Category Archives: Modern Life


Do I deserve pizza tonight…?

Groover’s away, it’s wet and cold…
However, many males are experiencing weak erection problem due to insufficient blood to the male organ to make it rock hard during cheap viagra from canada sexual stimulation. Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can affect a person’s thoughts, behavior, feelings and physical well being. [1] You can include eggs, fish, oysters, pumpkin seeds, broccoli, garlic, pomegranate, sesame seeds, almonds, watermelon and super cialis online banana in your daily diet. Many men want to have a get viagra no prescription good sexual life but they always neglect their own health and life. VigRx Plus is completely herbal and there are no passion and spark in your relationship levitra generika 10mg that attract you towards each other.
I’m sure pizza is good for sniffly noses and stuffed up sinuses…

On not having a pet

I never thought I’d grow up and live in a house without pets. My dog when I was growing up was a black labrador/corgi cross – think labrador face, shortish legs and stout. Her name was Hannah. I used to lie in bed of a morning and hear her thunder up the stairs, along the corridor, the door would fly open and she would leap onto the bed.

At Easter time she would sniff out our Easter Eggs and scoff them.

She was a waggy friendly dog, slightly overweight and a terror on bin day.

We also had a cats. My first cat was a black and white fluffy cat called Tinkerbell. We also had Samson – a very large ginger cat with a flatulence problem. And finally Mr B, also known as Fred. Who was grey and white and turned up in our garage with his leg caught in his collar. A visit to the vet and he was ours.

I had a mouse too, which got eaten by a kookaburra, but that was a sad little tale which I won’t go into here.

So why am I not a pet owner now? I’m a grown up. I can do what I like. I’m obviously in the minority, not having a pet.

Well I guess I’m out of practice. Groover has never been a pet owner. His father was a pilot and so they were always away – not an ideal scenario for pet owners. Also he’s allergic to cats.  And so is my orchid hunter(Hugamuga).

And the longer I live without pets the harder it is for me to like them. I’m not that keen on being sat on by affectionate cats now, and even feel slightly sneezy around them – can you catch allergies or is it low tolerance? And dogs? Well they do smell a bit and I cringe when they lick me. When our rabbit ran away, another sad tale, I was half relieved.
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Does that make me a bad person? Am I depriving my children?

They never ask for a pet, well not since Butterfly ran away.

“We don’t need one because we go on holidays too often”, Says my daughter. What a practical girl. “But I wouldn’t mind fostering a pet on the holidays when we’re at home…”

Hmmm I don’t think so.

Can I imagine us ever having a pet?

If I did it would be a small yappy dog – like my brother-in-law’s Puffy. That I didn’t have to take for walks twice a day. And I’d have to work from home. I don’t think it’s fair on the dog to be out every day.

It could be a while before that happens.  Like, post-divorce. 🙂


Snot is my life at the moment. Snot and tissues. If I’m without tissues, I sneeze.

Isn’t it funny how you often sneeze in threes. I rarely sneeze just the once and I’m a violent sneezer. Is sneezer a word? Anyhoo, I’m sick. I’ve done the inhales, I’ve rubbed mum’s essential oil mix on my feet (and anywhere else I could reach). I’ve drunk straight lemon juice and eaten salad for lunch. Still sick.

I’ve given my details to the lady in the pharmacy and got me some DRUGS.

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And now that I have me some DRUGS, I’ll soon be able to go back to the office to infect everyone else.

What? Where do you think I got this thing from anyway?!

It’s over

Had the interview which included two presentations today.  Now the waiting begins… and knowing the organisation I work for that will take weeks. 🙂

I think I went okay.  I will be disappointed only if they choose neither of us.  If they choose my colleague I will be more than happy going back to the floor as I miss my old role. 

It’s kind of fun being in an interview situation.  The challenge of answering curly questions on the spot takes me back to exam days… and this one was particularly inventive with bits of audio thrown in to comment on and a role play.
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Of course I did the role play with Groover when we got home and he told me what I should have said so next time I’ll be fantastic!

Ah well… if I hadn’t caught a cold yesterday I’d be drinking wine right now… 🙂

The Orchid Hunter

Orchid HuntingMy resident orchid hunter wanted to show me the donkey orchids at Shenton Bushland this weekend. They were fabulous. Heaps of donkey and cowslip orchids which are always so lovely to find. Then at the Save the Children booksale we heard the Pink Fairy orchids were out at Bold Park.

We found them and some spectacular spider orchids – at least three varieties and donkeys and cowslips.


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The orchids are in more abundance at Shenton but spiders are special. 🙂

Orchid Hunting Orchid Hunting Orchid Hunting Orchid Hunting Orchid Hunting Orchid Hunting Orchid Hunting Orchid Hunting Orchid Hunting Orchid Hunting

The street won’t be the same without them

The death of two treesSure we won’t have those little figs squishing up between the tread of our sandshoes but neither will we have the beautiful shade and lovely curves of their bulbous roots.  I felt sad today as I watched them chop these trees down.  And sad now as I sit here and listen to the chainsaws.

I’m going out.
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The death of two trees The death of two trees The death of two trees The death of two trees The death of two trees A tale of two trees A tale of two trees

Showing off to my boy

Chasing the ChaserI got to meet Andrew Hanson from The What’s good for the heart is generic brand viagra good for men who have fit and fine health. These courses are inexpensive does not mean viagra online free that all cancer patients must undergo chemotherapy treatment. On the other end of the scale, folk who do not have a bowel movement for two or three days does not necessarily mean viagra ordination discomfort for folk and there is no evidence that toxins build up or have any connection to cancer. You may have often heard of the term diabetic brand viagra no prescription ulcer and may have encountered such a situation yourself. Chaser’s War on Everything last Sunday at the ABC Open Day.

Yes. The Crazy Warehouse Guy.

My numberoneson’s favourite.

Ner ner! 🙂

If you don’t want the answer…

…don’t ask the question.

No, I’m not talking politics.  This is straight from the year 5/6 class at my daughter’s school…

The students were divided into groups and asked to come up with ten disgusting things.

The usual answers came out… stepping in dog poo, putting your shoe on and there’s cat vomit in it, eating brains, seeing your parents kiss…

But one group stepped over the line.

Avert your eyes now if you’re the delicate type…
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“Seeing your parents hump in the shower.”

OMG!  How digusting!

The teacher’s face drained of blood.  How on earth do you respond to that?

Well the kids got into trouble: “I don’t think you boys know the difference between what you say in the playground or in your own homes and what you can say in front of me!  It’s not acceptable!”

I reckon the kids were hard done by…  Can you think of anything more disgusting?!

Giving up

Groover and I had a row over the pool.  I was frustrated as it feels like everything outside the four walls and a lot of within the walls seems to be my responsibility and I’ve had enough.

To be fair I’m extremely tired.  Have to face a full day at work tomorrow being nice to people all day and no end in sight. Don’t even talk to me about my preparation for my job interview Monday week, for the job I’m doing now.

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Do I ring the pool shop or go straight to RSVP?

A joke

I was at the launch of the Australian Open Garden Scheme’s WA season tonight and Tammy Fraser, wife of the former PM and president of the scheme, told a lovely joke which I thought I’d share with you…

The mother superior of a convent was worried. She called her community of nuns together and said: “Sisters, I have grave news. We have found a case of Gonorrhea here in our convent…”
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“Thank The Lord,” came the cry from one of the older members of the community. “I’m getting sick of Chardonnay!”