Tag Archives: flag quiz

Saturday musings


Sweaty me

10.30am, Saturday, it is hot and humid.

Feeling:  pious because I have done my c25k run/walk today

Hearing:  New Zealand radio on digital

Tasting:  coffee from our coffee machine – Yallingup Coffee Company

Loving:  that is the weekend and tomorrow I get to catch up with my new storytelling friends

Regretting:  that I left it so long to do my c25k run… now I am behind and getting fat
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Hoping:  that Aftermath will be fabulous this afternoon

Wishing:  that someone else could do the grocery shopping for me

Laughing:  at my last score on National Flag Quiz… how embarrassment

Avoiding:  doing the shopping but wait… there will be air conditioning at the shopping centre!

Enjoying:  our newly cleaned pool – thanks Groover!


*I have totally stolen this from Von.