Category Archives: Modern Life

Oh Pinot Gris you’re just like me

You Are Pinot Gris

More hip than most, you spot trends before they even really get started.
If something is new and unique, you know about it… and you’ve probably tried it.
You have a good number of projects, interests, and relationships – but they are all fleeting.
The world is so appealing and diverse, you can’t help but seek variety.

Deep down you are: A true flirt

Your partying style: Exclusive. You only party with people you’ve personally selected.

Your company is enjoyed best with: A big bowl of pasta

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Perhaps it’s because I’m having an alcohol-free week that I was drawn to this blog thing. If I can’t drink it at the very least I can write about it.

Groover has joined me by only drinking beer this week – thanks Groove – your support is awesome.

At least I know the remnants of that St Clair Sav Blanc will still be there when I start drinking again.

The program I’m kind-of-not-really following anymore recommends red wine as it is more filling and better for you. One glass only, you understand, at a time a day.

I went back to the physio today. Turns out he’s a comedian. “Oh yes the only reason we’re always recommending exercise is to pay the mortgage! Ha ha ha.” It’s a bit like a dentist giving you a lolly after having your teeth drilled.

The hip flexor is improving nicely thank you, I might even go for a walk on the weekend.

Don’t want to push things.

Now I wonder how that big bowl of pasta is going to fit into the diet?

Powerful presentation

Presenting…has NOTHING to do with PowerPoint.

Oh the agonising sessions I’ve been to! I once had to sit through a presentation of 82 slides! 82! Madness. Boring and irritating.

I’m thinking about good old PowerPoint because of Cromley – who points out that people sometimes get PowerPoint confused with Word.

Well that would explain some of the text heavy slides I’ve seen in my time.

It seems to me that PowerPoint has made us lazy. We don’t have to learn our speeches off by heart any more. We don’t have to think of ways to “entertain” our audience.

And because speakers are so focussed on their slides they don’t see the eye rolls, the yawns, the snores… those glazed looks when people just have their eyes pointed in the right direction but are not actually seeing anything.

When Groover worked for GE Capital a hundred years ago, they had a corporate policy on PowerPoint: Only ONE slide per presentation. One!

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Maybe that’s a little extreme – but then, maybe the MD like me had been bored mental by Powerpoint presentations.

Personally I think if you are going to have slides they need to offer something that you can’t in your speech. A graph. An image. A video. A groovy animation – which PowerPoint is quite good at making.

One speaker I saw who used it very effectively had an automatic presentation with a soundscape running behind it. He used images which just smoothly changed from one to the other. At the most there was maybe three words, if any at all, on the slide. He just told his story and the slides ran in the background. He didn’t talk “to” his slides at all.

Do you use PowerPoint? How do you use it effectively?

Update:  If you enjoyed this article you might want to read my article on public speaking.

Creative Commons License photo credit: adactio

Groins, groans and complete bollocks

So an update on my groin.

I know you’re fascinated. Yes you are – don’t be coy…

It’s not my groin.

It’s my hip flexor.

Basically I can’t lift my leg up – this makes stairs tricky and in fact walking is a bit frankensteiny – you know what I mean – stiff.

I went to the physio today who gave me ultrasound and electrical stimulation… kind of a buzzy sensation, last felt by me when in labour using a TENS machine. Made absolutely NO difference to my labour pains but felt quite good on my upper thigh.

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It’s 101 steps people!

Also, I saw this on Wikipedia:

Perth is considering a bid for the 2028 Summer Olympics. Perth hosted the 1962 Commonwealth Games, and the FINA World Championships in 1991 and 1998. Holding the America’s Cup in 1987, the Red Bull Air Race from 2006, the Hopman Cup and many international matches from rugby and cricket, Perth has developed high experience in holding a memorable performance through their international sports. From their experience Perth can deliver the 2028 Olympic Games with high expectations.

That smells like rubbish to me.

By the way, I had a fellow complain to me today about the word bollocks. Said it was outrageous and rude and shouldn’t be allowed to be said publicly… is bollocks that bad? Does it offend you?

Get me a stretcher!

5.40 am: I wake up, struggle into my gym gear and running shoes left out in a neat pile the night before. Make myself a hot water with a squeeze of lemon. Fill up my water bottle. It’s dark, but not as cold as it has been.

6.00 am: I’m at the beach carpark standing in the dark with a group of similarly clad people… I think. It’s a bit hard to tell in the murky pre-dawn. The instructor has a miners’ light on her head.

6.05 am: Warm up. We do knees up runs to the road and back, kicking our feet to our bums. Then stretches. I sit on the ground. As I put my feet together and draw them towards me, I feel a twang. Ouch! I can’t seem to get my knee to fall out towards the ground. And it hurts.

6.12 am: 3 kilometre run to test our fitness. Hmmm my right foot feels odd. Flat footed. And my groin is a bit sore… must be that thing that happened before… still… I jog on. Get back in 21 minutes 27 seconds… not last, nowhere near first.

6.35 am: Pushups and Situps. I manage one proper mens pushup and 19 knees down pushups in a minute and 20 full situps in another minute.

6.45 am: Stretches

6.50 am: Get up. Ouch! That groin thing is hurting.

So I go back to the club for measurements (OMG lets NOT go there) and then the instructor does a bit of massage. It still really hurts.

I go home, shower, get ready for work and go to the office. By the time I get out of the car and start walking up the stairs I’m hobbling. Ooohwee it hurts to lift my leg up to the next stair.
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I get some ice.

It gets worse during the morning.

At lunchtime I pop (stagger, hobble) to the physio across the road and am advised to strap, ice and rest… and take some nurofen… I’ll get to see the physio himself tomorrow.

The picture is of me looking down at my lap at work with ice pack over strapped thigh.

The nurofen helps.

I feel like such an idiot. Day one of a ten day intensive program and within five minutes I’m injured. At least footy players you know… are fit before they get a groin injury.

Pathetically I drag myself home. I’m sticking to the diet and I’ll do upper body work at the gym tomorrow and miss the beach circuit. Sigh.

I never got injured when I lazed about at home on the computer, or was prone on the couch watching telly, or slept in! And the muscle ache from that run hasn’t even kicked in yet.

Bloody Olympics!

Overheard – an unusual request

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Spring has sprung

Can you live with bad spelling?

Me… not so much.

Sure I’m not perfect. Definitely has always been a tricky one for me and just the other day bolognese had me a bit flummoxed but if I notice a mistake – I can’t go to sleep knowing that it’s there.

I write a lot for my living and I read a lot, and let me tell you that bad spelling, especially on a job application does not impress.

Sure on radio you could argue does spelling really matter? – it’s not like anyone can actually see the words – but it does matter.

If you’re reading a script and you notice a bad spelling you check yourself. The read can become stilted, can sound read as you try and decipher what is being meant.
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Bad spelling can change the meaning of the sentence… and worse really bad spelling can make you giggle – and laughing on air – well what if it was a script about a serious subject – an obituary for example.

Frankly if it’s typewritten there is no excuse.

Handwritten? Should I be grateful they can write at all? Well everyone makes mistakes I guess. I’ll allow one or two but no more.

This guy? Well I can hear he is frustrated with the bad spelling he encounters everyday – my advice – never give up!

Colin – I join you in your crusade!

Watching the Opening Ceremony

aussies thanks to The West - click to read article[pronounced ceremonny you understand not ceremoany]

It is endless isn’t it, the parade of nations. Both Groover and Dippity are asleep – Hugamuga on a sleepover. I’m a bit over it myself but determined to stay up to watch the Australians walk in. They come in third last.

Plus, I’m curious to see how the Chinese light the cauldron. We’ll see just how curious if I make it to the end.

So far the majority of teams appear to be wearing white. Yawn. Thank goodness for those Caribbean and African teams who bring a bit of colour to the scene.

Oooh I like the Spanish – red and yellow as you’d expect. And New Zealand look pretty stylish in black. And sure the Italians look stylish – but grey. Boring. The French looked bizarre – the women with huge red belts over their shirts.

The Americans – with their enormous team – I thought looked good. I really liked the fact that both the men and women wore the same gear. It looked so much better than having different uniforms for the women. Classy. Nice stuff.

I don’t know what happened to Channel 7’s commentary. We were watching on HD and there was practically none. Terrible. So we switched the sound to 720 ABC Perth and listened to Glenn Mitchell and Tracey Holmes describe both the spectacle and the teams entering the arena. Great job. Really added to the coverage – and also filled us in on what was happening during the TV ad breaks. 🙂

Hmmmm the Mexican women looked nice didn’t you think?

Waiting waiting waiting for the Aussies.

The Opening Ceremony was pretty impressive wasn’t it. The unison in which the dancers moved was exquisite.

And getting the athletes to walk through the paint… neat.
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Ah they are coming in…


They are wearing a shiny tracksuit top which is the palest of pale blue at the top fading down to navy at the bottom which blends into the trousers (held up by silver belts).

The tracksuit tops in close up don’t look like they fit terribly well, but I will say looking down on the stadium they do look rather nice.

Better en masse from a distance but … okay.

Phew. Always a heart in the mouth moment.

Gotta go now. A cauldron to light and a family to relocate to their beds.

Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi!

Updated to add: Oooh I like how they used the athletes footprints as the stage. Very neat.

(Xinhua Photo) Photo Gallery>>>

Updated again to say: The lighting of the cauldron? Rocked. London – you’ve got some work to do.

Are you doing the Beijing thang?

Creative Commons License photo credit: madiko83

I was listening to the radio today and I heard a woman talking about what she’s doing this Friday night.

She’s cooking Chinese food, dressing up in her cheongsam, and inviting a few friends around to watch the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games on her big screen.


I hadn’t even considered that.

Not even in passing.

And you know, it’s on at a great time for Perth. We’re on the same time zone so at 8 past 8 (or whatever) we’d be able to tune in.

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When I finally got home I’m asking Groover – oh what did the this look like? Oh and what about that?

I missed the first bit of the Sydney ceremony for some reason too…

Maybe this year I should make the effort. Maybe this year I should be there for the start in front of a screen somewhere.

Or maybe… I’ll just go to Dim Sum again on Saturday morning…


It’s a good excuse!

At last, a sensible wine glass.

No words needed, just a cheeky Sauvignon Blanc…

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Why you should wipe your computer before dumping it

Hugamuga goes diving for computers

Because as likely as not someone – like my son – or perhaps not so nice – may come along and take it for their own purposes.

Yes my son and his mates go diving in roadside trash to salvage old computers, monitors and keypads etc.

And if you have photographs or personal information about yourself on that computer you might end up sharing it with someone who really – you don’t want it shared with.
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Hugamuga deleted all of the files of this former year 12 female student, including folders of photographs, homework, and probably emails – we didn’t check – just wiped the hard drive.

So be safe – wipe your computer before dumping it – just in case.

Hugamuga goes diving for computers