Category Archives: Modern Life

Update on the first week

Right for those who’ve just tuned in here is my plan:

  1. Cycle to rowing 1-2 times a week
  2. Row 3 or 4 times a week
  3. Do ten minute youtube exercise video on other days

So in the interest in engaging the interweb gods… here’s this week’s exercise:

  1. Sunday – race at Mettam Head Race (5 k race and about 5 k paddling – we came 3rd)
  2. Monday – SLACKED OFF – things weren’t looking good for The Plan
  3. Tuesday – rowing training
  4. Wednesday – 2×10-minute video (arms and yoga) Partly to make up for Monday
  5. Thursday – 1×10 minute video (legs)
  6. Friday – rowing training
  7. Saturday – rowing cancelled but I cycled to Nedlands and back for bridge game.

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Overall – thank you.

Putting it out there working so far.

Also new bike (newer bike loaned to me by kind friends) with better gears working out well. Did I tell you I changed the inner tube by myself? Just me, an inner tube, a spoon and this video.

And tip from cyclist at work to ride down Princess Road rather than Stirling Hwy is great. No traffic lights, and fewer cars.

Still waiting for my fit and cut body.

Must stop eating chocolate peanuts.

Sorry? Is that the pizza arriving? Gotta go!

Stress dreams

Do you ever have stress dreams?

Apparently a common one is not being able to find your locker/classroom at school which relates to feeling uncertain about your career… apparently.

I’ve worked in radio for a long time and usually my stress dream goes like this…

I get into the studio and I have to present a program and I have nothing to say.

No interview to go to.

There are no CDs in the system.

Our electronic playout system doesn’t work.

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Well I had a new stress dream Saturday night. The night before our race.

I dreamed I couldn’t find my white singlet.

All I could find was a frilly white shirt. Clearly not very sporty.

Frilly white top

It was very stressful in the dream but in the cold light of day… a little tragic.

But I wonder what it means…

The fat bonus

UWABC Masters Women Quad

First of all – we survived the race. I know you were wondering.

One crab, one almost crab, one collision, one stop and one fin later.

It was a beautiful day on the Canning River and I think we all felt great that we’d finished and not disgraced ourselves.

Next time we’ll be in zooties – those most unattractive garments – which, unless you are an Olympian – just don’t do much for the figure.

There will be no photos below head and shoulders whilst I am wearing a zootie. That’s what secret groups on facebook are for.

Anyway as discussed yesterday, there is some way to go to improve my fitness but that hasn’t stopped me invoking a “fat bonus” every time I make a food decision.

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Hmmm that was delicious… seconds? Why not! I went rowing today.

Dessert? You don’t even need to ask.

Problem is I’ve spent my “fat bonus” two or three times.

And I suspect it isn’t that big a bonus anyway.


UPDATE: We came third in our class WE4X+ (out of 6). Yay.

If I put it online will that mean I do it?

Sunrise from Matilda Bay

Ahhhhh see this is why I get up early in the morning on a Saturday to go rowing.

So beautiful.

And today I rode my bike. Well Evan’s bike but he’s got lots and the gears aren’t so great on this one so he doesn’t miss it (I hope).

I got up at 6am. And left the house around 6.15 with my brand new Moon lights on and the wind on my face.

Well there wasn’t much wind, it was the speed of my pedalling.

(that was a little joke)

It took me about 35 minutes to get to the UWA Boatshed and I was surprised to see so many cars in the carpark.

Damn it! I thought I’d missed rowing altogether. That everyone had showed up and gone out, locking the shed behind them.

I checked my phone and it was 6.50. Yay. So I took the shot above.

Coming back was a bit more of a struggle.
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Scary too. People in their big 4WDs and trucks!!! A truck beeped at me as I wobbled up the last hill and scared me into wobbling more. Yikes.

Also I was tired.

But I imagined my cut body. Fit from riding to rowing and rowing and riding from rowing. This will get easier each time I do it I said to myself as I reached the crest of the last hill.

Anyway this is my plan – and I’m hoping by declaring my hand on the interwebs Ii will be honour bound to follow true.

(even though this has never worked in the past… you never know)

So I row 3 or 4 times a week.

I will ride to rowing 1 or 2 times a week.

And on the days inbetween I’m going to make sure I at least do one ten-minute video from PopSugar.

Now how hard can that be?

*Famous last words*

Forced fun

Egg timer at art night

The other night we hung out with young people.

When I say young I’m guessing early 30s to mid 20s.

The Groover works with a couple and it was their home we went to.

We made art, and played pictionary… as a warm up of course.

Totally fun.

And I didn’t feel that old

Maybe hanging out with younger people makes you feel young.

I suspect our hostess would have appreciated my Christmas activities.

She calls it “forced fun”.

You know, where you organise activities – games, painting Easter eggs, painting, tie-dying teeshirts (which we’ve TOTALLY got to do for Christmas one year)…

I just call that awesome.

we survived our first race
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Speaking of hanging out with young people.

I competed in my first ever rowing race the other weekend. That photo above is post race. As you can see I survived.

I was in a boat with four under-26ers, and four masters women (aged 28 – pictured, 33, moi and 53).

We get to the line, the whistle goes and the four open women go nuts!

Seriously fast.

We’ve not done more than 20 strokes in a row at that pace and we’ve got SIX KILOMETRES to go.

I thought I might die.

My strategy was to hang on and try not to crab. (get the oar caught)

Do you remember that episode of The Goodies where they are trying to make cricket interesting and they get out these ACME power boots which make their feet move fast (all the cricketers are super old)?

I felt like I was in a ACME Rowing Machine.

(here’s the link – the boots make an appearance around the 4 minute mark)

Meantime I hear there are sharks in the Swan River… I suspect our time this weekend will be fast.

Economic squeeze


A couple of months ago I noticed a 20 cent coin had been glued to the steps leading to Cottesloe Train Station.

Watching people stoop to pick it up no doubt provided endless enjoyment for the folk working in the overlooking offices, and possibly for the observant on the platform as well.

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Times are tight.

Putting things in perspective

These shorts spell no sex for the rest of your life

So this weekend, my son is getting ready for his second year of college and University.

That’s not my son.

That’s his friend.

They went shopping yesterday to buy some clothes for my son who lets just say is “sartorially challenged”.

My son likes looking good, but has no idea and because of that (I think) opts out of worrying about it.

He’s resigned to not being trendy, or even being slightly well dressed.

And yet, I know he likes looking good.

He came back with new shorts, new boardies, new shoes.

And then went through his clothes and items were allowed to be packed only if they passed inspection.

The shorts pictured were rejected.

This morning I listened to part 1 and part 2 of Harper High School on This American Life.

At this school all the kids are part of gangs.  They don’t get a choice.  The gang they are in is dictated by where they live.

To not be in a gang means never to leave the house.  Never to have friends.

Last year 29 current and recent students of this school were shot.

Not at the school – that might have made the news – in the neighbourhood.  One on the porch while talking to a friend.  The friend’s brother on the pavement also got shot.  He was in a wheelchair, paralysed in an earlier shooting.

And look at the people who work at this school –  all so young – you listen to their stories and they care so much.
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I can’t stop thinking about them.

I feel like I live in a parallel universe from Harper High School.  (and they are by no means an isolated case)

The  fears I have for my children – will they make friends, will they study, will they get jobs, will they wear the right shorts – all seem small.

I am, we are, so lucky.

And I want to do something to help, but part of me is angry.

Angry that the most wealthy country in the world can’t sort this out!

How can they let this even exist?

How can they spend money on the military “saving other countries” and not spend it on saving their own society?

Why is it that 15 year olds can sit around discussing where they get handguns from and how much they cost?

It shocks me to the core of my white middle class existence half a world away.

I know we have tough schools in Australia.

Schools where “going into Lockdown” is a relatively frequent occurance.  Where principals stand outside the gates in a high vis vest ready to protect their students as best they can.

At least they don’t have to face guns.

Lecture over.  Class dismissed.  Getting off my soap box now.

Out of the habit

Christmas Dinner

Is Christmas really over?

I’m out of the habit of blogging regularly and finding it hard to get inspiration… so I thought I’d do that old trick of just typing away – stream of consciousness like – and see what happens.

I love hosting Christmas but I also love my house back to normal the day after Christmas after all the empties have been taken out to the recycling and the dishes finally done, extra tables hidden away and the crunchy floor cleaned.

In the days since we’ve been chilling out the back lolling on the couches under the patio we built last year, occasionally jumping in the pool to bring down the core body temp (it is over 40 every day for the next four), lighting the candles in the evening and enjoying the odd glass of wine.

It’s been lovely having my brother and his family to stay too.  Their little one is uber-cute.  Just the cutest 3-year-old ever.  And even though I know I’m going to be approached again and again to play animal matches, or go for a swim, or watch the spelling game stars I don’t care because she is so adorable.

They’ve gone down south for a few days now and the house seems strangely empty.

This year we did a couple of things to encourage “groupness”.

Groupness is a term I picked up from a facilitation course this year.  Basically when you have a new grouping of people it’s important to get them to interact quickly and share.  Sharing is more likely if the peeps feel part of a group.

Groupness can be created in any number of ways…

For example… name tags… not really appropriate for family dinner…

This year we did souvenir holiday teeshirts designed by my artist brother
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Me modelling the holiday tee

And a dancing video.

If you’ve seen Where the Hell is Matt? you will know the inspiration.

I asked my invited guests and extended family that weren’t coming to the evening to send in snippets of video of themselves so that I could mash them into a video to play on the night.

That way peeps who couldn’t come would still be part of the group… and those who were there would feel part of the group – having gone through the shared experience (pain and humiliation?) of dancing in public.

I guess I’m an extrovert because I loved doing the dancing videos, others felt it wasn’t such a cool thing, but everyone sent something in.

Unfortunately I ran out of time but I delegated (another management technique) to my niece (not the 3-year old) and the video was lovely.

Even the too-cool-for-school teens admitted it was fun in the end and I think – should I ask them to participate in one of my crazy groupness exercises next time – they might find it easier to say yes, lets!

UPDATE: Here is the link to the video. 🙂

OMG.  I’m at the end of a post and I had something to say after all.

Maybe the habit is stronger than I thought…

Christmas with the family


Two sleeps before Christmas. Before the hoards arrive. Bearing gifts and wine and food and Christmas cheer. Three sleeps and it’s over.

This year, 25 for dinner.

Which, Groover constantly reminds me, is a lot.

But it doesn’t seem that many to me.

Not many more than the 18 or so we had last year… And we had a great time.

Anyway, everyone is pitching in with food and drink… So really it’s no more effort than having say 12…

I know it will be a bit squeezy.

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It’s going to be evening and some of the 25 are really quite small.

I think maybe I was a Bedouin in a former life.

I love this hanging out in a big “tent” with all my extended family.

My favourite holidays have been where we’ve shared houses… Christmas 2007, parent’s 40th anniversary 2005 and even Bali last year with friends. (Part of our unofficial extended family also coming on Tuesday night)

Bring it on I say!

I’d invite you too but I think Groover would freak out. Freak out more…

I hope your Christmas is full of happy chaos and unexpected joy.

Fit For My Life


For nearly three years I’ve been on a protein regime. An omelette every day. Hardly any carbs.

Except wine of course.

Sure I have my lapses but mostly I’ve been avoiding carbs.

At first I lost HEAPS of weight, but lately it has been creeping on.

And the protein diet doesn’t seem to be working.

(of course the wine and not much exercise might have something to do with it)

14 years ago, just after my second baby, I went on the Fit For Life diet.

I lost heaps of weight.

Fit For Life is basically fruit until noon, then food combining after that.

ie don’t mix proteins with carbs

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Yesterday I started back on Fit For Life.


I had forgotten how much I LOVE fruit.

So nice to have fruit for breakfast.

Loving it.

Scales wise – too early to tell.

One thing though, I’ve remembered how hard it is to buy lunch (or any meal) that is not a mix of carbs and protein.


Looks like I’ll be making my lunch everyday too.