Category Archives: Personal

On the couch

On the couch

Most nights, unless I’m at bridge, at some point I will be on the couch.

This couch in particular.

(not the Alpha couch)

Wearing this same fleece.

In fact I’m wearing it now.

Oh and those ugg boots, now with an interesting nail polish stripe across one toe.

Which yes, I am also wearing as I type.

Quite often I’m watching telly, some downloaded movie or television show.

Endless episodes of House, Six Feet Under, Dexter or Project Runway.

One of the band members, Melody, acted by buy viagra Tara Reid, was a staunch vegetarian who developed a taste for hamburgers immediately after exposure to the music. When you have made plans to learn driving there is no point in delaying cialis in it at all. You can buy Kamagra online by placing an discount price viagra order in an online pharmacy. Hence, these medications should always be taken with a high fat meal, the rate of absorption is reduced, with an average cialis cost canada delay in the time to maximal concentration of 1 hour. Sometimes I’m catching up on Masterchef…

Other times I curl up with a book.

Tonight I am blogging and I have Masterchef on the telly – Sunday night’s episode – love the invention test.

Groover is at rehearsal, Hugamuga is hiding away avoiding study and Dippity is on her computer chatting with strangers on one of her role playing sites.

I’ve watched Time Team for a little Archeology fix.

I love watching them using their little trowels – it is JUST like what we did in York – except wetter and muddier and colder… and older.

I’ve made a batch of chocolate chip cookies for the Biggest Morning Tea at work tomorrow… and I didn’t even burn them!

So really no news my friend just a little window into my life.

Hmmm not that exciting.


Feeling meh

Sunrise at Cottesloe Station

For some reason tonight it feels like the long dark teatime of the soul.

Sunday night.

Work tomorrow.

The end of a weekend.

I played Theatresports tonight and even that didn’t help – and sorry guys – I was crap.

I guess I’m not that good enough of an actor to fake how I feel onstage.

I feel meh about everything.

Don’t feel like reading or eating or watching telly… just want to be held and hugged and comforted.
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There there… it’s alright.

Sometimes you just need to go to that place where someone loves you.

Maybe it is harking back to being a small child, climbing into your mummy’s lap and being rocked.

I want my mummy!

I am at that point where either I will wallow in my discontent or pull myself together and “get on with it”.

C’mon girl – make a cup of tea and put on Glee.

Everything will be okay.

(she says reaching for the St John’s Wort)

The story of the orchids


The other day I was buying a few essentials at my local deli. It was a Saturday morning, a beautiful day outside and I had all the time in the world.

I mooched along the aisles selecting a yummy thing there and a gorgeous thing here and ended up at the checkout with a bigger basket than I expected.

The check out is right near the most beautiful flower display and of course it was chockablock with roses and chrysanthemums – Mothers’ Day next weekend.

Well I thought, I’m a mother aren’t I?

And I love fresh flowers in my house.

I know there are those of you who prefer the living variety.

Well good on you.

They are nice as well but a bunch of flowers brings joy to my heart.

So bugger it, I thought, I’m going to splurge.

Ahhh but what to buy?

Do I get roses or orchids or chryssies…. I asked the girl who said the orchids last the longest.

(incidentally they were also 3 bucks cheaper)

So I bought orchids.

Are these a gift?

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The girl gave me a four dollar discount.

So I should feel good right?

Lovely flowers, a discount… what more could I ask for?

Well here’s the thing.

As I walked my way back up the hill the niggles started.

Why did she give me a discount?

She’d just told me the orchids would last longer… were they old orchids?

Did I buy dud flowers?

Now you’re probably reading this thinking – is she mad? Go and have some St John’s Wort IMMEDIATELY!

And by the time I turned the corner into my street I was thinking the same thing.

The flowers are beautiful.

They fill my heart with joy when I see them.

And I will NOT look a gift horse in the mouth but say yes to the universe when fortune favours me.

Yes please!

When an old dress is new again

Me in a dress I haven't been able to fit in for years.  It's black, skin tight and has red stripes highlighting the bust area - it makes my waist look small and my boobs big.  That's why I like it.

I’m wearing a dress to work today which is one I picked up at the Bindaring Red Cross Sale three or four years ago.

I haven’t been able to fit into it for a couple of years but tried it on the other night and yay – it fits!

And boy have I been getting comments today.

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I guess the boobage would have something to do with it and the fact that I have my dominatrix boots on…

For me it’s also about success in losing the 6 kilos necessary to squeeze back into it.

I’m getting my wardrobe back!

The Alpha Couch

Picture of our sofa with Groover lying along it with the remote on his chest

Last night at dinner we were discussing dominant partners in the couples we know.

It’s pretty obvious (mostly) who calls the shots.

Now I think Groover and I have a pretty equal relationship but it turns out I’m wrong.

Very wrong.

Yeah, we’re pretty equal… says Groover, as he forks in another mouthful of steak and salad.

(still on the low carb diet)
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Cough splutter… from our daughter.

I’m sorry… says I.

You don’t think that’s right?

Er no, she says, Dad’s the one on the alpha couch.

It seems that pecking order in our house is down to the sofa you choose in the lounge room.


Love over gold

I was searching for a CD tonight.

And this is what my poor eyes saw.


I really hate the fact I need my glasses to find a frigging CD.

You see I knew I had Love Over Gold by Dire Straits.

It was one of the first albums I ever bought.

Yes on vinyl.

I think Complete Madness was the first and then Love Over Gold and that’s because a young man was obsessed by Dire Straits and he took me to the concert (at the Entertainment Centre… remember that?).

He was really into guitar playing and would play me guitar and Dire Straits and I thought he was sweet, although I wasn’t really into him.

I liked the music.

It felt rather cool at the time I thought.

You are probably spitting your coffee over the screen at this point but I did think it was cool.

I liked Dire Straits, Pink Floyd and Madness.

I was 16.

Anyway Love Over Gold was one of the first CDs I bought too.
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I started buying CDs long before I had a CD player.

I could see the writing was on the wall.

And when our CD collection was stolen in 1994 I felt sure I would have insisted on buying Love Over Gold again.

Dire Straits and in particular this album was a favourite.

For goodness sakes it had only 5 tracks and one of them was more than 14 minutes long.

And one of them was Industrial Disease.

I knew all the words. 


The other Mark Knopfler CD I really liked was the soundtrack to The Princess Bride – my favourite movie.

So why was I so keen to find it?

Well today I heard a track and I could have sworn it was a Dire Straits tune from this album with new words.

Can’t remember the words or even the artist as I was so indignant that they should steal Mark’s work!

So I thought I’d better listen again to his fantastic guitar playing and remind myself.

Of course as I can’t compare them it is a moot exercise but I am enjoying the journey back down memory lane.

I’m 16 again (and saving myself for university).

Matching underwear

Probably, if you’re female and reading this, you will be the type that has ALWAYS worn matching underwear.

You know… your bra matching your knickers.


I thought so.

Well not me I’m afraid.

I’m the sort of gal that visits Marks and Spencers when visiting the UK and buys several packets of undies to last me YEARS between trips.

If there isn’t ten in a pack I feel ripped off.

Tragic I know.

I mean, how many cotton bombers does one girl need?

Last week I decided to grow the F up.

I’m 43 and the days of mismatched underwear are over.

I know what you’re thinking… what WAS I thinking…

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You know… sexy.

So the other day I went and bought a set of seriously gorgeous underwear.

Hey I’ve lost four kilos… they actually look good on me.

They are very nice.

Very very nice.

And so I’ve made a pact with myself.

From now on girl – matching underwear.

And just to make it a tiny bit easier (cheaper) I’ve also decided to buy two sets of knickers with every bra.

So now interweb you can relax, safe in the knowledge that should I be run over by a bus tomorrow, my mother won’t be embarrassed by my knickers.

I bet you’re relieved.

Best friends

When I was in grade 6 my best friend was a Scorpio like me, she was born in Canada like me, we liked the same boys and she taught me how to riffle shuffle.

In recent years we’ve lost touch but then my parents met her in a cafe down south and got her number.

I called her and tonight we caught up – it must be at least six years since we’ve talked.

She is just the same.

Her laugh took me back to those days at school where we’d play endless rounds of elastics.

And to her house where she had a pool and a trampoline.
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I loved her house.

Her parents were cool.

They took us along to gambling parties with huge jars of one cent coins.

One night we made these wild candle lantern things by dropping hot candle wax in water… or at least that’s my vague recollection.

It was so nice to see her again that we’ve made a pact to catch up properly next time I’m in town.

I can’t wait.

Goodbye girls

What a week!

Two funerals – which to be fair were both uplifting in their own ways.  An odd mixture of celebration and sadness and seeing people at their most real.

I do like this trend of personal funerals rather than the traditional church burials – you really feel you know the person.

As for mine?

I don’t care.

Cremate me in a cardboard box and play Yo-Yo Ma’s Bach Cello Suite 1 as you throw my ashes off the ridge at Ennuin (or wherever),  that’d do for me.  It’s up to you. Funerals are for the living not the dead. 

I stopped to smell the roses on the way to work one day this week.  That’s what funerals do for you.

Smelling the roses

It didn’t smell but it did look pretty.

I wasn’t going to talk about funerals today, but I guess they have been a big part of this week.

My crazy protein diet is still on.

Tomatoes and bacon for breakfast – my favourite breakfast and one I rarely have because… well it’s bacon. 

But bacon is protein and therefore allowed.

I’m losing weight.

The girls are going.

Gee it’s been fun having them.  I can see some lingerie purchases will soon be necessary.


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I might even be able to bear to buy some scales.

In other news, the other day I was in the city and came across a Free Iran protest.

This I could tell from the banners. 

All the speeches were in Arabic so can’t tell you exactly what the protest is about.

It made me feel good to be an Australian.

How we allow everyone to have their moment to speak publically about issues they care about.

I think we’d all like a free Iran.

So it’s Valentine’s Day tomorrow… have any plans?

I’m planning a visit to the beauty parlour – an annual overhaul?

I do hate going and have people fuss over me.

Yes I realise that that makes me less of a woman.

Let me check my care factor… oh… zero.

So I’m stealing myself for some major fuss.

Standby for a sleeker, browner, glossier Cellobella.

Just like me, but better.

A most enjoyable funeral

That was what a senior member of the congregation said today after the funeral of the dad of one of my best friends.

And it was an enjoyable funeral.


This is the grandson who looked so grown up and cool in his pink shirt and stipey pants.

I guess the reason why the service was so lovely was because it was so personal.

My brave beautiful friend spurned the lecturn and sat down on the edge of the catafalque and created an instantly intimate atmosphere while she told us some things about her dad.

His philosophies, his habits, his life.

She was engaging, at times funny and she painted a portrait of her dad that all of us could take with us.

Then her ex stood up and did a more formal eulogy.

It was the perfect balance.

Instead of flowers, a copy of The Guardian (I think it was) was put on the coffin. In case he might like to do the crossword.

Afterward, we went to a gorgeous restaurant for lunch and to catch up.

I felt weirded out.

First because the funeral had taken place where my dear friend H had had his service and I was sitting with the same two fabulous girls I was sitting with then.

It collapsed time a bit.

It felt odd.
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And also I think because I have another funeral on Friday.

Someone who I knew quite well.

Someone who I saw in hospital the day before he died.

I guess I’m in a vulnerable place.

Man – talk about a rollercoaster of feelings this week.

Nom noms

I like funerals though… except for the fact that someone has died of course.

I like what they do for people.

How they bring people together.

How the music lifts people’s souls – both living and one presumes the dead as well.

I love to see how people handle death.

Each one is so different.

Each one, in its own way, special.

But one a week is enough.

More than enough.