Category Archives: Personal

I am a skittle

  • Average tits
  • Slim waist
  • OK tummy
  • Big thighs
  • Chunky calves
  • Sounds attractive doesn’t it.  Well Trinny and Susannah haven’t given up hope!

    Wide legged pants (check)
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    My fellow skittles are Meryl Streep and Sharon Osborne.

    Well we’ll see.  I’m not sure I want to be a skittle…

    Stop the presses!

    PartnersThe Physicist and I tonight kicked butt. Yes my friends we won tonight’s session in the final of the Bridge Association of WA Mixed Pairs with a massive 62.1 per cent… Ooooh baby! And we weren’t playing numpty-heads. No, we had some very good players agin us.

    Of course we needed about 80% to win the final overall but our score did get us into the top half, which given our poor effort on the first night wasn’t too bad.

    The board of the night was board 24 where The Physicist earned himself a Double Beer Card in Defence. What is she talking about? Well, as I understand it if you win the contract by winning a trick with the seven of diamonds (the beer card) as your final trick you have earned yourself a beer. It’s a tradition that grew from youth bridge apparently. In WA if you set the contract in defence – it’s worth two beers.

    So the hand…

    Dlr W Nil Vul

    The Physicist QT3, 864, AJ752, 98
    North 5, AK75, T95, KJ762
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    The bidding goes: Pass – (1C) – 3S – (4D) – 4S – (Pass) – Pass – (4NT*) – Pass – (5D) – Pass – (Pass) – X – all pass

    4NT = she reckoned it was show your best minor, he reckoned he’d already shown no interest in diamonds so thought it was ace asking.

    Down 3 for 500+ and a top. And The Physicist gets that last trick with the 7D. A double defensive beer card = 4 beers.


    Anyway that’s the last of the serious bridge for a while. I’m off to buy another charm for my bracelet in celebration!

    Who knew? Life IS fair.

    And Marty has finally been voted off.


    In the meantime we came fourth (it seems to have changed from 3rd for some reason) tonight in bridge which was a good effort but not enough to raise us from the depths of despair after last week. 🙂
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    We reckon we need about 80% next week in order to place.  For comparison, we got about 54% tonight and 38% (gulp) on the first night.  We are about 126 match points off the pace at the moment so it’s a big ask.


    Hair, there and everywhere

    02112007242Today you find your correspondent at the hair salon washing that grey right out of her hair.  I got up early to act as scorer at The Orchid Hunter’s cricket match.   Four hours of morse code later (have you ever scored a cricket match?  It’s all about dots, trust me), we lost and I joined the coven for lunch.

    The Coven is The Poshi and the Software Engineer and I and we haven’t seen each other for ages so a lunch was in order, sandwiched (omg I’ve just wet myself with the wittiness of that pun) between cricket and my hair appointment.   Much gossip was shared.

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    The result is a little boofier than I thought but I think will be okay in the end.   Afterwards I picked up a tray of peaches – that is the real hallmark of Christmas!  And dropped in to see The Poshi for a quick pre-dinner drinkie.  It’s good to have her home if only for a couple of days. 🙂

    Wigging Out

    Groover bought me two wigs for my birthday. What an awesome present! I love wearing wigs and up until now only had a blonde one to have fun with.

    My new wig from the back Front of wig

    I wore the black one to watch number one son play cricket yesterday and my friend said … how on earth did you have time to get to a hairdresser (as she’d seen me at 6pm the night before and it was now 8am in the morning).

    Normal hair

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    Red wig

    I’m going to wear the red one to Groover’s Christmas Party where I’m playing a saucy barmaid called Mad Rose (they have a pirate theme going on). Can’t wait!

    Sandshoes and Cinnamon

    sandshoesGroover has bought some new sandshoes. Or to be more accurate, I have bought him some new sandshoes. It had to be done.

    His last pair – note those stylish ones behind the gleaming new white ones – were bought in 1992. And he has worn them every year since. Sure he only puts them on once or twice a year and the rubber crystalised from age but they did last well.

    In fact apart from the back-to-the-future-flashdance-esque-black-speckledy-trim – they are not that much different.

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    Carol has asked me to relate the Cinnamon Roll story Armistead Maupin told when he spoke at the Octogon Theatre lately… it’s a little R-rated so children… turn away now!

    Apparently Armistead had a friend – gay friend – who wanted to check he was not hetero. So he “went down” on a female friend who nervously had sprayed herself with a cinnamon scent. Afterward he was so traumatised by the whole affair that he could never bear the smell of cinnamon rolls and felt physically ill when he smelt them in malls and airports… something like that anyway. Sorry Carol – he tells it better. 🙂 So much so that now whenever I hear the term or see a cinnamon roll… I’m not thinking pastries.

    The other reason to write a blog

    The other reason to write a blog is of course to let the world, and my near and dear, know that my birthday is coming up.

    Soon. Only 5 sleeps to go.

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    Received by SMS while at bridge

    Carl and Tarasai safe.

    Matt, Marty and Ben up on the stage.

    Cookie Monster safe.

    Oh my God!
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    I can’t believe I’m watching adverts.

    It’s time to go… Ben.

    Ah well, at least it wasn’t Natalie.

    Freedom through eye-wear

    Still on public transport in Melbourne – I’ve caught a train and a tram now – it occurs to me that society wouldn’t function as well if it wasn’t for sunglasses. Sunglasses, especially those with reflective lenses, allow you to examine your fellow passengers without feeling self conscious or rude.

    Well perhaps a little self conscious…

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    Could you be looking at me?

    The virtue of Kindness

    I don’t think I’ve been very kind lately.  Not to myself, not to my colleagues, not to my husband and not to my kids.

    I don’t think I’ve been that horrible… I don’t think I’ve been an ogre… but I don’t feel as if I’ve been kind.  And we need to be kind don’t we?  Kindness is important.

    So what does Kindness mean?

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    Does it mean just taking a deep breath and thinking “kindness first” before you say a word?

    I don’t know, but for the next week, that is what I’m going to try.  Decisions based on kindness first.