Tag Archives: Lake Ballard

Dora Day 2 – Ennuin to Lake Ballard

What a foggy start to the day. It was like we were in a cloud when I first got up. Not that I got up early. It was about 8am. But by 9.30 it had burned off, we’d eaten a bacon and egg sanger. and we were off.

Bacon and egg sandwiches are the breakfast of champions as you well know.

Now it is true that had we gone back to Southern Cross and then to Kal and Menzies on the highway we would have got to Lake Ballard quicker, where is the fun in that. No fun at all.

So we turned right up Mt Jackson Road and followed it around til we reached the turn off to Menzies. And then – even though it was not signposted – we turned left at the Riverstone road and it took us to the lake.

Navigation win.

We’d been to Lake Ballard before. In a tent. But this was in Dora and deluxe.

Remembering to pick up some firewood on the way we set up camp between a family group and a couple from Perth. I got my girl scout on and I must say, set a bloody good fire.

Rory meanwhile got out the Weber BabyQ and set to cooking a roast chook and potatoes.

We dined like royalty and slept in.

Animals: cows and a wedge tailed eagle
People met: Deb and John
Fuel: full tank at Southern Cross on Day 1 at 2.37.