Category Archives: Modern Life

I’ll get you with my magic vagina!

Oh it’s the stuff of 21st birthday party speeches isn’t it?


When my daughter was 3 and my son 5, I made the mistake of picking up that “Where did I come from?” video at a second-hand book sale.

This cute animated video enthralled my two who watched it over and over, fascinated by the wiggly little sperm – the talk of penises and boobies – the love hearts appearing over the marital bed…

“This is a magic thing when the vagina and the penis rub together – like cats – which you parents do make you.” Close up of glowing egg and the fertilization tango.

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I threw the video on top of the bookcase where the kids would never find it and pretended it had got lost.

But the damage had been done.

Not long after I caught my little girl standing on the letter box shouting: “Come back here you or I’ll get you with my magic vagina!”


Can clothes save a relationship?

Trinny and SusannahI’m watching Trinny and Susannah Undress some random couple and through clothes they are saving their relationship… or trying to.

The first thing they noticed was that both had “given up” in what they were wearing.

(I’m sitting here in trakky daks, ugg boots and *Trinny shudders* polo fleece.)

So they got them to go out and buy an outfit for eachother – an outfit they are really keen to see the other in.

I thought this was a really interesting exercise. What would your partner buy for you? And what would it say about how they see you?

He bought the high heels and sexy lingerie as part of his outfit. She bought him a pink shirt, proper trousers and closed in shoes… but slip on – she was thinking of him.

Trinny and Susannah don’t pull their punches… much like their boob show where they pulled and prodded everyone’s tits this time they are quite incisive in their comments. Things like “you talk to him like he’s a child”. Pretty confronting.
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Then they get naked (in silhouette) and talk about what they like about eachother’s bodies. That’s pretty confronting. And their sex lives. And their infidelities. That’s really confronting.

At first I was really sceptical but they stay away from marriage counselling – a good thing – and head to the shops and new clothes.

Say what you like about T&S, they know their clothes.

I confess to tearing up at the end.

Who knows whether the second honeymoon will last. How much difference can clothes really make?

Sounds like a good excuse for a trip to the shops!

Is fan fiction a bad thing?

Reading Spot

My girl reads a lot of fiction but not books.

She reads fan fiction. Fiction written by fans of an author using the author’s world, and the author’s characters.

In Dippity’s case it’s Harry Potter and Avatar and there is a lot of it.

Fan fiction is not a new thing and I suspect some interesting collaborations have come out of it… so the writing isn’t all bad. And if it inspires someone to write, well, isn’t that a good thing?
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She spends a lot of her free time with her head in a laptop – would I care so much if it was in a book? After all much of my childhood was spent reading. I read everywhere – walking to and from school, in the car, in bed, I didn’t feel dressed unless I was holding a book… so what is the difference?

I guess to be fair she did read the original Harry Potters before going online. I guess what I really hate is her unwillingness to try new authors.

It makes it very boring when going to a bookshop or library.

Should I be concerned? Or should I just be grateful that she’s reading… anything at all?

Who has the strongest genes?

Tales from the Tracks found this great site where you can scan in your photos and find out whether your kid looks more like you – or more like your partner.

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A word of warning: This is highly addictive. My Sunday is wasted!

How to ask for what you want

How good are you at asking for what you want?

You can usually tell – because if you are good… you get it.

Generally most people are not that great. With our partners, with our bosses, with our children. We fail to articulate exactly what it is we want or need.

We expect our partners, bosses, children, friends, parents to inately understand what we want. We often give them the barest hints.

Lets take a simple office example.

The Coffee Machine

You and your colleagues want to get a coffee machine for the office. You all hate instant coffee and want to serve your clients decent coffee. You go into your boss’s office with your idea.

“Could we get a coffee machine for the kitchen? We believe it would raise morale and improve our service to our clients.”
“Sounds like a good idea,” says your boss.

Two months later and there is no coffee machine. You feel pissed off. Your boss knows you want a coffee machine and agrees that it would be a good idea. Why hasn’t she acted?

Well she hasn’t “not” bought you a coffee machine. You never talked about who would pay for the machine, who would organise it or when it would be done.

What if you’d said: “We’d like a Saeco Incanta coffee machine for the kitchen. (blah blah blah – insert all the great things about staff morale, client service, increased productivity). Are you willing to buy the office a coffee machine?”
“When do you think you’d be able to do that?”
“By the end of the financial year.”
“This financial year?”
“So, in four weeks you will have bought a coffee machine for the office.”
“Thank you.”

Okay that’s all very nice – but what if your boss says no?

Listen to their reasons. They might be very valid. There might be a company policy against it, they might not have the budget for it. You might see their reasons are fair and resign yourself to instant coffee.

But not today. Today you think its still a great idea and you’re on a mission:

“Do you agree with the principle of the idea?”
This is because it is no longer the only factor that is responsible for declining the sexual performance in men and women. purchase viagra Certain cases are less severe where the patients show no order cheap viagra symptoms and never really require any surgical treatment. Several surveys has documented that this problem starts getting experience by men over 40. discount levitra purchase Some people have difficulty achieving erection, while others do so inconsistently or only for very cialis generic australia short periods. “Will you work with me in finding a way to get the coffee machine?”

And you can take it from here… if it’s a financial block, maybe the staff could contribute or the social club… with your boss’s support you have half a chance of getting what you want… but you need to ask for that support.

The important thing is to ask for exactly what you want, when you want it.

The story of the knife


Let me tell you a tale from my first pregnancy. I was in the third trimester and starting to feel big and tired. We had a loose rug on the floor of the kitchen which Groover liked but I hated as I continually tripped over it.

“Arghhhh this bloody rug! It’s dangerous! We’ve got to get rid of it!”
“Why don’t you just pick your feet up?” said Groover reasonably.
“You just don’t understand!!!” I shrilled throwing the bread knife I was drying to the ground at his feet. I stomped off to the bedroom and slammed the door – wishing Groover had just put his arms around me.

Instead I heard laughter….”Cello, you HAVE to come back here and see this!”

The knife is point down in the floorboards. It looks very dramatic.

I am very upset. I don’t understand why he can’t see that I’m feeling vulnerable and scared of falling and hurting the baby. That I’m tired and overwrought and what I need is a bit of cosseting.

Well how could he? Had I said any of that to him? No. I expected him to intuitively work out that me complaining about the rug actually meant give me a hug.

Why women (and men) nag

You nag when you don’t articulate what you want, when you want it.

Of the following two requests which do you think will result in more nagging?

“Darling could you take out the rubbish please?”
“Darling could you take out the rubbish before dinner please?

This is not rocket science. 🙂

How to ask for what you want? In two words: be specific.

A “no” is not rejection of you

We often don’t ask because we don’t want the person we’re asking to say no. It’s okay to get a no. Any answer gets you closer to your goal. It helps you understand the other person’s position and possibly other things to take into consideration. A “no” is simply a better understanding of how to get to yes.

Oh and Groover has never let me forget the “knife incident”… How I wish I’d just asked for a hug!

Not remotely funny anymore

Our remotes

So Groover has gone and upped the ante on the televisual system. We’ve got a playstation – that we also use to play dvds, and a PVR – Personal Video Recorder – basically a hard drive that will record television. I do love a PVR as you get a telly guide and that makes recording a cinch. Groover’s also got surround sound and that means everything has to go through an amp. So now we have a remote for the telly, the playstation and the PVR AND another for the amp – which everything goes through.

To watch telly here’s what I have to do.

Pick up remote one – the telly remote – and click it on.
Pick up the amp remote and click one – to select the PVR.
Pick up the PVR remote and click it on.
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Walk away with the PVR remote and use that.

Sounds simple? It’s taken me ages to work it out. I’m overwhelmed by remotes.

Still I’d rather have them than actually get up and walk to the telly to press a button. Imagine doing that?!!!

Ah nostalgia… it ain’t what it used to be.

Another reason I’m a bad mother

My desk at work

My daughter’s friend’s mother said that my daughter described me as a workaholic.
Smoking also hardens blood veins and prevents blood flow to the reproductive organs. levitra from canada For erectile dysfunction also, psychological reasons are responsible price of sildenafil in most of the cases. Impotence online ordering viagra in young men is mostly caused by dampness-heat in lower Jiao and unblocked Qi and blood, the blood in semen is the symptom of abnormal flow of the blood. They’re too busy winning Pulitzer Prizes to be bothered with SEO writing. cialis 10 mg
That’s bad isn’t it?

Another reason I’m a bad mother

My desk at work

My daughter’s friend’s mother said that my daughter described me as a workaholic.
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That’s bad isn’t it?

Live blogging my flu jab

This year my workplace is offering free flu jabs. I don’t want to get the flu and have heard anecdotally good things from those who regularly get it. It’s a dead vaccine. I thought I’d take them up on the offer. Here’s my story:

Went up to sick bay. Nurse (a bloke) got me to sign a form – he stuck a little sticker next to my name and wiped my arm with alcohol. It’s a tiny needle. I didn’t feel anything as the needle went into my arm but a slight sting when the vaccine was pushed in. After a quick rub down again. I was free to go. I walked out feeling slightly light-headed because of the adrenaline rush 🙂 but fine.

My arm feels a little heavy – but I could be imagining it. I can still feel the entry point. My arm feels cool possibly because of the alcohol drying on my skin.

Shoulders are stiff but I think that’s because of the Wii boxing I did over the weekend… otherwise no effects from jab.

That being said Kamagra jelly has a quicker onset due to its form, but the same onset can be experienced when dissolving viagra tablets in italia Kamagra tablets in a glass of water. For instance, the official website of viagra buy cheap was not on the body but on mind. levitra successfully protected many relations by treating man’s impotence. Some of the serious side effects and allergic reactions that can be caused by taking Kamagra include tightness in the chest, swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue), chest pain, fainting, fast or irregular heartbeat, memory loss, numbness of an arm or leg, one-sided weakness, prolonged, cialis usa painful erection, red, swollen, blistered, or peeling skin, ringing in the ears, seizures, severe or persistent back. Can viagra sample overnight interact with other medications? Yes generic medications of viagra. At home and about to sip a glass of white wine as I make the evening meal – marinated lamb chops and… hmmm haven’t worked that out yet. The tiniest pink dot on my arm reveals where the needle went in. Arm still feels slightly heavy but not sore.

Arms feel normal. Could be effect of wine.

Can’t sleep. Tossed and turned since about 11pm then gave up. Possibly not the effect of the jab. Just how it is.

Thursday 5th June
Noticed some tenderness today at the puncture site.

In the meantime – do you get a flu jab? What led you to make your decision?

The etiquette of dropping in

Bringing muffins can leave you with egg on your faceA comment from Kelley made me think about “The Drop In”. She hates them.

I like them. Generally love them in fact. But I can see why she might not.

Three simple rules

There are a few things you need to consider:

  1. Know your friend

    Is she a casual dresser? Does she keep her house in a reasonably good state? Does she care what state it is in when people come calling? What is happening in her life now? If she has a new boyfriend – she might not appreciate the casual visitor at 9am on a Sunday morning.

  2. Choose a respectable hour

    In other words – don’t drop in too early or too late. You may not be greeted with the friendliness you expect. 🙂

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  4. Be prepared for rejection

    Okay this sounds a bit harsh because they are not rejecting you per se, but they might be unable or unwilling to see you right then. I don’t care how far you’ve come – it doesn’t matter that you’ve caught two trains and three buses to get there. Lets face it – this was your choice. And not everyone likes surprises.

    You never know… you might have put your friend in an awkward situation. Maybe they were about to meet up with another friend who you don’t get on with – maybe that friend is already in the kitchen. She might have her new man in the boudoir – or her old one. Maybe she is just very busy and has organised her day to get stuff that has to be done, done. Maybe her hair is in rollers and her house is a tip and she just doesn’t want to be seen like that.

    …guilt leads to resentment and anger…

    Whatever. Don’t take it personally. Don’t make your friend feel guilty because they can’t see you – no matter how trivial you think the reason is – because guilt leads to resentment and anger – and do you really want them to resent you?

    Yes, even if you bring muffins – be prepared for rejection.

  5. The safest thing to do is to CALL FIRST.

    Having said all that – I do still love the drop-in. Especially on a day like today when I’m bored and looking for something to do.

    Maybe I could come round and visit you?