Category Archives: Modern Life

Royal Show Redemption

A couple of years ago I wrote about the bogans at the Perth Royal Show. I was quite scathing. Now, it’s not that the show has suddenly become a bogan-free zone – quite the contraire – it’s just that – for the first time in about ten years I went to the show and I actually enjoyed it.

Far from the jaded worn out parent from a couple of years ago, dragged from one show bag stall to the next overpriced ride, this year I left the elder at home to play Spore (thanks to his Aunty he is now SUPER popular) and simply dropped the young one off to volunteer at Animal Aid Abroad

Where she stayed happily content all morning.

This left Groover and me free to wander the showgrounds at our whim and act like young teenagers in love – without the heavy petting in public.  

It took me back to my younger more impressionable years and my Grease-like fantasies of what teenagers did at Royal Shows… or at least end of year carnivals…

Okay so he didn’t hit a mallet and win me an oversized stuffed dog twice my size (this year’s choice prize) but then, I’m not actually a teenager and so didn’t miss it, nor miss finding the wretched thing space in my over-cluttered house.

Back to this year’s Royal Show…  does anyone else find it distasteful that they sold the naming rights?  It just doesn’t sound right to have the [insert advertiser name here] Perth Royal Show… did they ask the Queen first?  Wrong wrong wrong.

And would you go on a rollercoaster propped up on stacked wooden blocks?

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Groover and I did go on one ride though, which seemed to be made for teenagers, or at least smaller people than us.  It was the best ride I’ve been on at a local show.  And so it should have been at $10 each.  Highway robbery.

Didn’t seem to be putting off the masses of people in sideshow alley though.

Anyway after our free time we picked up Dippity, had some lunch (a lovely wood-fired pizza), Groover left and Dippity and I did a bit of wandering before doing another volunteering stint at another exhibit.

We finished the day exhausted and I learned a few lessons.

  1. Get your kids to volunteer for a stall – it tires them out and they spend less (of your) money
  2. Volunteer yourself and get free entry to the show – saves $24/adult ticket
  3. Leave kids at home or get them to go with someone else and enjoy the show 
  4. Check the base of all rollercoasters you intend to ride

My Space – seriously kid unfriendly

We are lucky enough to have a granny flat out the back of our place called affectionately The Cabana.  As we don’t have a shed it comes in handy as a place for storing all that stuff that somehow accumulates when you’ve lived in the same house for ten years.

The camping equipment is under our old queen sized bed.  There are boxes of books that I’ve given up trying to find a shelf for but can’t bear to give away.  Dress ups, my cello, a guitar, two single beds, a sofa bed, an old desk, more camping equipment, luggage, the bicycles, a trunk of Groover’s sister’s stuff, fishing stuff, carpet cuts, unused appliances, gardening gear, a set of boules, several paintings and the old telly.  I’m sure you have a similar space at your place.

In the last few years, every six months or so I’ve cleaned it up so the kids to entertain their friends.  The telly is linked to a dvd player and they can lounge around talking rubbish and not disturb us… but no more.

It’s supposed to also be the spare room for guests but after my two and their friends have been there – the guests don’t really have much of a hope finding the bed.
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I’ve decided as they NEVER clean it up, I’m going to reclaim it for me.  It is now Myspace.

I’ve had the sewing machine fixed up and I now can – theoretically – do some sewing projects.

I’ve fixed the telly so I can watch videos as I sew or type in blissful peace, playing my music… should I wish to.

Some may say it’s selfish.  I say they should have bloody cleaned up!

The stink of nightmares

How did you sleep last night?

If you woke up with a nightmare it might be worth making sure there are no stinky smells near where you sleep.

Experts have discovered that when you smell something pleasant, like roses, you have “positive” dreams.

But if you smell something yucky, like rotting eggs, you tend to have “negative” dreams.
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My advice… be careful who you sleep with… no farting!

Or maybe – keep a window open!

PS:  Maybe the sweet smelling flowers explain why my girl used to sleep well?

Our football sized mammals

Last night we went for a drive about 45 minutes out of Perth to Karakamia Sanctuary.

The sanctuary is named after the red-tailed black cockatoo and they were the first birds we saw on entering the property. It all feels a bit Jurassic Park as you enter: There are impressively electrified fences stretching away on either side, with electronic gates that slowly open onto a gravel road once you press the button to enter.

The fencing – which costs $90,000 a kilometre – is essential for keeping out feral animals such as foxes and cats which are the main predators these days of the smaller fauna once common in our Jarrah forests.

The sanctuary has been in operation since 1992. They enclosed the 275ha and set about removing all the feral predators. When they were convinced they had a feral-free zone, the Australian Wildlife Conservancy started introducing species all but wiped out: Woylies (brush-tailed bettongs), Quokkas, Numbats, Tammar wallabies, quenda (southern brown bandicoots) and so on.

Some – like the woylies – have thrived to the point where they have been captured and sent to other conservatories, others – like the Numbat – have been less successful.

One of the things I found out was how little leaf litter you find in a forest where there are a lot of animals such as quenda. They bury so much of it the forest floor is quite open and clear.

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We learned that the Australian bush is not just about kangaroos, echidnas and possums – the three types of animals that have a chance of surviving against foxes and cats (roos are too big, echidnas too spiky and possums too high).

Everytime we stopped the bush came alive with the sound of animals moving in the undergrowth. It was inspiring.

If you are at all inspired, the AWC have 18 sanctuaries around Australia. Absolutely magic.

(And I hope you get as passionate a guide as ours was! Thank you Simon.)

The ironic thing? We didn’t (unusually they said) see any possums while on the walk and it wasn’t until I was driving through my suburb a couple of streets away from home that I saw one crossing the road. Go figure!

Update: Found a tick on my tummy today – it’s so itchy! Bloody nature! Thank goodness we don’t have Limes disease.

My family

This is my family at the party we had on Saturday night for my Dad (70) and my little sister (40).

Make sure you keep the length, said my sister as we uploaded this photo today, we don’t want to look any fatter than necessary.  No worries I thought, that suits me!

Ah.  This website seems to be working again sans multi-level navigation and automatic WordPress upgrade plugins.  Meh who needs them.

A fast loading site is all I want.  Or in fact a loading site.

I’m sitting here on the couch with my sister – over from the US -showing her how to blog on WordPress.  It’s very exciting.  The sun is warming our hands and laps as we type away.
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Tonight she goes back to the States.

I feel like I’ve only just had time to say hi and she’s gone again.

At the birthday she had us all in tears talking about Dad.  She spoke of someone who could do anything – and that’s what he’s like.  But that’s also what she’s like. 

She’s told me to stop now… but it’s my blog and I will write what I like.  So there!

(you can get me back on your blog if you want.)

A new model for powerful presentations

You know how I feel about Powerpoint presentations… well how’s this for a good model for a seminar day:

5 minutes
20 slides
Slides change every 15 seconds automatically

See how it worked for Matt (as in Where the Hell is Matt?)
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Well… short. I like the finale. 🙂

The horrible things orthodontists do to teenage boys

There’s a real “Wallace” moment at the end of this video.

I’ve spent more than $700 and we haven’t even seen metalwork yet.
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Hopefully I’ll get some back on insurance.

I’m in almost as much pain as he is.

Stop. Think. Compliment

Ennuin July 2008

Today someone took the time to tell me what a good job I was doing. And that person is someone I manage.

I felt really good.

No. REALLY good.

The lesson was learned.

It’s not enough to give positive feedback down the chain – it’s important to also send it up the chain.

Yes is feels brown-nosy and sucky, but in a world where you usually only hear from people when something is going pear-shaped (and I’m not talking about my figure), the smallest drop of kindness stands out.
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But doesn’t it feel awkward?!

Finding a moment to stop and tell your boss that you appreciate what they do and how they lead is not easy… it’s uncomfortable. It’s not “the Australian way”.

The thing to do I’ve discovered is to hold on to that good feeling you get when you’re complimented and push it outwards… with your courage.

It might make their day.

It made mine.

How can you be angry with a boy like mine?

Me and my boy

I received an email from Hugamuga’s maths teacher today:

Hugamuga did not do very well on his algebra test on Monday, partly due to being away. I told him that some work from him was necessary and I did give him some revision sheets and did tell him to come and see me at lunch time so I could help him, but he never did.

So this modern mother sent her son the email with a please explain request.

I laughed out loud when I got this reply:

errr i will tell the truth 🙁

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i thought it would be boring and none of my friends were doing it also in fact nobody and i thought i knew pretty much most of it. 🙁

and with the computing i had alot of interuptions on fridays so i barely got 60% of the lessons

i finished the last assignment just need to send it.

i know its not good enough and your going to be very grumpy when you get home :(!!!

very scared

hugamuga curls up in to a little ball behind the book i won for geography at the assembly and the certificate for getting in the top 5% out of 1.7million who did the science comp.

Cute.  But he still has to go and do a catch up lesson!

Growing my gorgeous girl

I was half-listening to the radio this afternoon while purging my filing cabinet, answering emails and dealing with spot fires – you know, the little problems that crop up that you have to deal with – and they were talking about growing gorgeous girls…

I’ll find out the name of the book and author for you but the guts of it was that because your daughter is so “relationship aware” you need to make sure she knows she is cherished.

Growing Great Girls by Ian Grant

You need to spend time listening to her talk about her day. The author even suggested making a scrapbook of her life so that when she is 14 she can sit in her room when she’s feeling unloved and have a tangible record of your love for her.

If you do all this, he says (he wrote the book with his wife), your daughter is more likely to talk to you when she has problems.

Well I don’t have a scrapbook of Dippity’s life, but I do have this blog. Does that count at all?

I asked her what she thought. Did she feel loved? (yes, but not as much as her brother – to be fair he’s just found out that he might get to go on a trip to India or Borneo with the school)

Does a blog count? “Totally! I can’t lose that.” (well… maybe you can’t but I nearly did!! And what if the power goes out.)
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The hardest thing for me at the moment is balancing being there for her and being there for work.

I thought it would get easier as she and her brother got older but I’m not finding it the case. I think tween and teenagers need you more… or more of you.

Yes, they are more independent. They can get their own breakfast, pack their own lunches (but they prefer me to make them), set the table and do a great job cleaning up afterwards. They can organise their own social life – they don’t need me to set up play dates anymore.

Emotionally though – I think as a parent you play a greater role and, as the holder of the boundaries, you are sorely tested.

As I heard one caller say today – you are not their friend, but their parent.

So Dippity and Hugamuga – know this: I love you. With all my heart and all my being.

(and no, no more computer time for you two tonight – it’s bedtime!)