Category Archives: Community Blogger Award

Update: Community Blogger Awardees

This morning, instead of cleaning my house (and it REALLY needs a clean) or watching my son play cricket, I’ve caught up with the CBA Blogroll. That’s not to say that everyone who has received this award is on my list but those who have left their names and/or nominees in comments get (eventually) added to my blogroll.

I have been humbled by how far this award has spread but it does prove what I have always held to be true – that this internet we play in is filled with large and small supportive blogging communities.

And how much do we appreciate that support when difficult decisions must be made and we seek advice, when something goes wrong of a technical nature on our blogs, when our days just feel like shit, when we’re in pain through grief or loss, or when something magical happens that we are just bursting to share.
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Community makes the world a better place and I for one am grateful.

So please, if you’ve received this award and are not on the blogroll – let me know in comments and I’ll add you. 🙂

Community Blogger Award

As you might know I received the Nice Matters Award recently from Joh and it was lovely to get especially as she had only just discovered this blog. Well I’ve noticed a person who has been so kind and helpful to this blogger and many others. I’ve noticed her helpful tips appearing on blogs as I surf around and I thought I’d award her the NMA.

But then I thought well I don’t really want to award her something for Nice Matters – although nice does matter. I wanted the award to say – this is a person who reaches out and makes my blogger community a better one.

So I’ve a made up a new award.

community blogger award

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So without further ado please congratulate Meg from Blogpond, the inaugural winner of this little award which is just a way to say thanks for all her tips, good humour and advice. Thank you.

PS: Please feel free to award this to a blogger you think deserves it.