Category Archives: Modern Life

I like a warm bun


Look I don’t want to complain… actually scratch that… I DO want to complain… what’s with the freezing cold half stale buns they serve you as part of your aeroplane meal?

I can accept that mass meals are never going to be cordon bleu. Yes no matter whose name you stick on the salad container, I’m not expecting miracles. But. I do like a warm bun.

Would it be outrageous to expect even a bun at room temperature?

Even if they are not stale, they taste it because they are so cold.

Am I alone?

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And while I’m ranting… butter wouldn’t hurt. As opposed to that rank tasting “dairy spread”.

I like a buttered bun.


Flying over the nullabor (or some place near it) recently, I snapped this view of the land below. Don’t you think it is amazing? Like some alien landscape…

nullabor view

Vanishing Acts by Jodi Picoult

Vanishing ActsIn this novel by Jodi Picoult our heroine Delia – a search and rescue person with a bloodhound – discovers that she herself is lost. To find herself she travels across the country and piece by piece her memory comes back.

Sometimes coming back is hard.

I find Jodi’s writing easy to read. You are immediately sucked into the story. Her writing is emotional in that it does bring up your emotions.

At one point her descriptions inside a correctional facility seem too real to be true – how did she do that research?
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You do have to suspend disbelief a bit in this novel, which is nevertheless a compelling read and while you might guess the end it won’t stop you reading to find out if you’re right. 🙂

See a multimedia presentation on Jodi’s website
Discussion questions
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Going bananas!

Hand of bananas with color enhanced

At the breakfast buffet this morning, a buffet I might point out that is not cheap at $27 a head, my dining companion was surprised to note that there were no bananas.

“This is Queensland right?”

She asked bemused and we confirmed that yes we are in the banana state. A state that prides itself on its bananas. Whose inhabitants are in fact known as “banana benders”.

So we asked one of the waitpersons…

“Oh we have bananas”, she said, “but you need to ask for them. They’re expensive you know…”

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Even more bizarre was the response when we asked why the milk jug had little yellowy orange lumps on the inside… had it not been washed properly?

No. It was the sun apparently.

The sun has strange properties on this side of the country. Watch out!

Creative Commons License photo credit: bastique

Desperate indeed to find keys

Who, on losing their keys types:

ive lost my keys how to find

…into a search engine?
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Desperate times my friend…

Using Web 2.0 as a tool for teaching English

Elephant Stamp with a Gold StarI’m really impressed with my son’s English teacher.

This term the kids are discussing Anne Frank Diary of a Young Girl and Animal Farm by George Orwell.

To connect to her 13-14 year old students she trialled using an online forum to discuss the books. She set up a series of seven topics in the forum per book – six discussion questions and one where they could just give their opinion of the books. She made participating in the forum compulsory. Which I’ve always found to help increase the number of comments myself. 🙂

Hugamuga let me read his comments and I was impressed (not only by his) but also the general level of academic thought these kids had. Not all of them had commented by that time but really some of the comments were advanced.

I emailed the teacher to tell her how blown away I was and she told me that she felt the level of engagement was far higher than that she’d achieved off-line: “In general, I think the students have been more motivated about the content due to its online component, and certainly several students have been more assertive in voicing their opinions than they might have been in class.”

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Hugamuga was one of the students quoted and I think it’s fair to say he was pretty pleased with himself.

But just to prove he’s not a complete suck-up-swot I get an email from his teacher today to ask me to check on his assignment progress as she can’t see much in class.

Miss he’s sitting next to me right now doing his homework – where I can see him!

And a gold star and an elephant stamp for you!

Which side of the bed do you sleep on?

Yes I'm in bed... so?

In all the years we’ve been together Groover and I have always claimed the same sides of the bed… that is – he always sleeps on the left side, I get the right. Or the other way around depending on which end of the bed you’re on.

It doesn’t matter where we are. In our bed at home, on holiday, camping, it just feels wrong on the other side.

Even when he is away I still claim my side of the bed.

Until last night.

You see our bed is getting on and the mattress is noticeably sinking where we usually lie. Two grooves.

Aside from that, accessible ones who can’t read yet will easily be valid to play by matching the pictures viagra discounts on their playing board. Erectile dysfunction in men covers two aspects, 1) the inability to get and/or maintain an erection with sexual stimulation during sexual intercourse. free sample of levitra Choose an oncologist who will provide a positive, acquiring stated that early, aggressive treatment can provide some hope, producing utilization of the drug products like Kamagra soft tabs which have been proved to be beneficial viagra 100mg sales to get healed from the hardships of erectile dysfunction. Does one little pill really compromise penis health? It is important to note that for men who actually wish to tadalafil without prescriptions get rid of thin concern can make use of this blue pill but in proper manner. But in the middle there is an island of firm springiness and that, my friend, is where I have sleeping.

I know as soon as he returns I’ll sink back into the burrow of my side and it will feel normal again, but for now it kind of feels like I’m on holiday. Racily spreading out my wings and daring to claim the middle ground.

How about you? Do you have “a side” that you have to sleep on?

Lets look at the bed from the end of the bed – are you on the right? Or on the left?

I wonder if anyone has done a study on whether men prefer the right and women prefer the left because thinking about it… my parents are the same… dad on the left, mum on the right.

I wonder if it’s the opposite in the Northern Hemisphere?

Locked out and I had my key!

So I came home after work yesterday and couldn’t open the front door. I could hear the tumblers shift but I could not open the door. I tried over and over. I had a new key so I thought it might have been inexpertly cut… but no. On trying both Hugamuga and Dippity’s keys I was forced to the conclusion that it was the lock itself that wasn’t working.

I went round the back to get in through the back.

Now the back door is rarely opened. And after years of heat and water (neglect) the wood has rotted somewhat.

On top of that as we don’t use this door we tend to use it as a wall and stuff gets piled up against it.

So when I finally got the stiff lock open I found I had to push against some wine boxes, a pair of sandshoes and two packets of heat beads for the barbie.

“Er… Mum… you’ve munted the door…” says Hugamuga as I triumphantly march to the front door and fling it open.

the broken door

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The story of the lock fix

1201 – Hi what seems to be the problem?
1201 to 1205 – Man takes off door handle. Takes out lock. Shakes it a bit. Realigns lock. Screws it back in.
1206 – That’ll be $99 thanks love.


As Dippity says: “Think of it as a repair AND lesson on how to do it next time…”

The door will be a bigger problem. For now, the drinks fridge is keeping us safe.

PS: If you’re into Entrecard, make sure you enter my 1000th post=1000ec competition. I’ll be announcing the winner soon. 🙂

No post today – too busy binge drinking

Reeling from the shock of being labelled a binge drinker this morning (yes I occasionally share a bottle of wine with my husband) – I find myself unable to post.


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At least I’m not drinking at this restaurant!

How to replace your Singstar microphones

Groover and The Poshi with Dippity getting in the picture

We are Singstar addicts. I’m not proud of it. It’s just a fact.

We love it, and it has become the family game of choice. The kids have worked out the exact drone you need to not actually sing but still win the game. Groover and I prefer the “sing your heart out approach”.

Funny to watch. To hear? Not so much.

But it came to pass that one of the microphones broke. A wire loose I suspect. Whatever. It wasn’t any fun to play when one of the mics wasn’t recording your singing properly.

So we decided to buy a replacement microphone.

Dead air is the term radio people use to describe the sound on the wireless when NOTHING is going to air.

Dead air is the term I’m using now to describe Sony’s response when we asked where we could get a replacement microphone. That’s right. If your microphone breaks – Sony expect you to buy another full game. $109.

So we decided to try and use the microphones from an old kareoke game we had. Problem. The input jack of the kareoke mic is 6 cm and the input of the little dongle thing from Singstar is 3.5 cm.
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No worries, I thought, we’ll just go to Dick Smiths and get an adapter. Problem. Sony has cunningly made the hole just a little bit smaller than the adapter… and all the microphones for sale have this larger input jack.

I didn’t give up. No corporate giant is going to get the better of me! I went to my local guitar shop – Just Music – and they managed to find me a skinny 3.5 cm plug on a cord and a female-to-female plug which allowed me not only to fit my old mic to Singstar but also gave me a couple of metres extra cord so I could sing from my favourite couch on my lardy arse.

Totally love that.

So if your Singstar mic breaks – you can use any other microphone. Just pop down to your local guitar shop, take your Singstar USB dongle thingy with you so you can fit the new bits, and you can be singing as sweetly as me.

For a grand total of $17.

Singstar components

See the red plug? That’s the Singstar microphone plug. The trick is to find a skinny plug to fit into the Singstar dongle. You also need an adapter to fit a bigger plug – the one most other microphones use.

Singstar replacement microphone

Our new set-up to replace our broken Singstar microphone.

A guaranteed laugh

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