Category Archives: Personal

The ethics of buying and selling online

So I bought a Chloromatic ESC 24/36/48 Replacement Cell yesterday online for my pool which is now greener than my lawn. And the lawn is green.

I shopped around and found one at a very good price – about $200 cheaper than any other store either online or actual. And in good faith – I bought it.

Today, I get a phone message… “Oh um hi, you ordered a replacement cell yesterday, and well we’ve just taken over the company and we’re losing so much money at that price and um, could you call me?” And she leaves an incomplete phone number.

I went back to the website and I can see they’ve upped the price to $665 – still $30 cheaper than all the competitors.

So what do I do? Play hard ball? After all I have my order confirmation email… and would they give me a discount if the day after I ordered they dropped their price? If it had been an actual store I would have it installed already. And I probably wouldn’t have bought it online if the price hadn’t been so much less.

Or, be compassionate – they have just bought the store apparently… she did sound a bit upset.
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Or, compromise – ask for the cell at cost price and pay postage…

I’m on the horns of an ethical dilemma – what do you think I should do?

Update: Sometimes when you do nothing, the problem solves itself.

We have tried to contact you about the cell you purchased on our website. We are currently under new management as from July 1, 2007 and hadn’t realised that the companies that supply the cells have had a huge price rise. So we didn’t realise until you purchased it that we can’t even buy the cell for that price. If you can help us get the order up and running would you consider buying the cell for our “cost” price with FREE delivery.

Of course I graciously said yes.

And will use their business again.

Hair removal

I was in at the beauticians today getting my eyebrows waxed (as you do) and I pondered that someone somewhere must have discovered a cream that permanently stops hair growing… but there’s no way they would market it.

An entire industry would fold overnight.

Fighting couples might give each other bald patches in their sleep (imagine that!).
Simply put, testosterone is the boss who gives orders to your muscles to grow! As we age, our bodies react less and less to this tadalafil professional cheap regenerating process. It is a small blue pill, which you should take only prescribed dosage of this medicine before an hour of copulation. continue reading now levitra online is cheap because this levitra has no such ads that the levitra online is the exact replica of the used for men. It helps in increasing the motility and sperm count in men and also increase the sexual drive. tadalafil overnight delivery They dilate the capillaries in the penis, filling it with blood, trapping the blood to the point that the penis achieves the base where the online cialis mouth of the tube is placed.
Oh but think how nice it would be never having to contemplate a bikini/leg/underarm/upper lip/eye/back, sack and crack (choose the most relevant) wax ever again…



So I’m standing at the corner of a card table, my laptop perched precariously on a stack of four dining chairs, my feet sweating in a pair of heels that are too high.

I am a vugraph operator for Bridge Base Online for the Australian National Championships in Fremantle WA.

Correction.  I am a virgin vugraph operator and this is my first official match.

It is the Womens’ teams finals and it’s WA versus Victoria.  For the first time Alida Clarke is playing in the womens’ team.  It has given the whole team a lift.  They know they can win it if they keep cool.

The team is made up of Annabelle Booth, Leonie Shiels, Jill Del Piccolo, Kate Smith, Alida Clark and Leone Fuller.

At my table Alida is sitting North, Leone South and EW are Mary Elson and Diana Jacobs.

So my boards are loaded, they seem to be in order, we begin.

Now at this point let me tell you what I’m trying to do.  As the players bid and then play the cards I’m supposed to follow the action using a mouse and clicking on the card they play as they play it.  Bidding isn’t so hard.  They use bidding cards, they bid slowly, I don’t have to move the mouse around much.  Easy peasy.  Unless…

Unless you miss a crucial pass bid from dealer and then the whole auction is with the wrong pairs.  Yes.  So then as they are about to play their first card, you are (or rather I am) rapidly undoing the last 15 bids and then remembering the bidding (as best you can) so that you can get to the right auction and get the opening lead…

My shoes are a little slipperier, and I thirst for water.

The first board was a lively 6H by South.  Leone plays what seems to be perfectly good cardplay and claims.  Well she claims conceding a trick for one off but I didn’t see that until I was onto the next board.  So a mistake on my first board.  I went back and fixed it manually, apologised to the watching crowd and prepared for the second.

The second board was straight-forward and I managed to follow quite nicely thanks to some deliberate cardplay by the ladies.

The third board was a mess as previously described.

So now my hand is aching.  Carpel tunnel must be a risk for vugraph operators! My heels put me at just the wrong height for my four chairs but I can’t take them off because that would leave me barefoot and someone has just complained about a junior player kicking off his shoes because he finds it more comfortable to play with bare feet, and besides, my feet have been sweating so much I’m not entirely confident they wouldn’t stink.  Also, after a litre of water I need the bathroom… but they’re bidding again.

Three hands pass and I manage – just – to keep up. At worst, it kind of goes, first trick – yep.  Second trick – was that a King she played??? Must be.  Third trick – yep. Fourth trick – ahhhh losing it.  Fifth trick – lets see what she makes at the end.  Claim.

Around Board 7, and the Open Room have their scores in for Board 1.  5Dx – off 4 for 800.  But something’s wrong.  The lovely and very kind (to what must seem to her a chaotic vugraph operator) commentator suggests I have a look at the score.

So now I’m trying to keep up with the bidding, the cardplay and work out why there is a problem with the score.
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I decide to wait til it’s over as it looks okay to me.

Finally we’re on the final board.  It looks pretty straightforward. I let the young girl standing next to me have a go (she can hardly do worse) and she aquits herself nicely.  The team leaves the table.

Anyway turns out the teams were all sitting in the wrong seats – so that’s why the score looked funny to the commentator.  Victoria won 13:30.

Round Two.

Oh did I mention that while I’m typing in these bids and plays, scores of people are watching in from around the world?  Just a little added pressure.

So we go back in the room for the second round.  This time I have my Victorian friends back again sitting N/S and Annabelle Booth and Leonie Shiels sitting E/W.  It’s lovely putting faces to all these names and seeing how they sort their cards and how they like to sit while they play… Leone for example never sorts the cards in her suits – although she does put her suits together…  Mary likes to tuck her legs up on her chair while she plays…

I feel like an insider.

So round two.  I load up the first deal.  It bears absolutely no resemblance to the cards I see Mary and Annabelle holding. Panic!

It is discovered that the wrong deals have been loaded in the machine.  This is a problem.  We abandon the vugraph and my little helper goes off to bed.

Nick from BBO Australia reckons he can get the deals somehow and goes off to do some computer magic.  We wait on the sidelines to see if we are needed to continue.

By the time the girls are on their third board we are back on… but most of our audience has gone.  Just 25 of the 125 are left – bless them.  Still it’s all good practice and I’m rostered on again tomorrow.

This session goes off without a hitch.  I practice back stretches between boards to loosen the lower lumber strained by my odd set-up.  I’m now more able to keep up with the cardplay and can actually enjoy the bridge.

WA are ahead after the second ground, making up for the loss in the first. The score 54:43. [view scores]

Afterward I go into the other room to watch the Open teams finish their match.  The ANC has set up a projector and has a couple of commentators describing the action and telling tall tales between boards so that people can see what was going on.  A bit scary to think that they might view my vugraph stumbles… 🙂

Still I survived and tomorrow is another day.  See you back at the tables after lunch.

UPDATE:  WA won!  Yay!!

Work Apparel

Today the latest addition to my wardrobe from our marketing department It sildenafil overnight ensures enhanced blood supply to the genitals during intimacy. Fortunately, within the year 1998, a medication after being approved by the Food generic cialis and Medication Administration was introduced in the market. Men always find pleasure in satisfying his fair sex viagra levitra cialis with the maximum performance. In addition, the nerves within the buy cheap levitra penis must be functioning perfectly and doing its specific action. when worn by yours truly was described as “authorative yet raunchy”.


My fabulous shoes

My new shoes

Aren’t they fabulous! My gorgeous new shoes to be worn for the first time tomorrow night.

For fashionistas out there – they are SASS by Sachi – and they feature satin, lace and beading from Italy as well as an embedded Swarovski crystall chain detail.

My new shoes

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I didn’t realise that when I bought them. I just liked them. 🙂 The heels are killer but hey – fashion is pain my friends. Although as it will be wet tomorrow night I will be wearing sandshoes to the event and will change into these when I get there. I don’t want the satin to get muddy. On the way home from the shops I got them out of their box and stroked them…

My precious…

High heels

Have bought TOTALLY gorgeous highest of high heels which appear to be comfortable – for the two minutes I wore them in the shop anyway.  Of course when I say bought.  They are on layby as I don’t have a credit/debit card at the moment…

They are Sacha and I’d love to show them to you but they are still in-store. Sigh.

Suffice to say I am practically standing on tippy toes when wearing them and they are v. v. cute. 🙂

Moreover, best prices on sildenafil the medication is also not effective if the body is starved for oxygen. Shatavari roots are good purchase viagra for regeneration of muscles, improving the health of reproductive organs, increasing milk secretion and regaining vigour and vitality in men and women. The inability of the arteries not providing sufficient blood to male cialis online best genital area during sensual stimulation. The lowest price on cialis males and females are not able to intermingle properly and are unable to mate freely thereby leading to an unhealthy conjugal relationship. And you know it’s a good day when everything goes pear shaped at work and you’re still smiling!  (well not everything, or really anything too bad, well there was one bit of really bad news…)

I didn’t even have to cook dinner – now that makes it a good day – Thanks P.

New shoes make all the difference… don’t they?

Smart Traveller Not Me

Thirdcat asks how my teetotalling is going…  pretty well actually.  I was alcohol free until Friday night when I had one glass of red, and tonight I’ve had a mere sip and moved on to a cup of tea.  So that’s practically giving up isn’t it?  I mean I don’t want to be pious and annoying about it… 🙂

Today I went shopping.  I’ve agreed to MC a ball and obviously need a new frock (shoes, hair, stockings, makeup, handbag) so I went shopping.  Determined to buy something bright and colourful I’ve chosen something black again and spend the entire fee I will be charging. Which is ridiculous.  And then I left my credit card in the ATM.

So now I have a cancelled credit card which is going to make things… awkward.
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But I do have a cute frock.

And I used my SmartRider card for the first time – its great to use. But I think I forgot to tag off…. so I’d better go and do that.  Not the most successful of days…

100 Demons

[I interrupt my back-to-back West Wing viewing – now up to series 3 – to bring you this post – don’t get me started on the lamps…]

This is kind of following on from my previous English post…

I was thinking about things that I always check when I’m writing. The two that I consciously think about are:

it’s/its – I always recite is it it is before I carry on with my sentence

And the other one is …definitely.

For years I spelt it definATEly, which is definitely wrong. Don’t know why, but it was the one word that would seriously trip me up. Which was odd because I spelled (is it spelled or spelt?) finite without thinking…

I think everyone has that word that undoes them, that they have to check they’ve not made the same old mistake. I saw seperately the other day from someone who obviously didn’t have to write out the 100 Demons at primary school.

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100 words, not hard exactly but tricksy. Separate was one of them. Punishment at school was writing out the 100 Demons at the back of the spelling book. They were doubled if you didn’t hand them in on time. Janine in my grade 6 class once had thousands and thousands to do. She was a bit naughty.

But I bet she has no problem spelling separate now. 🙂

So I’m sitting here pretty smug thinking I’m a pretty good speller… and I do a little search on the internet on the 100 demons and come across this little quiz.



Go on, take the test. And let me know how you get on… I double dare you! 🙂


Went back for my second physio appointment today.  My shoulder is much better thanks for asking, and although still stiff doesn’t make me want to die.  So I felt a bit of a cry-baby going for my follow-up appointment. 

After I demonstrated how much more movement I had in my neck – a full 180 – with only slight stiffness to the right as opposed to barely 90 yesterday – I thought he’d say “well done, I don’t need to see you anymore”.  But he didn’t.  I got a compliment on my new sandshoes, a shoulder massage, acupuncture (I thought physios didn’t dabble in the dark arts – I was wrong) and some homework.  It’s all posture related apparently.  Sigh.

The acupuncture was interesting, I haven’t had it before.  I couldn’t feel the needle at all – just a slight tingling when he jiggled it around a bit.  Not sure how much good it’s done but I’m sure it hasn’t done harm.
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Then I went of to Nedlands to play bridge with Kate Elsey’s (see banner) Mum, Dymphna.  We had fun although a terrible result.  Still no major misunderstandings so that’s a start.  🙂

Tonight we go to dinner – fine dining with fine wines – can’t complain about that!

A spooky experience

Groover is in Karratha this week and staying at one of their more salubrious establishments. That is to say, a very ordinary establishment indeed.

As he wandered back through the lobby he passed the front bar where an older Aboriginal man was playing pool.

The man jerked as Groover passed and shouted out Groover’s name loudly… it is not a common name.

Nonplussed, Groover walked over and said “Hello do I know you? My name is Groover*.”

The man started speaking in his native language at him. Groover replied that he didn’t understand what the man was saying and the man kind of came to – if that’s the best description. He looked confused and then told Groover that his son was also called Groover* and had died at only two years of age. He hadn’t said his son’s name since**.
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Groover was completely freaked out by this and called me soon after to debrief.

Spooky huh?!

*Plainly he didn’t say Groover, but Groover’s real name here. Who would name their child Groover?!

**Many Indigenous cultures avoid referring to dead people by their names.