Category Archives: Modern Life

Stopping to smell the flowers

Not that south west orchids smell – well not that I know of – but it occured to me today that I haven’t seen even one orchid in the wild this year.

In fact at all.

And I love these little treasures of the bush.

It makes me feel good to find them.  Feel good to know that they are there.

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Are these the indicators that tell you your life is out of balance?

Maybe it’s the holiday season or maybe it’s Groover’s change in work.  His change becoming my change?

Or at least forcing me to reassess my life.

What are the indicators in your life?

Good thing you can’t read my mind

Don’t you hate it when someone asks you:  “Well what do you think?”

Be it a new car, tv, dress, pair of jeans, website, quality of card play or haircut it is a minefield most of us fear to tread.

Cars for instance.  For me they are a form of transport.  Sure I love that new car smell and shiny leather uphostery.  I especially like blue dashboard lights and expandible cup holders but I’m hard pressed to tell a Honda from a Mazda from a Mazerati (they are the flat ones aren’t they?).

I’m not one for appreciating the line of the spoilers or whatever they are.  I’m never going to fall into that “pimp my car” category, no neon lights under my chassy baby.

Same with television sets.  I like them big and flat but do I know the difference between a Panasonic and a Sony?  No.  Can I really see better definition in one over the other?  No.

So don’t ask me to comment on cars and tellys… or computers – can I tell what graphics card you’ve installed?  No.  

Does my bum look big in this?

When you don’t have the jargon and you don’t want to hurt the asker’s feelings – what do you do?  

It’s the classic – does my bum look big in this scenario?

Frankly you don’t want the answer – you just want appreciation.

So that’s why you’ll hear me comment on the sleek lines of your turbo charged machine, the definition so crisp you feel you could pull a hair out of that actor’s head, the lack of lag time in that grisly-so-violent-I-can’t-bear-to-look game you’re playing.

Do I really have an opinion?  No.

But I care about you and I want to be enthusiastic about the things you like.

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My new haircut.

It’s a little… short.  But just think of it as always-having-my-hair-up.

Groover has an honesty in comments policy – which is good because I know when he really likes something but it’s bad because I also know when he really doesn’t.

I’m a little nervous.

So here’s my strategy:

I’ve texted him from the hair salon: “Don’t freak out.  I’ve got short hair!”

My plan is to get him to imagine the worst – some scary Prisoner (Cell Block H) style – and then when he walks in the door the reality will be a relief.

That woman up the back looks scary doesn’t she?

I don’t look that scary…

Update:  he’s either a very convincing liar… or he liked it!  (my strategy worked… bwah ha ha!)

By the way, the title of today’s post comes from a great song by Christine Lavin – check out the lyrics!  Classic.

Caught in the act

Since November 2006 I have carefully avoided my former gym, across the road from work in East Perth.  I had been a member there longer than any other gym I’ve been a member of.

I used to find it quite convenient to pop out during lunchtime for a quick half hour workout.

But then I went on holiday to Ireland (yes I’m blaming the Irish) and after that I never really got back into the rhythm of regular exercise.

Hence joining the team at Club HASAY.

So yesterday I had to walk to the bank at the end of the road to get coffee money.  It was a beautiful morning and I was quite pleased that the rediteller downstairs at the cafe was out of order, forcing me into the fresh air.

I got my money and almost skipped along the road to my favourite coffee pot – Punch.

As I neared the corner where my gym is, I blanched.

I’d forgotton to swap to the other side of the street and there, eyeballing me, was my former personal trainer – Dean – who remembered my name…

“Hey Cellobella, how’s it going?  Doing much exercise lately?”

Of course it was obvious that I hadn’t been.
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I couldn’t get out of there quickly enough and I came up with the perfect exit line.

“So Dean, when is the next boot camp?”

“Not til January…”

“Oh,” I said, “What a shame… well, better go.  Bye!”

As if I was going to do boot camp.  *snort*

So how is the exercise-diet thing going?

Well I’ve been walking 3-4 times a week but the diet is a bit of a worry… apart from lunch.  The Lunch Club at work is still going strong and really works well.

I’m sitting here now, waiting for my lunch to arrive, waiting for the surprise!

Now if only I could organise a dinner club…

Happy Birthday Hugamuga!

My baby is 14 today.

And, poor thing, is lying in his unmade bed today.

You see, Groover and I had birthdays in the last couple of months and the kids did not think it necessary to make a fuss.

No cups of tea, no homemade cards, no thought on the morning of our birthdays.

To be fair, Hugamuga did make a bowl of soup for his father for his birthday but failed to tell him it was his present and it sat, congealing on the stove until Groover chucked it out, not realising it was a gift of love.

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So this morning was a pretty lame affair.

And Dippity is likewise looking at a fairly quiet day in April.

It’s not like we’re asking for much.  Some fussing, a homemade card, a cup of tea perhaps, presented in bed on the morning of our birthdays is all that is required.

Trust me kids, it’s worth sucking up to your parents.


Vision boards and horses

I’m not a great fan of Oprah but my mum is, and not long ago she insisted we sit down and watch an episode in which Oprah advocated vision boards.

On these boards you put pictures of things you want to happen in your life. It’s like an extension of The Secret.

Today I decided to take a photo of a block that Groover and I have lusted after for about twenty years. We drive by it and say – that’s our block. So far it hasn’t manifested for us probably because we don’t have the multi-million dollar savings plan required to buy it.

But why should financial reality get in the way of a dream?

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Not a bad view huh?

In walking around the suburb I came across this:

What the?

Some kind of creative visualisation maybe?

I’m guessing the residents of this house like horses.

Surprise! I’m behind you…

I nearly wet my pants when I saw this guy outside my window!

He and a mate were cleaning the windows at work on these dinky little swing things – very athletically it must be said.
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But I must say I did feel a little exposed.

btw – that little cone thing in the foreground is part of an Artopia exhibition we had in the foyer at work. Artopia was this great program where artists created installations in various workplaces in Perth. Unfortunately it has been discontinued. 🙁

First birthday parties

I went to a first birthday party on Sunday. It was a bit weird.

I didn’t go with my family, just me, and it did feel odd going to a baby’s party without a… well… baby.

I was out of that space.

It made me wonder about how the people I invited to my first born’s first birthday felt because we had quite a big party and a lot of the guests didn’t have kids.  I even had nametags.

That’s my dad holding up his one-year-old grandson.

Of course for your first child you want to have what’s really an adults party.  To thank your support group and to celebrate surviving the first year.  

It’s more about you than your child – and really – now I wish I’d bought Miss Lithuania and Smartrider a present rather than their son – who, let’s face it – is highly unlikely to hold it against me!

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Next first birthday party I go to – the present will be a “well done, you survived the first year” gift.

Miss L looks happy she survived huh?

I learned a new tradition – not sure if it’s Lithuanian or not – but at this party the birthday child was allowed to grab his first birthday cake.  Apparently his mum and sister got to do the same.

Have you heard of that tradition?

I think it’s kind of cute… if a bit sticky.

White elephants and minstrels

Today I found it really difficult to get up.  I don’t think it was the late night – it wasn’t that late.  I went to see Rachel Berger at the Regal Theatre – which was fun because she got the entire audience to come up on stage – publicity hadn’t been that great and there was only about 100 of us in the enormous theatre.  

Anyway it was hard to get up but Groover encouraged me with a few gentle comments:

“Get up you lazy lump of lard!” 

“Are you still in bed?  I thought you were getting fit?!”

So I got up and we set off on our walk.

It was low tide down at Cottesloe today…

Which was unfortunate really as the Climate Change people were down the beach preaching global warming and rising sea levels and sadly for them… it didn’t look that bad…

They were also there preaching against nuclear power – yes it is the Premier’s electorate and a lovely setting for a rally.

We walked on – it was a beautiful day – the sun was shining, the breeze was offshore and slight…

We walked past the OBH – hang out of rural folk who head to the bright city lights – and of travelling Irishmen. Yes Ken, this photo was taken for you. 🙂

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I talk occasionally about the rubbish left by people visiting Cottesloe – it’s a little bugbear of mine – but that’s not to say the council isn’t doing their best.  Although I think they have given up on the Michael Jackson campaign.

Do you think people would throw rubbish at Whacko Jacko if he was seen swimming off Cottesloe Beach?

Maybe that was the problem…

And today I thought I’d take a photo of a group of musicians who sing and play their instruments every weekend outside The Blue Duck.

I don’t know anything about them but I love the fact that they are there.

On the way back we stopped into Lemon Station for breakfast.  The food was excellent, if slow in coming and the orange juice sublime.

Did you know that Valencia oranges don’t go bitter like Navel oranges do when you juice them?  No, neither did I until this week.

To finish today a “Dad Joke” from Groover:

Did you hear about the group of kids who broke into an Asian restaurant and threw loads of fried food around for no reason?

Police are describing the incident as wonton vandalism.

Yep them are the jokes folks – have a great weekend.  I have to study my bridge system card now. I’m playing bridge for the first time this year (!!!) on Monday.  What a life eh?

Help! I’m addicted

You know, I have a pretty busy life.

I work full-time, I run a household, I walk four times a week (well, I will be), on Thursdays I go to sewing lessons (see photo), I blog, I listen to several podcasts, I read books,  I talk to my husband and kids, I watch TV and I sleep.

I really don’t have time for an addiction.

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And it’s serious.

I just can’t stop playing sudoku on my phone.


HASAY update

Well I’ve been eating healthily – apart from dessert on the weekend and drinking wine.

And I’ve been walking a lot more.

My friend said I looked like the exercise was working.

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Goals for this week:

To track what I eat
To walk at least 4 times