Trivial Matters

Everything seems pretty trivial in the face of the devastation unfolding in the wake of the Tsunami and I am struggling to understand it.

But life goes on… You feel as if there is a wide gaping screaming hole in the world and that everyone should stop and, well, appreciate it – but life doesn’t stop.

My own days seem very mundane but I have been having some lovely times reconnecting with the kids – in particular Imogen who I spent the day with today while Hugo went off to Adventureworld with the Boyles.

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I have been going for long walks in the morning – walking my iPod – and discovering that not all my music is good walking music.

And today Miss Immy and I went to see Polar Express – which was charming – and we managed to lure Rory to the table for a game of Cadoo which was fun – he won of course! He also set up my automatic weather station which Cath gave me for Christmas – now I can tell you the temperature outside/inside and a forecast – it’s currently forecasting rain – unlike the Bureau of Meteorology who are forecasting a mostly sunny day of 27C – Ah well – give it time to settle in.

Thinking about it I guess all we can really take from the disasters that surround us is an appreciation of our own lives and the people in them. And I do. With love…