Tag Archives: cherry jam

Christmas Shopping

It’s my day off and I am at home in denial. If I get up from the computer I will have to make my bed (I was last out this morning), clean the kitchen, tidy the house, put a load of washing on.

What I want to do is curl up on the sofa reading “Card Play Technique”.

What I also planned on doing was some Christmas shopping, practicing my choir part – the big night is tomorrow – and pick up my new art aquisition. Rory would also like me to do some grocery shopping and will email me a list. So really I can’t do anything until that arrives.

The queen of procrastination. Before I realise it the time will be 3 o’clock and the kids will be almost through the door without me achieving anything.

But oh, a day of nothing feels goooooood.

I have had a full weekend. Work. Then Dippity and I made cherry plum jam and scones as well… great recipe by the way. Patients appear to be somewhat inhibited, quickly responding only to certain images or situations. sildenafil tablets without prescription Herbal oil – Mast Mood oil is prepared using http://djpaulkom.tv/music-nicki-minajs-anaconda-dj-paul-k-o-m-twhy-remix/ order cheap cialis natural oils and potent herbs in right combination to help cure erectile dysfunction. If he can’t master a tadalafil india djpaulkom.tv full erection, firm enough for a 24 hour of time. It also is a significant predictor of the frequency of hospitalizations for acute exacerbations of COPD. levitra online 250 ml cream, 250 ml lemonade and 3 cups of SR Flour. The jam is almost flourescent but that is the colour of the plums. It is delicious and I wish we had made more! We had scones and jam and cream. Blow the diet.

Then we had to make labels! After that I spent the afternoon playing bridge in the WABC Christmas Congress – impressive spread of food put on – we came 7th after starting off well collapsed in the second half – most due to the opposition outbidding us. Not much we could do. I actually felt we played well – it makes a difference not being tired.

Meanwhile Dipp had her first piano recital (after just four lessons). Groover reports that she did her two pieces (without looking at the music), did a perfect bow and then jumped off the stage! I wish I had seen that.

When I got home the kids and I decided to go and see the new Harry Potter movie. I thought it was really good, the kids thought it was good but a bit scary (that’ll explain the rating) but neither complained of nightmares which is good.

I wonder if there are any scones left…