A must see wedding video

I just want to know what happened next?

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12 thoughts on “A must see wedding video”

  1. I can’t watch right now since I’m sitting in a cafe and don’t want to be the idiot with the full volume. I wanted to stop by and say good job on sticking to the diet and walking! I just cheated and had a breadbowl of soup but I’m going to exercise tonight, I promise!!!

  2. For the rest of their married life, every time he ever gets annoyed at something she has done (drunk the last beer, left the car with no petrol, forgotten his birthday…) she’ll remind him that on their wedding day he didn’t jump in to help her.

    Do you think they went through with the exchange of the rings? I’m pretty sure she would have wanted to postpone it. But I like to think that the groom jumped in too, and they finished the ceremony in the pool. And that the bridesmaid who laughed got pushed in by the bride’s mother.

  3. I have seen so many goofy things that happen in weddings and this one takes the cake. Poor bride – all that planning to have the ceremony ruined like that.

    I agree with Trish, the groom should have jumped in, too, and finish the wedding in the pool. That would have been really adding meaning to the vow – in sickness and in health – wet or dry, I’ll stick with you, babe…

  4. Oh god. As a recent engagee, and currently planning a wedding, that has just instilled me with all sorts of fear. Note to self: no getting married near a body of water.

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