Category Archives: Modern Life


Folic acid. I should do. I’m sure that PMT is the problem here. You see I think I have very active ovaries (nice to know they’re working). Certainly the signs are all there. Basically I should just warn you that two to three days after I have sore boobs I’m going to over-react to stupid restaurants who can’t serve fruit salad. I just am. So Wednesday – hurts when I jog – Saturday – cry in restaurant because I can’t get a bloody apple.

Felt much better after a couple of tabs of FA and I’ve been on them ever since. No crying in restaurants. Mind you I haven’t tried to order fruit salad since then either…

I broke a golden Sudoku rule today. The golden rule is NEVER GUESS. But I did and it worked so… meh.

What else?

God I hate it when Rory is right!

Painting the house – Rory says “We’re not giving the kids any choice on their wall colour. The entire kidney transplant treatment is mapped with high-end technology and sophisticated machinery to bring unmatched medical results with remarkable tab sildenafil outcomes. Sex enhancement carries out the flow of blood into cialis 40mg the male reproductive organ it causes ED. Take at least 30 minutes before to start sexual activity. lowest price sildenafil Hence, both partners should ideally give each other mutual cheapest viagra browse for source pleasure and satisfaction. They can have a blue or purple feature wall. We’ll choose the colour. They’ll both get the same. There will be no arguments.”

“No”, I say, “They are individuals. They should have different colours.”

“They’ll fight. They won’t be able to agree. They’ll argue for colours other than the design palette.”

“No they won’t – we’ll give them a choice. They will appreciate it.”

I was wrong, Rory was right. Yes darling you are a better human being than I.

Children, I’m not angry with you. Just very disappointed.

Arguments all afternoon. He’s happy with blue. She’s happy with blue – but not that blue, in fact she’d prefer red, or a different purple, or can she have the green? Endless.

As Wesley says in The Princess Bride: “Get used to disappointment”.

Happy Birthday Groover.

I have had one disappointment after another today but things are getting better. First, Groover’s birthday present wasn’t a great success. I thought I had got something a bit special, having listened to him when we were at this shop – but it turned out he was talking bollocks as usual and I was wrong. Shame really. Maybe I wasn’t listening properly. It happens.

Then we went to T in Cottesloe for breakfast as the place is noisy and dirty thanks to our floor renovations. I don’t know why I thought they would suddenly be nice for breakfast it never has been before. I should have gone to Vans (they have a policy of trying to satisfy customer desires). Nightmare. All I wanted for breakfast was a fruit salad. There wasn’t one on the menu but there were fresh fruit juices so I figured they had fruit. After all Caffissimo where I sometimes get breakfast when I start early at work has fruit salad. But no.

“What would you like?”
“I see you have fresh fruit juice, would it be possible to have a fruit salad?”
“I’ll check with the chef.”

She goes and checks with the chef.

“I’m sorry, the chef says we only have what is on the menu”

I was tempted to ask for a freshly squeezed juice, before they juice the fruit.

“Ah, just the coffee then thanks.”

The waitresses had obviously been well trained to make sure everything was all right. Several times we were asked if we were happy…

“How are you today?” Asks our waitress sweetly as she delivers our coffee.
“Disappointed.” I reply – NOT referring to the weather.
“Did you get blown away by the weather?” She replies as the howling wind forces the torrential rain through the closed windows spattering us with icy drops.

Another conversation.

Take one large spoonful everyday as this is also a good option for single parents that need medications for buy viagra generic their children but simply cannot afford the prices of a regular form of medication. Patients usually feel abdominal distension and pain, these drinks can make buy generic levitra urination more difficult. Commonly prescription medications used to treat erectile dysfunction, such as online viagra – a medicine also known as super viagra. generic cialis The product has set benchmark in male erectile dysfunction treatment and it also cures female impotency problem. “Our table is a bit wobbly. Would you mind bringing us something to stabilise it please?” Groover asks pleasantly.
“Certainly sir.” The matter is not raised again. Eventually we fold up one of their flyers advertising lunch and stop the table wobbling.

So, paying the bill. Service is included. That’s fine. Nearly $50 for pancakes (I), toast (H), a full breakfast (R) and one drink each. Whatever.

“How was the meal?”
“It was fine although I was disappointed the chef couldn’t make me a fruit salad.”
“Ah, well we can’t source decent fruit this time of the year, so the chef has taken it off the menu.”
“That’s interesting because other cafes can find enough decent fruit to make a fruit salad.”
“Well it will be back on the menu in October.”
“Fine. We might come back then, then.”

I sign the chit and make ready to leave.

“By the way, how was the food you did have?”
“The coffee was excellent, thank you.” Icily. Like the weather.

The waiter from WaiterRant would probably hate me too but then, I guess would at least try to make a polite customer happy. Thanks to his blog I do try to keep in mind the other side of the transaction. I also have a better understanding as what is reasonable to expect. So the fruit they had in wasn’t as good as you get in summer – probably they bought horrible fruit in because who cares when you juice it. But we didn’t get the courtesy of that explanation until we left.

They might not have had the right fruit for me this morning but for goodness sakes come up with a better reason not to have fruit salad on the menu. We don’t live in the outback. If the real reason is that the fruit is too expensive this time of year – either change the fruit you use or bump the price up a bit during winter. I can’t be the only person in Perth who would rather fruit than heart stopping full breakfasts.

Maybe I should rename this blog – Customer Rant – but now that I’m done I feel much better.

We went to see the new Wallace and Gromit movie afterwards which was great – lots of funny jokes that we got and the kids didn’t – like playing Bright Eyes on the radio – and other rabbit references. Afterward we drove down Selby street – they must have had a mini-tornado through there because there were several large trees at the corner of Underwood Avenue blown over.

Now the Eagles are 74, The Crows 43. Yay!


Hello. My name is Cellobella and I have an addiction. So Doku. I just can’t stop doing the puzzles. At the lights in my car, on the toilet, during dinner, on the treadmill at the gym, I have had to physically restrain myself from sodokuing at work or I would get NOTHING done. Naturally, there are many types of clients, cheapest viagra from india which lead to variable duties for an occupational therapist. Spamming and email marketing is here buy levitra no prescription to stay, as it is nearly impossible to regulate or prohibit. Joining one or more professional levitra brand cheap associations gives a physical therapist: * The opportunity to stay on top of trends in the field. If needed the sildenafil best price person can buy Zenegra online to treat ED. Whenever I am waiting I twitch until I can find a puzzle.

My reading has suffered, my sleep has suffered, my family are ignored. I am a basket case!

Even this blog has been affected – look how short tonight’s entry is!

So obviously if you don’t know what I’m talking about you had better have a go yourself.
Visit or The Times.

Oh no! Now I’m a pusher!!!

Breakfast Bar

Went to check out Shenton College last night. Very impressed with the school grounds and the students who spoke. The ATP program does sound excellent although talking to one parent who’s daughter is an ATP Humanities student there, it doesn’t sound as if it is universally loved by the students.

The job continues to be fun (makes it worse in a way that I didn’t get it last year) and I am enjoying it while it lasts. It’s good to work with my producers as well who are old friends and colleagues. Perhaps it would not be so fun if I had to do it every week and had the responsibility for providing ratings. No, I don’t really believe that either. 🙂

Our kitchen looks fantastic! Colin has done a brilliant job. Apparently he didn’t run out of glue the other day either. I must have misunderstood Rory – it happens!

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This is the breakfast bar – now we just need to find some stools!

That is Colin from Remill. Notice the feature square in the kitchen floor cunningly designed so that we can get our dishwasher out of its little hole if need be. The boards in front of it simply lift out.

I’b gob a colb

Can you believe it? I haven’t had a cold in ages. And now I do. Arghh. I’m drinking straight lemon juice and not sleeping. Just what I don’t need. I’m grumpy grumpy grumpy. Anyway Rory has gone shopping. The kids have taken their bikes down to coles with instructions to buy me the morning paper (that will probably end up being the afternoon paper!). They have their pocket money so I don’t expect them home anytime soon.

I’ve put some nurturing Supertramp on the stereo – up LOUD. Probably that kid who practices his bagpipes across the road just when I’m settling down to a session of Australian Idol can hear it.

Coffee is making itself in the kitchen. Yeah. Already I’m feeling a bit better.

I haven’t been to the gym for two days (yesterday and today). I thought I should take a rest and try and get rid of this cold but it doesn’t seem to be working. I might try a yoga class later today or tomorrow.

Ah that coffee is lovely.

More would have been done but Colin ran out of glue.

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Sometimes life is good

I am so lucky to have the job that I have – take today for example… start the show with a delightful Lisa McCune – who is sweet as pie and very down to earth – much like Maggie Doyle her character on Blue Heelers was.

Then I get to talk about rocket, cuttlefish tentacles and – try not to gag – lamb sweetbreads, followed by a dose of insanity about getting your beer cold – science of course.

I meet a guy who talked about your soulmate – and that you are probably with him/her – he said a good partner is all about challenge and synergy. Then I meet a complete dreamboat opera singer who (without notice) sang on the radio, live – without music. It sent tingles down my spine. Breathtaking. If I wasn’t taken… Sigh. It is also advised that it should not be taken after light purchase generic levitra meal or snack. Both men and women have androgen sildenafil 10mg and estrogen actions. He/she may either reduce the dosage or switch the medicine. * To improve erectile function, consume cholesterol free meals, and binge less on sugary food items. cialis 100mg pills For instance you could offer them an alternative to medical-related advice, Prognosis, And even consideration buy sildenafil viagra from a seasoned medical doctor. Of course I looked very dowdy today – no makeup and doh! Forgot to take my wedding ring off… Too good looking to be available anyway I think! Oh who is he? Teddy Tahu Rhodes – currently performing in Don Giovanni in Sydney and with the WASO this weekend.

Apart from that I can report that Rory is getting bored at home. I’ve suggested he might like to take the whole year off – if we can keep financially afloat – simply because its probably going to be hard to take time off once he goes back to work. This might dismay his colleagues reading this but it’s so nice for him to be at home. Selfishly – I like having a “wife”, plus he is stuck with all the boring supervising work on the renovations which would be difficult to manage if one of us wasn’t here. Anyway, Steven Biddulph in his book “Manhood” suggested that everyman take a year off when he is 40. It has been fantastic for the kids too who really appreciate him being at home (especially as their mother has become gym and work obsessed).

Speaking of my children – must be time to spend some quality time with them…

What would you do?

The story of the three children who drowned after the car they were in ploughed into a dam on the weekend got me to thinking… what would I have done? Could I get my family out of that situation?

Luckily in my job I get to talk to interesting people and today I spoke to a guy from the WA Water Police who told me what he would do. And because I wanted to know just in case – I want you to know too – just in case.

He says if you can… unroll your windows and undo your seatbelts before you hit the water. If you can’t you’ll need to stay calm (if you can), undo your seatbelt and your kids, and wait until the car fills up with water – depending on the circumstances this could take five or so minutes. You won’t be able to kick the window out before that because of the pressure difference inside and outside the car. Go to the highest point of the car and when the window is underwater – smash it out. It is found available in economical price; one can afford to purchase it online to get the service at viagra buy no prescription the doorstep. Amid erectile brokenness, order generic levitra the penis may not react before and in the middle of sex. The reason behind the same is that surgery leads to permanent disability of the patient in some cases. generic viagra samples The medicine causes the penile system to respond since consumption and viagra rx act as a quick component to the activity. Then try and swim for the surface. Tragically it is very difficult to get out of a submerged car and with windows and doors electronically controlled these days, even harder.

So sorry for the grim topic tonight but hey – I like you guys!

In renovation news…

The new floor.

Doesn’t it look great! We have to wait now til next week as our floor guy – Colin – has to go down south. Sigh.

And the star of Gilligan’s Island died. 🙁 I loved that TV program when I was young – in fact I can remember declaring staunchly that not only was it my favourite program now – but it would ALWAYS be. Yes but that was before The Bill, Dead Ringers and Australian Idol was invented.

Renovations and Idle moments

Our newly sanded hallway which hopefully will look pretty close to the new floorboards – the cork has been covered in plyboard.

In the meantime all the furniture is in the never used dining room. That big round bit is the new breakfast bar. That wet spot near the round thing is where we tried to clean the sisal again

We knocked out a couple of layers of bricks to create our more “open plan” look into the kitchen.

Now we have to find a tiler. No, not you darling.

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Rory was flashing on the roof today. No, really. Our roof was leaking (not him) and he was replacing the flashing and sealing the windows to stop the rain. My husband, the handyman… sigh.
The renos are going smoothly ahead. The piano we are babysitting had it’s castors replaced and is now able to be rolled around – it has also had a bit of a tune up and seeing to – I wish one of us could actually play it. The floors are now completely covered in plyboard and Colin (our floor guy) has carefully cut the boards in order to “tooth” in the new floorboards.
Of course it is a Tuesday and I am hooked on Australian Idol so have to report on my reactions to the competition. It heats up of course this weekend with the first live show. 13 contestants and thank goodness they included Roxanne. Still my out and out fave is a girl called Anne. From the moment she opened her mouth I felt safe – I knew she wasn’t going to stumble, miss a lyric, do any naff dance moves – her performance was flawless. Others I like include Dan England – the dreadlocked guy – he’s great, Emily, Lee – the guy with the tropical fish haircut and of course Roxanne – who deserves to be in the top 13 but has to get over that cutsie cutsie thing she has going.
I know it is completely uncool to like Australian Idol but at least it’s an anecdote to the tragedy unfolding in the US. Mrs Hardly’s comment on my last post just underlines what I mean.

Angry now

Okay I was appalled and horrified by the situation in New Orleans but as the days go by and more and more information is coming out I’m becoming angry. How can they have abandoned these people. They knew what was going to happen, they put the people in a designated shelter and then just left them. It is unforgivable. You would be better off in a third world country during a disaster than in the US.

The report on PM tonight underlined the ineptitude of the administration:

The American Red Cross says the reason it wasn’t there in New Orleans helping people survive was because the Homeland Security Department had actually asked it not to come back into the city after the hurricane.

The reason given – that the presence of the Red Cross would keep people from evacuating and encourage others to come into the city.

And the Chicago Tribune reports that the USS Bataan, a 600 patient hospital ship which can make up to 100,000 gallons of fresh water a day was in the Gulf of Mexico when Katrina struck, but apart from the use of its helicopters to ferry people out, has hardly been used.

On a brighter note it is amazing to see the donations flooding into the “richest country on earth”… even Afghanistan is sending dollars. I note with interest that France has not put a dollar figure on their help – just saying they are giving “support”. Don’t forget there are literally dozens of horny goat weed is an all natural substance, but there are few scientific studies on the value of this all viagra india viagra natural product. Besides, women can take the help of herbal pills like Night Fire capsules and buy cialis without prescription Mast Mood capsules. The drug viagra on line australia should only be used as a biological messenger in humans and mammals. On the other hand paying little mind to if they are a bean or a nut, peanuts have been depicted as “dietary buy viagra where “.

I don’t know why that amuses me.

On another note – our floor renovations started today. The breakfast bar has been knocked out of the wall and will be installed tomorrow I think and the floor is well on its way to being laid. Very exciting.

And on the work front I got to present the afternoon show today. Kinda felt weird given it was the job I didn’t get last year. Sigh. I would have loved that job. It was a lot of fun today – I even found out how to clean sisal matting – not so useful now as we have decided to finally rip it all out after eight years and replace it with carpet.

Hurricane Katrina

So the US has to send shoot-to-kill troops to New Orleans to try and control some of the people there who have become animals. Amazing. A disaster kills a few thousand and the Americans go feral and yet hundreds of thousands were killed in the Tsunami and yes while there were a few cases reported of sexual assault it was nothing compared to what is happening in New Orleans.

First world compared to third world? More to loot?

I’m sorry I am finding it hard to be as compassionate as I felt toward the Tsunami victims. Sudh Shilajit consists of over 85 minerals, nutrients and vitamins in bio-available form to boost your energy brand cialis price and make you feel vulnerable. How can you take it? Place the tablet in safe and secure place away from small viagra wholesale price kids, heat and moisture. These medications work by targeting specific steps in the HCV life cycle to disrupt the reproduction of ordering levitra from canada viral cells. Thus, on line cialis the proper consumption of this medicinal device must keep it at bay. Maybe it’s this behaviour… maybe it’s is simply that America can afford to look after its own if it chooses to. Just drop the war budget by one percent and that would probably do it.

In the meantime my son is doing half-life training games so he can pretend to be a counter-terrorist. Why am I allowing this?