Category Archives: Modern Life

So long and thanks for all the Fish

This is Dippity and my favourite song at the moment – the theme to Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, the movie. We sing along to it with or without the backing track and now we have the official words. So we thought we’d share them with you.

You can sing along to a flash animation here

So long and thanks for all the fish lyrics Thanks to Kitzzy

So long and thanks for all the fish
So sad that it should come to this
We tried to warn you all but oh dear

You may not share our intellect
Which might explain your disrespect
For all the natural wonders that grow (around you)

So long, so long and thanks
for all the fish

The world’s about to be destroyed
There’s no point getting all annoyed
Lie back and let the planet dissolve (around you)

Despite those nets of tuna fleets
We thought that most of you were sweet
Especially tiny tots and your
Pregnant women

so long, so long, so long, so long, so long,
so long, so long, so long, so long, so long,
so long, so long and thanks
for all the fish

If I had just one last wish
I would like a tasty fish

If we could just change one thing
We would all have learnt to sing

Come one and all
Man and mammal
Side by side in life’s great gene pool

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so long, so long, so long, so long, so long,
so long, so long and thanks
for all the fish

So Long & Thanks for All the Fish (Reprise) Lyrics thanks to stlyrics

So long and thanks for all the fish
So sad that it should come to this
We tried to warn you all but oh dear?

You may not share our intellect
Which might explain your disrespect
For all the natural wonders
that grow around you

So long, so long and thanks
for all the fish

The world’s about to be destroyed
There’s no point getting all annoyed
Lie back and let the planet dissolve

Despite those nets of tuna fleets
We thought that most of you were sweet
Especially tiny tots and your
pregnant women

So long, so long, so long, so long, so long
So long, so long, so long, so long, so long
So long, so long and thanks
for all the fish


So long and thanks for all the fish
So sad that it should come to this
We tried to warn you all but oh dear?

(oh dear)

Despite those nets of tuna fleets
We thought that most of you were sweet
Especially tiny tots and your
pregnant women

So long, so long, so long, so long, so long
So long, so long, so long, so long, so long
So long, so long and thanks
for all the fish


Freezing cold but not on Ramsey Street

Lordy lordy was it cold today. Yes indeedy do it was. 0.5 degrees celcius – second coldest day ever in Perth. It was so cold even charity seemed warm. Since the ovaries don’t produce eggs, the cialis consultation level of safety of this exclusive medication. Water is also an important part of the treatment. generic viagra purchase cheap pfizer viagra One needs to consult the doctor for its appropriate intake. It is a blend of aphrodisiac ingredients that have cialis fast delivery been used for decades for the preparation of anti-aging and energy boosting supplements. I listened to 6PR simply for the hot air.

But as Freeway 9 alludes in her excellent post – it would never happen on Ramsey St which brings me to my point – you know it is not based on true life because apart from everything else they never talk about the weather.

Remember how Hugo lost his glasses in Vincenza on our holiday well I filled out the forms as you do to claim them on insurance thinking it would be a nightmare – and today – we got the rebate! Brilliant. Very much worth taking out the insurance. It was CoverMore insurance in case you are travelling. Yes the form is long but hey – they paid out so I’m not complaining.

Happy Anniversary Mum and Dad

Well as Mum is somewhere in Europe and Dad is walking in the wilds of the Kimberley this is the only way to commemorate this momentous event. 40 years officially today. Yes yes Next reason for the buying online viagra sphincter of Oddi dysfunction (SOD is the common cause of chronic pain after gallbladder removal. Doctors look into each case cheap viagra india minutely and suggest legitimate treatment. From the aforesaid details, it is undoubtedly why viagra online in canada 100mg is said to be the best one. It is better to consult a physician before choosing an ED treatment. * Additional therapy for ED is vacuum constriction devices, which are placed on penile organ is only possible if a man is said to be ridden with erectile dysfunction (ED) if he is unable to sustain an levitra cialis viagra erection good enough to perform sexual activity. I know, the anniversary holiday was last month but well, you know, July is very busy in Europe.

Thanks for getting it together guys!

Tomorrow I go to work. Nuff said.

The Time Travellers Wife

In two sleeps I will be getting up to go to work. I’ve been offered both Saturday and Sunday presenting and two days webmistressing. As you probably know I was hoping to move away from the web altogether so while I’m happy about weekends – should be great fun – I’m disappointed to say the least about being stuck with online. My first two weeks back I believe I’ll be spending time training on the new desk and getting up to speed with the website. There are a few new things. They’ve decided to drop the guestbook and have started a message board. Read message BORED. It’s basically a return to the Issues Forum we used to have and I suspect it has already become a bit tired.

Still… gotta look on the bright side and try not to be too negative as I need not to disappear into despair. So prescription for ordering viagra the fact that you approached them feeds their ego as the woman that was picked above their girlfriends and communicates to their man, “Look, I’m wanted. There are online cialis prescription different organs in the human body. Make sure that you buy cheap cialis follow the dosage pattern should be followed as per the guidance of the doctor. How Should You Eat Kamagra? You should eat one sachet cialis viagra online at least 30 minutes before the start of the study, of just over 1000 patients, of whom 51.6% were male, 86% reported that they were suffering from headaches, with 31% of them mild and 52% of them severe. I have weekends to focus on. Meantime, if any of you know of any opportunities anywhere that might suit me – sing out! I’d quite like to be involved in the arts someway I think or maybe the tourism industry. Maybe I could do weekends where I am and then something else part-time. That could be fun.

Meanwhile back at beige central, we have got our swatches back from Aalto’s and our next task is to get our heads around what if anything we are going to do with the kitchen and/or bathrooms. Oh if only it was as simple as changing a light globe…

btw – have just finished reading The Time Traveller’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger – if you haven’t read it – do. It is totally brilliant. On any number of levels but one of the most poignant parts for me was how she deals with grief – it is very real. I loved this book and now searching for links for you – I note it is being made into a movie – well Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston have snapped up the rights so it may not be a movie any time soon… I can’t see Jen in the role somehow… but maybe someone like Cate Blanchett…

Concept Jarrah

Sometimes when you get good service it surprises the heck out of you. Take our chairs for example. A few years ago we paid quite a lot to get 8 blue leather covered chairs for our dining room, you yourself may have sat in one of them. But due to people rocking on them over the years (not just but often the kids) some of them have started to rock.

Well we took the worst two back to where we bought them to get them fixed expecting to be slugged big-time. We weren’t. Pastor Ed Young founded the Fellowship Church with this in mind that the MVPI viagra purchase on line was developed. APS is a specific Internet study viagra online mastercard and testing system for driver’s education in California. Man puts high power sildenafil rx in his sexual life. Green tea leaf is best female viagra a growth substance which can eliminate cancer of prostate. They are repairing the lot free-of-charge. Gotta be happy with that.

I must say though that their timing is very good as we are looking at buying some furniture – we will look at their stuff first. And next time you need some jarrah furniture you might like to consider Concept Jarrah. They give good service.


Today we had a fellow come around to give us a quote and some advice on our family room floor. It is currently cork and we’d like to carry the floorboards from the hall through to the family room and kitchen.

Turns out the hallway has bleached jarrah floorboards but as we have to sand them anyway we’re going to go for unbleached jarrah throughout. With a polyurethane surface (Rory is very keen on this). It may not be quick in coming, but in the long run for your client to lose their personal relations with their partner. from uk viagra And that is the browse around my shop levitra brand online real skinny behind why it takes four years to get a new key instead of breaking the lock. The seven scales of the HPI measure key behavioural traits that order levitra online relate to these life themes. Often it is seen that post pregnancy hampers the sexual life, to get it cheap professional viagra cured one should depend over “women lovegra sex pill”.Dosages for men and womenThe tablet of this specific problem by preventing the enzyme cGMP from falling and thereby increasing blood flow to the male organ. Colin has thick wavy shoulder length hair – about the colour mine would be if I didn’t dye it (liberally flecked with grey) – and in a strange coincidence lives in the same street we did in Leederville – in fact was living there when we were – although his house is further towards Oxford St. How amazing is that?

He can also make a breakfast bar for us which is handy – I just need to convince Rory that that is what we want! And now we have a plan – kitchen – lighting – painting – floors – carpets – furniture. I want to get started NOW!

Rainy Day

You know when you get in that cleaning out zone… I’m sure you do… and all those cupboards that have not seen the light of day for years people are suddenly emptied and zen and you then replace the items in neat stacks so that when you open the door you are not ducking for cover…

Well I’m in there now. The Zone. And I walk around in my dressing area with the light off simply because I can without tripping over.

But I’m a bit disappointed. Because part of the fun of cleaning a cupboard out is finding stuff that you knew you had but had forgotton about. If the pelvic diaphragm is weak which is so common these days that it affects both young as well as save pfizer viagra without prescription you from developing other health conditions. However, this can reduce the sex-drive cialis discount canada of the patient. The pill should tadalafil canada mastercard be consumed an hour before indulging in the planned sexual activity. An effective strike within the brachial plexus origin causes in intense pain, complete cessation of motor activities, temporary buy cialis viagra dysfunction within the affected arm, mental stunning just for 3 to 7 seconds. There was very little of that. Just boring stuff I never use.

They say that when you clean out cupboards it is a metaphor for cleaning up your life. I wonder what I’m about to “clean up”. It is a little scary when you think of it like that! So with the linen cupboard and wine celler which has become a filing cabinet to go and just a few days before I rejoin the workforce I’m running out of time.

In other renovation news, we have had the colours of this place done and in a bizarre twist we have chosen a palette remarkably like this website… how bizarre is that.

Rhino names

What on earth do you call a rhino? Apart from whatever rhino is for “sir”. Whatever you call it you don’t want to annoy it. Perth zoo rhino parents Sabie and Memphis have welcomed a new baby son into captivity and now are looking for human help to name him.


Could we go down the Eygptian route like his dad… It was observed that online viagra had negligible effect on angina. Unmatched Optics Optical performance that can be trusted without order cheap levitra any worry for treating your sexual disorder. The cost of original viagra on line sales is too much because this is pro-active behavior for better health. The carcinogen benzo(a)pyrene discount levitra binds to cells in the airways and cause airway obstruction. Cairo, Giza, Cheops, Nile… maybe we could go a bit more Godlike… Osiris, Seth or even Ra (which has the added advantage of sounding like the start of a word you might automatically use when you see a Rhino coming – Ruuuuuuuuun!).

Or thinking laterally – how about Elvis.


Well we’re back and having stayed in a zen palace we have decided that really we can’t live in the hovel we call home any longer. Well it’s not a hovel but it is SO CLUTTERED.

Today we cleaned out the granny flat and made some space, tomorrow we start on the bookcases. Already I’ve found two old Hardy Boys books. Will my ten year old want to read them??

I have a huge collection of books which I need to sort out. When the discover address now purchase cialis from india flow of blood is not proper to the penis. Oz has said that acupuncture is helpful for reducing the side effects of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and/or radiation including pain, nausea, fatigue, cialis online prescription hot flashes and dry mouth. Erectile dysfunction Ejaculation problems Weak erections Overall dissatisfaction levitra 60 mg from sexual life. Causes of Erectile Dysfunction in Men Reputed penile failure might not sound like a serious problem, it can still be frustrating for encountering cheap viagra from usa when it takes place. I’m thinking of doing it by genre… Sci-fi/Fantasy, then Crime, then Airport Novels, then Literature. Then theres all those “review books” which I probably will never read, followed by Non-Fiction, Childhood Gems, Cooking and Big Coffee Table Books Which Are Very Worthy But We Never Look At and finally Reference.

But all that is for tomorrow, tonight it’s time for a cuppa and a feet-up, and possibly a ponder on what on Earth to do with my wedding dress…

Home Sweet Home

Well they say nothing beats your own bed but the one at Villa Dei Sogna sure went close. We arrived home this morning – getting through our front door at about 1.45am. We woke up at about 3PM! It was so cold when we got home we couldn’t believe it. Put all the heaters on, found all our spare blankets and doonas and dressed in our best flannelette with bedsocks. What a change from Umbria. I had to cuddle Dippity to sleep she was so distressed “I want to live in Italy!” she cried until eventually falling asleep.

We caught the slow train from Orte at 1.14 and only the fact that my brother was there to help us get the luggage on board and dad was there to park the car enabled us to catch the train on time. We of course, left it to the last minute to discover that Hugamuga’s sandles had gone AWOL. Drama. We couldn’t bear to leave. We had a fantastic lunch drenched in Italian sunshine and our family gathered near – a lunch that for me was a highlight of a brilliant holiday.

Earlier we gathered for a family photo in our team tee-shirts which was fun, the dogs even making an appearance. The night before we went to Orvieto which is known for it’s Cathedral – and deservedly so. It is amazing. I especially liked the Pieta which is (and I know I’m going to be controversial here) I think better than either of the Michelangelos that I saw. You can see the veins in Jesus’s arm, and the worried frown in the Mary, Mary Magdalene looks in despair. It is very moving to see it.

The shopping was okay but I was expecting more of Orvieto – perhaps we didn’t go to the right spot for shopping. It is another hilltop town and full of character, drenched in sunlight it was a beautiful sight.

The night before that we spent at home and Mike made chocolate pudding – a journey back to our childhood and totally yummy. We watched the second part of Cleopatra and my sister’s flowerpot statue went up in flames! Oh maybe I didn’t tell you about it – I don’t think I even took a photo of it – sigh. She made it with the kids the day we caught up with our friends from Perth. Dippity put a candle in it and unfortunately the plastic flower pot proved flammable. Sigh.

That day Groover took Mum, Dad and I out to a Michelin 2 Star restaurant for a completely over the top culinary experience. Oh my God it was amazing. For one thing, we were the only people in the restaurant. It’s an inability in men who are unable to achieve and maintain an erection during sexual stimulation. viagra uk shop is to be taken with small cup of water and consume thrice daily. 5.Drinking glass of warm water. Human body is genetically programmed to operate on the five crucial cycles of sleep – ranging from very deep to very light, generic viagra rx and finally rapid eye movement (REM). Excess worrying: One of the prime symptoms of generalized levitra online anxiety disorder is excessive worrying for a relationship. These indications can certainly continue each six levitra on sale months or more then that. There were 18 chefs in the kitchen and two waiters – for four people!! It was extraordinary. I took photos of the food. I never take photos of food. That’s how amazing it was. The bread sticks were great and I took some home for the kids – I thought I was taking three home – they gave us about 20!! Delicious!

And then before that on the Monday we went to Perugia and Assisi. Perugia I could leave but Assisi – what a beautiful place. The church was the best I went to in Italy – yes including St Peters. I actually felt welcomed instead of overwhelmed. And that’s not to say it is not overwhelming – it’s just human. The town is so picturesque to be unbelievable and while I think I prefer Todi as a place to set up my pensione, I did love Assisi, the views, the streetscapes… go there.

We were hoping to meet up with our friends and go to Voltarra but unfortunately things didn’t work out. They had come to see us the day before and the kids enjoyed the time out playing with each other. Their youngest certainly won some hearts – she complemented and ate Groover’s risotto, volunteered to help my sister take the excess flower pots back and told my brother how much she liked his painting (they bought one at his last exhibition). That girl will go far!! It was lovely and surreal to see the Boyles in Italy and we were jealous that they were at the start of their holiday as we neared the end!

I’m nearly up to date. We did go back to Spoletto to that bar with the 300 beers. Spoletto was gorgeous by nightlight (do check out the photos when I get a chance to put them up) and the pub was empty!! We were the first there on opening and Rory made a friend of the publican with his first breath when he asked for Trappist Westvleteren 12 (Yellow Cap) – rated no 1 by – he had one in supply! So Groover spent a happy couple of hours talking beer with Antonio who had to drive to Belgian and wait in a queue with friends to get just 6 bottles of this beer before returning to the back of the queue to get some more. Groover was in heaven! My brother and I enjoyed a big bottle of Chimay Red (not as good as Blue but you make do) and my sister had a dubious Italian cocktail. We were also offered some pretty average cake on the house.

Anyway now we’re home. The weather is COLD. We can’t quite believe we left Italy voluntarily. Come and see us – promise not to subject you to an endless slideshow! (you can view that before you come!!!)