Getting over it

That’s it. My kids are forever doomed to wearing sneakers. Bloody hell they are expensive! A hundred dollars for a pair of black lace ups. Yes I know they are good quality. Yes I know they will last (at least until they grow out of them). No I’m not prepared to pay $100 when I know they will not wear them unless forced and perhaps not even then.

Sure they don’t have to wear them yet but I thought they might be a good idea especially for Miss I who needs some for girl’s brigade. I’m certainly not buying them for one night a week when it will be a fight to get her to wear them. They will simply have to “get over it”.

Yes I know this makes me sound like a stingy mean penny pinching scrooge. Adults who complete a driver’s education course before getting their license will learn how to operate their vehicle more safely cialis levitra online and will get some essential guidance on safe driving laws. Many women show negative response towards their partner’s initiation generic cialis no prescription in love and this can happen due to stress. Kamagra presents the 100mg strength of sildenafil online cialis prescription citrate. On top of common health problems like levitra prices heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, vascular problem etc. You will simply have to “get over it”. Yes I know you’re going to bring up those very comfortable shoes I bought two pairs of earlier this year but I did wear them just about every day in summer… I’m on boots now – one pair last year’s, the other three years old.

When my kids are forced by the school to wear black lace-ups I will brace myself and buy them. Until then they are doomed to cheap footwear… and possibly a lifetime of damaged feet. Yes I am a mother. I feel guilt. I will simply have to “get over it”.