Category Archives: Modern Life

It’s one of those days…

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Teaching the boy to cook

Isn’t bolognese the easiest thing to cook? It’s my go to dish when I really can’t be bothered. The kids will eat it – it doesn’t take long or too many ingredients.

Well the other night my son walked past me as I was chopping up the onion and I thought – hey – he could learn how to cook this and bolognese would become even easier to make – I could make it from the couch! Oh and besides, a good mother teaches her son to cook… right?

No sooner had I mentioned it when Groover pipes up. “Make sure you break up the mince” he says, “don’t cook the onion too fast” he mentions and before I knew it – he’s in the kitchen.

Bonus I thought and left them to it!

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Cooking with Dad

Cooking with Dad

Cooking with Dad

Now that’s what I call being a good mother. 😉

Foggy bottom

Fog on Saturday Morning

Well foggy bottom in the burbs anyway. 🙂

This was Saturday. It’s never foggy in Perth. Or at least, not by the time I wake up on a Saturday…

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Writing Foggy Bottom reminds me of all those great English names for places… and not just the English – the Canadians too have a cute sense of humour when it comes to naming towns – Medicine Hat springs to mind, Bilby (imagine naming a town after an Australian marsupial *grins*), and any number of towns with Beaver in the title. Would you like to live in Dogpound?

I wonder what the real estate agent pitch is around there?

Is it worth queuing for Yum Cha?

Yep. I think so.

Yum Cha in Northbridge

I don’t like queuing for food – hell – I don’t even know how to spell it – here’s hoping that’s correct – so when we got to the Northbridge Chinese restaurant on Sunday an hour after opening I was somewhat dismayed to have to get an orange coloured raffle ticket – number 23 – and wait – our clothes steaming in the packed entryway.

Of course I’d rather take my chances and wait at a packed out restaurant than sit down immediately at the half empty one next door…

And the waiting turned out to be good.

First of all it gave us a chance to check out all the food so we knew what we’d go for. Secondly we built up an appetite.

I wanted the veges… to balance all the yummy deep fried stuff… and they were delicious.

Yum Cha in Northbridge
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Of course we partook of the steam trolley.

Yum Cha in Northbridge

Boy do the waiters move fast in Yum Cha. What a business model! Bang bang bang – food immediately at your table – before you know it you’ve said yes to three prawn dishes and two pork and something you’re not even sure what it is – or was before it was deep fried in yumminess.

And the tea. I love Chinese tea and Groover had picked up a great tip from Kylie Quong’s TV show. If you want the waiter to refresh your pot – just take the lid off it. Forget trying to catch their eye – you’ve got no chance at the speed they move.

Yum Cha in Northbridge

And suddenly you’re on the street – stuffed to within an inch of your life – wondering what the hell just happened and busting for the loo.

Yum cha on a Sunday morning. You can’t beat it.

I danced after I watched this

Once again, I may be the last person on the planet to have seen this clip but even if you’ve seen it before it is worth watching again – just for the sheer joy of it.

Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from Matthew Harding on Vimeo

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And marvel at the brilliant idea behind it. Matt’s a clever boy.

The chicken of discontent

The sign that he loves me

This is our bed. Pretty ordinary. You’ll note the second duvet as required by the freezing cold mornings lately.

What I see when I look at this bed is that Groover is not angry with me. I’m in his good books.

So what is the sign that this is the case?

He has placed the big cushions on the floor rather than leaving them on my pillow.

That’s right. If I was in the bad books I’d have to take the pillows off myself.

Subtle yes?

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I think it stems back to his childhood. He was the youngest in a family of four, his next oldest sibling six years his senior.

As a youngster, Groover was often frustrated by his older brothers and sister. They were bigger, cleverer, meaner. They could gang up on him…

So to express his displeasure Groover used to put a toy chicken (or it might have been a rabbit – but he thinks it was a chicken) on the offender’s bed.

The chicken of discontent.

The Chicken
Creative Commons License photo credit: BebeZ

Meanwhile – I don’t think my signs are very secret. Not subtle, this one.

And the smallest planet is?

Out of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune?

Yes like me you knew it was Neptune. You probably also knew it was Tasman who discovered a number of Pacific islands in the 1600s – unlike me.

In the end it didn’t matter – WE WON!

Oh you’ve guessed we’ve just come back from a quiz nite where I swear our table drank more than any other. Luckily we won a voucher to a wine bar.

This is Groover shortly before he had to sit down for getting the true/false answer wrong:

At the Quiz Nite

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It was an electronic quiz. Multiple choice. You buzzed in your answers. Here’s the leader board.

At the Quiz Nite

It was fun having the instant scores. It increased the anticipation each round – especially towards the end. We drew first in the first round, won outright in the second, and came second in the last round due to not knowing about Tasman. Doh! Still overall first and that’s what matters… doesn’t it?

Actually second place got a few bottles of wine which also looked attractive…


Privacy at school

The new classroom at CCGS

I drove past the new buildings at Christchurch Grammar School the other day and took this photo – quickly because of course the lights turned green as I was getting my camera out.

I hadn’t really looked too closely before but the lights were on in the upstairs classroom and I could see a student wandering around.

It occurred to me that I’m not sure I’d be too comfortable as a teacher or a student in a classroom that could be seen from the road. By people picking their noses at traffic lights. Not that I was but you know what I mean…

Oh c’mon! I was scratching it!

I also wouldn’t feel that great if the general public could see me at my desk at work. It would feel like an invasion of privacy.
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And that’s a bit odd because we have regular tours through our offices – I guess they don’t go near my desk.

Do you work in an office where the great unwashed can walk by and watch you?

I’ve seen a few banks in New York who have desks right up against the window – just a pane of glass separating them from the shoppers, office workers, tourists and homeless.

I don’t think I would like that.

And I certainly wouldn’t have like my parents seeing me misbehave at the back of the classroom when I was at school… not that I did Mum…. that was a joke! Really.

Sign me up for Dim Sum

Here’s an interesting statistic from this month’s Walkley magazine… Eric Ellis writes “Some time about 2025 but possible as soon as 2015, China will take over from the United States as the world’s largest economy.” Eric Ellis is a former China correspondent for the AFR who now writes for Fortune Magazine from south-east Asia.

Creative Commons License photo credit: j.fisher

They are very different economies, very different communities. As Eric asks, now I’m asking you, how will our world change with China as the dominant force?

We are moving from the known to the unknown so you’d expect some scaremongering. While some might scoff at Americans and lament the amount of Americanisms leaking into Australian culture – the whatevers, the baseball caps, even the spellings; will we look back on this time with nostalgic fondness?

I think we will. From the “over sexed, over paid and over here” mentality from the 40s to the ‘knickers over the top of low slung jeans” fashions of the noughties we will look back and think “ahhhh those were the days” and “we had so much in common”. Yeah like the ANZUS treaty.

So can you imagine a world with China as the world leader?
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It is hard when we are so enmeshed in the status quo.

Will we look to China to sort out Iran?

Would the Australian Prime Minister dare question their choices when it comes to things like Tibet?

Will our teenagers start wearing cheongsams?

In the meantime I’m planning Yum Cha this Sunday for brunch.

Billiards, boxes and bloggers – my weekend

Last night we went back to my old university college for a dinner to celebrate the recent fundraising. The guest list was described to me as “a bit random” with one old girl or boy from each year.

We met in the Junior Common Room – a place where I spent a great part of my four years at Uni. For those who might have been there too – what is missing from the photograph below?

The Junior Common Room

That’s right. Where is the billiard table?! I can tell you where. It’s underneath South Wing. What the?

The billiard table is responsible for me being okay at pool. There was one pocket – the top left – we used to call the suction pocket because you only had to get the ball near it for it to be magically sucked down.

I found out last night that when they moved the table they discovered that the floorboards underneath it had completely rotted. Perhaps that’s what caused the slant.

Anyway it’s not going to go back. They are planning on extending the common room through where the kitchens are now… but it won’t be the same.

The JCR had one nice addition though…

Pianola boxes

The olden day equivalent of a CD collection!

Pianola boxes

Oh I love me a pianola.

Much wine was drunk thanks to this lady (who I noticed didn’t touch a drop herself).

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The Chairman

In fact that probably explains why she was the one who came up with the line of the night. We were talking about my brother – who was there in her year – apparently he really hated one of the tutors and painted a rather graphic painting of her which was put up in the annual art auction… this is the students’ chance to rent a college artwork for the year and raise money for EOTK’s (end of term kegs).

The line was: “It was so graphic, that it wasn’t just her eyes that followed you round the room!”

And she seemed so demure too… 😉

All that red wine made it difficult to get up this morning but I was due to meet fellow blogger Jaycee for coffee. We went to the Dome in Northbridge.

JJ - Cameraman

Jaycee had brought her own photographer. 🙂


What a cutie.

I always find it interesting to meet other bloggers and to see what blogs in common we read. Turns out quite a few – which I guess isn’t really a surprise as we are both moderators with Aussie Bloggers.

After yesterday’s downpour today was absolutely brilliant. Blue blue skies. One of those bright winter’s days that makes you happy to be living in Perth.

This is my first winter without a dryer so I desperately needed a break in the weather, and I was pleased for Jaycee and JJ’s sake that Perth had finally turned on the weather it is known for.

The rest of the day has just been a catch up on the washing and shopping day – oh and I have another loaf of No Knead Bread on the go… this time using “proper” bread flour. I can taste it already… yum!