Category Archives: Modern Life

How long should it take to name a child?

There is a high profile person in Perth who has recently become the father to a healthy baby girl (as opposed to a fully grown one). She is beautiful and the mother is by all accounts a very lovely and organised person.

The baby was born on the 14th March and to date the babe is not named.

Now there are probably very good reasons for that. Who knows what is going on with them.

But I find it hard to imagine going three weeks without naming my babes. I think I took one look at my babes as they were laid on my chest and said “Welcome to the world little Hugamuga/Dippity”, barely seconds old.

Newborn Son

With Hugamuga we’d had a tulmultuous time… first births often are. I’d gone into labour two days before and after getting to 8cm and having my waters broken in the home birth centre at the hospital it was decided to transfer to the hospital proper – so I could have an epidural and a rest.

Things didn’t proceed well – the baby was posterior and presenting the widest part of his head – and I was transferred from the labour ward to theatre, prepped for an emergency caeser and they tried first to suction him out… yep, I got the cut.

I was pretty high on drugs at this point but what I remember is that the doctor was pulling on the suction thingy and the bed started going with it. The brakes weren’t on!

Then we heard a loud sucky sound and we thought – omg! Here he/she comes! Then there was a loud theatrical “pop” and the suction cap fell off and the doctor went flying.

The monitoring equipment went wild and it was decided they couldn’t wait for a caeser – they just had to rip him out. The student midwives observing at the back of the room visibly winced as the forceps went in and Hugamuga came out. (that’s not a good sign)

He scored 4 on his first apgar, and 8 on his second. He looked like a little blue frog with a squashed nose and bruises on his head both where the suction cup had been and by his ears – like sideburns – where the forceps were clamped. But he was okay. Safe. Yes a rocky landing but the plane didn’t crash. I was lucky.
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Meanwhile at the other end of the bed the doctor was busy practicing his needlepoint. Third degree tear. 40 stitches. Please remember I’m still very high on drugs. “So you won’t be able to have sex for two months and you’ll need to take laxitives regularly for 6…” sew sew sew… “Oh,” says I, “So I guess anal sex is out of the question?” The midwives glare at Groover. I was joking! I think I’m hysterically funny. “Don’t distract the doctor darling”, says Groover, “you need him to concentrate at the moment…”

But I digress what were we talking about again???

That’s right. Names.

I don’t think I’m especially well organised but I did have the name thing organised. We’d agreed on both a boys and a girls name for Hugamuga… he would have been Madeleine if a girl.

Newborn Girl

And for Dippity we had a deal, Groover got to name the baby if a boy – Declan (hmmm not so much) – and I got to name her if she was a girl, which happily, she was. But again no delay.

So (finally) here’s my question. Did it take you a while to name your babies?

And if so, why?

Religious reasons perhaps? You’re the Crown Prince of Denmark maybe? You had the baby unexpectedly early?

I’d love to know your story…

How to Riffle Shuffle

Babtamore (Trish) asks “What is rifle shuffle?” Well I don’t like to take a shot-gun approach to my answers (hehe) so I’ve made you all a little video on how to riffle shuffle.

In fact this is a riffle shuffle with a Cascade Bridge Flourish. Sounds fancy eh?
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Here’s some more tutorials

And yes… that’s Groover at the end. 🙂

Rainy day in paradise

raindrops in the pool

I’m not one to complain – wait… yes I am – anyway today it’s the first real day post daylight savings and I must say… I miss it!

It’s SO dark SO early. I feel like I’ve stepped from summer to winter in one fell swoop.

Of course it wasn’t helped by the fact that it was a rainy rainy day thanks to Cyclone Pancho. (31.6 mm since 9am this morning)

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I got home from work, cold, sniffly and waited no more than two seconds before slipping off my sandals for my trusty ugg boots. I love you my ugg boots… smooches.

We had pasta for dinner and now I feel back in the land of the living – should be mostly fine tomorrow and yes, alright… we need the rain.

One thing that really cheered me up was the fact that South Park is now online – although sadly, not yet in Australia.

Floating in the Indian Ocean

Cottesloe Sunset

I’m floating in the Indian Ocean. The water is like a mill pond. My head is back, my limbs crucifixed. I can feel the water lap against my ears and in the distance, above the water, children playing, a car roaring past, the faint duuf duuf of the Cottesloe Hotel.

The water supports my body. A posturpedic mattress. The sun, gentle as it begins its downward journey one hour earlier.

I am at peace.

And yet there is the faint niggle of disquiet. How long will my family let me lie.

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“Will you swim with us around the pylon? I don’t want swim on my own.”

“Oh alright then.”

How could I refuse? This is my perfect swimming environment. Still and quiet. No waves.


A smoky drive home

Tuesday night, and as I leave Bunbury on my way back to Perth I see a thick cloud of smoke…

Bunbury Smoke

In fact there are two fires and the helitacs – or whatever those fixed wing planes that drop water on fires are called – were flying between the two.

An hour later driving through Mandurah I see another thick plume of smoke. This time it’s in Port Kennedy so for the first time in my life I decide to turn into Secret Harbour… shhhhhh.

There, I join a bunch of locals on a low ridge and watch the flames as the bushfire burns through 500ha of Scientific Park.


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port kennedy fire

It was a serious fire and some homes were evacuated, though in the end no houses or lives were lost. An interesting side story was that the park had been a bombing range in world war 2 and there is unexploded ordinance through the park. Firefighters had to stick to the existing tracks.

Meanwhile my photo journalism over, I was stuck in Secret Harbour. I’d got disorientated and spent twenty minutes driving into cul-de-sacs.

I can’t express adequately my delight at finally finding the highway home.


Classy names may mislead you

bottle shop

If you saw this sign – what kind of establishment would you think you’d be entering?

A bottle shop… right?

bottle shop
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Trust Margaret River to find a way to make the local bottle-oh sound classy… it was the fellows walking out with a bag of ice and a slab of beer that gave them away…

What next?

The Margaret River Regional Food Centre for their local supermarket?

Working from home can be distracting

Today I finally got access to the work VPN which means that now, I can access my work email and documents from home.

Now that could be a good thing – I’ve got a couple of reports to write and I wanted to do that in the relative peace of home – but instead I’ve been distracted by my email. In fact I’m just as busy doing the busy-work of the hour to hour crap running a network at home as I am at work.

Plus now that I can access my emails all the time… I am!

So now work impinges on home and home is impinging on work.

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Do you work from home? How do you manage it.

Do you have to set up a separate home office? Set aside “work” time?

Coz now that I have it, I don’t want to give up my VPN access. 🙂

And I thought I was evil

So you know how I was waffling yesterday about Easter Egg hunts and whether creating one for the kids would allow me time for a brief nanna nap. Well I went back up to the house (from the internet cafe where I’m writing this as we speak) and had a chat with the other mother…

The evil one

She agreed that it was worth a try. We banished the kids to the bedroom and told them they had to stay there while we went for a walk and hid the eggs. It was midday and quite warm outside. Hot even, in full sun. The bush is very dry at the moment too and prickly.

Well we got about 20 metres from the house and my friend says to me:

“Hey, what if we don’t hide the eggs?”

“You mean… pretend to hide them, get the kids to go look for them and then just hide them somewhere in the house?!”

“Well,” she says, “We’d be doing them a favour. The eggs are going to melt in this heat…”

So that’s what we did. Walked around the 5 acre block shouting out things like… “Over here – here’s a good hiding place!”
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Ten minutes later we came back to the house and sent the kids off with this clue:

“Up hill and down dale,
In Paradise the kids wail,
Where are our eggs!
Our mean mums!
Til back at home,
They sit with full tums.”

They were also told that the eggs were at the four corners of the property.

We got half an hour.

A lazy Easter mum

The older I get the lazier I get at Easter.

When the kids were little no matter where I was – camping, down south, at the station, at home – I’d organise an Easter Egg hunt. Sometime during the night eggs would be hidden everywhere and the kids had a lovely time searching them out.

They don’t particularly like Easter Eggs but they love finding them.

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The bush at dunsborough

This is the bush.

Do you think it would keep them occupied long enough for me to have a little nanna nap?

Easter salutations

It is with some trepidation that I wish you all a Happy Easter.

The last time I politely wished a lovely old lady Happy Easter, she snappishly returned:

“Don’t say that to me! Don’t you know what happened on Good Friday? There’s nothing happy in that!”

I was too taken aback to say another word and today – two years later – think twice before wishing anyone happy Easter before Sunday.

Well, except for people I know… like you… 🙂
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I hope you have a great weekend whatever you get up to. It’s a great chance to catch up with family and friends and relax.

Barack Obama v Matt Santos

Obama and wife west wing

If you’re looking for something to pod over the weekend and you’re a West Wing fan – Gerry Ryan has done an interview with someone who wrote for the series on the similarities between Matt Santos and Barack Obama.

Eliattie is A Writer And Producer Of West Wing – He Discusses The Final Seasons Of The West Wing.