Category Archives: Modern Life

Don’t say I told you so

Friday night – less than a week after purchase of son’s mobile phone.

“Where’s your phone?”


“Right, off the computer – go and find it.”

Saturday afternoon – exactly one week after purchase.

“So, did you find your phone?”


Blood tests and urine tests are conducted to buying here viagra online consultation diagnose the male impotence. To sum all this up, you have to get under knife in that clinic. order generic cialis Bananas It’s not just because of their phallic shape that bananas are recommended check these guys cialis levitra viagra for improving penis health. The original cialis buy online comes in three dosages: 100mg, 50mg, and 25 mg. [Loud sigh] “Where do you last remember seeing it.”

“Playing soccer at the primary school on the way home?”

“Well, you better go and look there!” [mutters] “While I continue to dig through the mess on your floor.”

10 minutes later.

“Hey mum.  I found it!!”

He found it.  On the grass in the middle of the oval.  A brand new phone.  Left outside overnight. 

Not.  Happy.  Jan.

Hair, there and everywhere

02112007242Today you find your correspondent at the hair salon washing that grey right out of her hair.  I got up early to act as scorer at The Orchid Hunter’s cricket match.   Four hours of morse code later (have you ever scored a cricket match?  It’s all about dots, trust me), we lost and I joined the coven for lunch.

The Coven is The Poshi and the Software Engineer and I and we haven’t seen each other for ages so a lunch was in order, sandwiched (omg I’ve just wet myself with the wittiness of that pun) between cricket and my hair appointment.   Much gossip was shared.

As a result, many couples get deprived of the joy of parenthood. viagra sales in india Nevertheless the circumstances would be entirely conflicting if an individual has experienced different surgeries or is surviving viagra uk with a portion of the body that is not fit. Additionally, it is also instrumental in the erection of penis for longer cheapest viagra generic duration.This phenomena of maintain long hard erection is only the requirement of potency. We have an obligation to our veterans, to our deceased veterans, to their families, and to pfizer viagra generic all Americans. So this is me pictured with the grey remover in place and foil on the arms of my glasses.   It kind of looks like there’s a small man on my shoulder sticking his arm in my brain.

The result is a little boofier than I thought but I think will be okay in the end.   Afterwards I picked up a tray of peaches – that is the real hallmark of Christmas!  And dropped in to see The Poshi for a quick pre-dinner drinkie.  It’s good to have her home if only for a couple of days. 🙂

The Australian Ballot

Courtesy ABCIn some countries the convention of a secret ballot is called an Australian ballot. I only just discovered this fact which led me to do a little research as, you know, we’re coming up to a federal election (and I need to post every day for a month for NaBloPoMo)

This is because Australia was the first to introduce the secret ballot in 1856 [1].

And given we were one of the first countries in the world to give women the vote (New Zealand was the first [1]) I reckon we can be pretty proud of our contribution to world democracy.

Of course our record for the Indigenous vote isn’t so hot.

We started off okay giving all men over the age of 21 (including Aboriginal Australians) the right to vote in 1850, although it wasn’t compulsory and in fact Indigenous voters weren’t encouraged to vote. When Queensland gained self -government in 1859 and Western Australia in 1890, they denied Indigenous people the vote. [2]

Then in 1901 when we became a federation, only Indigenous people on the state rolls were allowed to vote and of course this was a way to phase it out because no new people were ever added to the roll.

They finally got the vote in 1962 (although Indigenous people who had served in the armed forces got the vote in 1949) but it wasn’t a compulsory vote until 1984.
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Speaking of compulsory voting – we are unique in Australia in being the only English-speaking country in the world who has it! Compulsory voting was first introduced in Queensland in 1915 and the other states followed and in 1924 was introduced for all Federal and State elections [3].

Personally I think compulsory voting is a good thing. The amount of money spent on getting people just to the polling booths in countries like the US is ridiculous. Only one in five people bothered to vote in the recent local government elections here. That is pathetic. Now perhaps it was because it wasn’t well advertised. Certainly I didn’t see a lot of “vote here” signs to remind people, or perhaps people think local government is irrelevant or simply corrupt. Whatever the reason I think it points to a level of apathy in this country and compulsory voting goes some way to forcing people to engage in democracy.

So there you go. I find myself surprised at how interesting I found those facts… and how strongly I feel about compulsory voting. 🙂

[1] Australian Politics

[2] Timeline of Indigenous Voting Rights – AEC

[3] History of Electoral Reform – AEC

Day one of NaBloPoMo

You might have noticed the little logo at the bottom of the right hand side navigation column… or not… what it means is that I’m taking part in National Blog Posting Month. All I have to do is blog everyday for the month of November.

Yeah. I reckon I can do that!

Last night I went to our first Born to Sing choir rehearsal… there’s already an unofficial blog about it… The author is in the alto section with me! 🙂

But, most of online generic cialis the marketplaces from USA, UK and UAE do not give delivery to India. It levitra buy levitra is a blue pill that should be consumed after the prescription. The tadalafil online india pill releases a specific enzyme which defeats the PDE5 enzyme. Issues in the bathroom are related to issues in the bedroom for elder men, according to a study it is found that erectile dysfunction can be a very embarrassing condition and many men do not want to compromise with the effects. so for such people the right mode of payment viagra 50 mg would be cash on delivery. I love being in the choir – it is SO invigorating! I felt as high as if I’d taken something illegal at the end and was very garrulous I fear. Sure I can’t sing. Well, I can sing but badly… (a bit flat said Groover when I sang my part to him when I got home). And the alto part is HARD because it’s not the usual tune. But I love it love it love it.

The night before I watched The Orchid Hunter singing in his choir. He was singing Led Zeppelin’s Stairway to Heaven – the orchestral movements by Joe Woolfe. He stood there behind the orchestra right in the centre (just to the left of the Tuba) and sang his heart out. Excuse me while I wipe a tear of pride…

Are you in a choir?

Trick or treating – do you let your kids beg for lollies

We don’t normally do the Halloween thing apart from making sure there are some lollies in the house just in case kids come a knocking.

Our kids don’t really do it mainly because of the apathy of their parents who frankly could care less…

The only ‘encounter’ we’ve really had is when Groover hit the security panic button (which called the cops) when he saw some teenage youths lurking around his car out the front.

Turned out they were trick and treaters throwing eggs at each other.

He was impressed with the quick attention of the police officers though rather embarrassed when they arrived. Teehee.

This year Junior Poshi is very keen to dress up and pester the neighbour for sweets. Her friend’s mum has offered to take her with them and well… okay then. Not that we need the hyper-results of all that sugar not to mention the dental bills (bah humbug!).

And this year our street has become organised… this arrived yesterday for our consideration:

Dear Neighbour,

As I’m sure you are aware Halloween is upon us once again much to the lolly-makers delight…
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In order to bring some semblance of order to the ritual begging that takes place on this most auspicious of occasions, we thought it might be an idea to give everyone an option ot opt-in or opt-out of being disturbed on All Hallows Eve…

So, if you are up for being hassled, doling out goodies and generally being visited by lots of children dressed to thrill then please put this ballon on your door or gate…

—if you’d prefer the quiet life, then just don’t put anything balloon shaped outside!!!

We’ll tell the kids to just hunt selectively… at balloon marked houses…

Thanks in advance, etc

How good is that?!

I think it might be the product of quite a young suburb – the average age is 39 where we live – quite a few families living in our street so lots of kids. And the parents, on the whole (apart from us) are pretty much over-protective… which is interesting because we’re the ones who don’t let our kids out.

What do you do on Halloween – is your street as organised?

Don’t phone home, we’ll phone you!

Following Feline’s advice, I’ve bought The Orchid Hunter a new phone. It cost $199 and serves as his birthday present.

He loves it.

I took him with me to choose it – we bought it from Crazy John’s because the guy in the shop was so helpful and attentive and gave good advice I think and because Crazy John himself died this week and it was like I was wishing him well.

Bryan from Crazy John’s is leaving next week to move to Narrogin with his girlfriend. He reckons he has to move to the country to be able to afford anything, the cost of living and housing being prohibitive in Perth. It will help that for the first couple of months he’ll be staying with her folks. He doesn’t have a job there yet but has an interview next Monday. He came across to me as a sensible young man, very helpful customer service manner and I think he’d do well whatever the job was.
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His advice to me was that if my son wasn’t going to use the phone to chat a lot, to go for a prepay plan which can be carried over month-to-month. Bryan reckons cap plans which offer say $310 for $49/month develop bad habits in teenagers. His offsider agreed. She’s had a phone since the age of 7 (is that child abuse?) and finds the cap plans have led to profligate phoning.

So I bought the nice Nokia 6300 which has enough features – like a camera and bluetooth – to keep him interested – and games (crap though they are) – to encourage him to turn it on. He keeps the charger by his bed and uses the phone as an alarm clock – so hopefully it will be charged. I’ve also plugged in some useful phone numbers for him and we’re going to try the “blind call” technique for getting us to call him and hopefully keep the credit lasting a while.

Day two and he’s still carrying it around and it’s mostly turned on. I did discover he was keeping it on silent (!!!) but we’ve sorted that out now… I hope. Lets see how he goes in a month… 🙂

More mobile advice for parents of teenagers

A colleague of mine gave me some interesting advice on the mobile question

“Cellobella”, she said, “don’t buy the phone.

“You rely on three things when you do so: one, that the phone is turned on, two, that the phone is charged and three, that the child has the phone with them.

“The chances of all these things happening at the same time are virtually nil.

“Besides, if everyone in the class has a phone, he can use someone elses.”

Before having buy cheap tadalafil pill makes sure that you are well informed before you buy this drug. When this enzyme is inhibited, the blood vessels expand, allowing a greater flow of blood in cialis professional canada the arteries connected to the penis, the greater the amount of blood flow, the greater the erection will go away after sexual activity just as it normally would. viagra india Once Sildenafil citrate is administered in the body; it inhibits the PDE-5 enzyme. Kamagra cheap viagra samples 100 m.g. increases the chances of erection, during an intercourse with your wife. So I mentioned this to Feline as we went out to lunch today at Lamonts (did I mention it’s my birthday tomorrow…), and she said:

“The problem with getting him a phone is that then the arrangements you make become fluid. Instead of ‘I’ll meet you at the gate at 3.30 on the dot’ it becomes ‘I’ll meet you at the gate at 3.30 and will text you ten minutes before I get there’. The mobile allows plans to change and this can cause even more chaos.”

And as Feline wrote in comments, unless the phone is up-to-scratch rather than just scratched, he won’t use it anyway… That said both of Feline’s teenagers have phones. 🙂

Finally I spoke to a male colleague who told me about a phone available where you can program the phone with just 10 numbers so that it can’t be used “willy nilly”. Is that a gecko phone? I read one forum which said I would be setting my kid up to be bullied if I bought one… so maybe not…

So. I think I’ll get him a new phone on some cheap pre-pay with text plan. But who? In comments I have two “votes” for Optus and one for Virgin…

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Top 50 Australian Women Bloggers

Women Australian Bloggers

Hey guess what?! I’m on the inaugural Top 50 Australian Women Blogger list over at All for Women (thanks to Leigh and Meg). Yay me! And thank you for reading this blog and making it so.

Now the pressure is on to create interesting and erudite reading material for you… my fingers are flexed, my computer is buzzing… 🙂

In the meantime, your correspondent thanks you for your advice on mobile phones.

The Orchid Hunter (my boy) now says he won’t have a mobile phone if he has to use my munted old one.

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(Oh that’s right it’s me who wants him to have one)

Apparently there are only two other kids in his class who don’t have a mobile phone. Isn’t that amazing?

Can you remember when they first came out? They were so special and only really high-powered executives seemed to have them. The rest of us sneered and said we wouldn’t want to be permanently on-call while secretly wishing we had one too. We couldn’t justify getting one ourselves and work didn’t see the need. Now I couldn’t imagine not having a mobile. Or a computer. Or a blog. Or a digital camera.

I can lose the PDA though. In fact, I have lost it… 🙁

Caving to social pressure?

I’m getting my son (12 going on 13) a mobile phone. Yesterday I couldn’t get hold of him to tell him I’d be five minutes late to pick him up and he started walking and I missed him and he didn’t get home until close to 7pm which completely freaked. me. out. I decided it was time.

I’m going basic basic basic phone – possibly my munted old one – and the smallest pre-pay you can buy. After all this is for me, not for him.

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But perhaps you’ve been through the teenager with a phone thang. Any advice?