Category Archives: Modern Life

The last person to make No Knead Bread

I am well behind the rest of the world on this one. The NY Times unveiled the No Knead Bread recipe on the 8th November 2006 and I have only today found time to make it.

Well yesterday and today.

No Knead Bread

No Knead Bread

The trick is allowing the dough time to rise – 18 hours – and I imagine you could get away with less time if it wasn’t so freaking cold in my house.

The result – crunchy chewy crust – soft light interior.
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I’m only posting this now to distract myself until Groover gets home so he can get a slice…

Of course baking bread also looks good to my daughter’s friend’s mother – see I can cook bread – I am trustworthy – I am the sort of homey type who will look after your daughter with care. Look at me – I am the GOOD mother.


(Oh how easily you are all fooled…)

The forces of good and evil

As my friend the red setter owner says: Only in Australia! (except that it wasn’t… see below)

The pope\'s visit to Sydney

UPDATE: Snapp commented that this is a spoof! “The Pope is not in this photo, this photo is taken in Reykjavik Iceland. The man in front of Darth Vader is the Bishop of Iceland.
I know this because I live there and I saw it on the news, Darth Vader was protesting some thing (dont remember what it was).”
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Seriously though, and I know it is 60 years since World War 2, did you find it as weird as I did to hear a man with a German accent preaching peace?

Weird… but good yeah.

Across the Nullabor in pictures

Finally took my photos off my camera – here are a few from my recent trip to Sydney.

Farmland from the window
The farmland was looking reasonably green.

The Nullabor
And then we hit the Nullabor.

A fun night in Sydney
We had a fun night at a cheap and cheerful restaurant… I think it was BBQ King… something like that …yummy Chinesey food anyway.

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A fun night in Sydney
Still at the restaurant.

At Henry Henrys
At another bar the next night… but I was good.

Cattle Class
Cattle class on Qantas – I swear the seats are getting closer together.

Sunset train journey

Sunset at Claisebrook Station

I was running late for the train but had to stop and catch this sunset. Of course the camera I was carrying didn’t have a memory card in it – I was running late – it was never going to be easy.

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And then my train arrived.

I like to be serviced

Get your mind out of the gutter and into the garage.

Creative Commons License photo credit: eiko_eiko – Yes, this is NOT my car.

The other day I jumped in my car – late for work – actually late to miss the nasty traffic – and noticed that my coolant light was on.

I *carefully* drove very slowly to the nearest service station and asked the man there if he had any coolant for my car.

While he was filling up my water he also checked my oil – completely shiny stick – which as you know is not. good. He also topped up my tires and noticed that the brake pads were wearing thin.

Yes it’s been a while since I got my car serviced. Yes I’m bad.

Anyway the fellow was so nice I booked my car in for a service and he didn’t charge me for the oil as he knew I was coming in…

A couple of days later I drop my car off.

A different guy – from t’north of England – took my keys after calling me beautiful. And even though I knew it was the sales patter (I really should have had my roots done a week ago and could lose some weight) – I felt good.

Good about myself, good about leaving the car.

A couple of hours later, I’m at work and I get a call. It’s my Geordie from the garage.

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“Yeah sure. Go for it.”

It was in the ball park of what I expected and frankly you don’t mess with brakes. They have to be done.

But it was the whole shmooze.

I don’t know why but shmooze with an accent gets me every time.

So fast forward a few days. This morning I walk down to the garage and pick up my car. Hi beautiful, hey guess what you won the raffle! Yeah me and boys reckon you were the best looking customer this week so we’ve given your car a valet service.”

Yeah they probably valet all their cars. I don’t care.

I’m poor, but I don’t care.

I feel special and I’ll go back.

That is service my friends, and service is good.

What do you really want to do?

sepia reflectionsOkay okay I’m at a conference with my colleagues and okay okay it is true that at a conference you are likely to drink slightly more than you would otherwise. Am I not correct?

You know I am correct.

Well tonight after retiring to a attendee’s room we eventually discussed this question: “If you were financially able to take time off to do the one job you’ve always wanted to do – what would it be?”

Here are the answers… as I remember them:

  • An English teacher to migrants who for whatever reason had to learn English at home
  • An organiser of activities for latch key children
  • Work with vulnerable teenagers – doing the “brat camp” thing… sort of.

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What did I want to do?

If I could organise it, I would sign up for a scientific expedition. Anywhere. Somewhere in the outback perhaps.

That is my dream.

What’s yours?

Creative Commons License photo credit: tysonA

A foolproof way to get Blu-Tack off a painted wall

Honestly, can there be anything more satisfying than a heavy thick drill in your hands as you shudder your way to making a hole in an up till then smooth blemishless surface.

No. There isn’t.

Today I have been a handywoman. I’ve been to the hardware store TWICE. Here are my projects.

The first to hang a pin-up board over the mess my daughter had made of her wall STICKING – with GLUE – pictures on it.

Pin Up Board

The second project was brought about because of the gas crisis and the need to save electricity in the home. Okay. And the dryer broke.

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At first I thought I’d get one of those stands but then I saw this retractable line and I was sold. I got out my (Groover’s) trusty drill and voila!

The Washing Line
Forgive the crappy photo 🙂

So now to the reason you’ve made it this far – the way I discovered to get rid of Blu-Tack…

Blu-Tack Solution

So I was rubbing the pencil marks that I’d made to drill the holes in the right places when I was putting up the pin-up board with an ordinary plastic eraser – the kind kids get at school – and I saw that my naughty daughter had also tried to put up posters with the tacky stuff. So I rubbed the eraser over the Blu-Tack marks and OMG they came off a treat!

A bonus for me after all my hard work.

Tissue v Handkerchief: has the war been won?

I was watching Moving Wallpaper on ABC2 tonight. Have you caught that show yet? It is a sit com about the making of a soap – Echo Beach – and it precedes the soap on the schedule so that you watch the making of and then sit back and watch the soap itself.

Moving Wallpaper

I love it. It’s a lot of fun seeing how the plot reflects the lives of the writers and the kooky things that you wouldn’t even notice if you just watched the soap but that leap out at you because you know why they were there. It’s like you’ve been let in on the secret. Very funny.

Echo Beach

Anyway the reason I brought all that up was that in one scene the Producer – Jonathan Pope – offers one of his staff – Sam – a handkerchief just after he diagnoses her with “soap fever” where the writers live and breathe the soap and lose perspective.

And I thought who uses handkerchiefs these days? I mean who, apart from my dad, actually carries a snotrag round with them?

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And what’s the etiquette anyway… if someone lends you their hankie and you do end up filling it with mucous – do you give it back?

Or is it de rigeur to wash it first and post it back later?

Perhaps you’re supposed to carry around a little plastic bag in order to give it back to them in so they don’t get your germs and if that’s the case – wouldn’t it be easier to just carry tissues?

Yes they get everywhere – and oh what a bugger it is when they are left in your pocket and go through the wash – but IMHO tissues beat handkerchiefs any day.

Am I alone?

I’m too tired to blog

Too tired. So sue me. I’m human.

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Oh woof! When friends get dogs…

I’m being unreasonable.

I’ve just found out one of my best friends is getting two red setter puppies next weekend.

Looking at that cutie above I can understand the attraction, and they’ve recently been burgled, and her husband loves dogs, but meh. It’s just annoying!

Now they’ll have to look after them! Now we won’t be able to skive off down south for a few days at a moment’s notice… not that we did – but we could have.

Now, we’re the only family we know without pets!

Before it was them and us, standing together, citing the ease of travelling, and not talking about exorbitant vet bills
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Before, we could sit back, drinking our wine saying “at least we don’t have pets to worry about…”

No longer.


Life won’t be the same.

Oh yes I’m unreasonable. I need to get over it. And yes I’ll probably want to cuddle one of those cute little puppies… at least once. 🙂

Bah humbug.