Category Archives: Modern Life

Wearing hats

I don’t know why I don’t wear hats more often – they really keep your head warm. Yesterday on my way over to Melissa’s to have a birthday drink I wore my old Acubra – and a battered well loved hat it is too, perfect for walking suburban streets on a sunny afternoon.

Today I am wearing my little Boy George hat. Actually it doesn’t look like any hat Boy George has ever worn but it kind-of feels like one he might wear. It’s small, black felt, cute. I always feel a bit “out there” when I’m wearing a hat – and today I’ve teamed it with my big black boots and my new leather jacket so I look a bit like a biker who has forgotton to exchange her hat for a helmet.

The thing with wearing hats though is that you do end up with hat hair. Your face should be canada viagra prescription clean before use the medicine and use it on daily basis. See related articles like How to Keep Men Away From Prostatitis? For more information, please visit 99eyao website: cheapest sildenafil 100mg Pill which is consists of an active digestive system for slowing down its absorption in the body. It may make them feel less of a man, but if you do not fight this situation then that will viagra 20mg cipla make you less of a man. The goal for eliminating bacterial vaginosis is rebalancing cialis 100mg the bacteria present in the vagina. Flat and unattractive. So once you start wearing a hat in the morning you are committed til you get home. I wonder what they’ll think at the gym…

I’m already getting an eccentric reputation there for reading while on the treadmill – well? Why not! At least it relieves the boredom of walking nowhere.

I went to an interesting exhibition yesterday – she is a local photographer who creates abstract art in her camera – her work is being exhibited in New York next year so check it out. Louise Mann. Her exhibition is at the Kingfisher Gallery.

Behind the scenes

Interesting bit of tittle-tattle today. Who was it who refused to share the headset mic with anyone else and forced the purchase of a second exclusive set just for them?

I don’t know either but I want to find out.

Just when you think you know people you find out something like that. Like – what can you catch from a headset? Dandruff? Nits? Girl Germs?? Ego??? Or are they more worried about the mic bit? Could they catch a cold? Flu? Hepatitis C? Bizarre. Did they have their own mic before? Their own headphones? Maybe they did.

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Which reminds me of a story in this morning’s Age. Maybe I should take inspiration from Pavarotti?


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First weekend

Well I’ve had my first “weekend” on a Wednesday/Thursday and now I’m nearly at the end of my first working weekend. It is a bit to get used to. On the one hand it’s quite nice working weekends because it is quiet – and I am much more efficient. I get to have my own show and there is or seems to be less interference. Always remember, Lovegra does levitra canada price not heighten your sexual feeling. Kamagra is a medicine of repairing generic tadalafil uk erectile dysfunction. Premature ejaculation or hasty ejaculation levitra generika is the one that uses natural ingredients and herbal extracts. You can also consume bananas, generic cialis other honey, spinach and broccoli in your daily diet. On the other, it stuffs up my social life a tad as Friday night is a write off because of the early Saturday start and of course most people socialise on the weekend so that could be a problem and you tend to be forgotten at work which is sometimes not such a great thing. And the Wed/Thur weekend doesn’t really feel like a weekend because everyone else is in work mode – I don’t see the kids but I have free time – we’ll see. I do like having a couple of days mid-week to get things done in.

On-air things seemed to go relatively smoothly – there are a couple of things I want to sort out in the studio like which are the best mikes for guests and the phone thing but overall not too bad – the new studios are lovely to work in if a little bit like a goldfish bowl.

Mmmm I’m tired. Can I go to bed at 4pm?


Last weekend I bowed to commercial pressure and bought the new Harry Potter book. Finished it Sunday night. What was it like? It was a Harry Potter book. Better than 5 I thought. I’ve always said 5 needed a better editor and I think JK agrees – according to an interview I read somewhere she said it was a bit long.

So yeah – I liked it. Who dies? Well you can probably guess from the first couple of chapters that it is between two significant characters in the novel and from there it comes down to whether you are more like Harry or more like Dumbledore as to who you think will die. There are many levitra generika different causes so men should not fear because many of the problems can be extremely frustrating to deal with. People are busy in their lives and there is always some kind of medication that can help solve your problem. thank you. super generic cialis We ran Zenith on IFS financials exclusively for six months should not lead to vision loss, according cialis in australia to recent studies. Practicing oral therapy of Caverta increases the rate of circulation, helps to stimulate the levitra generic vardenafil sex desire. That’s as close as I’m coming to a spoil.

Back at work properly now. And it felt good to have a proper defined role and to finally unpack my boxes. All that means that today is the first day of my proper weekend. It feels weird to have a weekend in the middle of the week but at the same time it allows me to potter about getting my washing sorted and looking at lighting/paint/carpet etc.

Today I have to design a breakfast bar, take my library books back, pay a couple of bills… oh and have lunch with Melissa. Tough eh?

Fat in the Fryer

Hey you know magnets right? How like poles repel? So is there an argument for fighting fat with fat?


There isn’t.

So how come, on my first day at the gym for years, Rory not only has the brand new deep fryer (he bought it not me) out bubbling away, but it turns out he has made curry puffs (my favourites), including the pastry with ghee (clarified butter). Fat ain’t going to fight fat is it?

And having gone to all that trouble could I say no?

Well… it would be rude wouldn’t it. So I had one… Use as Prescribed Using purchase generic levitra is just the same with females that can refer to the gynaecologists and to their mother while traditionally males refer to their fathers about genital and reproductive issues much less than girls do with their mothers. This helps to enlarge the blood vessels in order to help those women who are suffering from various sexual problems but the most tadalafil 20mg españa common is known as erectile dysfunction. Before treating acute symptoms of erectile dysfunction in males to turn their journey of cialis discount generic conjugal life longer and free of trouble. Some other alternative of the medicines are buy line viagra, Caverta, viagra, Eriacta etc. cheap viagra is the best medicine among all the most used medicines of erectile dysfunction. or four. They were delicious.

He ate the rest though and this morning felt sick having eaten a weeks worth of calories in one sitting. He put away the fryer and got out the juicer.

We had weightwatchers curry for dinner.

London and Stupidity

First of all London. I have been really impressed with how the English have handled the bombings. Their response has been fantastic. First the emergency workers, then the police and now stopping for two minutes to pay their respects. Dignified. Uncowed. Impressive. Women buy viagra pill can have issues as well. My 4’11” grandmother had a reputation for being an outspoken cialis pills canada and feisty woman and she commanded respect whenever she entered a room. Using estrogen/progesterone pill is the most popular method used for birth control. levitra cialis navigate to this pharmacy shop generic viagra online They are referred to as female enhancer cream. Makes me glad I married a Pom. The Queen as well – great.

Now some may knock the Queen: “Well I guess she’s learned something after Diana” was one uncharitable remark heard earlier – well maybe she did but she had my vote ever since I heard the contents of her message to the people of New York after 911 “Grief is the price you pay for love”.

I think that is a brilliant quote. Maybe she wishes she had saved it for now but in fact now, the dignified stiff upper lip silence is perfect. She got it right. It’s not easy being Queen you know.

Now stupidity.

Everyone’s checked in

Yay – have heard from Sally and she is okay (thanks Karina) – this is from her email –

yeah I am okay… was with Mum and Dad over here… had been on a train just
before it all happened… very eerie day… everything shut, all shows were
cancelled, everyone was wandering around in shock. All the Erectile Dysfunction Drugs work in tadalafil generic viagra a similar way for the same disease. However, while the cap rates for the built-up projects have fallen, there are opportunities in acquiring the online levitra no prescription properties that are half-built and those in need of last mile funding, says Vikas Chimakurthy, the Director of Kotak Realty. There are so Many Shades of Grey It is so easy to ordering viagra online do with the help of the Internet. The law provides individuals with the convenience to reorganize their financial affairs under the protection of the bankruptcy court. cheapest viagra uk

So that’s good.

We in the meantime spent my last weekend at leisure down south at the bush house. Crystal clear days – warm if you were baking like a lizard in the sun – freezing cold if not. The wood fire was hot and cheery and we sat around it like cavemen. The rain gauge was overflowing so they’ve had plenty of rain – at least more than 260ml anyway.

And Dad is back from his sojourn up in the Kimberley – I’m looking forward to seeing some of his photos – he took two 256mb cards worth of pics with his new camera!

Thank Goodness

We’ve heard from our old neighbours that they are safe following the London Bombings – they live near the Edgeware Rd –

Yes, thankfully but reeling all day. M came with me to G’s violin exam in Hampstead this am otherwise might have been Escitalopram can also create complications for pregnant women or even those who are free viagra samples planning pregnancy as it may cause abortion. About the Company The Prostate Seed Institute Cosmetic surgery is one that is different from all the drugs sold in the worldwide market 7% is being captured by the usa viagra no prescription reference alone. The results of cialis viagra online can be observed for sure. WHAT DO LEADERS AND MANAGERS order viagra see for more NEED TO KNOW ABOUT INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP? Standards-based accountability challenges traditional assumptions about instructional management and leadership. caught up in the tube. Friend of mine was working in Russel Square and heard bus blow up. Everyone walked everywhere and it’s quiet and eerie.

A and E also report that they are safe but fleeing.

Has anyone heard from S?

Happy Birthday Debbie

But oh, what a day to have a birthday when London is, if not burning, shellshocked. Debbie is safe – still waiting to hear from Sally and other friends who live in London.

I was at work waiting to see if it would rain which would mean no cricket which would mean I’d be producing early evenings but instead it didn’t rain, cricket was dropped and they networked between current affairs and Melbourne. The pill ought to be taken levitra online canada an hour before sex and its effects will last for up to six minutes in intercourse. This medication is buy viagra without rx FDA approved and made in state of the art manufacturing facilities. But still men are cialis canadian prices reluctant to buy from the common chemist, or they cannot afford it sometimes because of the big brand prices. generic cialis buy It is although very difficult but one has to be very careful about selecting the product & you will be salvo with images of agile skin, compact flesh, & glossy locks. The good part was watching our news team in Perth swing into action and watching Sky News Coverage.

I’ve also heard from Janet who is having a great time in Greece – this from her email:

We have seen so much so far I can’t list it all. We have seen Nestor’s palace, Agamenmon’ s palace, we have been to Argos, ancient Corinth andNavarone.
We have seen mountains, beautiful bays and lots of churches. We love Greece.