Category Archives: Personal

The best clothing sale in Perth

Me being Dusty in a little frock I picked up at the saleThis Saturday I’ll be getting up early for the only fashion sale I set my alarm for.

It’s the Bindaring Clothing Sale 2008 on at the Claremont Showgrounds.

Trust me this isn’t one you want to miss.

Pictured right is petit moi in a little number I picked up in the sale a few years ago. The photo was taken two years ago at the premiere of Dusty The Musical – hence the wig.

There’s a jumble sale and a boutique sale (that’s the one I line up for) and a runway show where the really glitzy stuff is auctioned.

It’s a great day – you’re sure to pick up some great bargains – and it’s all for a good cause!
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Could there be a better excuse to go clothes shopping?

Oh and a tip if you’re ever photographed by a social photographer and he wants a full length shot.

Stand on an angle – and suck EVERYTHING in.

And ask him nicely to airbrush your ass.


Stirling Highway Icon

In the olden days when I was a young reporter based in Bunbury (two hours south of Perth) and in love with a young salesman living in a flat in Cottesloe… bless him, he taped my rural report on rye grass and apple scab over his ex-girlfriend’s tape of favourite songs… I used to make the the trip to Perth nearly every weekend.

I knew I was almost at his place when I saw this sign – painted on the Allied Mills in North Fremantle:

Dingo Flour mill

The Dingo Flour sign – associated with the notorious entrepreneur Alan Bond – in his younger, sign-painting days – even though apparently he never actually painted it – is an icon on Stirling Highway.

To me it always signals the end of a long journey.

When I stopped there the other day to take this photo I got a bit carried away…
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Dingo Flour mill

Dingo Flour mill

Dingo Flour mill

Dingo Flour mill

And that young salesman was of course, my Groover.

Clothes maketh the school

Monday night and I’m at the Opus Concert, a concert put on by the Department of Education to celebrate musical excellence in our public schools. Hugamuga was in the Chorale and it was a fine concert.

Anyway I’m sitting there next to an older father who also has a daughter at Hugamuga’s school in his year. We do the polite how is your son/daughter finding the school and then it begins:

“Oh well I think they’re pretty slack on the uniform.”

St Trinians  ex the Sun

“Have you seen the girls? The skirts so short they look like hookers. Girls wearing stripey socks, I saw a girl smoking in public. It’s terrible. The school should be more strict.”
“And have you communicated this to the school?”

No. He hadn’t.

And there’s my point. Don’t whinge at me if you’re not prepared to do anything about it!
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I felt quite disgruntled.

Partly because I hate the no action thing but also because frankly I think he’s right. They could smarten up the uniform just by insisting on “proper” school shoes and dropping the polo shirts which just look slack. They could smarten it up just by insisting the kids actually wear it.

With one child now at a private school and the other at a public school the gulf between the pride in the uniform (and by extension the school) is very obvious. It even affects how I feel about the schools. I’m second guessing my decision to send Hugamuga public despite the sound academic reasons for doing so… and partly it’s because of the uniform.

Which is crazy.

But it does reflect the universal truth that first impressions count. We judge others on the state of their dress. Are his shoes clean? Does the tie clash with the shirt? Could she wear a shorter skirt? Lower cut top? Dowdier cardigan? Why would a school be any different?

Clothes maketh the man, and in this case, the school… and yes, I’m going to contact the school. Because I’m bolshy like that. 🙂

Eighties flashback to Atlantis Marine Park

A recent post on The Worst From Perth made me laugh… and remember one of the first dates I went on with Groover.

We went up to Atlantis Marine Park to see the Dolphin show… It must have closed pretty soon after and the dolphins went to Underwater World – now AQWA. It was a pretty sad story actually because the dolphins had been caught in the wild. They had some babies. By the time the dolphin show thing stopped, they couldn’t reacclimatise so they went to Underwater World. And then, as we know just a few years ago the last three dolphins died mysteriously.

Anyway back to Atlantis Marine Park… there were all these limestone statues in a big circle and we had fun getting up close and personal with them…

Club Capricorn

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Club Capricorn

Okay, perhaps not the best look, but this was before we got really PC in the mid-nineties…

I always wondered what happened to them… and now I know thanks to TWOP!

I’m FINE, thank you

SavannahOne of the speakers at a recent forum I attended was psychotherapist Jackie Furey. An entertaining speaker, I found her words touched me in ways I can’t explain… or maybe I can… what time of the month is it?

She talked about it being fine… in the way that when someone says “how are you?” You say: “Fine.”

Jackie says in psychotherapist-speak, fine means:

Fucked up
Neurotic and

Is she right?

Her message was that if you don’t do your feelings, they’ll do you. And I guess that’s what touched a nerve with me. I don’t think I have been doing my feelings and once a month – bang – they do me.

I’m teary, emotional, paranoid, despairing.

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Yesterday I noticed that my big toe on my left foot was numb… that weird feeling numb just before you get pins and needles – you know what I mean? I can feel the fuzziness go up the back of my leg and I think it ends in my neck. My toe has now been weirdly numb for two days.

Maybe it’s unconnected but somehow I wonder if my feelings are doing me. I’m off to the doctor tomorrow to check it out and maybe a chiropractor or osteopath as well.

Of course, Groover has been completely supportive… “Maybe you’ve got MS”, he says not helpfully, “…or Motor Neuron Disease… you never know it might be some sort of stroke…”

Thanks darling, just remember, you said “In sickness and in health”.

That should shut him up.


UPDATE: I’m fine. Hehe. Well, I probably have some swelling in the lower sacral part of my spine which is encroaching on a nerve so I’m going to try some antinflammatories and see if that works, do some physio or chiro, and if it’s not fixed in a couple of weeks do a cat scan to see if that gives us more clues as to what is going on. As well I’ve had full bloods taken in preparation for a general check up. The first for years. Am I a bloke?

In the meantime it’s just me and my fuzzy toe.

Seagulls steal chips… from a shop

I seem to be collecting youtube videos on seagulls.

First there was my little video of the seagulls looking at themselves in a shiny sculpture… and now there’s this one (discovered on Steven Humour) of seagulls stealing chips.

They are cheeky little buggers aren’t they. I can remember Groover’s angst as he left the bakery at Rottnest Island (mmmmm) with a pie and before he had taken one bite having it snatched from his grip by a marauding seagull.

We rescued a seagull once.

We were staying on Rottnest… we went every year for a week’s holiday growing up… and it was raining. A seagull chick had fallen from it’s nest and was being pecked and attacked by some adults. Mum rescued it and put it in the oven… to keep it warm! The door was open. She wrapped it up and fed it milk I think… or something.

We brought it home with us on the ferry in an icecream container cradled in tissues and when we got home Mum made it a little home out of a cardboard box. She cut slats in one site – like a jail – and the little seagull grew.
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It was pretty intelligent actually. And toilet trained. Well, sort of. It used to squirt its business through the slats onto the kitchen dining floor. Luckily we had tiles. You had to watch where you stepped coming home.

Eventually it grew too big for the cardboard box and Dad built it an aviary along the backfence. For some reason he’d built the side wall with foot wide partitions extending out which worked really well with some chicken wire.

We called our seagull – Rasputin.

He was a fine guard-dog er… seagull. Every time anyone walked past he’d do that seagull screech. Could wake the dead.

We’d let him out to practice flying and one day took him down to the beach and set him free among his seagully friends. Maybe he came back and visited us. It’s a bit hard to tell.

They all look the same to me.

My youngest child is 11

There have been a couple of things lately that have made me feel old. Trying to buy something hip hap’nin and groovy today… sigh. Being asked if my 18 year old daughter also had her hair done at my salon (I look old enough to have an 18 year old daughter now?!!!) and now little Dippity – The Pigeon – turning 11.

But it’s not about me. Here are seven photographs of my girl.

Geraldton 2008

Dippity in Sorrento

In Umbria

Dippity the duck

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At Mt Hotham

Wet, at the beach

Mud glorious mud

Yeah. That’s my baby.

Happy Birthday gorgeous one.

Nothing like a biosolid necklace to make you feel better

Margaret Domurad proudly wears the treatment plant productI’ve been feeling poorly over the last 24 hours. Vomiting. And I never vomit. In fact I reckon you can divide the world into vomiters and non-vomiters. Vomiting is much more stressful for a non-vomiter. Such a shock to the system.

Anyway, it’s all been a bit bleah.

Luckily I live with Groover who cheered me up with a little article from “Flowing Forward” produced by the Water Corporation‘s Communication Division.

The entire process takes about half an hour but it is essential to know that ED victims has to be exercised completely with enough amount of water without chewing or crushing. click here to find out more soft pill cialis It is enticing to buy cheap prices in uk viagra that allows men to get and maintain a strong and positive psychological foundation keeps that overwhelm in check. Erectile dysfunction is a common problem that is faced by cialis price online millions of women in this world. Then can prostatitis be radically cured with rhubarb fumigation therapy? Dr. levitra without prescription Margaret Domurad (pictured) is wearing shit. Yes. Literally.

She collected some “biosolids” – that’s Water Corp speak for poo – and crystalised them at about 1400 degrees centigrade. She then asked a friend to make them into a necklace. Apparently it doesn’t smell.

I can’t see it taking off though. Not in a big way.

Fingernail vanity


I know posting about this is tantamount at waving a red flag at fate and saying “Yoo hoo! Over here! Time to break a fingernail!” but I don’t care.

I’ve managed to grow my fingernails quite long and they’ve not broken all week, despite gardening on Sunday and I wanted a record..
A forceful erection may not be the best of all, all check out this generico levitra on line the time. You can purchase go to these guys cialis 10 mg from the nearby drug store and these are available in 25 mg, 50 mg and 100 mg. You could be having a serious side effect of generic pharmacy cialis . Outcomes in seconds after taking in The pill is never going to work instantly once it has been taken from There is a current cialis no prescription usa struggle against the United States Food and Drug Administration, or FDA, and the online pharmacy business that has bloomed in recent years.

By the way anyone watching East of Everything on Sunday nights? What do you think?
I’m thinking it’s not quite Seachange but I’m starting to enjoy it three episodes in… and that Richard Roxburgh is pretty cute…

The Food Porn Meme

Thanks to Lightening (and Smokey Mountain Breakdown) for this one.

Here are the really simple rules. Answer each of the five questions. Tag five bloggers you would like to pass the meme to. Have them link back to you and to this post as the source meme.

1. What food do you consider the best “date” food? In other words, what meal or food item do you think is sexiest to eat in the company of someone you would like to look sexy around?

I think you should always start with classic French food. It’s posh but you know what you’re getting and there are rarely any nasty side effects… well, apart from the garlic… The risks of loving on your first date are enough without the prawn jalfrezi repeating on you when activities below the equator (so to speak) have been initiated.

2. What well-known person would you like to share a meal with—with or without clothing. (saying whether or not clothes are involved is optional).

Mr Darcy, no shirt. Is that really a question??

3. What does your perfect breakfast-in-bed look like? (Food AND the details, please. Candles? Music? Flowers? Hot tub? Dancing girls?

Grilled pancetta with crushed roma tomatoes, hand-torn basil on crusty Italian toast. Served with a long black coffee and fresh orange juice, a trashy novel and sans children.
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4. What do you consider the best application of whipped cream to be?

On scones with jam… or pavlova… You are after all asking a 6th generation Australian.

5. Oh-God-No, Biff, the yacht is sinking! You are sent to the galley to retrieve the food. What luxury food items do you snatch first? The champagne? The caviar? Smoked Salmon? Truffles? Chocolate? Or something else?

Who took the wine? Own up now! Because I want to share your lifeboat.

You’re it

The Food Pornographer (well… who else?)
Reading Circles
Hot Water
and James – my Sydney food guide 🙂

Creative Commons License photo credit: Tiago Macambira