Tag Archives: south carolina

Phone Blogging

Groover quite rightly says that if he’d set me up blogging on his phone with wireless keypad before now he’d have never got me to bed.

But the genie is now well and truly out of the bottle now and I sit here ensconsed at the little table in our roadside inn at a place called Santee in South Carolina – a sweet lttle and very reasonably priced place called Clark’s Inn – chatting to you while the kids get ready – that should read watching endless Hannah Montana on Disney Channel – and Groover checks out the bar.

We’ve discovered Roomsavers – a book of discount vouchers you can pick up in most gas stations – don’t I sound American? – and for on the run cheap accommodation they are saving us some bucks. After all a motel is a motel right?

We’re on our way back up North after lunch in Key West – the southern most tip of the USA – yesterday. It really had that party Bali feel to it and we relished the sunshine.

Tomorrow we should be in Washington DC for some serious sightseeing before a day or two in New York.

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And if I’m really honest, that wine in the bar is calling to me loudly and… the kids have come into my sanctuary… gotta fly my dears!

UPDATE: Here’s some Washington pics.

Washington DC
