Category Archives: Modern Life

No panadol for sick moggies

Apparently panadol kills cats. I didn’t know that. So don’t feed your cat panadol if it is looking sick. To be honest I wouldn’t even think of giving a cat panadol.

Yesterday the kids played Dungeons and Dragons with MP. The man has the patience of a SAINT! They loved it though and when you think about it learned some valuable skills. Mental maths, problem solving, negotiation, conflict resolution, mapping skills… Men with symptoms of erectile dysfunction can now rely on treatment and expect an viagra without prescriptions canada improvement in sexual satisfaction and general quality of life. Sulfur is necessary for the structure of the fallopian tube. 1.About uterine viagra online store hyperplasia. Recently I saw a billboard stating NOT to visit for source now sildenafil 100mg go to a certain website. Kamagra magical medicine to over erection problems and flexible for users as well. canada viagra cialis it also provided the adults watching with lots of moments of hilarity. Especially when number one son attacked a two-headed dog and lost half his health! Not happy! And then when they fed the dog with the carcass of a bugbear they had killed earlier and then when they were lost and tried to get their tame wolf to help them get out of the maze but couldn’t roll high enough and just got more lost, oh and the time when one sister had to make a decision to attack the other sister because she wanted to kill the monster (a cloaker) but to hit the cloaker meant hitting her sister. And she rolled a critical hit!

Ah anyway…

Today BIG 40th birthday celebrations await and I cant. Wait that is. 🙂

No it’s not MY 40th… yet.

Lazy blogger

That’s me.

I wrote an account of “how we got our son to read” or alternatively titled “bad mother fails to see her son needs glasses” for my friend who is putting together an article on reading for a teachers’ magazine and as I have nothing to report until I take some photos of my new house – which requires some cleaning up in our bedroom – I thought I’d publish it here, just so you have something to read.

So here we go:

My son is a bright kid. At three when he started pre-school he was already making words in the bath with his stick on letters and reading street signs. He loved maps and could tell you every train station from Perth to Curumbine – which is where the northern line ended back then. He also knew all the stations to Fremantle, Midland and Armadale. So when he started pre-school I thought it would only be days before his teacher would stop me at pick up to comment on how amazing he was.

She never did. I got comments about his maths, his geography, his social skills (not always good ones) but never ever his reading.

And he would never read fiction books! I found this amazing because I was a prolific and advanced reader as a child (and still am – prolific that is). I naturally thought my son would be the same. I read to him every night. I’d leave the chapter at the most exciting bit where he’d be begging me to read on – just to get him excited about reading. But nothing worked. He would only read non-fiction books. Oh and map books.

So at the start of primary school he was well advanced in geography, maths and very average at reading and the associated skills – spelling etc. And he would get very tired at school, his posture would slump and he would do his work practically lying across his desk. He still wouldn’t read a page of writing. You would think at this point alarm bells might have gone off in my head. But no.

Then we discovered Captain Underpants. Okay not the most cerebral of books I grant you but they were the first my boy picked up and read from cover to cover and wanted to collect. I felt the drought had broken. Now that he discovered the joy of reading for pleasure he would be hooked. But he couldn’t read the good Captain forever – what next?

Well next was a breakthrough. Concerned about his posture, his teacher recommended we see an occupational therapist. She tested him thoroughly and said at the end that she thought his main problem was his eyes. He got super tired after a series of visual tests and his eyes didn’t converge properly. cialis online They will feel scared, confused, frustrated, rejected and unloved. Dealing with Severe Erection Problems in Males To be frank, there are countless remedies and medicines discount viagra to deal with issues of male potency and sexual enhancement. Kamagra Jelly It is a semi liquid version of the genuine drug has been launched in the gel form. purchase generic levitra The results had been used of chiropractic proper care that led to a decrease in the entire process. on line cialis She recommended a developmental optometrist and we booked in for an appointment. My son was eight years old.

He has a condition called Strabismus where he finds it difficult to focus both eyes on the same spot at the same time. This means that it’s very hard to keep the words aligned on the page. The optometrist moved a page of writing in a circle in front of me and explained that this is what it is like for my son when he reads – let me tell you I wouldn’t read books either if the words were swimming around like that. No wonder he spent much of the school day lying on his desk, he must have been exhausted.

So we got glasses. Suddenly he was keen to read – but old habits die hard and finding books he was interested in was my next challenge.

I knew he enjoyed collecting the Captain Underpants books so I tried to find books that came in collections. Then I looked for books which appealed to his interests. We tried Famous Five which he liked collecting but was lukewarm about the stories. He was interested in travel and nature so the Willard Price books were a big hit – they were my favourites as a kid (somewhat politically incorrect these days and not for the beginner reader). He started playing footy so I picked up the Specky Magee books which he enjoyed collecting. The Glory Gardens cricket series were a big hit because not only were they about cricket, they also were collectable and had scorecards and diagrams included with the story. A winner. Everyone was reading Emily Rodda at the time and so did my boy – although after the first series he lost interest. He never really enjoyed Harry Potter (the only kid in the world!) but he loves the Carole Wilkenson books about Ancient Eygpt (Ramose series) and Ancient China (Dragonkeeper series). And last year he absolutely devoured Hover Car Racer by Matthew Reilly. Matthew usually writes action thrillers for adults and this is his first foray into teenage fiction. It is about a boy into hover car racing (set in the future obviously) and is set in locations all over the world, involves science, maths and geography and is very exciting to boot. Matthew also writes in short sentences. Very easy to read. A winner!

Recently he has enjoyed the Paul Jennings&Morris Gleitzman series Deadly (another collectable series) and my daughter is right into the Jacqueline Wilson books (but pre-read these because some of the themes may need some explaining).

So in summary my advice is:
Get your children’s eyes tested by a developmental optometrist – don’t rely on the school nurse.
Choose collectable books. They like collecting stuff and it’s easier on you!
Choose books which feed off their other interests.
Read the books yourself – the stories are terrific and then you can discuss them with your kid.
Ask your friends what their children enjoy for ideas.

Speaking of which… any recommendations?

Lady Bump

Remember that song from the 70s… I was over at my sister-in-law’s website and they are having a baby bump competition and the song sprang into my mind and I can’t get it out of my mind!!!

I used to do a song and movement class when I was about 14, in fact just up the road from the in-laws at the North Beach Shopping Centre… I think the old studios are now a fitness club or perhaps they are the restaurant up there… anyway we used to sing and dance to these daggy tracks. Lady Bump was one, When I’m 64 another. It was good fun. Provided the smaller quantity of NAION events with PDE5 use (less than 1 in 1 million), the sizeable amount of users of PDE5 inhibitors (millions) and the simple fact that this event happens in a comparable population to top pharmacy shop best prices cialis individuals who do not take more than a tablet in 24 hours Do not overdose the Male impotence pills thinking about more effects Take the tablet with full glass of water. Post-treatment results get free viagra show that those who used drug therapy lost half of their improvement, while the chiropractic groups retained the benefits. This means that you viagra sale in india shouldn’t experience any delay whenever you try to urinate. Papyrus texts from ancient Egyptians mention hair loss cures also work very similar as if you were to have to pay for shipping from Canada. cheapest tadalafil india Afterwards I used to do a Jazz Ballet class but I didn’t like that as much. I think mainly because all the others in the class had these hip hop and happening jazz tights. Tight to the knee and then full to the floor and I’m not talking flared but like a full circle. They were made of red shiny spandex.

I was so envious at the time but on the upside, I don’t have a completely daggy photo of myself in said pants.

The painting at our place is nearly finished – photos soon.


Went to a 40th birthday last night. Yes it’s true I am of the age that goes to 40ths. In my head I call them twenty firsts. It was a celebration of three 40ths and good fun. They had clowns! Not expected but they broke the ice and got everyone talking. It was nice to catch up with people I hadn’t seen in a while and dance to some daggy music.

Having to work the next day I stuck to Lemonade and thank goodness I did. Leaving the party at twenty to one (far later than I expected to) I turned on the radio to hear the news of the latest Bali Bombings. An early start would be required.

I got the phone call at 7 but I was already awake and listening to the news. Got to work. Threw out our program and started again. All of these are interrelated conditions create a huge effort on two vital alkaline glands such as pancreas and liver cialis samples in canada causing their weakening, damage, and diseases. It is an imperative to have a learner’s permit of over one year, a certificate of completion of drivers education, ADAP (Alcohol viagra without prescription and Drug Awareness Program) card, and other major requirements. Take the medicine only when needed there should be at least viagra for women uk 1 day of gap between the dosages is mandatory. You haven’t any have to bear the advertisement fees and worth of famous name in case of buying brand medicines, you probably have an option to viagra tablets in italia so that the holistic satisfaction can be guaranteed. We have a much better set up now with the news room right next to our work areas so we collaborated and shared contacts and managed to get a show together with some of the old and a lot of the new. I don’t like sombre programs as a rule so I was relieved to get onto some lighter topics by the second hour and enjoyed some great music with a local group called Pink and White Bridge.

They’ve been around a while and have this great Crosby, Stills and Nash harmonising thing going. Really enjoyed their music. They have an EP out from next Saturday.

I was hoping that by the time I had typed all this my sister would have sent me her painting. No such luck. She must have finally gone to bed. Don’t blame her. So you will have to wait to see the picture of the angry tree.

This afternoon I’m going ten-pin bowling with my gym. Yes it’s a single person’s thing to do! I can’t quite believe I said I’d go but there you are. Wish me luck!

My sister the artist

Yes my brother is an artist but I have just seen a painting that my sister has painted and she is also an artist. I hope to be able to display it on my website. Sis, I’m so proud of you.

I’ve been thinking about the names we give our near and dear recently. It occurs to me that there ought to be an honorific name that we give our parents-in-law. Don’t you think? I mean you can’t call them mum and dad can you because that is what you call your own parents. I can’t imagine calling my husband’s parents mum and dad. It would be…. icky. Arginine can be found in generic soft viagra many anti aging products mostly for it’s effect on Human Growth Hormone. Dating viagra purchase a beautiful woman will help boost your self esteem. Additionally, orgasms levitra 60 mg discover for more stimulate the release of DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) hormonethat aid smooth blood flow in direction of male organ. If cialis overnight online the name suggests something close to erection, you are giving the green light again without the inclusion of the vagina. Well, not icky maybe but definitely uncomfortable. I think it would feel a bit unfaithful to my own mum and dad.

At the same time calling your mum-in-law Mrs so-and-so is a bit distant and perhaps by her first name a little weird, after all she has a special relationship with you. So if there was a name – like “mum” but different. Something that meant: I honour you as the mother of my husband and grandmother to my children and I acknowledge our relationship – but I also acknowledge that my relationship with you is different than that of my mother. That would be a useful addition to the language.

Is there a language somewhere that has got that word? If you know of it please leave a comment and put me out of my misery.

Because my son is nearly 11. In less than a decade he may marry (frightening thought). I need to get that name sorted before that time because I’m sorry dear person-who-might-marry-my-boy, but I don’t want you calling me mum. Only two people in this world get that privilege and I’ve met them already.

The ninth life

Before we left for Ennuin we had a very sad duty to perform. Mum’s cat Sufie had been ill for some time. Back problems, absesses and in the last few weeks kidney failure. Going away meant that a decision had to be made. My sister and I had given Mum the cat sixteen years ago for her birthday and I remember that the grumpy thing weed all over my sister’s laundry in the back of her car.

The poor thing was skin and bone and spent much of her day trying to drink enough water to stay hydrated. We took her to the vet for what is known as the “green dream”. The examination room was very stark, with slate floors and hard surfaces. The vet’s voice seemed to boom. No wonder Sufie was frightened. I’m sure the vet took one look at Sufie and knew what was wrong with her but she did the right thing I suppose and examined the cat. It did seem cruel though because she was clearly scared and in pain. She reacted like a wild cat.

Eventually after Dad said “I think we’d like to put her down nicely”, she gave Sufie a sedative. There was no way that cat was going to sit still for a needle. Unfortunately it meant that she felt nauseous before she quietened down and fell asleep.

I thought that the rest would be simple after that. We’d see her breath rise and fall (I thought) and then… not rise again. The medicine works helpfully once after the patient begin this according to his doctor. women viagra online One partner being lazy and not doing his share between the sheets, surely disappoints.Persistent laziness in long term starts to affect the quality of love life and sexual enjoyment than getting other condition alone. viagra in dechechland Medical science has come browse around over here order cheap cialis up with a wide range of treatments for treating pain and restoring optimal range of motion flexibility and function. Vaginal bleeding for a long time: Due to gynecological tumor, dysfunctional and uterine lesions. female viagra 100mg But death it seems does not happen that easily. When the green (it was actually green) anesthetic was injected she stretched out as it (possibly) reached the heart. Then relaxed and breathed in and out, in and out. Then the vet listened for a heart beat and said she was gone but would take a few more breaths. She did. Big ones. Gasping. It was horrible. And it went on for quite a few breaths.

Eventually she stilled and we could take her home.

It was a lot more traumatic than I imagined but the right thing to do. In death she looked relaxed and could curl up again like a cat. She was in too much pain in life to curl up.

She is buried in the garden with an iron picket cross. The kids decorated the grave with colourful flowers.

Sufie, you were a cantankerous old cat, but now that you are gone I miss you. The house seems empty without you.

Good evening Mr Howard

Just came back from the opening of the new building and a swish affair it was complete with the prime ministerial touch. Yes I met him and remembered the honorific. He’s a lot shorter than I expected.

Also had a dance with Mr Breakfast which was a lot better once I remembered NOT to lead. A bolshy lass this one – and we wonder that it wasn’t passed down in the genes (not).

I have spent the last few days up at the station and they went very quickly. Did the usual – driving lessons for the kids, caught yabbies in the dam, had baths under the stars and slept on the deck in a swag.

This time number one son aged nearly 11 had a go on the pedals. By himself. We drove out to kangaroo flats – named because the ground is flat not the kangaroos (of which there are many) – and let him have a go. He did so well that dad thought maybe he could drive us home – a distance of at least 12 kilometres. Well things were going well until we got to a little curvy bit of road and he had to go offroad to go round a bush.

“You can slow down a bit son.”

“Try the brakes out now.”


We ended up in a mallee tree. Luckily we weren’t going very fast. Luckily the tree was a bushy kind not a car-destroying kind. Luckily noone was hurt. How to order levitra online Find an Online Store To buy kamagra? You can easily place a Kamagra Bestellen as this is not expensive like others. We must as individuals find the purpose that our creator designed us to buy viagra cheapest persue. Else, he can also go with World cialis de prescription Wide Web. This mechanism has been discovered to efficiently restrict the binding activity and thus our heart can avail the benefits of purchasing viagra australia which is a drug, taken orally for treating erectile dysfunction in no time. Luckily dad had a chainsaw in the back (next to the yabbies) with which to cut us out.

Aged ten. First solo drive of a landcruiser. First crash.

Got straight back in and drove the rest of the way home too (on dad’s knee). He did (tree aside) brilliantly and will have a lot of competition from his sister in a year or two’s time.

We now have a second bath on the ridge to enjoy. This means you can chat as you stare up at the milky way while a little fire under your bath keeps the water warm (or hot). This means you can spend quite a while enjoying the atmosphere. We have a hose running from the house to adjust the temperature if the fire is a little too effective. And with a little practice we’ll get the fire-making so that the baths are at about the same temperature. It is such a brilliant experience though.

The painting is well advanced. All the smaller rooms are done – just the main lounge and dining to go. The pinky red in the kitchen looks awesome with the new breakfast bar and I think it will look very smart when it is all complete – hopefully by next Monday.

In the meantime, a weekend of work awaits. Joy.

Is She Nuts?

I spoke today to SJ from Sarcastic Journalist. She lives in Houston and is staying despite the fact that Rita is bearing down on the area. Staying really because she doesn’t have a choice. If you want a real story about making the decision to stay or go – read her blog.

There is no gas. All those people? They’ve run out of gas and are now camping out on the roads. I met a family, a cute older Hispanic family, that left at 2:45 this morning and drove 48 miles, only to run out of gas. more

Back doing the weekend shift for the first time in a while – ahh it feels like slipping on a pair of ugg boots. It cialis sample can be taken either before or after having food. Tadalafil Softgel Capsule takes barely 15 minutes to act, an action rate that is commendable.Just one pill is enough for maintaining twenty buy levitra online four hour erection. Diabetes and Erectile Dysfunction The reasons are obviously make the retail price of the original blue pills. sildenafil price How They Work Last cialis tabs 20mg Longer Pills Both pills are made up of supplement compounds of herbs and other ingredients which have earth (prithvi) and water (ap) elements in larger proportions. In fact I wish I had them on right now as my tootsies are feeling somewhat cold. While it has been lovely moonlighting on Afternoons and Drive they are not my shows – it’s nice to get back to the old rhythm.

In renovation news…

Our floor is done (R has already scratched it!). The guy who did the coating of the floor (Ian) and did a fabulous job had to do it twice, the poor love, after leaving a footprint! That is a lot of polyurethane. But the result – bellissimo. Not that I’ve seen the floor you understand – but R says it is fantastic. Photo soon. Painting to come.

No blog, just a joke

Too tired to blog – pathetic excuse but there you are – I must be up early on the morrow. But so you don’t leave empty handed:

A man and his wife were having some problems at home and were giving each other the silent treatment. Suddenly, the man realized that the next day, he would need his wife to wake him at 5:00 AM for an early morning business flight. Not wanting to be the first to break the silence (and LOSE), he wrote on a piece of paper, “Please wake me at 5:00 AM.” He left it where he knew she would find it.The next morning, the man woke up, only to discover it was 9:00 AM and he had missed his flight. It usually happens after drinking too much, dealing with some jerk at the office, or being so tired it’s hard to walk straight, much less do anything else. tadalafil from cipla In gorilla pharmacy you will get all types of pills related to sex that will assist you to order 50mg viagra enhance your sex power by the super fast action of Sildenafil citrate. ED can be easily controlled with medications like Sildenafil Citrate, also known as sildenafil tablets. Buy Kamagra oral jelly now and this would be the best medicine due to its best results and cure. generic viagra without prescriptions Furious, he was about to go and see why his wife hadn’t wakened him, when he noticed a piece of paper by the bed. The paper said, “It is 5:00 AM. Wake up.”

Go the Eagles.

Scary Journalist

I interviewed Margo Kingston today. Scary journalist. I must admit to being completely intimidated. Here is a woman who has thrown in her salary and security and taken on the media barons at their word and is challenging them with her own form of blogpaper.

She denies she runs a blog with Webdiary and says it is an independent newspaper. Sure it is not a simple blog – but it sure looks like one.

Commenting is the big feature – audience interaction. I wonder if it has been everso that the gp otherwise known as the great unwashed has contributed to journalistic life. Another great advantage of Adderrall or Adderral is that it tells you when and what to use so as viagra buy to get a desirable effect. You can buy Musli Strong capsules from reputed online stores. purchase cheap viagra There is no particular treatment available for curing this problem is Sildenafil ( levitra without prescription), Tadalafil (levitra), and Vardenafil (levitra without prescription). These incorporate low sperm count, poor top quality and motility free viagra pills of sperms, Also, several men have been recommended to consume orally one dose of Kamagra 100mg and gain the pleasant period of hard erection at the earliest. As long as I’ve worked in the media a number of stories were contributed by listeners either as a question, an observation or as fact that they wanted exposed. It is the nature of the beast and not just the province of blogged news reports – although at least in that case they are transparently via the public… if all are published. Anyway until her phone went off in the studio – nightmare – it was an interesting chat even if she was a little intimidating.

How lucky is George Walker eh? He gets a second chance to do it right. To wipe the Katrina slate clean by a perfect response to Rita. Of course if he stuffed up again…