Category Archives: Personal

Ugg Boot Miracle

I nearly had to throw my ugg boots out.

Yes it is true. They were so munted, so split, that I couldn’t walk in them and besides all that cold air getting in kind of defeated the purpose.

Ugg boots Ugg boots

Now I’m not an advocate of wearing ugg boots outside – they are NOT a fashion statement. They are a very comfortable and warm addition to my wardrobe and I can’t do without them. In fact I’m planning on getting some new ones at the Perth Royal Show. I bought some for Groover a couple of years ago and they are a much more sturdy make. But the show is still some weeks off and my tootsies were chilled.

I was desperate.

So before you throw your well loved uggys out… try this:
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Find a knee-hi stocking. You might not own one but they are very cheap.

Stretch stocking over sad ugg boot.

Problem solved.

Ugg boots Ugg boots

Of course, you’ll still be wearing ugg boots but as I said, ugg boots have their place. 🙂


You would think that the easiest person in the world to buy for would be your partner right? You live with them, you know them, you love them. Should be a piece of cake.

So why is it so hard?

C: What do you want for your birthday?
G: A surround sound system for the telly?
C: Anything else??
G: No. I only want a surround sound system for the telly.

Was he joking? A surround system is a bit out of my league. If I’m honest. I don’t think I’ve bought a birthday present on hire purchase before.

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Still Groover has always maintained that he hates thinking about presents for himself. And he’s right. I hate it too when people ask me for a list at Christmas time – especially when I provide the list and they don’t believe I actually want what is on the list. It’s pressure you don’t need.

And I admit I was very specific about what I wanted for Christmas… The GHD Styling Irons are lovely! But now I wonder if it was a fair thing to do. I’m thinking maybe not.

So I’m not going to seek further counsel. If the risk is that I buy a dud present – then that is the risk. Love is risk. Life is risk. Safety is boring. And though I’m sure a surround sound system would be exactly the thing Groover wants, I think it’s something we should buy together, as a family, when we can afford it.

So Groover, if you’re reading this. I’m sorry about the trip to Hardly Normal, we’re not going there for your birthday. Instead you will find a gift on Monday morning from the person who loves you and has done her best to find something (else) you’ll enjoy. You will be able to unwrap this gift. It will feel like a birthday present.

It won’t be a frozen chicken. Ah, but that is a tale for another time.

And the winner wasn’t…

I know since our tremendous debut in the BAWA Women’s pairs 5 weeks ago, you have been panting with anticipation to hear about your correspondent’s mastery of the game but sadly, it is my duty to inform you, we crashed and burned… badly.

And it wasn’t even one night… for three consecutive nights we, or let’s be fair here, I, played like a numpty head.

I don’t even know what a numpty head is – but I bet it looks like me.
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Even so, The Physicist is still keen to play in the Mixed Pairs which starts on October 8. He even saw tonight’s scorecard. Not pretty.

Unless you appreciate the zen like absence of score.

Evan Almighty

Today we all trooped out to the Ascot Cinema in Mt Lawley to see a preview of Evan Almighty.  Rated G, a father’s day family flick.

It’s harmless enough.  An ex-TV anchorman turned congressman is elected on the slogan Change the World.  When he prays for help doing just that, God appears and tells him to build an ark.

As a family we rated it 2.5/5.  It has some funny moments, but it’s too moral heavy and sanctimonious for me.
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I’d rather watch Australian Idol. (Go Sarah, Natalie, Mark and Daniel… tho I’d be happy with Carl as well)

In the afternoon, my orchid hunter and I played bridge at JT’s Sunday Club at Nedlands.  A very relaxed session and good fun, although not as relaxed as the kitchen bridge I played with Mum and Dad and the hunter this evening… I thought I was intuitive until I played with Dad.  Still his methods – such as they are – seem to work.  We won!  Must be that Father’s Day magic. 🙂

On not having a pet

I never thought I’d grow up and live in a house without pets. My dog when I was growing up was a black labrador/corgi cross – think labrador face, shortish legs and stout. Her name was Hannah. I used to lie in bed of a morning and hear her thunder up the stairs, along the corridor, the door would fly open and she would leap onto the bed.

At Easter time she would sniff out our Easter Eggs and scoff them.

She was a waggy friendly dog, slightly overweight and a terror on bin day.

We also had a cats. My first cat was a black and white fluffy cat called Tinkerbell. We also had Samson – a very large ginger cat with a flatulence problem. And finally Mr B, also known as Fred. Who was grey and white and turned up in our garage with his leg caught in his collar. A visit to the vet and he was ours.

I had a mouse too, which got eaten by a kookaburra, but that was a sad little tale which I won’t go into here.

So why am I not a pet owner now? I’m a grown up. I can do what I like. I’m obviously in the minority, not having a pet.

Well I guess I’m out of practice. Groover has never been a pet owner. His father was a pilot and so they were always away – not an ideal scenario for pet owners. Also he’s allergic to cats.  And so is my orchid hunter(Hugamuga).

And the longer I live without pets the harder it is for me to like them. I’m not that keen on being sat on by affectionate cats now, and even feel slightly sneezy around them – can you catch allergies or is it low tolerance? And dogs? Well they do smell a bit and I cringe when they lick me. When our rabbit ran away, another sad tale, I was half relieved.
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Does that make me a bad person? Am I depriving my children?

They never ask for a pet, well not since Butterfly ran away.

“We don’t need one because we go on holidays too often”, Says my daughter. What a practical girl. “But I wouldn’t mind fostering a pet on the holidays when we’re at home…”

Hmmm I don’t think so.

Can I imagine us ever having a pet?

If I did it would be a small yappy dog – like my brother-in-law’s Puffy. That I didn’t have to take for walks twice a day. And I’d have to work from home. I don’t think it’s fair on the dog to be out every day.

It could be a while before that happens.  Like, post-divorce. 🙂

Shopping to impress

I went shopping on Saturday to buy a suit for my interview.  It’s not easy to find a suit that… well… suits!

Eventually I found a Perri Cutten suit that was lovely but too eveningy – if you know what I mean… I needed something a bit more… hip hop and happenin’.

Also it was $710 and I didn’t want the job that badly.

Today with a cold dulling my senses I went home early to “prepare” and found myself in a clothes shop looking for a colourful top to go with my black pants.
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I selected several pieces off the racks and started trying things on.  Nothing I chose really “did” it for me. I tend to go for wide bottomed pants and tighter tops but the lass in the store found this top that just made me look pregnant – which is okay if you are and not, if you’re not, if you know what I mean – funky pregnant but pregnant – anyway she suggests I try the top on with skinny leg pants.

Well I never go for the skinny leg – not having them you see – but I humoured her, and even wore a wide belt just below the bust and voila.  I looked good!

And felt good – despite the cold – having bought two pieces I would never have chosen by myself.  Which just goes to show… that I’m not a fashionista, one, and two not to completely ignore  the suggestions of the sales staff.

It’s over

Had the interview which included two presentations today.  Now the waiting begins… and knowing the organisation I work for that will take weeks. 🙂

I think I went okay.  I will be disappointed only if they choose neither of us.  If they choose my colleague I will be more than happy going back to the floor as I miss my old role. 

It’s kind of fun being in an interview situation.  The challenge of answering curly questions on the spot takes me back to exam days… and this one was particularly inventive with bits of audio thrown in to comment on and a role play.
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Of course I did the role play with Groover when we got home and he told me what I should have said so next time I’ll be fantastic!

Ah well… if I hadn’t caught a cold yesterday I’d be drinking wine right now… 🙂

Reality bites

So the second round of the women’s pairs wasn’t quite so fab dahling. Indeed it was a little bit average.  Even below average.  However we did have some good boards among the dross – most of those gifts – thank you opposition.

And there was some dross.

Here’s one of the less successful bidding sequences…

Board 23: I open 2NT (21-22 flat) Partner holds:

S A75
H 2
D J93
C QJ9742

Partner bids 3C, asking for majors.  She wants to rule out a 5-3 spade fit.

I bid 3D, yes I have a four card major.

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Here’s my hand:

H AQ84
C AK65

So how do we get to 6C?  Or even maybe 6NT?

After discussion and given our lack of transfers to minors over 2NT, we figured it was probably going to end up being a punt. Maybe partner could bid 3C, then over my 3D, 5C to show long clubs, and then I guess 6C.

Or maybe we try cue raises… 3C – 3D – 4C – 4H (showing AH) – 4S (showing AS) – then maybe I’m thinking slam… either that or horribly confused. 🙂

Are you a bridge player?  What would you do?  Tell me your nifty convention. 🙂

Dressing up

dressing upReading Thirdcat’s post today about Opinionated Boy and his decision or not to wear a pink skirt reminded me of the orchid hunter aged 2.

I had gone back to work and OH was cared for at my cousin’s house where we shared a nanny. My cousin has 3 kids the youngest about 2 years older than OH but they are in consecutive years (you get it? She has a birthday in January, OH is in November).

Somehow we had been given a dress – one of those tough Osh Gosh stripey ones – and OH decided he desperately wanted to wear it. I was in my new mother – I’m not going to be freaked out by gender stereotypes moments – and said sure darling – and off we went.

This in turn leads the man to get over this issue. viagra buy cheap 100mg online is frequently sold in online stores. levitra is also easily available online. order levitra online contain Vardenafil used in the treatment discussion. Mechanism of action: This pill is one such fundamental solution to kick out the problem of cialis prices more information erectile dysfunction & this semi-liquid medicinal drug helps with the health complications of the males that have erectile dysfunction. Successful treatment: You always want a treatment generic viagra online that had been successful to treat problems of many other people. viagra 25 mg Firstly, patients may have a blood urination and hematospermia. Well after all my cousin’s kids, the nanny and my cousin and her housekeeper commented on the dress I decided I was going to be freaked out and from then on OH was told that “oh dear, the dress is getting washed…”

Yes this is the child who threw his “On the Road” book – out the window on to the actual road.

Pictured: a flashback to 2002 (and a very old camera) to my two darlings dressing up in my old ballgowns. OH would be about 6 here.

In bridge news…

Tonight was the first night of the BAWA Women’s Pairs.  I’m playing with the trendy one and guess what?!  No you’ll never guess… we came first tonight!

It’s not often that I get to say that… in fact I can’t remember the last time and as we’re only ahead by one point I feel it best to skite while I can. 🙂


In accepting this place I must take a moment to thank Mum and Dad for looking after the kids and my partner for having faith in me.

Food and Drug Administration observed that find this viagra uk (along with other PDE5 inhibitors. There is a line posted in favor of levitra from canada in this regard. With this dysfunction, a man feels discomfort and generally becomes unable to generic viagra generic hold an erection for long enough in order to enhance male sperm production almost up to 140 %. We should accept our partner’s need online viagra and this can destroy a prosperous and flourishing marriage. To be honest it was such a frantic rush today with four people sick at work that I didn’t think I would make it.  Occasional food was luckily available, and my darlings were very good to get ready so quickly and without fuss.

To Groover, stuck in bloody Karratha again, I’m sorry I took my frustrations out on you.  It’s not your fault that the client is inconvenient.

When do we get to give up full-time work?  I think it should be soon.

I’m all fired up now to play more bridge! 🙂