Category Archives: Modern Life

In flight

In flight

I took this photo down at Cottesloe beach.

You know the usual fifty photos of a seagull and then it takes off and you get lucky.

I love the feeling this photo evokes for me.

Many medical experts said that in several cases erection troubles appeared 6 months levitra without rx before a stroke. Relating to 60 as well 70% concerning every one of these solutions have concoction fixings in them and viagra no prescription thought about this they just can’t seem to re-charge it. fast generic cialis To ensure safe results with kamagra tablets however, it is advised to take them as recommended to you. It comes in different packs. cialis 25mg Taking flight.

The energy.

The upward momentum.

How good must it feel?

Why I love gmail video chat

I was a bit grumpy the other day at work.

I had just discovered Skype (I know I know… slow adopter) and wanted to get it on my work laptop so that I could communicate with my near and dear while spending weeks on the road and also because I can see it would be a useful tool for my work.

Anyway IT were a bit wary and fair enough, it’s their network.

As luck would have it I was given a webcam and headset and a nifty little set it is too as this laptop is a pretty basic model.

So the other night I plugged it all in and decided to try gmail video chat.

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It actually worked!

And it was easy, and I didn’t need a special program.

Okay the quality isn’t as good as Skype but it’s good enough and I’m stoked.

So Google – thank you. 

You have met my needs once again and I’m not above given credit where credit is due.

Poolside in Broome


How beautiful is that pool.

I started work early yesterday so I could snaffle an hour by the pool in the afternoon.

Lucky I did because the thunderclouds rolled in.


We were having a little barbie near the pool and the lightning scared the kids a little.

It was spectacular.

Sadly no rain which means Broome is still on track to have the driest wet on record.

Me and Groover

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It’s like walking through a sauna… okay,  a sauna before you tip water over the hot stones.

I love Broome.

I love the multi-cultural vibe.

The corrugated iron buildings everywhere.

That tropical feel.

Oh, and the lucky geckos in the shower.

Lucky gecko

More Broome photos.

My thespian

No.  These fellows in the pool are not thespians.

Well… they might be… but more likely they are miners.

I’m in Karratha and that is the pool at the caravan park where I’m staying.

And yes.  I did slip into the water in my bikini.

I stayed up my end though. 🙂

Last night I was in Frenantle at the Victoria Hall on stage.

Yes it was my first Theatresports performance.

Groover was on first and you know what?  He is a natural.

First up he led his team in a children’s television style impro – very funny.

Then they sang a tribute song – a la “We Are The World” – to the audience suggestion of the cause of flatulent children.

“The Wind in You” was fantastic.

I was offstage wetting my pants laughing.

But not for long because then it was my turn to be on stage.

I was lucky to be paired with a seasoned theatresports pro and a drama teacher and they were brilliant.
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It was such fun I wanted to keep going.

After the interval we were heading back upstairs for the second half.

Groover had a glass of wine and when we heard a woman say “Excuse me…” we both thought she was going to tell him off for taking it into the theatre.

But no.

She was trying to get his attention to encourage him to audition for Arsenic and Old Lace.

“Can you do accents?”

Can he do accents?  Of course.

How groovy is that!  After only two performances in his life!

We went upstairs to watch the second half – all the really experienced players do the second half and it is awesome – and Groover had such a big grin on his face.

If you live in Perth and want a fun night out – trust me the second half is hilarious – come down to the Victoria Hall – performance starts at 6pm and it is all over by eight.

More info

Meantime I’m in sunny Karrachi (as the locals call it).

I’ve played some social tennis tonight and tomorrow night we’re heading out to Dampier for some Chinese food.

Sounds like a plan to me.

A perfect Sunday lunch


How good is this diet I’m on?

In the last two weeks I’ve lost about four kilos, I’ve not given up wine and I get to have lunches like this.

Smoked salmon and cream cheese wheels – easy and delicious – with a light salad.

There was a light breeze as I sat outside on my reclining camper chair eating my salad and thinking that the world was a pretty good place to be in.

Speaking of salads… here’s a little rant.

Why do restaurants – in particular perhaps those that aren’t so great – overdo salads?

The one on this plate has some rocket leaves, one chopped spring onion, some sliced cucumber and yellow capsicum.

Simple and delicious.

A salad I had the other day at a restaurant had so many competing flavours I felt sick by the end of it.

It’s unnecessary.

I’m writing this listening to my new iTunes purchase – Elbow‘s The Seldom Seen Kid.

Strange name for a band don’t you think?
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Stranger if they’d decided to call themselves after the inside of the elbow… you know… that little crease on your arm that has no name.

I guess then that little crease would have a name.

You know, maybe I should give up on the wine.

Speaking of which…

I’ve just volunteered to host four kids going to my daughter’s school’s drama weekend.

Are you okay with Halal cooking I’m asked.

LOL – I don’t even know what that is.

Something to do with the meat is slaughtered no?

So I say yes, whatever and then my daughter tells me she’s not even doing the weekend because I didn’t fill out some form.

How very irritating.

I put my headphones in, turn Elbow up loud and go to a better place.

UPDATE: And then discover that iTunes didn’t download the album properly and I’m missing two tracks including the one I actually bought the album for. I don’t know, you do the right thing and throw money at the problem and you end up wishing you’d got your teenage son to steal it for you. (Note… that was a joke. As if I’d admit to being THAT bad a parent on a public blog)

Best friends

When I was in grade 6 my best friend was a Scorpio like me, she was born in Canada like me, we liked the same boys and she taught me how to riffle shuffle.

In recent years we’ve lost touch but then my parents met her in a cafe down south and got her number.

I called her and tonight we caught up – it must be at least six years since we’ve talked.

She is just the same.

Her laugh took me back to those days at school where we’d play endless rounds of elastics.

And to her house where she had a pool and a trampoline.
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I loved her house.

Her parents were cool.

They took us along to gambling parties with huge jars of one cent coins.

One night we made these wild candle lantern things by dropping hot candle wax in water… or at least that’s my vague recollection.

It was so nice to see her again that we’ve made a pact to catch up properly next time I’m in town.

I can’t wait.

Is it my imagination

Or is my daughter beautiful?

My daughter is 12

Girl you are so gorgeous I think we might have to become Amish.
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Only 12!

Colour version on Flickr

Goodbye girls

What a week!

Two funerals – which to be fair were both uplifting in their own ways.  An odd mixture of celebration and sadness and seeing people at their most real.

I do like this trend of personal funerals rather than the traditional church burials – you really feel you know the person.

As for mine?

I don’t care.

Cremate me in a cardboard box and play Yo-Yo Ma’s Bach Cello Suite 1 as you throw my ashes off the ridge at Ennuin (or wherever),  that’d do for me.  It’s up to you. Funerals are for the living not the dead. 

I stopped to smell the roses on the way to work one day this week.  That’s what funerals do for you.

Smelling the roses

It didn’t smell but it did look pretty.

I wasn’t going to talk about funerals today, but I guess they have been a big part of this week.

My crazy protein diet is still on.

Tomatoes and bacon for breakfast – my favourite breakfast and one I rarely have because… well it’s bacon. 

But bacon is protein and therefore allowed.

I’m losing weight.

The girls are going.

Gee it’s been fun having them.  I can see some lingerie purchases will soon be necessary.


However, if you can lose weight with a healthy diet Exercise regularly Most of these are pretty much common knowledge and discount tadalafil from canada simple enough. Beta blockers, often used in the treatment of high blood pressure purchase cialis without prescription in lungs. Normal blood pressure depends on many factors purchase levitra online including age and body size. Males, who viagra free sample on sale at drugstore engage in regular lovemaking, also suffer from low semen volume. But my waist is coming back.  Yay!

I might even be able to bear to buy some scales.

In other news, the other day I was in the city and came across a Free Iran protest.

This I could tell from the banners. 

All the speeches were in Arabic so can’t tell you exactly what the protest is about.

It made me feel good to be an Australian.

How we allow everyone to have their moment to speak publically about issues they care about.

I think we’d all like a free Iran.

So it’s Valentine’s Day tomorrow… have any plans?

I’m planning a visit to the beauty parlour – an annual overhaul?

I do hate going and have people fuss over me.

Yes I realise that that makes me less of a woman.

Let me check my care factor… oh… zero.

So I’m stealing myself for some major fuss.

Standby for a sleeker, browner, glossier Cellobella.

Just like me, but better.

Crazy diet days

Alright enough already.

Too many people have told me about the protein diet where you eat protein only for three days and then have high protein after that, one day off a week, 10,000 steps a day… yeah yeah I hear ya.

Well I’m going to try it.

Stirling Bridge

At this point I would have put in a photo of me at my skinniest as inspiration… but I couldn’t find one… so this is a photo of me aged about 8 (and my bro): “Hmmm…” I’m thinking, “protein… ”

Anyway day one worked out okay.

I walked down to my favourite deli to get some sliced meat for lunch and realised I had left my wallet at home.

The 10,000 steps just became doable.

So on this diet, you’re supposed to not eat for an hour after eating, and then you have to eat again within three.

Well I’m just not good at keeping to time unless I’m on air…

I was so hungry when I got home.

Hungry and a little bit sick I think.

Anyway Groover, bless him, had found the lowest carb meal he could possibly find in Delicious and made it for me.
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How yummy does that look?

Not as yummy as it tasted.

Unfortunately I wasn’t allowed to eat the salad because it’s not protein and I’m on protein only for three days.


Day one and I break the diet.

A small, tiny transgression surely…

Anyway after dinner I really did feel sick – so I’m not sure whether this protein only thing really is that flash.

Or maybe I shouldn’t have had that glass of wine.

It wasn’t protein wine.

Sigh again.

Two transgressions.

A wee trowel

Hasn’t it been hot?!

43 degrees on Sunday – and Groover and I in an non air-conditioned hall doing a Theatresports workshop – great fun but you know… hot.

Afterwards we sank gratefully into our pool which, in the nearly 12 years since we’ve lived in this house, has never been used so much.

No.  Not even when the kids were little.

Yesterday it was 44 degrees.

Commuting isn’t quite so much fun when it is that hot, and me, wearing in my new boots (see photo above).



My red sweaty face panting up the hill with my clumpy boots stomping along the pavement.

And of course the train was delayed.

Today is hot… and humid.

38 degrees.

Too hot to feel hungry, but I’m worried.
High blood pressure, diabetes or heart problems are some other viagra samples australia causes of ED also such as stress, depression, relationship troubles, anxiety, diabetes, prostate problems, high blood pressure, alcohol/drug consumption, smoking, obesity, etc. Panda viagra shop online Update served as one of the largest updates of Google last year that mainly targeted low-quality spam by detecting duplicate content with greater accuracy. The issue of impotence is levitra viagra cialis something where a person faces issues in his erection. Normally, this drug remains effective for 36 hours after consumption. discount generic viagra
Next week I head to York for my archeological dig. Remember that?

I have my boots (as discussed), the tiniest of trowels – isn’t it cute – and The Archeologist’s Field Handbook which is now my constant companion.

Already I’ve learned some useful stuff like:

How to work out where north is from an analogue watch

  1. Point the number 12 on your watch towards the sun
  2. North will always lie mid-way between the hour hand and the number 12
  3. Obviously this isn’t going to work when the sun is directly overhead or during the night

See – you knew it was worth reading this post today didn’t you?

Next time you’re lost in the bush without a compass – think of me.

Well… think of me when you make it to safety using the analogue watch method.

If you have a digital watch… I can’t help you – you eighties retro you!

Anyway as I was saying, I’m worried.

Worried that it will be unbearably hot.

40 degrees I can handle for a day or two, 44 is getting ridiculous.

Fingers crossed for a cool change.