Tag Archives: specials

Extras by Scott Westerfeld

The four Uglies booksExtras is the fourth book in the Uglies trilogy. Well, strictly speaking the trilogy – Uglies, Pretties and Specials – stands alone. Lets just say this is another book set in the Uglies world. You can read my review of that series here.

Extras is set around a new heroine in another city – this time in Japan. This city is based on a “reputation economy” where the most famous get the most resources. Sound familiar? To get famous you either need to be clever at something or you need to report or “kick” the story.

Fame is everything.

Your fame buys you luxury apartments, beautiful clothes, invitations to the most exclusive of parties. It’s kind of how our celebrities live now!

(You can also get merits by being a doctor or scientist… the merit system runs alongside the reputation economy.)

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The kickers in his story are our “Naturals” of today. They don’t travel anywhere without their cameras, they are completely at home with hi-tech equipment and then they “kick” their stories onto the internet. Just like on social networking sites of today – but of course far more integrated into their society. 🙂

Stories are then “kicked” on by others – just like you Stumble and Digg stories today.

I think that’s why I’ve found this series so engaging. Scott manages to pick up on contemporary themes and spin them out to see where they go.

A good series for teens, late tweens and young minded adults. 🙂

The Uglies Trilogy – a review from an “older teen”

In a world of extreme beauty, anyone normal is ugly.

cover of scott westerfeld book - ugliesScott Westerfeld‘s trilogy is made up of “Uglies”, “Pretties” and “Specials”.

In this future world everyone has an operation at the age of 16 and is turned into a “pretty”. You get a perfect body, a super-immune system, perfect vision etc and you get to live on a ramped up Ibeza like party-city where life. For the uglies waiting to turn 16 in the dorms on the wrong side of the river it all seems too far away and they spend their time playing around with how they would like to look after the operation and sneaking out and getting into mischief, blowing off a bit of steam.

But what if you don’t want to be turned pretty? And is the pretty operation as innocent as it seems?

This is a fast paced action tale which I enjoyed reading. I loved the way the pretties all talk like 10 yo girls – like totally whatever. And the issues behind the concept are also interesting.
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Would we have depression, anorexia nervosa, self-harm, suicide if the pressures of looking good were taken away from our society – if everyone could look the same – would we have racism?

That is not to say that these books are written in a heavy philosophising manner. They are not. It’s full of hover board chases and rebellion, it just makes you think, possibly even makes teens think. I know I would have eaten these up at school had they been written then.

Have my two picked them up? No. But I am hopeful one day they will.

Oh by the way… Scott has a blog too so he must be okay. 🙂