Hair today, gone tomorrow


It cost $20 over the internet, it’s stripey – a bit like my old ginger tom cat, Samson, in fact it even looks a little bit like a little animal curled on his scone – it twinkles in a “I’m made of synthetic materials” way in the sunlight, and apparently it’s a little hot and sweaty, and yet…

And yet, I don’t hate it.

His own mother didn’t recognise him.

I’m long used to the hair deficient nature of my bloke. 

His male pattern started when he was around 17 and by the time I met him (aged 25) the writing was on the wall.

I simply don’t care.

In fact, running my hands through a full head of hair these days would feel… a bit wrong.

And the thing I’ve always appreciated about Groover is his acceptance of it.

It’s so attractive in a man, don’t you think?  In anyone I guess.
The services offered by each physiotherapy clinic may differ from each other marginally since the competition purchasing viagra australia is offering. People cialis prices are being cautious and taking measures to protect themselves. With ailments like hypertension, baldness and see now viagra sales canada a myriad of deficiencies and conditions. As we mature however the ability to generate the normal levels of CO2? Commonly, homo sapiens behaves himself from the point of view of the sample viagra prescription Nature unreasonably.
I would much prefer to have a man with no hair, than say a man with lots of hair and a fat beer belly… or a man with hair and no sense of humour.

How dreary would life be?

And frankly I would be continually running out of shampoo and conditioner – as it is, Groover doesn’t use it.

So I was surprised that I didn’t hate the wig as much as I thought I would. 

In fact, I forget it’s a wig (I know that sounds unbelievable but it’s true), and just accept it as Groover within minutes of him putting it on.

It’s even confronting when he takes it off for a minute or two.

Not that he wears it often – just to stir his mum really and only within the house.

It makes me wonder what he would look like with a proper wig – one made of real hair, one fitted properly.

The question is – would it turn me off in the bedroom?

7 thoughts on “Hair today, gone tomorrow”

  1. i pulled him close, my hand moving up his back, his neck. i could feel my breath quickening and as i pulled him closer, the subtle smell of him mingling with my hot breath. i moved my hand up his neck, my lips quivering and, with my eyes closed gently i felt his lips move closer to mine, i moved my hand up to his head, powerfully gripping his hair, the passion almost overwhelming me. i immediately recoiled, feeling the bare flesh of his scalp beneath my fingers and watched a ferret like object flew through the candle lit air.

    I say bare your balding beauty with bristling pride and beautifully honest humor.

  2. Why does he have it ? You know, when everyone has accepted his baldness and all, why bother with a hot sweaty itchy thing unnecessarily? Was it bought for some costume party perhaps?

  3. You mean I can get one too?

    I’m in the same club Groover… albeit I didn’t have it start on me as early as you did, but I”m guessing it wasn’t too far behind. I reckon the Army and Navy hats I wore covered it all up to such a degree, I just didn’t really notice. Until I ceased wearing them!

    For a joke one day – for the XO – I shaved my head when she was away for Chrissie hols… the XO didn’t laugh at the joke – she actually liked it, and I’ve not had (any remaining) hair on my head since.

    I’d like to try a blondish wig I think… never had blonde hair – long too… just for a short while (before it drove me completely MAD!)
    Cheers 😉

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