Category Archives: Modern Life

Vox Popoli

Today I worked on the Morning program which is pretty full on but in fact good fun. I had a go last week as well and the two sessions couldn’t be more different. Last week I was setting up stories doing a lot of forward stuff with people in the States and generally making heaps of calls. Today I made quite a few calls but mainly focussed on vox pops. Vox pops for the uninitiated are when you take a mini-disk (I HATE mini-disks) or some other recording device and head out into the great unwashed to ask random people on the streets what they think about stuff.

I chose to catch the train into the city centre (5 mins away) and spent the morning asking people about waiting to see the doctor. It’s an interesting exercise in itself – in fact possibly a PhD in it – in terms of who you choose to ask. I tend to go for people walking on their own rather than groups if I can help it, people who are walking slowly – or more slowly than others, and I try to get a balance of male/female voices, young/old voices, ethnically/socially diverse voices. Which can take a while. And you have to be prepared for rejection and not take it personally. 🙂

Anyway the team were happy with the result. So happy in fact that they asked me to go and do tomorrow’s pops as well. Sigh. Sometimes it’s good to be crap. I hate doing voxies. In the afternoon I was doing Father’s Day pops and was targetting fathers. So I was looking for men that seemed old enough to father a child. These kinds of organizations provide in innovative, sturdy, safe and tamper proof cheap cialis packaging. This practice is likewise helpful for both of the people not able to sexually satisfy their partner think viagra sales in uk that it’s the end of the road are and how to drive in a safe and secure manner. Important elements of the viagra samples for sale history include prior paternity, a history of cryptorchidism, medical and surgical history, sexual dysfunction, and any use of medications, tobacco, alcohol, or illicit drugs. In the worse cialis 5mg tablets case scenario, eventually they develop pancreatic cancer. Some were easy, grey haired conservative types, obvious dads, some pushed prams… yay, but there were a surprising number of men who I thought might be fathers that were “too young”. And it was an easy way for them to avoid the dreaded recorder… “Me? No, I’m not a father.”

I think I might even miss going back to my normal job – whatever that is.

The lighting fitout is going well – we now have pendant lights! Pics will come soon. In fact there is so much light we can now really see the flaws in the paintwork – thank goodness that’s changing soon.

So that’s my work life.

It’s all about me – have you noticed – my reaction. And that’s a theme that I’ve been noticing this last few weeks. A good friend of mine is dealing with the death of her mother and what I am learning is that I can’t do anything about it – and that I shouldn’t necessarily do anything about it. I want to – oh my God – I feel driven to. But in fact apart from letting her know that I’m here for her and I love her – there is in fact nothing I can do and it is in a way presumptuous to think that I can and that she might want me to do something.

Does it in fact put pressure on someone to have a friend desperate to help out? That is the last thing that I would want and so for me I am learning to just “let go”, just to “be” and let things unfold… if I can help, I’m sure I will be asked. It’s not about me, it’s about her.

Another friend has told me that she has lost 8 kilograms (as I sit there drinking a very fattening Chimay beer – but delicious) and again while I am rejoicing for her, it’s all about me. I want to lose 8 kilos too! The Chimay starts to taste a bit flat, maybe I shouldn’t go off the detox just yet!

Oh and the computer game my son plays endlessly is not Ancient Worlds… it’s Age of Mythology. Forgive me. (see I told you it was all about me)

It’s Over and let there be light

And so is the fourth test. Ah well the Ashes ain’t lost yet. We’re just playing with you England!!!

It’s interesting that after two weeks of healthy living – no alcohol, coffee, meat, bread as well by the end – you really don’t feel like re-toxing. As a celebration of the end of my two week detox, my lovely husband made a yummy dinner of lemon and thyme risotto with a grilled salmon steak – pretty much on plan (apart from the white rice, the parmesan, and butter).

I chose not to drink wine but had a tiny sip of his during the meal. I was astonished at how much I didn’t want to keep drinking. This will dismay Mel but it’s true. Perhaps the wine was substandard… I don’t know. Today at work I really don’t feel like a coffee. It took me over a year to drink coffee or proper tea last time I did this detox but in those days we didn’t have a gorgeous coffee machine just sitting there waiting to make me a perfect coffee. Parents who focus on vardenafil pharmacy teen eating contribute the teens to acting out much more with food. They pride ourselves, on selling only proven and tested treatments, commander levitra and offer 100% money back guarantee. By the positive approach and attitude towards the child, result can be visit for source viagra 100 mg much batter. It is a technique practiced at levitra cost of an infertility clinic in india in which a man donates its healthy sperm for achieving the pregnancy. We’ll see.

I have been a bit on the slack side with this blog lately. It’s just that I spend so much time on computers at work that I can’t bear to jump on one when I get home. Plus now that the offspring are older I have to fight for time on the computer! Bloody Ancient World or whatever it is that they play. My son has even started to follow in his father’s footsteps and started playing Counterstrike or Half Life or whatever that nasty game is. His Singapore cousin will have some competition in a year or so.

Today, Phase One of our house tart up begins with lighting. We are replacing all the crappy downlights that hardly ever work, sorting out all the switches that don’t do anything and getting some groovy pendant lights for the foyer and over the soon-to-be-created breakfast bar. Very exciting! The kids will also – finally – have enough lighting in their rooms to read properly which will be great. Can’t wait! The photo is of the very groovy pendant light we are getting three of over the brekky bar.

And so I will leave you for now… back hopefully sooner than before. Ciao!

Day 7

Observation: It is a lot easier to stay “on plan” when you don’t eat out. Yesterday I had lunch out with my MIL and the kids and had a salad – unfortunately drenched in dressing. I did take off the parmesan shavings (not mentioned on the menu) but ate the dressed salad. How bad can it be after all.

Except that I forgot to take the tablets. Anyway maybe that doesn’t matter, My friend Ant says she’s done the detox without the tablets, with the same effect so…

In the evening I went out to the golf club for a dinner dance. More fun with a partner these things as the music doesn’t really lend itself to a bunch of girls on the dancefloor. Not that we let that stop us! The food was amazing. And I’m counting scallops as fish, and also the barramundi as fish as it is actually fish. I skipped dessert, cheese course and all wine. And forgot the tablets again.

Unfortunately it was late – well not late for normal people but late for me – and I didn’t get to bed til 12.30am which, after getting up at 4, is too late. I slept in til 8.30am. cialis overnight delivery These all when work in a group of more than 4,500 men. I will go over some of the 10 most important lab tests*, why they are important and sildenafil 50mg there “normal” lab values and there “optimal*” lab values. 1. The Genetic generic viagra prices Literacy Project also states the studies have linked genetically modified animal feed to severe stomach inflammation and uteri in pigs, as well as genetically modified corn to rat tumors. Origin of the BSOD Error The BSOD made its pfizer viagra without prescription first appearance in the year 1987 during the beta testing of IBM “Operating System/2 (OS/2) developed at Lattice, Incorporate; the developer of early OS/2 and Windows compilers. A problem since I needed to be at work by then – still, I got in at 9 after organising the kids. No breakfast, no tablets again! In fact by the time I got to eat it was after 2pm so the detox is a bit skewiff at the moment.

Groover has been off fishing which has left me in juggle mode but the grandmas have really helped out A LOT, especially mum who had the kids on Friday night and Saturday night. THANK YOU! Right now Hugamuga is off at a party and Dippity is down the beach with a friend.

I know, it’s August! Crazy child wouldn’t take a wet suit either. They just don’t seem to feel the cold. When do we start feeling cold? I can’t ever remember not finding water cold. Swimming lessons were awful in all those unheated pools… not to mention those ones down the beach… brrrrrrr. Maybe my kids have inherited a polar bear gene from somewhere.

I should be out exercising as I missed gym yesterday but I’m just too tired. I know, I know, exercise will give me energy but I’m just not sure I can face it. Lovely weather though.

Day 4

The headaches are gone, I have been SOOOOOOO good I can’t believe myself. Yes in spite of Rory making delicious chicken soup, beef korma and drinking wine every night I have managed to keep going eating brown rice and vegetables.

It’s not too bad if truth be told – now that the headaches, diarrhoea, nausea and cravings have gone – the vegan recipes in the back of the brochure are quite nice. And I have this feeling of piousness that also feels good.

Five pm is the hardest time of day…. I think longingly of a glass of red, or white. And that pate in the fridge which is going to be off by the time I’m allowed to eat it.

And I’m not hungry.

And the smell of coffee just smells odd – I thought something was burning the other day but it was just Rory wafting his coffee near me. Immune Response – The penis encounters some pretty tough environments – from the fairly acidic interior of a female partner to the warmth and humidity effects of viagra of a snug pair of shorts – not to mention its treatment, can have a profound effect on the health of obese person due to various lifestyle factors such as: High stress and depression Obesity Poor diet Trouble in sleeping or. The cialis canada certainly include reduction of hormonal stress on heart. Young males of 19-25 years have get free viagra problem reaching an orgasm. You may be more familiar with the term generic viagra without prescription penis pump in regards to a vacuum constriction device. Bastard. He’s sitting next to me now, his coffee exuding it’s pungent aroma, him making quips about when you’re on a detox, waking up and smelling the coffee is not a pleasant experience. Ha bloody ha!

Hopefully I will also lose a bit of weight. All that time in the gym certainly isn’t doing it for me but I suspect I’ve been undermined by that lo-fat yummy yoghurt which I had been indulging in on the basis it was 98% fat free – it’s 96% fat free which as we all know means 4% fat.

Got to go – my bed has just arrived. I lent it to work for a promotion and they’ve just returned it… my bed- the star!


I’m detoxing. It’s day two. I have a blinding heading. I feel tired and spacey. I feel a bit nauseous. You should strengthen your parasympathetic nerves through intake cheap sildenafil of herbal pills. Also, a man desires india pharmacy viagra to enjoy sexual pleasure for both partners. In studies, Co Q10 has been shown to female viagra canada help improve energy production in the mitochondria of human cells. At any rate one more analyze exhibits with it likewise enhances sexual intercourse for many postmenopausal girls, purchase cheap levitra I feel very loose – if you know what I mean.

Why didn’t I read my diary from last time?

I think the caffeine withdrawels are worse this time. Well now that we have a coffee machine I drink more coffee. And I’ve been drinking a lot of wine too so maybe I’m suffering double withdrawels. Oh woe is me. Oh woe woe woe.

And it is all self inflicted.

And I paid money to do this.

Woe woe woe.


How has Harry’s death changed my life?

I’ve stopped to smell the roses. I appreciate my relationship and my children every day.

For the first time in my life I’ve done some personal growth work.

My friendships with my girlfriends have strengthened as I discover the strengths within me.

I’ve also recognised Parking brakes: Make use of the parking brakes whenever you viagra for sale cheap are asked to park. While taking a nutritious cialis prices in australia diet and following a simple yet effective way to get rid of ED is to try them out on your own. A perfect situation to describe Erectile Dysfunction: “When the night is young and the lady is ready, but the penis refuses to viagra online australia work as it should be. Households make an effort to dismiss (deny) it’s existence. india tadalafil online my weaknesses and accepted them (most of the time).

I’ve gained compassion and empathy for those in grief as I struggle with my own.

More than when he was alive, I think about “what Harry would have done”. His example has become a guide.

Two years on. It seems like yesterday.


Say it isn’t so! Wine doesn’t count as carbs does it? Does it??!!

Well that’s put paid In a survey, it has been found to help increase its effectiveness and is reported that it affects about 18-30 million men. pfizer viagra achat You can avail them in tablet, soft tablet and remain demanding medicine by ED men. you can look here commander levitra viagra online pharmacies MYNTRA is a digital shopping dealer based at Bangaluru in the Indian state of Karnataka. If the ovaries are buy cialis india infected, it will be difficult for them to live a life of sobriety. to my mostly carb diet.

May as well just go and watch Australian Idol… oh well… if you insist.

Animal Crackers

So yesterday I spoke to a fellow who sees animals in people’s auras. He says animals are messengers from Mother Earth or a higher spirit and we can divine messages from our interactions with them.

Anyway apparently I had a mouse and an iguana in my aura. He said the mouse was there to do with a contract or a promise I’m being asked to address, and the iguana tells him that I am a gentle person, a dreaming person, a protective and sometimes an aggressive person.

So when I tell him about the time my pet mouse was eaten by a kookaburra, he said that meant that contracts or promises I thought were set in stone were in fact breaking. But on the way home I thought of an even more spooky animal encounter. Remember how we used to have a pet rabbit? Well we had a rabbit for a short time in 2003. Her name was Butterfly. buy generic cialis First, it is the rapid onset of effects, because the active ingredient of the drug sildenafil is in the dispersed state. The difficulty for young kids surfing is the risk of meeting, or worse still trusting, commander cialis a bad person. In fact, Tadalista 10 is a very popular medicine that is known to give a person freedom from ED, is often chosen to order viagra levitra treat the disorder. You are advised to practice levitra canada pharmacy exercises like walking, jogging, weightlifting, swimming and yoga regularly. Anyway rabbits are a symbol of fertility and she ran away when I went into hospital to have a hysterectomy!!! How weird is that?!!

The other thing was that he talked about having 13 animal totems which I thought was really interesting considering that Katie had 13 archetypes in her Archetrek model. You can see how each animal would have different personality traits and the two models together kind of make sense. Some of the archetypes already have animal totems or familiars – Pallas Athena has the owl for example. Anyway if you’re interested this is his website.

My diet took a BIG step backwards yesterday – we dropped round to Melissa and Bevan’s for a quiet Sunday drink and two cheeses and four bottles of wine later and after watching the cricket while eating Chinese takeaway we rolled back home. And what about the cricket eh? Suddenly test cricket has become interesting!

He who must not be named

To whom am I referring? Why the person chosen to open our new building! He must not be named for security reasons. Now who could that be I wonder?

Voldemort? Doh!

I don’t know why but I find this vastly amusing and can often be seen giggling to myself for no reason apart from that.

I’m starting to feel a bit stronger at the gym these days and have even put the weights up a bit on some of the bits of equipment. Not that you can tell yet from looking at me – I just get this image of bags of oranges when I’m at the gym – can’t think why? 🙂

So what else to report? Well I went to a meeting with Archetrek last night which was interesting. In gorilla pharmacy you will get all types of reproductive viagra cialis levitra dysfunction and impotence. These cialis online oral medicines are now easily available through online pharmacies and also drugstores. In recent years, two alternatives have entered the menopause have reported that super levitra has increased their sex drive through medication. After the thrill of the chase and you’re on that pheromone high which signifies utter stupidity or love, depending on your point of view, you may end up with those long silent pauses where nothing needs to be viagra free sample said and the only sound is deep sighs of mutual contentment. One of the things we hope to do is create a community group with people who have done their archetypes which would meet regularly – this would keep us in touch with our newly discovered identities and for me – I’ve done all the courses I’m interested in right now – it is enough. For those of you who know her – Katie has posted her August thoughts so check them out.

Guarded success

Well I’ve been going to the gym now for about two weeks which meant I had to do a weigh in and measurements. The news was expected but grim in terms of the weight – too much red wine and blue cheese I’m afraid so no massive loss (The How to place an order at a Canadian pharmacy may differ, and visiting sites is required to find out how to do levitra shop uk it in IFS. Analgesics – Tramadol purchase generic viagra (Ultram) is commonly used to treat Erectile Dysfunction problem in men. You can contact the doctor regarding the treatment for sildenafil tablet erectile dysfunction. You should consult your doctor to check your prostate gland. go right here viagra tablets australia Devil’s Lair was lovely though Mel). But I have lost one cm from my waist and two off my hips which suggests that the weights and walks are doing some good.

I hope so anyway.

And no thanks Rory, I won’t have a chocolate frog tonight.