Life Lessons from Theatresports

Unfortunately my photo collection from Theatresports is somewhat thin, so you’ll have to make do with this image stolen from Facebook (hope that’s okay Jo):

Over the past few months Groover and I have been going to Theatresports classes and performances.

I’ve always loved the idea of Theatresports.

It seems so clever and so fast.

And yet so lazy!

You don’t need to learn any lines!

I love that.

So this is what I’ve learned…

1.  It is okay to fail happily

Failing means that you have tried your hardest.

If you never fail, you have stayed safe.

Being safe means you have never taken any risks.

Without risk, you will never move forward, you will not grow.

Failing happily means that you celebrate growing and changing.

The chance to succeed.

2. Pause

Pause in order to listen.

Count to three before you respond to give yourself thinking time, rather than thinking about your next speech/comment while the other is thinking.

Listening is the greatest gift we can give another person.

We… I… don’t listen enough.

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And when I do pause, I discover a lot more is being said than I realised.

And I wonder what I missed.

So… pause.

3. ….

(I’m pausing)

4. You are only there to make other people look good

And isn’t that true of life?

Yes, obviously it is YOUR life, but by supporting others around you, your life is enhanced.

For without their strength, you will end up holding the world up by yourself.

That’s exhausting and not so satisfying.

5. Keep it simple

In Theatresports the trick is to keep it simple and obvious.

Your audience has a set of expectations and they love it if you stay within that circle of expectations.

It’s why some of the best comedians are those who talk about everyday life – somehow the most obvious observations are hilarious when repeated back at you.

And don’t you think life is the same?

Avoid trying to be too clever.

People want to hear what you’re REALLY thinking, an honest response not some quick one liner.

Sure the gag is cute now and again, but it soon becomes wearing.

You can’t have a real relationship if you don’t have honest communication.


I thought I was learning about theatre, I was learning about life.

(I’ll be signing up for more life lessons later this year… find out when on Facebook.)

4 thoughts on “Life Lessons from Theatresports”

  1. I need the back to basics what is theatre sports post? Dumb it down for me will ya? It sounds great, and I like what you say about it’s ok to fail happily. I’m getting better at that.

  2. Well said.
    Those lessons were truly valuable – and we gained so much from having some “reminders” of previous training reinforced, as well as the chance to work with you all and gain even more insights.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this page – keep going wth the journey – and I hope to see you in Kal in the not too distant future, we’ll have a wow of a time.
    Lise x

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