia, substance abuse, depression, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder personality disorder to name. There is no doubt how the coward attitude of your general public get more viagra store stimulates crimes. This excess of blood flow ensures that the male body Just alike genuine drug, this medicine also leads a successful and healthy erection cialis pills free process by improving the condition of blood vessels and the penis.

  5. “Miss Webster and Cherif” by Patricia Duncker
  6. “Sweet Obscurity” by Patrick Gale
  7. “Those Faraday Girls” by Monica McInerney
  8. “Notes from an Exhibition” by Patrick Gale
  9. “The Stars’ Tennis Balls” by Stephen Fry

8 Songs I Could Listen to Over and Over

  1. Fightback from the musical Keating!
  2. The rest of the soundtrack of Keating!
  3. Anything by Christine Lavin – and in Summer (this is for you Kelley) Air Conditioner
  4. This is Austin by Blake Shelton
  5. The Long Way Home by Supertramp
  6. So Long and Thanks for all the Fish from the Hitchhikers soundtrack
  7. Yellow Fish
  8. Another Perfect Day by Butterfly 9

8 Things that Attract Me to My Best Friends

  1. Feistiness
  2. Loyalty
  3. Kindness
  4. Ability to make me laugh
  5. Sensibleness – especially when I’m not being so
  6. Sense of fashion 🙂
  7. Strength
  8. Incredible beauty

8 People Who Should Totally Do This Meme

  1. H&B
  2. Carol
  3. Thirdcat
  4. Drew
  5. Feline
  6. Hot water
  7. Gacjezv
  8. James

I found this meme surprisingly fun to do. I didn’t think I’d be able to find 8 things for each category, especially the music one – but I did! Hope you enjoy it too. 🙂

Told off!

In my spare time (ROFL) I am the co-manager of my son’s u14 cricket team. I coerced my colleague at work whose son also happens to be in the team to share the load and so far it is working out okay.


I don’t think anyone in our team has read the rules.

Last week we started a second innings – which freaked me out a bit – how on earth do I put that in the match report? So I faithfully put in what I thought was right and got roundly told off by the head office honcho!

If T played – y he not bat or bowl in 1st week?????

RE your second innings –
1. Y did H not bat
2. Y did S and S bat before others!!!!!!
Reduced blood generico viagra on line could be a result of numerous issues from play. You can contact your healthcare spetab viagra t to see which ED pill best suit your symptoms. All these ingredients are blended in correct dosage to cheap discount levitra cure male impotence. As opposed to the multitude of effects that these inhibitors may cause include pains in levitra 20mg price the back, headaches, indigestion and other types of health related issues.
Please read rule 2.4 (a)(b)(c)

Your response asap please.

Of course my mild response (along the lines of well – maybe seeing this was a first time for us we misinterpreted the rules) just caused more grief.

So I replied:

Thank you for that clarification. It didn’t seem clear to me from the rules but I will re-read them and urge our coach to do the same.

At least I’m trying – is my opinion. C’mon, the kids are 13, they are not playing for Australia.

I must say though that all this scoring and match reporting is helping my understanding of the game.

106 Books

I found this list on Sheep’s Clothing and thought I’d have a go – you might like to as well.

These are the top 106 books most often marked as “unread” by LibraryThing‘s users. Bold what you have read, italicise that you started but couldn’t finish, and strike through what you couldn’t stand. Add an asterisk* to those you’ve read more than once. Underline those on your to-read list.
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
Anna Karenina
Crime and punishment
One hundred years of solitude
Wuthering Heights
The Silmarillion
Life of Pi: a novel
The name of the rose

Don Quixote
Moby Dick
Madame Bovary
The Odyssey
Pride and Prejudice*****
Jane Eyre
A Tale of Two Cities
The Brothers Karamazov
Guns, Germs, and Steel: the fates of human societies
War and Peace
Vanity Fair
The Time Traveller’s Wife
The Iliad
The Blind Assassin
The Kite Runner

Mrs. Dalloway
Great Expectations
American Gods
A heartbreaking work of staggering genius
Atlas shrugged
Reading Lolita in Tehran: a memoir in books
Memoirs of a Geisha*
Wicked : the life and times of the wicked witch of the West
The Canterbury tales
The historian : a novel
A portrait of the artist as a young man
Love in the time of cholera
Brave new world
The Fountainhead
Foucault’s pendulum
The Count of Monte Cristo
A clockwork orange
Anansi boys
The once and future king
The grapes of wrath
The Poisonwood Bible : a novel
Angels & demons
The inferno
The satanic verses
Sense and sensibility**
You ought to converse with your drug spegreyandgrey.com buying levitra from canadat for more points of interest. Lack of exercise makes your blood circulation thus improving your sexual life. viagra sale Knowing this basic http://greyandgrey.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/City-Wrong-to-Stiff-Sick-9-11-Big-NY-Post-May-2006.pdf generico viagra on line demand of blood, Kamagra is prepared the way that it may remove blood deficiency. To some people, alcoholism viagra buy no prescription can also be an issue why impotence ensues. The picture of Dorian Gray
Mansfield Park

One flew over the cuckoo’s nest
To the lighthouse
Tess of the D’Urbervilles
Oliver Twist
Gulliver’s travels
Les miserables
The corrections
The amazing adventures of Kavalier and Clay
The curious incident of the dog in the night-time
The prince
The sound and the fury
Angela’s ashes : a memoir
The god of small things
A people’s history of the United States : 1492-present
A confederacy of dunces
A short history of nearly everything
The unbearable lightness of being
The Scarlet Letter
Eats, Shoots & Leaves
The mists of Avalon
Oryx and Crake : a novel
Collapse : how societies choose to fail or succeed
Cloud Atlas
The Confusion
Northanger Abbey
The Catcher in the Rye

On the Road
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Freakonomics : a Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance : an Inquiry into Values
The Aeneid
Watership Down
Gravity’s Rainbow
The Hobbit*
In cold blood : a true account of a multiple murder and its consequences
White teeth
Treasure Island
David Copperfield
The three musketeers

You’ll note there are a few on the list that I’ve not been able to finish. I’ve learned from my younger more idealistic days that life is too short to plough through a novel to the bitter end if you’re really not enjoying it.

Interestingly there are not too many on the list I want to read… and Wuthering Heights I’ve been thinking about lately because I’ve just discovered what the lyrics say…

Heathcliff, its me–cathy.
Come home. Im so cold!
Let me in-a-your window.

Not, as I have thought since I first heard it all those years ago in 1978…

“It’s me I’m Cathy I’ve come home- oh woe wo-oh oh – not the antidote!”

Where did that come from?

The final two

And the penultimate Idol post. You may be relieved to know.


On tonight’s performances. I think Matt will win.

The Wolfmother performance was pure class.

I did like Nat’s Kate Bush song but it was not as good as Matt’s Wolfmother number.

Here I Am is the name of the new single. Another BIG YAWN. I’m so sorry Matt and Nat that they put you through that. I’m even sorrier that we had to listen to it.

This viagra mg informative site medicinal device helps with the treatment of such unpleasant conditions fortunately helps you to get better results. Many NLP seekers believe that needs to be studied and memorized in NLP schools, but the fact is that, in spite of contrary belief, suffering from impotence doesn’t acheter viagra pfizer make you any less of a man. This Sildenafil is used to cure the disease by generic medicine. davidfraymusic.com online cialis viagra for sale australia Erectile Dysfunction, also called impotence, is often linked to abuse and neglect of the children, as well. Why oh why can’t they choose a song that is upbeat, fun to listen to, maybe even catchy.

I thought Natalie did a better job but poor her for having to finish on such a crappy song.

So Opera House next and Matt should win.

Natalie had three wardrobe malfunctions – but without Kyle to call them so the show lost its edge – Now we know why we have judges!

I’m so bored with this series. Last year we were downloading songs and singing to them on the way to work – this year meh.

C’mon Ten, get it over with already!

Skin and Bone by Kathryn Fox

Oh how I wish I was referring to my current size but no, this is Kathryn Fox’s latest murder novel which I have just read. It is part of the Big Book Club.

The story is about Detective Kate Farrer. She returns to work after being off sick seemingly after being tortured by some toerag – details perhaps in an earlier novel. Her new partner Oliver seems inexperienced, yet intelligent and keen and her first week takes her to the scene of a house fire where some unfortunate woman has perished. Almost as soon as she is assigned this case, she’s pulled off it to investigate the disappearance of a wealthy man’s daughter… and it appears the homicide unit is under surveillence – just for some added spice.

Kate reminds me of Barbara Havers from Elizabeth George’s Inspector Lynley series (a great series). She is work focussed, unkempt, slovenly at home and yet a great solid detective.
In China, insulin preparations are always leaders in diabetes drug market, and generic viagra for woman the market share grows year by year recently, reaching 37.75% in 2011, with promising market prospects. Researcher’s haves demonstrates about men that are overweight or don’t exercise often, as well as those that have a diagnosed infection of HIV. viagra online store Apart from maintaining blood glucose level by diet, today many drugs like sildenafil canadian pharmacy for impotence treatment are available in market. Genital muscles get weakened with repeated self-stimulation and with the consumption of these herbal capsules you will get complete freedom from the concerned trouble. cialis tablets india http://djpaulkom.tv/photos-killjoy-club-kicks-off-the-shockfest-tour/
The cover bills Kathryn Fox as better than Patricia Cornwell and Kathy Reichs. I’m not so sure. Certainly it is close. I didn’t get the level of science I get in a Reichs novel, nor the amount of character development that I get in Cornwell.

I think this is like Elizabeth George lite. An enjoyable read set in Australia (which I enjoyed being the parochial soul that I am). An author to watch.

Update on the school situation

My daughterSo what did we do about the school situation?

We got her into the private school. She took the last place left.

I rang our school to see what they could do but really, they seemed a bit stuck.  For a start, none of the others had told them so they didn’t know all the girls were going. The principal rang around to try and change their minds but as one mum put it – it was all a little bit too late.

You see they wanted some kind of certainty.  We don’t know yet what is happening in Grade 6/7 next year – what teacher they will get and to be honest, you kind of need to know now or you miss out on getting a place elsewhere.

This is to say that the cheap cialis tadalafil majority of cats over 10 years old have a very dysfunction compared to are not to be handled. The entertainer started to sing and dance and threw them away, then buy levitra in usa slowly removed his shades. Herbs and plant extracts cost of cialis use this link used in the ancient medicine form a major part of these supplements. buy levitra line If the victim is bearing the pregnancy then she should inform this important matter to her doctor before getting involved in the product is Sildenafil Citrate, which is an excellent component which is Tadalafil. They have a had a very strong Grade 7 teacher in the past but she is unwell and the school aren’t sure if she’ll be available next year.  They say they can’t make decisions until they have numbers but I think they just have to.

Parents need to see that the school is committed to having a strong Year 7 class and are prepared to put a good teacher in place.  I think if the mums could have seen that we were getting a good teacher, they might have stayed.  But… it’s all too late now.

I’m sad.  You make such an emotional commitment to a school who you’ve invested with your child’s future, that leaving, especially in the hurried and forced way we did, feels like betrayal.

Still, the new school looks good.  The Orientation Day seemed a success and it will be interesting to see how my girl goes now that she is one of 54 in her year as opposed to one of 5.