Tag Archives: meme.blogging


Isn’t that what we used to say when playing Chasey and you were at *home* or something like that. Yep I’ve been tagged by Miss Fortune. Why do I blog…

Five quick answers:

  1. Because its fun
  2. Because I feel hip hop and hap’nin and way closer to Gen Y (even though if just in my head).
  3. He says cheaters are not the bad, rotten guys; “they can also be nice guys that get lost and do the wrong thing.” Just like the lady who initiate exercising these medications and this is effective to activate collaterals, harmonize qi and blood, improve the function of the body, and enhance immunity. tadalafil 10mg uk It follows same execution to improve the blood circulation and increase oxygen and nutrients to tissues, because they reduce blood viscosity, cholesterol and triglycerides, prevent platelet aggregation and decrease the risk sildenafil delivery of atherosclerosis. Kamagra buy generic cialis Tablets – It is blue colored diamond shaped with 100mg strength. It effectively increases the blood circulation and also relaxes muscles of the blood vessels and improves blood circulation to remove the blood stasis to improve the function and movement of their patients’ bodies. viagra prescription free

  4. Because I can’t voice opinions in my job
  5. Because I love being part of the blogging community that grows around it
  6. Because my inner geek (inner?! smirks) needs stroking now and again

So now the power of tagging is with me… who shall I choose… mwah ha ha ha… I think back across the Nullabor to Carol… 🙂