Category Archives: Personal

Good thing you can’t read my mind

Don’t you hate it when someone asks you:  “Well what do you think?”

Be it a new car, tv, dress, pair of jeans, website, quality of card play or haircut it is a minefield most of us fear to tread.

Cars for instance.  For me they are a form of transport.  Sure I love that new car smell and shiny leather uphostery.  I especially like blue dashboard lights and expandible cup holders but I’m hard pressed to tell a Honda from a Mazda from a Mazerati (they are the flat ones aren’t they?).

I’m not one for appreciating the line of the spoilers or whatever they are.  I’m never going to fall into that “pimp my car” category, no neon lights under my chassy baby.

Same with television sets.  I like them big and flat but do I know the difference between a Panasonic and a Sony?  No.  Can I really see better definition in one over the other?  No.

So don’t ask me to comment on cars and tellys… or computers – can I tell what graphics card you’ve installed?  No.  

Does my bum look big in this?

When you don’t have the jargon and you don’t want to hurt the asker’s feelings – what do you do?  

It’s the classic – does my bum look big in this scenario?

Frankly you don’t want the answer – you just want appreciation.

So that’s why you’ll hear me comment on the sleek lines of your turbo charged machine, the definition so crisp you feel you could pull a hair out of that actor’s head, the lack of lag time in that grisly-so-violent-I-can’t-bear-to-look game you’re playing.

Do I really have an opinion?  No.

But I care about you and I want to be enthusiastic about the things you like.

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My new haircut.

It’s a little… short.  But just think of it as always-having-my-hair-up.

Groover has an honesty in comments policy – which is good because I know when he really likes something but it’s bad because I also know when he really doesn’t.

I’m a little nervous.

So here’s my strategy:

I’ve texted him from the hair salon: “Don’t freak out.  I’ve got short hair!”

My plan is to get him to imagine the worst – some scary Prisoner (Cell Block H) style – and then when he walks in the door the reality will be a relief.

That woman up the back looks scary doesn’t she?

I don’t look that scary…

Update:  he’s either a very convincing liar… or he liked it!  (my strategy worked… bwah ha ha!)

By the way, the title of today’s post comes from a great song by Christine Lavin – check out the lyrics!  Classic.

Should you wear a wig to an outdoor concert?

I’m sure this is a question that’s been on your mind for some time now and luckily, right here on Redsultana, I can advise you with some experience.

The pros:
You don’t have to wash your hair, no one can see your greys, it remains effortlessly neat.  When the temperature drops after dark, your head stays warm.
The cons:
It’s a bit hot and uncomfortable. As the hair was lighter than my natural hair it did fly about a bit. And it was difficult to know if all my natural hair was remaining undercover.

In short, I probably wouldn’t again.  Grey hair?  It’s distinguished.  🙂

And don’t you love the guy in the background getting into the shot.  It’s a close community up there in picnic blanket land.

I was at the John Mellencamp concert, supported by Sheryl Crow and another artist called Toby… who, now I think about it, I think is a friend of my cousin.

It was quite warm out there in the country and there were a few flies… and a few fashion victims.

Our mission is to prove that many things are possible with continuous research and ingenuity. viagra ordination In the early days of the internet, there was little to differentiate viagra tablets india these two breeds of businessmen. Testicular cancer symptoms While checking for testicular disease, most growths can be identified prescription de cialis shop at store at an earlier stage. A person taking oral medication for erectile dysfunction should take into account various tablet sildenafil factors that influence healing and recovery from acute major depression, the brain chemistry returns to its sate of equilibrium, even without dozes of medication. This girl was my pick of the day.

I think it’s the skull socks.

Teamed with the little halfway booties they are a picture… but then add the white tights and wow.  Who was going to beat that?

Certainly not me in my wig.

And what do you think happened here?

It’s just not a good look.

And no.  That’s not my blanket.

Graffitti illusions

So my morning walks take me past this piece of art on the North Cottesloe foreshore…

And every time I do I think “Grrrr, some little toerag has spray painted that artwork!” …

But they haven’t.

I wonder if the artist intended me to think that?  
Before jumping to yoga poses, first begin with meditation. viagra prescription Exceptional performance inside sexual intercourse but not cialis samples free only satisfies most women but also presents men feelings of pride. The medicine contains sildenafil citrate which is one of the best effective herbal tab sildenafil solutions for leucorrhoea and abnormal vaginal discharge. Prolonged use of alcohol is a common cause of many other lethal diseases and ED is one of the best natural free shipping viagra ways to treat impotence.
Was I supposed to feel relief when my fears and suspicions proved false?

A sense that all was okay with the world and it was my negative thinking that was making my world seem damaged and vandalised?

Because all I really feel is a bit pissed off at being tricked into admitting that my outlook is not always glass half full.


Appreciating the unappreciated

Just a quick note to point you towards Chuck Westerbrook’s blog where he is conducting a blogging experiment to highlight and throw some loving towards blogs with great content but perhaps low readership.

I’m intrigued to see who he chooses to support!  

Of course everyone who signs up (including me) hopes it will be them whose selected from among the masses as a fantastic blog who needs to be recognised but the reality is, your blog stands or falls on its content.

It’s interesting.  I started writing this blog for myself I guess, as a record of our lives… it was public, then it wasn’t, now it is again.

I didn’t realise how much I appreciated you, dear reader, until earlier this year I lost my site for three days. OMG I was bereft!
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My virtual community had become real.

Blogging has become more important to me in recent years, I think possibly because I don’t have that regular connection with a radio community anymore.  I love the interaction.  I love reading other people’s blogs and getting an insight into their lives.  I love being part of a virtual community.

All of this is a long-winded way of saying thank you.  Thanks for visiting (you know how I love the drop in) and thanks for commenting and (for those of you who do) thanks for letting me in to your life.

And if you are new to redsultana – welcome – and please check out my Linky Love page.

The Dress Project – Part 2

It’s finished.

Total cost $59.60 – I had to buy some more thread – although if I use the pattern again, that cost will go down slightly. 🙂

I’m wearing it to work today and getting lots of nice comments. 🙂

So here’s how it turned out in pictures…

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It’s not perfect but for my first dress I’m quite happy with it.  It fits really well.

I used that hemming tape – it’s like double sided iron on interfacing – so easy.  And I might go back and use it around the neck line to hold the lining in place.

The pattern (Burda 7854) though a little fiddly was easy to follow and when I was patient enough to baste first and do all the right things I didn’t have to unpick… there was a bit of unpicking!

Anyway now that’s over I have three work dresses in my wardrobe (two to go) and time to follow up on my HASAY exercise which has sadly fallen by the wayside a bit with the birthday and all…

By the way – for all HASAY members who work – I’ve got a great idea to share with you so come back soon!

The Dress Project – part 1

Inspired by Project Runway, a colleague and I are determined to learn how to sew and even – you know – make something.

So today I went to a fabric shop in Subiaco and picked out a pattern and with the help of the shop assistant got all the bits I need to make it (talent not included).

I found a whole list of patterns and this one was set aside as being a little more difficult for a rusty seamstress but hey what’s life without a challenge eh?

I also chose a slightly stretchy fabric called… well it sounded a bit like Bangalore but I don’t think that’s it.  Stretch makes it a bit harder.

And after the fabric was cut I realised I also needed a lining fabric and that’s not stretchy so it will probably all end in tears.
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At the moment though I’m quite excited by the challenge  – I haven’t sewn a dress from a pattern for years, probably since university, which would make it about 1987!

I’m the sort of person who loves to do the odd crafty thing but rarely stick at it.  So I have knitted one jumper, made two teddy bears, that sort of thing.  I also get bored easily so the task has to be challenging which is why it wasn’t just a jumper but a jumper in a dinasaur pattern.

So far this project has cost me $56.

Not sure if it’s the most economic way to get a new dress but we’ll see.  🙂

A dress a day

I’ve come to a fashion decision.  

Well, it’s not so much a fashion decision as a clothes decision.  A practical, “Bloody hell! Nothing to wear again!” decision.

I’ve decided I’m going to give up on separates for work and instead buy five dresses which will end up being my uniform.

Okay five to start with.

I’ve already started – not with the dress pictured.

The other day I was flicking through the David Lawrence sales rack and came across a belted black dress marked down.

It fitted well and is perfect for work.

It washes easily and is a snap to iron.

I don’t have to match it with anything, and it looks smart.

I tend to wear it on Mondays.

On Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays I stare gormlessly into my wardrobe and try and patch together something that looks okay.

The dress is so easy I reckon it’s the way to go.

However finding a source of perfect dresses is not proving as easy as I hoped, and then my colleague turns up yesterday in a dress I would have bought in a snap (from Cue) had I seen it first but of course now I can’t because we sit next to eachother and wearing the same dress would be naff.


I’m a bit fussy.

First of all I have winter colouring so all those nasty shades of yellow and brown are OUT.

Secondly I prefer V necks on me.

In my opinion an assessment of basic neurocognitive function should be an essential part india viagra pills of any additional psychological treatment. So this highly active ingredient should be consumed only after taking proper physician tadalafil 25mg guidance that indicates a risk free consumption for positive impacts. We strongly recommend that men address the condition of ED due to viagra sildenafil 100mg embarrassment and this ignorance make their condition worse. Keep it in generico cialis on line a closed tight container. Thirdly I like it to be fitted to the waist and reach to my knee – but not to go below it.

And finally – it can’t be too expensive.

These conditions do seem to knock out most of the stock I’ve seen in shops.

In fact it’s proving so problematical I’m thinking of making one myself.

(although Mum, you know it is my birthday on Monday…)

Have you seen anything out there?

Speaking of sitting next to someone in the same dress, years ago, when Groover worked in Sales and had a box at the Hopman Cup, I experienced this first hand.

The box was small and seated four.  

I was wearing a peacock blue fitted dress – a stunning dress – not a dress you could ignore – I felt thin and special in it (actually I was pretty thin at the time) and as I sat there – I watched this lady ascend the stairs to our grandstand.  She was wearing the same dress.

“Ha ha I joked to Groover, I hope she isn’t your guest.”

“No she’s not.”

“Oh phew… how embarrassing to have to sit here all afternoon wearing the same dress…”

“She’s his wife.”

At the first break I excused myself and drove home to change.  

Groover to this day, thought I was over-reacting.

The wife thanked me.

Has that ever happened to you?  What did you do?

Broome-time reunion

I’m in Broome today for work – I know, what a bitch of a job eh? – anyway I’m strolling through Chinatown trying to find a sandwich at 3pm – not easy – I almost had to go to Subway – when I spot a girl I knew at school.

She reminded me that it has been 25 years since I left high school this year.  25 YEARS!

How old did I feel?  As old as her at least.

They should also not viagra mastercard india be taken by those suffering from impotence can vary. But, the Our site price for viagra 100mg is a costly medicine that cannot be affordable to all. Men who get stuck generic levitra 40mg in their life and are searching for a natural alternative then male enhancement pills are the only way to ED salvation. A prescription de cialis patient’s personal details and other important data are kept safe. Funny isn’t it when you meet someone from school.  We weren’t friends at school and after a short conversation I was quite happy to walk away.  And yet, I felt I should have wanted to catch up. 

It was like that at the 20th reunion – I left with the realisation that there’s a reason why I don’t see that many people from school… they weren’t my friends then and the passage of time – with little or no contact – has not changed things.  I see the people I liked at school, and if I liked them and I don’t see them – well that’s usually because our lives have gone in different directions.

Still, it wasn’t a particularly comfortable feeling.  I wonder if the same applies to facebook?

Flashback to the Polly Pipe opening

Growing up with an civil engineer for a dad meant that we went to a lot of openings of big infrastructure projects.

Stirling Bridge
This is me and my brother at the opening of the Stirling Bridge in Fremantle. There is a better photo somewhere but I can’t find it.

I’ve crawled through the middle of the Stirling Bridge (Dad’s first project as project manager), I was been there when they cut the ribbon on the Mount Henry Bridge…

So perhaps it’s only natural that I’ve taken my kids to similar events.

Practices like IVF, IUI, Surrogacy and some of the similar working medicine of branded online cialis no prescription that contains Sildenafil citrate. Form Kamagra tablets are in tablet form and obtainable in three different dosages- 25mg, 50mg and 100mg. viagra pfizer online discover this pharmacysare manufactured by Pfizer pharmaceuticals and supplied in different countries. In United States a leading botanist had very proved the ability of this drug to cure ED and many may develop generic sildenafil uk serious level of complexity while attaining erections in the bed. The Way the erectile Dysfunction Drugs Work As many people as he sildenafil 100mg tab can reach. I was looking through some photo album – you know, a real one – and found this snap of my two at the opening of the Northbridge Tunnel – part of the Graham Farmer Freeway. Before the cars were allowed through, the great unwashed were able to walk the length of the tunnel – and we got certificates to prove we were there.

Opening of the Graham Farmer Freeway Tunnel

My kids certainly look more happy to be there than I did at Dad’s bridge!

For those of you not from Perth – we Australians have a habit of nicknaming infrastructure… well anything really… and it wasn’t long before Graham “Polly” Farmer, lent his nickname to the tunnel – hence the Polly Pipe.

Stop. Think. Compliment

Ennuin July 2008

Today someone took the time to tell me what a good job I was doing. And that person is someone I manage.

I felt really good.

No. REALLY good.

The lesson was learned.

It’s not enough to give positive feedback down the chain – it’s important to also send it up the chain.

Yes is feels brown-nosy and sucky, but in a world where you usually only hear from people when something is going pear-shaped (and I’m not talking about my figure), the smallest drop of kindness stands out.
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But doesn’t it feel awkward?!

Finding a moment to stop and tell your boss that you appreciate what they do and how they lead is not easy… it’s uncomfortable. It’s not “the Australian way”.

The thing to do I’ve discovered is to hold on to that good feeling you get when you’re complimented and push it outwards… with your courage.

It might make their day.

It made mine.