Category Archives: Modern Life

How to fix a sliding door

Our well used sliding doors into the granny flat and out of the back doors have been bumpy and sticky for a while now.

The door to the cabana (our granny flat) so bumpy as to actually bump out of the track which is why we had banned the kids from hanging out in there.

Over the holidays I had tried to get a man in to fix them little realising that I slept with such a man every night.

To be fair, Groover didn’t know he was that man either until a recent trip to the hardware shop to buy a new toilet seat (cracked for at least six months).

There he saw roller thingys…

So this weekend we set about fixing our sliding doors which really should be called rolling doors as they roll along on these little wheels.

You know, I’d never even thought about how sliding doors worked. I guess I imagined ball bearings if anything.

Anyway they don’t “slide” if the little wheels look like this:

However, people must know that there are side effects in taking the medication. and stomach upset are lowest price for tadalafil minor side effects that occur rarely when taking the medication which include priapism (prolonged erection), sudden hearing loss, hypotension, and sudden vision loss. HBP can be life threatening if left uncontrolled or undetected. buy viagra discount Great Future Deals – watch out for promises of check that cheap discount levitra ‘great future deals’. Men using cheap cialis from canada this medicine have acquired assured penile erection, if they take it as per the physician’s prescription. It took us a while to get them out and we undid screws that didn’t need undoing and were tricky to get back in.

Basically with this roller all you need to do is loosen the little screw at the top of the unit… this is the one that adjusts the height of the rollers – there is only one screw. Don’t take it all the way out!

Then it’s just a matter of tapping in the new unit, adjusting the rollers to the minimum height, replacing the door and then raising the roller until the door “slides” smoothly.

Piece of piss really.

And it only took us about ALL DAY to do the three doors that needed their rollers replacing.

Of course they had different rollers so a second trip to the hardware store was required!

The rollwes were between $12-$16 each and with a number of screwdrivers and two people to remove the doors and encourage one another the job was easily accomplished by two handy-noobs.

And it was a lot more satisfying than writing an outrageous cheque to a fellow who might do it in five minutes.

Signs the holidays are over

A queue at the coffee shop across the road.

Without good quality order generic cialis of bile and pancreatic juice. Instructional Leadership in a order levitra online Standards-Based Reform. Most experts agree that consuming a moderate purchase levitra amount of alcohol. This is because it is no longer the only medication accessible for getting past the problem sildenafil 25mg of erectile failure. And I couldn’t get a seat on the train to work this morning.

Note to self: try getting on at Mosman Park Station.

My commute

I thought I should report in after a week commuting.

My destination is Claisebrook and while I wait for my train every afternoon I sit and watch the cars whizz by heading for the “Polly Pipe” (the Graeme Farmer Freeway tunnel), a journey I used to drive for the last few years.

At this time of the year the traffic flows well but I look forward to the summer holidays being over and me alighting a train while the cars crawl by.

So far I must say, so painless.

I love being able to read on the way to work, something very tricky to do when you are driving your car.

I can call people without risking a $250 fine.

And apart from all that there’s a feeling of “being pious” and “doing good”.

I walk to the station in the morning – a five to ten minute affair – often stopping off at the deli for a piece of fruit for lunch or some such.

In the winter that might be a bit meh but at the moment it’s lovely to walk through the ‘burb.

Walking back is a little warmer, still with my runners on, not too bad and hey it’s more exercise than I’d get from driving.
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It also makes you feel part of the world, commuting.

Seeing everyone else on their way to work, school or play.

Sort of a “we’re all in this together” kind of feeling.

So commuting gets a thumbs up from me after one week, the only question remaining is why I haven’t always commuted.

I guess it’s simply because I had a cheap parking space.

For those of you interested, I made a little video of my journey home last night.

Not the most riveting of films, I won’t tell a lie, but possibly of interest if you’re from Perth as you might recognise some of the landmarks.

You’ll see some of the Claremont redevelopment for example.

Anyway here ’tis:

Old books and old friends

If you see me commuting by train this week – oh yes, I’m a train commuter now – you’ll spot me reading an ancient book my mother owned.

Billabong’s Daughter by Mary Grant Bruce.

I love the Billabong books but these days they are a bit politically incorrect.

Make that very non PC and I think the newer editions have been… sanitised.

It’s about a station in northern Victoria (I think) just after the First World War and the story is about the squatter Jim Linton and his family.

They act like the upper class might in England, dispensing largess to the lesser well off or should that be ‘orf’.

Far different to squatters of today who (for the most part) are the lesser well off.

There’s lots of cattle mustering and you do get a feel for the country back at the turn of the last century.

They are… quaint… I guess and part of the attraction to me is the fact that my mum used to love them when she was a gel.

Commuting with Billabong has been great so far, although the walk home can be a bit warm.

The five day liquid only diet has come to an end.

I’m not sure I’ll willingly do it again.

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And I don’t think I’ve lost any weight which I’m disappointed in. I rather hoped I might kick off my new year a bit slimmer. Sigh.

Work has been busy but I must confess sitting the heat out in office air-conditioning has been pleasant.

On the last Sunday before I had to go back to work I went out for drinks at Salt, down at Port Beach with some friends.

The liquid-only diet doesn’t preclude alcohol but I did limit myself to just the one beer. 🙂

We met this couple nearly ten years ago in Bali – we scabbed a lift to Club Med with them – and since then we’ve become close friends.

Salt is great on a sunny Sunday afternoon. They have someone singing… the food is (looks) great and the beer is cold.

They style themselves as a nano-brewery and I tried the wheat beer – the Heifweisen (or something like that).

I enjoyed it.

Next time I want to try the pizza.

Christmas photo album

Before we get into 2010, here are a few of my favourite Christmas pics:

This is Groover and Dippity on Christmas Eve at Groover’s brother’s house.

This is my nephew. I love the way he is so into the cracker. 🙂

This is Groover’s mum on Christmas night. This photo is taken by Dippity who has turned into a handy photographer as the rest of these images will show.

We’ve been having Christmas with this lady and her family for over 35 years.

This is her lovely new Grand-daughter (who you’ve met in earlier posts).

But these three are my favourite shots.

This is my niece on Christmas eve and the photographer (again… dammit!) is Dippity.

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The best moment for me this Christmas was playing Kris Kringle* on Christmas night.

One of the later presents to be opened was a set of hot rollers. Opened mind you, by a 14 year old boy.

Now it’s true he has dead straight hair so, you never know, they might have come in handy, but instead he looked around the table and realised that the OBVIOUS person to swap with was Groover.

I’m sure he didn’t want what Groover had (a promotional tie from an organisation based in China), but he saw the bald head and went there.

I’m sure we disturbed the neighbours with our extended and loud laughter.

Nice one Jez.

*Kris Kringle
Everyone brings one gift and puts it on a table.
Names are drawn out of a hat.
When your name is called you choose a present from the table and open it.
If you like it, keep it.
If you don’t, you can swap with any other already opened present.
Result: hilarity

The best present

I got some lovely presents this year but I must confess this is my favourite.

A vintage working telephone.

The markings underneath point to it being a PMG (Post Master General) 400 series.

And my (limited) internet research suggests that it was probably released in 1958.

The 58 is stamped on the back and it is consistant with the markings on a 1957 version from the Powerhouse Museum.

The only fly in the ointment is that while it works when we plug it in, if we do we sacrifice 2009 connectivity.

That’s right.

No internet.

So until I work it out, my lovely flashback to 1958 is but an ornament.
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What do I love about it?

The handset is heavy and amplifies your voice when you speak into it.

The dial makes a satisfying click click click as it swings around.

I love the directions for dialing – perhaps necessary in this day and age…

And it works even when there is a power outage (take that modern equivalents!).

Oh, and when you put the handset back in place it makes a little ‘ding’ sound.

So you rock little brother!

Thank you.

And merry Christmas to you all!

Summer days

Port Beach

I took this photo down at Port Beach, just behind Salt (Port Beach Cafe).

The kids were having a great time finding old bottles and generally being kids on a hot afternoon in Perth.

Having a bit of wild time while presumably their parents were having a cold one or two inside.

To me, this is what summer holidays are all about.

Finding a bit of wild time.

I haven’t found a lot of wild time this holiday but I did have good fun playing with PW Photography’s action set.
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Above is Old West.

Below, B&W.

Port Beach

And this is Vintage:

Port Beach

For this photo I think I like Old West the best… what do you think?

Oh my goodness… the hair!


How gorgeous is the hair? And she is only 4 months old.

My babies were bald bald bald.

And now for the proud grandparents…


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And my mum:


The baby is the new daughter of my friend K who lives in Hong Kong – soon to move to Dubai.

We grew up together.

Every year our families had Christmas Dinner together and the tradition continues.

Bring out your dead

Concerned readers will be relieved to know the title of this post does not refer to the author following the attack of the stinger a few days ago.

Indeed the evidence of the brutal tentacled molestation is all but gone and your correspondent is very much alive and kicking.

Not kicking as well as her daughter who is limbering up for a karate grading on Monday, but still quite well.

If a little sore.

Muscle sore that is from all the hard work this week has involved clearing out the back room and the back wall.

I’ve cleaned out the back room several times before, but this time we were serious.


We’ve even taken out the bookshelves.


Now apart from about 6 small boxes – the room is storage free.

I’ve sold or given away 14 boxes of books, including most of my science fiction collection.

The old telly and microwave, bookcases and four boxes of previously packed junk have gone on the verge (and a lot of it very quickly into other people’s cars).

And after four years we’ve finally got round to putting up the cedar blinds… which we’ve been meaning to do since we replaced them in the main house.

I feel relieved and zen.

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Because we also pulled off the ivy from the back wall.


The ivy has long been a leaf trap, releasing them in a steady stream into the pool.

This was not our pool’s finest hour but you can see what the ivy ad vines looked like.


Every year we have to cut it back so we can walk down to the pump.

It has taken us at least six years since a landscape designer recommended we get rid of it to finally rip it out.

And then we discovered the high pressure hose…
So that’s the first week of my holidays over.

Boy it went quickly.

Now just the car to sort out, an ongoing fitness plan, the stumps need to be ground down… oh and I want to fix the paving round the pool.

Just one or two things on the list then.

That Indian Ocean bite

You remember how the other day I was going on about how I needed that Indian Ocean bite to “wake me up“?

I am officially awake.


I saw a stinger (small translucent square shaped jellyfish) when I was about waist deep, but Groover was already at the pylon and I figured that I had as good a chance as any to not get stung.


“I’ve been stung!”, I wailed as I drifted around the back of the pylon.

“Oh don’t be daft – it’s psychosomatic”, said Groover, using a very long word for 8 o’clock in the morning.

It didn’t hurt that much.

A vague tingling and I knew it had somehow swum down into my swimsuit.

(goodness knows how – there isn’t even enough room for me!)

It was a short swim. online pharmacies viagra It also boosts the semen load to enjoy intense sexual pleasure in climax. So one can buy Kamagra online escaping the outflow of the blood from the male reproductive organ when it comes to cialis generika sexual intercourse. People tend to buy this product cheap discount levitra as yet. It doesn’t call for buy levitra online treatment and would be potentially specific to the ingredient/product/formula in question. **** = if you have such a study already done, and it has been published in a peer reviewed legit journal, by all means, send me a copy and I will be happy to assist you at every step of your way! Although many countries have laws against the flesh. As Groover said this morning as I was trying to convince him to come with me:  “What is the point?  It’s not like you’re working out!”

They are always short swims.

For one thing – it is FREEZING.

For another – I’m not that fond of swimming.

And now – there be stingers!

But that is not the point.

The point is: if I’m staying at home for the holidays I need to at least feel I’m on vacation.


Despite the copious amounts of vinegar applied, today I just feel stung.

And I’ve also just found out my sister and her family can’t make it home for Christmas after all.

Stung again.