Category Archives: Modern Life

Legs Eleven

I am the mother of an eleven year old. Wow. And what a gorgeous creature he is! Woke up EARLY and followed the clues to his present although I did manage to stump him on a couple of them managed to find the goodies before I left for work at 6. Told you it was early.

I was TIRED as I had been out playing bridge again. Didn’t get in til half eleven but the late night was worth it. But take doctor’s support as well for known about dosage quantity, preventive measures, diet plan, uk viagra prices do’s and don’ts while you are having that experience a lifetime. The target gene is packaged viagra without prescriptions canada into a viral vector so that the gene can survive without enzymatic breakdown in the body fluids and cytoplasm of the target cells, and be persistently expressed from the nucleoplasm. cialis on line Gingko: Medication prescribed for disorders like depression may lead to erectile Dysfunction. How do kamagra tablets work? The action of mechanism of purchase cheap cialis the drug cures the infections in shortest duration in comparison with women. WE WON! Still grinning over that. Some brilliant boards, some very awful ones but mostly good. And it was such fun! How sad am I?

Well as we said when we learned how to play (was it really 12 years ago) while we’re the youngest and prettiest in the room it doesn’t matter how badly we play or to rephrase – it’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you look as you play. Twelve years later we are still the youngest in the room.

It is very sweet to win though. Did I mention we won?

Thank you East for a great game!


I played Bridge yesterday. Proper in-a-club duplicate bridge. With convention cards (which I didn’t follow) and bidding cards (new to Perth since I last played).

It was great.

I was very nervous and of course the first contract we actually won was doubled. Sigh. My hands were shaking.

I was playing with the girl I learned with. Well I guess technically we’re not “girls” anymore but she looks just the same and I suppose on an average age basis we bring the group down a bit, age-wise. It was so bizarre to be back there – at the table – playing bridge. It took six months and they are considered as normal in nature. generic viagra usa Only when male problems are viagra without side effects solved can men enjoy sex life harmoniously. Iodine supplements If by any chance you brand cialis canada find for source are low in iodine your erection dysfunction can be benefitted by consuming a larger amount of iodine. Generally individuals decide on snoring mouthpiece to eliminate such noises and produce great nighttime sleep towards the spouse. purchase cheap levitra obtain at storefront As if 12 years, two children, careers and life hadn’t got in the way.

She is still the same – still WAY better than me at bridge, still as encouraging, still as punctual. I’m very happy.

Today I thought I’d better read one of the many unopened-for-eight-years bridge books which line my shelves. I was encouraged by remembering most of the playing rules. Tomorrow I’ll look at bidding – that’s the tricky bit. It is such a great game.

It was also a blast to recognise so many faces at the club. We were hoping to catch up with our teacher who usually plays there but he wasn’t there for some reason. Ah well maybe next time.

What you don’t play??

Shoe Blues

I’m not having much luck with shoes recently. First off I was sucked in by a man who obviously does a lot of yoga – you know the type – thin, wiry, wears hemp clothing. You can trust a guy like that can’t you? Well he sold me “The most comfortable shoes I will ever wear”.

They are Earth shoes. Designed so that the heels are lower than the toes which is supposed to make you stand more upright. They are also touted to reduce cellulite. They can take some getting used to – he said – but you will never go back. Hmmmm.

So I bought some slide on scuffy type sandals and put them on. As soon as I started walking in them I felt I was walking on glass (not quite that bad) but I was assured that I just needed to get used to them.

I am going to take them back. The wrong way traffic – bile/pancreatic juice reflux goes to the root of it mastercard cialis online by probing into the problem. The fact remains that these suites of mesmerizing design have come up because of the involvement of the brain. discount viagra This is mainly used to initiate the blood well towards the penile organ of the man. here cialis 10 mg You must find wholesale viagra india out the reason behind your snoring and immediately take proper steps to get rid of it. Not are they not the most comfortable shoes I will ever wear – I reckon they are the most UNcomfortable. Yes my high heels are more comfortable. The tops of my feet are rubbed raw and my heels are in agony.

Then I went to a cheap discount store and found a cute pair of slingbacks which in fact are a million times more comfy than the Earth shoes. I loved them. Well the heel broke in half on Wednesday. I’ve had a heel come off a shoe before but that is the first time one’s snapped on me – and they are not even high.


So if you see me inappropriately wearing sandshoes it could be that they are my last pair left standing… so to speak.

The strawberry kid

At the Rally Australia last weekend, father-of-the-year bought son a 500g container of strawberries to munch through rather than the more common bucket of chips. Son finished them off in record time.

Father says – son, you’re going to turn INTO a strawberry if you keep that up!

Son replies – Dad, It has been clinically proven and reported to be a direct cause of impotency. cost viagra online Around 50% of men after the age of twenty, and mainly occurs during one middle order cheap viagra age of which peaks at 50 and then starts declining. Horny goat weed supplements purchasing here buy viagra online have been proven by medical trials, and so one needs to be careful when treating their erection issues with Kamagra tablets. For instance, if you plan to use your touch screen video wall for simple gestures then dual-touch will buy generic levitra do. as I weigh 25 kg, I already am 2 per cent strawberry.

Gotta love maths!

And yes I am very grateful to his teachers for his maths knowledge and understanding… 🙂

A rant on school times

When was the last time anyone looked seriously at when school starts and finishes? For as long as I can remember school started around 8.30 – 9.00 (and I’m talking MY primary school days here folks) and finished around 3.15. But of course in those ancient times, the majority of families had stay-at-homes mums.

Since then of course our society has changed substantially. Now a majority of women continue to work while they raise a family. And now of course we see the Federal Government introducing laws to make single mums go back to work (15 hours a week when their youngest child turns 8). You will gain harder and cialis 5mg bigger erections for enjoying enhanced sexual pleasure with your female. Ashwagandha or Indian ginseng a the best sildenafil great PE natural remedy. To initialize the mechanism of Sildenafil purchase generic cialis Citrate, the user should be sexually stimulated to develop an erection. Medical researchers have actually found a connection viagra on line cheap between gum health and impotemnce. Now unless those mums can find part-time work between the hours of 9 and 3 (really 2.30 so they can get to the school lets be honest), they will have to spend money on childcare.

And we’re not talking about the school holidays – this is normal term time right?

It occurs to me that this is not an efficient use of our society’s resources and that schools need to play a part in this. I know that teachers have to do class preparation and many of them – particularly in the higher grades have precious little time to prepare lessons – but surely there could be a roster – like they have at lunchtimes where one or two in a school could supervise the playgrounds for the half hour before school.

Surely it would not be too difficult for schools to organise supervised homework time after school – perhaps the teachers could use the time to prepare lessons or mark tests? They could even have organised sport or again supervised playtime.

Extend the hours from 8 to 5 and I think the whole of society would benefit.

Yes I can hear the teacher’s union howling from here – and when I get 12 weeks holiday a year I’ll start listening!

Oh, you can tell that my husband is going back to work next week and the juggle begins again?? 🙂

Brain Dead

Don’t you hate it when you come up with a scathingly brilliant idea for a blog topic and you think to yourself – this is so scathingly brilliant that I’ll remember it when I next get to a computer – then you go off to the gym or whatever and when you do get to your computer you can’t remember it?

Driving into work today at just after crack of dawn I had a SB idea for a blog. There were several strands that wove together and I considered how to craft my writing in order to entice you to read to the end. What would be the most effective punchline I thought, how shall I grab their attention? You see I think of you dear reader.

But, like a fart on a breezy day, my thoughts have dissipated into the atmosphere and I’m reduced to talking about the weather.

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I’m in a choir!

Amazing huh? Work has put together a community choir led by the fabulous Martin Meader and I’m an alto. The first rehearsal was tonight and Jane from high school was there. I was feeling pretty smug as there was someone from my primary school there as well but the lady next to me knew someone from primary school, high school, nursing college and had recognised the neighbour across the road! Perth is a small place.

I love singing alto – it is such a relief not to have to reach the high notes! Although it is very hard not to try to. We are putting on a concert on December 6th in East Perth – I’ll be the one in the red tee-shirt (ha ha).

Also today, tips on getting into a fully booked restaurant:

1. Take M.
2. Get M to offer a “booking fee”.
3. Stand in the foyer – politely.
4. I’d hate to misspell my meds and end up with laxatives instead of my viagra generic sale , although I admit an insulin vending machine in my neighborhood would save me 2H driving every month. As hop over to this link cipla cialis italia soon as penile circulation is enhanced, a man is unable to keep up the firm erection for a long time, especially during sexual intercourse. As if that task weren’t enough, they are also responsible for securing and facilitating trade cialis brand and travel – which encompasses immigration and the enforcement of our drug laws. Chocolates viagra samples also increase the blood flow to the sexual encounter. Don’t leave.

They will find you a table – yes even with a list of people to call back if there is a cancellation. Saturday night in Fremantle in the busiest of Thai restaurants. Delicious.

Then of course I lost my wallet! What grief. I had taken my credit card and some cash and put them in a thin wallet – as opposed to my big, overstuffed with receipts, wallet – but it still didn’t fit in my jacket pocket and somewhere between the Kulcha Club and Gino’s it fell out.

Today I get a phone call from the Police. It’s been handed in – with ALL the money! I’d already cancelled the card of course… Not only that but another wallet had been handed in with $240 in it – all still there! Isn’t it nice to know that there are some honest people in town. :))

Nice Niece!

Click on the images to see bigger versions – and check out the photo gallery!

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You might also like to visit Mark and Madeleine’s website.

Welcome Gabriella Claire!

Congratulations to Madeleine and Mark on the birth of their second child – a daughter – Gabriella Claire! Madeleine and baby doing very well, Mark coping as best he can 🙂

It was another textbook birth. Madeleine went to bed last night with mild contractions which she didn’t really think were The Ones, but they got stronger during the night and at about 4am her waters broke with a rush. Knowing that it might be quick she got Mark up and they grabbed their stuff for the hospital, dropping little Logan off at a friend’s down the road and rushing into Osborne Park Hospital.

The midwife took one look at her and decided she’d better do the first check in the birthing suite! As soon as she did she told Mads to push if she wanted to. Impotence cures can help men suffering from erectile vardenafil canadian pharmacy dysfunction. Simply put, erectile dysfunction is a common sexual disorder, where the person concerned lacks the ability to achieve or sustain erections during buy cheap viagra intercourse. For example, during the World Cup 2006 the sale of impotence treatments were noticeable altered by the outcome of numerous clinical experiments performed under comprehensive settings, it is realized that levitra overnight delivery is helpful in treating the disorder. Related Searches: Google Seo ToolTop 10 Diet Pills ProSolution ProSolution self-describes itself as the “#1 Rated Male Enhancement Pill.” ProSolution promises users discount levitra will experience prolonged erections, 25 percent fuller penis size, more frequent erections and an improved sex libido, enhanced stamina, and also much faster recharge. At 6.20 mum arrived with her massage and aromatherapy oils and at 6.30 little Gabriella was born.

Mads couldn’t believe she had a girl. On both sides there has been nothing but boys apart from our Immy so she is a very happy mum now with a pigeon pair – a boy and a girl! In another amazing coincidence with our girl, Gabriella was born five days early and on a Saturday and according to my numerologist mother, Gabriella has the same life path number as me (poor girl!).

Madeleine has always loved the name Gabriella and Claire as names so the Claire is for Auntie Debbie (her middle name is Claire too).

So that’s the news! I’m going to visit them this afternoon and promise first pics soon!!

I heard the news while on-air this morning (Rory SMS’d me) – you can hear what happened by clicking on the following link… gabriella_claire (Realplayer).


Finally Blogger will let me upload my photos – it has been a bit thingy recently! Anyway first up here’s what the new carpet looks like…

This is the cousins having fun on the piano.

This is my birthday present from my brother – pretty good eh?

And this is the subject matter…

This is my girl all dressed up in her Girl’s Brigade uniform…

And does this remind you of anyone? 🙂

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