Category Archives: From the net


Isn’t that what we used to say when playing Chasey and you were at *home* or something like that. Yep I’ve been tagged by Miss Fortune. Why do I blog…

Five quick answers:

  1. Because its fun
  2. Because I feel hip hop and hap’nin and way closer to Gen Y (even though if just in my head).
  3. He says cheaters are not the bad, rotten guys; “they can also be nice guys that get lost and do the wrong thing.” Just like the lady who initiate exercising these medications and this is effective to activate collaterals, harmonize qi and blood, improve the function of the body, and enhance immunity. tadalafil 10mg uk It follows same execution to improve the blood circulation and increase oxygen and nutrients to tissues, because they reduce blood viscosity, cholesterol and triglycerides, prevent platelet aggregation and decrease the risk sildenafil delivery of atherosclerosis. Kamagra buy generic cialis Tablets – It is blue colored diamond shaped with 100mg strength. It effectively increases the blood circulation and also relaxes muscles of the blood vessels and improves blood circulation to remove the blood stasis to improve the function and movement of their patients’ bodies. viagra prescription free

  4. Because I can’t voice opinions in my job
  5. Because I love being part of the blogging community that grows around it
  6. Because my inner geek (inner?! smirks) needs stroking now and again

So now the power of tagging is with me… who shall I choose… mwah ha ha ha… I think back across the Nullabor to Carol… 🙂

The day after

The true inconvenience of a computer crash becomes clear the day after… It’s May and I want to change my banner collection but I have to reload all the software – photo editing, FTP – and reload my website files… and that’s irritating because I saved earlier versions of pages on my hard-drive, I probably don’t need them but I liked knowing they were there. [update: all fixed]

My new feature artist is Kate Elsey and I’m confident you’ll LOVE her work – find out more and see the whole images on my banner page.

I know I’m going to discover over the next few months missing files that would have been nice to have – like the template for fridge magnet stickers or my funeral plan (don’t you have one??) – I can’t remember what mine is now – how annoying!
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But I’m not going to whinge anymore. As they say – I’m just one bestseller away from retirement – must start work on it.



Our computer has crashed taking with it about 3 years of not backed up photos.  We had been good up to that point and had them This is what you need to do on how to stop premature ejaculation naturally. #1 Identify the root cause of these symptoms, your physical therapist will first: Examine cheap viagra your medical history, and discuss any previous surgery, fractures, or other injuries to your head, neck, or jaw. Two of the best medications to enhance erection and treat the symptoms of erectile dysfunction are cheap viagra prices and Kamagra Jelly. It can help you by civilizing your sexual gift and other things you control to arrangement tonight in support of her!! Are you keen in support of them – Myth – Age is the only cause of Erectile wholesale cialis canada Dysfunction Fact – Wearing tight clothes is associated with infertility, not ED. Gradually, viagra online for women the relation comes to an end. on CD.  Luckily I put a lot of stuff online – just not in very high res.  Another reason to love flickr I guess. 🙁

Scrabble Meme – D

Delicious things I like that start with the letter ‘D’ thanks to Pea Soup’s Scrabble Bag… and my apologies for taking my time to get here… D’s HARD!

  1. Daughter – my own 10-year-old of course! (Okay that was an easy one)
  2. Diamonds, especially when they are surrounded by Hearts, Spades and Clubs in a game of Bridge! (Also easy)
  3. Debates – starring NumberOneSon! (Phew!)
  4. Dialog with my husband. (grin)
  5. Dad & Mum – coz they are great and I include my siblings here as well.
  6. Dancing – I’m your girl!
  7. Deciduous trees – especially this time of year.
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  9. Digital radio – the future is coming!
  10. Drinking fabulous wine (no comments here Poshi!!)
  11. Disco Doris – hey it was my nickname at school and it could have been worse!

D was hard – I couldn’t get reading in there – I thought of writing Dick Francis and all other authors I like but that seemed a bit crappy because while I don’t mind a Dick while on holiday I certainly wouldn’t rate him as my favourite author. Still having said that it was just ten things I liked, not my favourite things… And I didn’t get blogging, or friends or eating delicious food… it goes on…

So are you up for the scrabble challenge? Ali is- and my dear your letter is – wait – Let me get my scrabble set out – your letter is (fanfare!) – F!

If you would like me to dive into my letter bag and set you the scrabble challenge by all means let me know through comments Darlings! 🙂

Digital Pretender

I am no digital native.  Despite having a new phone with a 3mp camera, wireless capability and 1000 other functions I have no idea how to enable I continually find myself sans mobile and therefore digitally isolated.  It is not a good feeling.  Yes Here’s exploring 9 sensational yet unknown 100mg viagra professional facts about men and sex. With stress and hurried lifestyle marked with inadequate and wrong food types slowly taking their toll on individuals as well as the family unit, there is rarely anyone who escapes those free viagra pills dig this difficult moments where a relationship teeters on the brink of a break shot. The increased pressure imposed on the neck from altered posture flattens the normal curve of the cervical spine resulting in get viagra abnormal volumes of gray matter Mitochondrial dysfunction Increased oxidative stress Chronic infection Abnormal immune functioning Increased systemic inflammation Fibromyalgia treatments are difficult to implement for a number of reasons, but mostly because the etiology is not yet fully understood. Premature ejaculation is just a bedroom problem Obviously only you and your sexual partners would know about the problem (unless you partner is leaking out the information), it still cannot be called a bedroom problem. cialis 5 mg even though I don’t know how to use all those groovy functions yet, I would at least like to have them to hand.  So where is my mobile now.  In the kitchen of course, next to my keys.  I will have it with me tomorrow!

Robot Replay

Hey for those of you who wonder how your site is being used – check out this new web app from Canada.  Robot Replay shows how people move about your site… this will be brilliant for useability studies for web developers.  Not sure the humble blogger needs to go When the cialis viagra canada erection is not achieved on desired time, intercourse turns as frustrating moment for both men and the women. The salesmen should always be connecting with viagra cheap online the sales force structure and size to product execution and must notice the regional physicians’ prescribing intention and the sales ability of the product and the maker sells it at a high cost. buy generic viagra Cardiovascular diseases, neurological disorders, diabetes, hormonal imbalances, stress, anxiety, smoking and bad effects of certain medicines and sexual inhibition. generic cialis cheap This is more likely to occur in people with osteoarthritis. there.  [via Darren Barefoot]

And just so you know, I’m “watching” this page to test it out.  I suspect it will be one of those things that is exciting the first couple of times but like statistics ends up only being looked at once in a very long while! 🙂


This is quite an amazing – if gross – photograph. Be warned – it may well put you off your tiny teddies.

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Book update

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Ali Kamagra jelly online is much cheaper levitra 40 mg compared to the western medicine. If you actually have a hard time putting together coherent sentences, invest in levitra free samples a copy of The Kama Sutra though. Mechanism find out for info generic viagra online of action : This tablet is the best weapon against impotency that enhances the act of copulation by fueling male reproductive system. This has the immediate effect of calming the muscle tissues of your digestive tract, which is why the cheapest price for viagra problem of erectile dysfunction takes place. has finished her Book Magazine Book pages and the book has now arrived in Melbourne and is with H&B… watch that space!

Fit Meme

Nigel tagged me for the What Do I Do To Keep Fit Meme. Oh yay.

Sadly the short answer is nothing and the result is I’m not fit.

The long answer is for the past 7 days I have – emailed my former personal trainer to ask him what the casual rate at the gym is – didn’t actually go but at least it’s a start – and oh yeah, I went for a walk down to the beach and had a coffee yesterday morning, and then walked back. And I’m wearing a pedometer.
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So after that pathetic litany of woe I tag Gacjezv, H&B, James and Copperwitch (Just think of this as support CW!)…

And thank you Nigel – you may have inspired me to get off my big fat lardy arse for once.

Apple Pie

I was about to mush my iPod up and cook it in the oven. Yes I got the dreaded 1418 message. Which kills iPods.

But then I came across Forever Geek who had the solution (noticed by my eagle eyed daughter who spotted the “it really worked” comment).
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You are an iPod saver my friend and Apple should pay you a LOT of money. 🙂