The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay

First of all – this Pulitzer Prize winning novel (2001) by Michael Chabon has its own website. You can read lots of interview and reviews there if you’re so inclined.

Briefly, the book is the story of a partnership between two cousins – one who is an escape artist and brilliant comic book illustrator and the other who writes fantastic stories. It is just before World War 2 and Kavalier escapes from Prague to New York – on his first night he is bundled into Clay’s bedroom by Clay’s mother and the relationship begins.

Together they create The Escapist, among a great many others, and try to engineer the escape of the rest of his family from Europe.
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It’s a long read but a very satisfying one. On the cover Tom Payne from the Daily Telegraph is quoted saying:

Perfection. There are perhaps four other books I’ve loved this much, and none that has made me cry more.

I didn’t find it particularly heart-wrenching. Nor is it in my top ten reads but it is an interesting idea and well written. Have you read it? What did you think?