Category Archives: Personal

Drunk on life

This last couple of weeks I’ve realised something profound.


Well… profound for me. 🙂

I’ve realised that I’ve made a mental shift from last year.

This year, I’m saying yes to life.

But more than that, for once in my life I feel as if I can set goals and make them happen.

Sure they are not huge goals, but last year at my lowest ebb, I could not even work out what I wanted to do, about anything.

It’s me time.

I guess the archeological dig was the first big thing.

I wanted to go on a scientific expedition – to get the feeling I got when I was 16 up in the Kimberley canoeing down crocodile infested rivers.

Yes that meant leaving my family for a week.

Imagine that.

Going away. On a holiday. Without my family.


It was so empowering to do something just for myself.

Not a business trip. Not a family trip. No obligations to anyone except me.

I felt like I was back at Uni again.

Second – I booked Groover and I into Theatresports workshops (and performances).

I’ve always enjoyed drama but again haven’t done any since Uni.

It is so much fun. I can only think I’m an idiot not to explore this before.


Third, at work I have realised that what gives me the most job satisfaction and why I have always wanted the job I have now to the metro equivalent is I love being out and about in Western Australia.

I love the landscapes – so different from one end to the next.

I love the people.

I love taking photographs and sharing them online.

I love driving.

The other day driving back from Geraldton, listening to Mumford and Sons (my latest obsession) practically all the way back, it felt so good to be behind the wheel, in charge of my own destiny, winding my way through the coastal heath.

Four and a half hours flew by.

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(Btw – that was four complete run-throughs of the CD plus many repeats of my favourite bits… ah but that is for another post… don’t want to bore you completely.)

I think you can see it in my face.

I feel like I am shining out of every pore.

I am in love with my life.

And I have so much energy.

Look at me.

Here at 6am on a Sunday morning blogging!

What’s up with that?

I feel fantastic and I can only hope that people around me can soak some of that up.

Hmm reading that back it sounds a bit manic.

I promise you I’m not a manic depressive.

Just drunk on life.

Which is a lot better than being hungover.

Oh I must tell you about last night before I leave you today.

Groover and I went out with some friends to the Oxford Hotel – nice makeover by the way guys.

Getting ready I was quietly going mental – all my clothes seemed so old and the girls going along were half my age.

In fact add their ages together and you get my age.


Anyway I pulled out an old but transparent top and wore my red bra underneath.

Yes a little bit racy but what’s the point of being slightly overweight and having a kick arse cleavage if you don’t take it out for a spin now and again?

Anyway long story short – I felt great – and even better when I heard the (was it surprise?) in one of the guys’ voice – You look hot tonight!

Yeah I did.

Take that young 20 somethings!

But maybe that was my “yes” light shining through.

I feel… dangerous.

Watch out.

A new year

I can’t say I’m sorry to be saying goodbye to the naughties.

Last year in particular was a bit grim and if I’m honest I’m quite looking forward to putting it behind me.

I’ve started the year off by “doing” the colon cleansing kit Mum gave me for Christmas last year.

Yes, it’s taken me a year to work myself up to it, and I possibly wouldn’t have gone there had I not felt really sick last Tuesday.

So sick I cancelled bridge.

That sick.

You see on this regime you have to cut back your food gradually for three days before embarking on a five day liquid only diet, and I could never seem to cut back!

But because I felt too ill to eat I naturally ate less – it just seemed that I should continue on.

Now it is day three of the liquid diet thing and I find it is not too bad.

I’m not hungry, I am however always thirsty which is odd because I am always drinking water.

On this regime you have five packets of toxin absorber a day mixed with apple juice.

The absorber is a fine clay like powder tasting mainly of dried ginger root. 😛

It bulks up in your stomach to make you feel full.
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They also recommend enemas and colonics but I am not going there.

I feel as if I’m not just cleansing my colon but my life, getting rid of the shit and the negativity of last year ready for the new.

2010 is going to be shit free.

Well not literally but you know what I mean.

Tomorrow I go back to work.

This year I’ve given up my carpark and will commute by train.

I’ve made a vegie patch to grow some of our own produce.

In fact perhaps the virgin soil of my garden bed is 2010 waiting for me to plant some seedlings…

(or maybe it’s just a big box of dirt)

I’m planning to join a gym.

And I have my archeological field trip to look forward to at the end of the month.

But right now… excuse me.

The water closet calls.

Being twelve

I would say this is a picture of me when I was 12… but I might have been 10. Dad would say it is a picture of his wall.

Do you remember when you were 12?

My best friend that year was a Scorpio just like me.

She was born in Vancouver and I in Montreal (although she was a ‘proper’ Canadian, my parents were both Australian working overseas).

She was the one who taught me how to riffle shuffle.

I was in Miss Greenham’s class.

I liked to play endless games of cards, monopoly, hopscotch and anything else we could find.

We had sleepovers and talked about the boys we liked.

And the ones we didn’t.

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We both wore pale pink broderie anglaise dresses to the disco at the end of the year.

I was in the recorder group and played the clarinet.

I went to ballet classes twice a week.

I was a long way from puberty.

My twelve year old daughter seems a lot older to me.

The new twelve?

But… isn’t she gorgeous?

My daughter

My daughter



I’m on holidays.

For four whole weeks.

And this year I want a real holiday.


I’m not very good at turning off.

I like to keep across my work emails.

I like to feel connected.

This year I’m trying something different.

I’ve left my Blackberry at work for my replacement.

I’ve set my emails to delete as they hit my inbox.

I don’t want to know.
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I’m pretending I’m the one trekking in India with no way of being contacted… by work.

It feels weird though.

My new phone feels too small.  Too slim.

I feel “out-of-the-loop” and it’s only been a couple of hours since I left work.

I feel… disconnected.

Hellooooo is anybody out there?!

So I have a new phone and if you want to ring me – send me an email or use the contact me form.

Oh and I’m hoping for a good handover note when I get back.



I was telling a mate the other day about a funny thing my son said in the car on the way to school.

He asked me what the safety rating of my car was.

I said I had no idea but it was probably a lot less with me driving it.


And my friend said – in a serious tone – oh yes well you are a bit of a tailgator aren’t you?

Am I?

*worried look*

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Am I?

So I asked Groover.

No… he said after some considered thought… I wouldn’t say you’re a tailgator…

(not the ringing endorsement I was looking for but I’ll take it)

And then I got my son to take a photo when we’re driving as proof.



What is a kibitzer?


For the first time EVER in all the years I’ve gone to quiz nights.

There has been a question about bridge.

And I knew the answer.

And we came second overall.

No.  It wasn’t one answer that got us second place but gee it sure felt good.

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But here’s a weird thing…

Today looking at my Twitter feed I noticed that hazelblackberry was at the same quiz nite!  (her blog)

It makes me wonder how often that happens…

Can’t be that often I wouldn’t have thought.

When two worlds collide eh?

Perth is a small place.

Bark watchers


Dippity and I went down to UWA today to go to an upmarket in the Undercroft.

We had to walk down the main drag to the Guild to get some money out and of course it was a chance for me to remember 25 years ago, my first day at university. 

Ahhhh they were good days…

We walked past the Oak Lawn and watched some medieval knights and ladies doing their hey nonny nonny thang.

We laughed at the AW building.

Awful isn’t it.

*Dippity face plants in reaction to terrible mum joke*

We wandered through that tropical garden in front of the Reid Library.
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I love that garden.

It’s so lush.

So we’re wandering through it and the trees just tower over you and Dipp finds this flower.

Surrounded by all that sandstone architecture, by the beautiful gardens she finds a single flower to photograph.

Well… I’m a fan of that macro button as well.

This violet reminds me of something I recently heard – I think it was someone talking about the GFC – one of those people putting together those mortgage packages for big banks to buy – the things that caused this recession.

He said “you know those people who can’t see the wood for the trees… well we couldn’t even see the trees.  All we could see was bark…”

Bark watchers.

I love that phrase.

Discomfort books

Jennifer Byrne from the First Tuesday Book Club on ABC1 says her comfort book is Marjorie Morningstar by Herman Wouk.

She read it when she was a teenager and it resonated.

It’s the story of a Jewish teenager  in the 1930s, living in New York with dreams of becoming an actress – she falls in love with this glamourous songwriter – look I could go on but perhaps Wikipedia has a more fulsome description…

…are you back with me?


Anyway many readers – in particular young teenage girls are completely disillusioned by the ending.

This is because Marjorie doesn’t fulful her dreams of becoming an actress, preferring to follow her dreams to marry this charming writer – who is a wastrel and a bit of a bastard if you ask me.

He skives off to Paris and she follows him, eventually finds him and when he asks her to marry him… turns him down.

She then goes back to New York and marries someone else, has four kids, goes prematurely grey and lives happily ever after.

Jennifer says she found this book very empowering as a teenager.
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Here is this young girl with big dreams living in New York, a working girl.  A girl forgoing the hunt for a husband in order to be a broadway success.

Maybe you have to be a teenager to see that.

I read a completely different story.

I read about a young girl, very beautiful but with not that much acting talent in a co-dependent relationship with a cad and who is more concerned about marrying said cad than her acting career.

Eventually she becomes worldly wise, realises the acting thang just ain’t never going to happen and realises that Noel is a complete loser as well.

Maybe it’s because I’m a grey-haired (though dyed a fetching brunette) mama from the burbs reading this and not a young 17 girl full of dreams.

Or maybe as a 17 year old you can’t see the old and cynical tone of Herman Wouk’s world?

For me, this book is about acceptance.  Acceptance of your limitations and those of others.

Have you read it?

What do you think?

Shocked that I care


I was in two office sweeps this year at a total outlay of $7.

I feel I got away lightly.

I was a bit bah humbug about the cup today. 

It felt like an interruption.

I resented the distraction.

Of course I tried to contact someone in Melbourne for work and it was a public holiday.  Sheesh!
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I’m sure my horses did their best.

The highlight?

Watching the trainer realising he’d won.

It brought a tear to the eye.

Maybe I do like the Melbourne Cup after all.

Hand me the new Dick Francis novel and a champagne darling!

It’s my birthday


Why is it that birthdays are less exciting the older you get?


Groover was sweet.  He knew I wanted to take choc chip cookies to work rather than a cake and so he made some for me.

Unfortunately they didn’t work out so well – dud recipe with no baking powder.
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But I love that he tried.

Luckily I had bought extra ingredients and the result you see above.

And maybe next time he’ll go to for the best choc chip cookie recipe of all time.

We don’t call them nom noms for nothing!