Category Archives: Personal

Lemon Squeezy


I played at WABC with P last Wednesday night.  It’s a good session – 16 tables.  We came third.

3% is ALL mine.

We safely got to a 6S contract and of course I “rescue” my partner into a very unsafe 6NT because we haven’t played together much and I’m not sure he knows my system (of course he did).

I learned my lesson.

This hand is one we discussed after the session til they kicked us out.

At the table our opposition were in 3NT, which they just made.  Partner led the QD.

But Deep Finesse reckons you can make 6C.

Looking at the hand you are going to lose a D and the QC so how do you avoid the Diamond loser?

The answer, we eventually worked out, was to not touch clubs.

Win the AD and ruff a spade in dummy.
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Play the AKQ hearts, discarding diamonds in hand and then ruff a heart.

E will probably go up with the 8C, so you win with the King.

Ruff another spade, and another heart.

Then play Ace of spades.

And the ten of spades.


West at this point is sitting with three clubs and a diamond.

If West discards a diamond or trumps low – you are home. Win the spade with a trump in dummy, cash the Ace and exit with the Queen of Spades.

If West trumps high, throw the diamond.

It shouldn’t have taken me so long to work out… luckily I wasn’t playing it at the table!

A perfect life

What would you do next if you were at the top of your game in a Melbourne restaurant?

Open another restaurant?

Get even more busy?


Well the fellow who runs this place got it right I reckon.

He has a restaurant in Albany which he opens when he feels like it.

Maybe he’ll open the whole restaurant, maybe he’ll just take a table of six, maybe he’ll go fishing and not show up for a week.

When my colleague wanted to hold a Christmas lunch there, he said yes but they had to have their orders in two days before and they ended up being the only ones in the restaurant.

This is not a place you can just roll up to and hope to get a table and so I will never ever dine there. 

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But I kind of like his attitude.

He obviously cooks for the pleasure of it and you can imagine the food he prepares will be made with a light heart.

And isn’t that what we want?

Not just from a chef but from whatever job we are doing, from whatever service we require?

I’m going to work on that light heart stuff.


Oh, and apparently the food this guy prepares is fantastic.

No surprises there.

Three score years and ten


We were down in Dunsborough for mum’s 70th birthday celebration.

She had invited her family to Caves House for a breakfast.

The photos in the room were of Caves House in the year of her birth – 1939.


This is the youngest member of the family being held by the oldest, my great aunt.


I didn’t take many photos.  This is my mother’s cousin.  They are very close in age.

Two brothers married two sisters and mum and her cousin are both the third children of their respective pairings.

They used to play together.

They both have sons who are artists.

They are both into alternative health.

The birthday celebration was lovely.
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We brought up all the old stories… those awful eggplant patties even the dog refused to eat, the time she tried to make my brother sick of meat pies by making him eat them for every meal (she gave up after a fortnight), the education we received in transactional analysis…


And I have never been so embarrassed.

How does it happen that you spell your mother’s name wrong in a video slideshow on her 70th birthday?

Please tell me how that could have happened?


The shame.

I know my kids are going to deliberately spell my name wrong now.

It’s going to be one of those stories.

Up there with the eggplant patties.

And they’ll probably also add the inedible lime casserole I made last week.

Who knew you couldn’t substitute limes for lemons?



I was over  at Mum and Dad’s today raking leaves.  They are away and we want to make the house look lived in.

It was another beautiful autumn day.  The sun glistening through the leaves, and onto the leaves that had fallen.

The many, many leaves.

It started me thinking about senescence… the crispy brown leaves crackled under my feet as I gathered them into piles.

Just like me, slowly getting older, more wrinkles, dryer skin.

Still it’s hard to resist a big pile of autumn leaves isn’t it?

And that inner child, just under the surface of that 42 year old skin, came out to play.




Eventually I had enough throwing leaves around. Bits of dead leaf had even worked their way down my jeans into my underpants. How does that happen?
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I picked a few lettuce leaves from the vege patch and went back to my car.

When I got their the door was open. 

My handbag on the seat.

Had I left the door open when I got my camera out?

Shit, I thought.  This is where I discover my wallet has been nicked.

It wasn’t in my handbag.

I felt sick driving home.  The hassle of sorting out my credit card again.  Oh and my cash splash cheque was gone.

The momentary joy of throwing leaves in the air forgotton.

When I got home I found my wallet on my chest of drawers.  Where I had left it after going out last night.

I made a salad from the greens picked in mum’s garden and sat outside in the sunshine.

Avon Adventure

The Toodyay Memorial Hall

One of the things I learned on a trip to Bath in the UK was that “avon” is the Celtic word for “river”.

Thus when the Romans asked the ancient Britons what that river was called – they called it the Avon.

This is why there are so many Avon Rivers in the United Kingdom and why we have one in our ex-British colony of Western Australia.

It amuses me to think of it.

I had cause the other weekend as I travelled to Toodyay for the annual Avon Valley Bridge Congress with Arty.

Pastor Ed Young founded the Fellowship Church the best viagra continues to grow at a rapid rate. These viagra properien online health groups and forums work actively nowadays. levitra 20mg uk The reward is often more green pixie dust on your pagerank toolbar. This problem is very much common these days which is ED that is erectile cialis tablets 20mg dysfunction. It was perfect Sunday drive weather and the scenary – dry and brown – flew by as we sipped our take-away coffees and caught up on ten years of gossip.

There is nothing like bridge gossip.  

The bridge world is rather small.

We had a lovely day.

We spent money in the shops, made the final, and enjoyed a delicious Polish meal on return to Perth.

Toodyay Pioneer

The Freemason's Hotel, Toodyay

Toodyay Shops

Early starts and wicket takers


I’m tired.

My eyes are barely open.  They feel sandy.  And I feel quite lethargic, reclining as I am my head at an odd angle to gain the cushion, my body twisted so I can keep the laptop plugged in and lie down at the same time.  This can’t be good for my spine.

I shuffle along the couch to try and find  a more comfortable space.  Luckily my fingers know the keys but still I have to stop and correct now and then.

Despite a rather stressed work environment at the moment I’ve had a surprisingly relaxed weekend.

Friday night I played bridge with Arty.  She’s a great player.  She knows the conventions backwards and understands cards.  Even so we only came fourth.  Club bridge is somewhat unpredictable.  Afterwards we discussed the hands – we’re playing in the Women’s Selection next week.  She told me to study hard!

The next morning I got up latish and went for a coffee which turned into lunch with Jif, another bridge pal who I used to work with.  He is a font of all bridge knowledge and gossip and we had a lovely lunch down at Barista which, although I thought over-priced did a very nice Greek pastry thing. (Don’t you love my technical terms)

In the afternoon I went to Knitwit to see if they hold stretch sewing classes.  I’m sure they do but they weren’t open.  Sigh.  Don’t they know that some sewing types work?!  Saturday morning is such a drag to have to spend shopping.

Hmm speaking of shopping I’ve checked out the new Claremont Shopping Centre and found it a bit boring.  I know all the shops aren’t in yet but there is not enough there for me to make the effort yet.  And anyway big shopping centres are overwhelming.

Last night we went to see Shane Warne the Musical at the Regal Theatre.  It was opening night and a carpet of fake grass and a white picket fence led the way in. 

All the regular freeloaders were there and it was a good fun night.

I loved the different musical styles – from rap to gospel.  In that way it was similar to Keating! which you know I loved.

You need to consume one Kamdeepak capsule daily two times with milk or water for 3 sildenafil overnight to 4 months to overcome lots of common sexual problems. In the case of Kamagra that ingredient is sildenafil citrate which is known for its ability to increase the blood flow that result into causing cialis sale an erection. Kamagra contains Sildenafil citrate that is also useful for men with some certain underlying causes of ED that includes diabetes, hypertension, and cardiac problems. viagra uk It is not necessary that you will get the generic version of the buy cialis online that works exactly like its branded counterpart, cialis, but is sold online at cheap cost. The story of Shane Warne – the bad boy cricket genius – has a bit to work with.  I’m not sure the straight autobiographical chronology worked for me so much – the AIS stuff was a bit creepy – but overall it was a blast.

The classic moments for me include the cigarette scene – worth the price of admission just for that.  I also liked the Simone meeting section and the wedding dance, the sledging song (wouldn’t mind reading the lyrics of that one) and the last song by Simone is also poignant.

Eddie Perfect is indeed perfect as Warney – and as he also wrote all the lyrics, quite impressive.

I would like to see the libretto though as I fear I missed a lot of the humour because I missed some of the lyrics.

While you don’t need to know a lot about cricket to enjoy this musical I recommend familarising yourself with The Ball.  You can see a video here and the wiki explanation is very good too.

A second opinion?

This morning we got up early – 6.30 AM to trek out to Melville for the carpark markets.

It was dark when we arrived, just getting light and already the place was busy with people.  A great place to buy plants I think and there were a few other bits and pieces of interest – a nice sewing machine I was tempted by  – a few clothing items – but I managed not to buy anything – quite easy with Groover walking near me – he is quite the handbrake on spending that one!

I went back to bed when we got home – it is Sunday right?

Although I did manage to get out my convention book to read through some of the bits and pieces I’m playing with Arty on Thursday.

Big bridge week coming up… Monday night with Gij, then I fly to Kalgoorlie for three days, back for Thursday night with Arty, Friday night at home (I think we’re cleaning the house… sigh) and then ALL weekend playing with Arty, and then Monday night again with Gij.

Insane.  It’s feast or famine.  And online I’ve found some bridge tweeters.  Happy day.

Just saying yes at the moment


This is a photo of Groover at the top of the overbridge that we walk on during our weekend’s walk.  He nearly always beats me to the top.

These days I find it hard to find the time to exercise.

Yes I know it’s an excuse.

Yes I know that if I really prioritised properly I would find the time.

The fact is my life is full and exercise comes a long way below family time, work, sewing, bridge, twittering, blogging, reading… just about anything in fact you care to mention.

I’m playing in two competitions at the moment – State Swiss Pairs – first night last night = epic FAIL, and the Interstate Women’s Selection.

Well I’m practicing for the latter.

I’m playing with two different partners with two quite different styles so it is quite interesting.  One seems as steady as a rock, but can be quite intuitive with her bidding – in a good way, the other follows the rules strictly.

As I’ve also been described as intuitive (but not in a good way), it makes for erratic scoring. 🙂

If only work didn’t get quite so in the way…

As far as sewing goes, I’ve made Dippity an outrageously short bubble skirt, which she of course wears ALL the time because it is so revealing – and not with leggings as I suggested.
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And I ran up a pair of black pants to wear with the black and white overskirt Mum picked up at Freo Markets.  They were surprisingly simple to make.

Reading – well I’m taking an age to read the library books I’ve got out and have already had to go back and renew them.

Work is insane at the moment – I seem to be filling in for several people all at the same time – and I am so over fire season!

Family – yes they still seem to be occupying the same house… Hugamuga gets his lower braces tomorrow…

And so to exercise. LOL.

At least giving up alcohol seems to be helping control the weight.  17 days and going strong.  You never know I might even make it to the end of the month.

The other thing I’m trying this month – in the spirit of open-mindedness – is Bettina Arndt’s just say yes policy in the bedroom.

It raised my hackles when I first heard her talk about it.  It struck me as a blow for feminism and the rights of a woman to say no.



Okay perhaps I’m not entirely living without exercise at the moment.

My Mum’s racy past


This is my mum and my daughter in 2005.  We were in Italy, in Venice in fact.

I thought I wouldn’t like Venice.  I thought it would be too much of a cliche, too geared for tourism.

It was.  I didn’t care.  I loved it.

The other week I caught up with my oldest cousin.  

When she was a teenager, my mum was a young adult.

According to my cousin she was the coolest auntie a girl could ever have.

She fought back to her parents.

She travelled the world.

She slept in the nude.

My cousin tells me she once overheard an argument between mum and my grandparents.

They were upset because she’d cashed in her savings to buy a ticket overseas to follow my Dad to Canada (eventually).

Mum said it was her money and she would do what she wanted with it, cashed up and took off and the rest, as they say is history.

The effect on my cousin was profound.  
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She kept the boarding passes mum gave her and used to look at them and imagine being like my mum.

In later life she travelled far and wide and still does.

Listening to my cousin I felt a kernel of pride that this was my mother she was talking about but interestingly also a sense of wonder.

Who was this woman?

This racy, defiant, inspiring person?

She just seemed like a normal mum to me… a little vehement about me not being a teacher (she didn’t enjoy her chosen profession…) but otherwise…

It is only now as an adult,  I recognise that I grew up with a pretty radical person.

Mum was always experimenting.

From eggplant patties (don’t ask – they were a disaster – even the dog wouldn’t eat them) to Transactional Analysis, she explored her inner and outer worlds and took us along for the ride.

This year she is celebrating a significant birthday.

Dad and I were going to start planning a party but we’ve been informed that there will be several functions.

A festival of Mum.

Bring it on – you deserve it!

I don’t want to hear your excuses

A walk on a Rottnest beachl

I realised something today.

I don’t like to hear excuses, and not only that, I don’t think others do either.

It’s always been my pet hate when people give me chapter and verse when they can’t do something – go out, do a task, whatever.

Okay I get it – I fume inside my head – it’s making me feel worse hearing your excuses.  Just say you don’t want to come!

It’s that whole – “I would have done it if” thing.

If I didn’t have to wash my hair, if I wasn’t so tired, if I could have found a babysitter…

The truth is maybe – maybe you just didn’t want to go.

The only things I think I want to hear are that you already have a prior task or appointment OR that you don’t want to, maybe it’s not your cup-of-tea.

Because in the end that’s what it mostly boils down to doesn’t it?

This is what highlighted in yellow texta to me that I don’t like excuses – my Dad rang about some chairs and I gave him my excuses as to why I didn’t go to a concert with him last night.
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Now the truth is I didn’t want to go.

Yes I was tired and underwhelmed with enthusiasm by the rest of the family but if I had really wanted to go, I would have.

He cut me off and I realised that I was doing to him what I hate being done to me.  

A reflection.

Sorry Dad.

I think underneath we know why people say no to invitations.

And it does hurt a little when we get a no.

But it’s like salt in the wound to get a list of excuses on why.

So next time, I’m just going to own my feelings and take responsibility for my life and just say no, politely.

I think it hurts less.

Ten years younger

not so grey

Okay maybe not ten…

In many ways now that I’ve decided to dye my hair again I feel as if I’ve given up.


I think it’s better to feel it rather than look it!

I had lunch today with a friend who I haven’t seen in about six months.  She has a new man, is going for a new job and looks happier than I’ve seen her in a while.

I love that about female friendships.

With loss of self esteem and performance, irrespective of the people who have experience VigRx plus pills are designed with an aim to act as an ultimate solution for the kindness supported for the hardships that are soft cialis india experienced who are indulge with the fear of erectile dysfunction. If The Disk Drive Would Not Budge Stuck Debris. levitra 20mg canada Thus, we could witness a rise in the demand for acai berries. pfizer viagra australia Type 2 Diabetes is the most common type of diabetes is primarily contributed by cialis on line lifestyle factors and genetics. You might not see eachother for ages as life – lets face it – does get in the way but when you get back together it’s as if you have been in touch every week.

I guess male friendships are the same?

For bloggers out there… I’m writing this on Wordpress 2.7.  I like it.  I like the layout, the groovy new functions like get plugin – oh that makes life easy, and well… all of it.

You might see a few new functions on the site as I’ve got lots of new toys to play with.

Let me know what you think, especially if it gets too cluttered.

If you use WordPress and haven’t upgraded – do it.  It’s worth it

And oh, Twitter.  I am fast realising what a time-waster that is.  I hardly had time to scratch myself between tweets today.  Lucky I had the day off!