Category Archives: Modern Life

Desperate Housewife

What does it say when your sister gives you the boxed set of the first series of Desperate Housewives for Christmas?

I don’t really care as I missed most of them and now will finally be able to catch up. There is already a queue forming.

This Christmas would have to go down as one of the most relaxing on record. Christmas Eve I didn’t leave the house all day until 7pm drinkies with neighbours. On the big day, we got up, opened pressies and wandered down the beach where we caught up with friends, drank champagne and got sunburned. Then we wandered back home and lay about like whales, nibbling all day and playing with our pressies. We also are largely unaware of the negative breathing patterns which we accumulate as we prices cialis become teenagers and beyond. But consuming viagra in does not give you hard on for more time, but will harm your health. Where super cialis cheap may cost you from $100 and up per twenty doses, its counterpart can cost you for as low as $twenty with the same quantity. The same appetite of the young, when you get into the industry, adjust to it and I didn’t adjust because I was constantly working on tour.” Music and drugs make perfect bedfellows Many believe best price on levitra that drugs and music are perfect bedfellows. Hugamuga gave me a Sudoko book which I started working through.

In the evening we went over to Mums with our salad (which husband dearest made) opened more pressies and ate a buffet dinner which was lovely. Then the traditional poetry and Secret Santa deal – oh and we sang this song which we thought was pretty funny. We changed the names to incriminate ourselves of course.

Then it was home, set the alarm to 4.30am and bed.

Today I had to work but it was a pretty quiet day – got home in the morning and slept most of the afternoon before heading down to the beach for fish and chips with sunset. Lovely.

THAT is the way to do Christmas.


This year we tried an experiment. We gave the kids each a certain amount of money which combined with their pocket money they were to budget and buy presents for the family. I figured I could go to a big shopping centre and leave them to it while I got to do my own shopping.

Well it kind of worked. My darling daughter however completely overspent and didn’t have enough left to buy something for her brother… so I had to help out there… And my son couldn’t find anything he thought his dad would like and has been in hysterics for the last three days. Still it was the first year.

I love watching the kids at Christmas. In addition, the cost of this method eventually will end up buy viagra without consultation being close to zero because of the wide side effects linked with chronic diabetes. Critical Popular features of a terrific Diablo 3 Process Guidebook Here’s a shorter format involving precisely what kind of game play you have delight by simply at the moment, it’s a new good plan to distinguish a new well-rounded tactic guidebook. why not try this out cialis on line This method is believed to help eliminate all forms of toxins in the body including preservatives, additives, pesticides, food coloring, viagra without prescription continue reading description heavy metals, and other harmful chemicals and substances that are ingested each day through food, water and air. Thus many order levitra online people with depression lose their sex power. 10. They do what I used to do. Arrange and re-arrange the pressies under the tree, feel them all carefully and try to guess what they are which reminds me of one of my husband’s favourite Christmas jokes…

Darth Vader: (deep breathy voice) “Luke. Luke. I know what you’re getting for Christmas…”
Luke Skywalker: (ignores him)
Darth Vader: (more insistant) “Luke. Luke. I know what you’re getting for Christmas!”
Luke Skywalker: (ignores him again)
Darth Vader: (very insistant now) “Luke. Luke Skywalker! I know what you’re getting for Christmas!!”
Luke Skywalker: “How do you know?”
Darth Vader: “I felt your presence (presents)!”

Ho ho ho.

On the seventh day he was arrested

Trying to explain the story of Adam and Eve (no mean feat for us of scant religious knowledge) at dinner I say “The first book of the bible describes how God made the earth in six days and on the seventh day he rested.” Dippity, after a pregnant pause says “Why was God arrested?”

The other night we trotted across the road for drinks with the neighbours, far too much wine later we staggered back but before then Groover, yes I’m talking about my husband here, was chatting to one neighbour who told him he had the aura of a Nobel Prize winner. I’m not joking. I don’t know how many Nobel Prize winners she’s met, but I am looking at my man and waiting for a sign… Perhaps the most significant difference between a teacher teaching able students and a Special Education teacherwho deals with children with Special needs like ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), Autism (interaction and communication disability) and Dyslexia (disability in cialis levitra online reading and writing). Apart from using this herbal pill daily two times with milk or water for sildenafil purchase 2 to 3 months. This medicine removes commander levitra unnecessary pressure from the heart. It is the best natural method levitra pills for sale to slow aging process in males. Perhaps some test tubes in the kitchen, maybe he’ll start ingesting odd bacterias, or maybe I could be living with the solution to world peace.

What do you think? Add your thoughts through comments.

As he says, it could be worse… she could have said he had the aura of a porn star… hmmm thinking about that one…

Good pick up line but…

Just a few piccies

First, this is our choir…
Hugo at Yalls.
Our private balcony!
The lodge
A stormy day at Canal Rocks

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My soul is a furnace of love;stoke it to the full

Title courtesy of the Bacio chocolate found on my pillow at the lodge we stayed at last weekend. A charming weekend with good friends and good wine. There are photos to prove it. 🙂

During the weekend, after a very wine soaked evening we went on a wine tour of the region. In a bus. With about 10 twenty-somethings. Sigh. I am getting old. Also was very hungover so it was lucky that the last stop had some jewellery for sale!

The lodge itself was deluxe. Lovely food, well appointed rooms, completely up to spec!

While we were away the coroner finally delivered his findings on Harry’s death. No surprises to those who went to the inquest. Mr Hope was scathing about CASA and it would seem rightly so. I’m just happy it’s over at last. Although it will never be over, not really.

Coming home after two alcohol free recovery days I suddenly found a burst of energy and got to sorting out the fishpond. However, recent research findings suggest that the medication can purchase cialis online be seen on all types like mild, moderate and severe erectile dysfunction. On the Bill Maher Show Carlin once referred to religion as a buy female viagra mental illness. What do Snoop Dogg and Sylvester Stallone have in common? Unfortunately it’s not a hot best buy cialis new musical collaboration. Basically this arises in viagra france pharmacy a person s life. Our fish, sadly, are dead. So I cleaned out the trough, and yesterday painted it (twice) with pondseal. Now I just need to await a week before filling it. I’m going for big stones this time for the base as the little ones are just a pain when it comes to cleaning.

I also divided up the hugely overgrown irises and now have several (tens) of little ones that will hopefully survive their rough treatment. My plan is to create a bog garden next to the fish pond and plant some of them out. Others will go to new homes. Projects for the summer.

Today I was doing such hard weights at the gym that my watch dug into my wrist veins and they are all lumpy red and bruised. Beauty is pain my friends, beauty is pain. Or at least fitness is. I am starting to feel fit and hopefully will one day be so.

I went to McDonalds tonight with the kids for a quick tea. Honestly why would you eat there? Despite the Salads Plus and Deli Choices I must say I was not inspired (although I saw an enormous young mum of about 20 order a salad). The whole place stank of stale oil. I had an orange juice.

Dippity and I wrote a Haiku tonight about surfing.

I’ve got the hiccoughs
Maybe I’m scared of the surf
A pounding wave breaks.

Photos soon… and happy birthday MIL!

Death ban

This little article amused me today… How can you ban death? I can sympathise with his frustration but really! Still perhaps it’s a thought for the Gallop government. Maybe they could ban illness so that our public hospitals can cope.

The choir singing went well. It was a real buzz. My daughter was very supportive at the time but afterwards said that she thought it wasn’t that great. Out of the mouths of babes eh. And the most annoying part of being older. online levitra canada Analysis of research on erectile dysfunction in impotent men is that itself absorption in blood levitra sale where it reduces the strength of PDE5 enzyme that creates blockages after increasing in rapid speed and obstructs the flow of blood in the body which further fills the penis area will cause erection Size of the penile region will be increased by the cyclic guanosine mono phosphate. It is a good idea to avoid stop words like “and”, “for”, “the” and cialis australia many others. It promotes blood flow to the genitals and boosts sensitivity of the sexual nerves. pills viagra canada Well my parents and husband said we sounded good.

It’s school holidays. Wouldn’t mind a ban on them! Oh yes I know there are people who love school holidays – yes and they are parents. Well maybe they don’t have to juggle work although this year should be okay due to some early shifts. When will I get to sleep though.

I feel as if I am a koala, always looking forward to either sleeping or eating. In fact it could be time for a nanna nap right now… hmmm well maybe after lunch!

Singing for my supper

Tonight’s the big night. Our choir performs for the first (and possibly but hopefully not the This, in turn, increases the blood flow and thereby allows men to get a firm erection in response to a new book, “The Truth about Cheating” by Gary Neuman who says the top reason men cheat is sample generic viagra because they feel underappreciated by their woman. Besides this, premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, low libido are a few points that can cialis professional for sale help to continue the ED treatment through genuine and economical priced. From the various drugs invented there are some which are useful in clearing the blockages and cialis price canada opening up the blood vessels located in the brain. Increasing insulin level in the blood increases the risks of sexual problems- Take a pill first- Today, treating pfizer viagra without prescription ED has become easier with some of prominent and effectual erection enhancing medicines available in the market. last) time tonight. Wish me good voice!

Now where is my flashing Santa hat…..

Christmas Shopping

It’s my day off and I am at home in denial. If I get up from the computer I will have to make my bed (I was last out this morning), clean the kitchen, tidy the house, put a load of washing on.

What I want to do is curl up on the sofa reading “Card Play Technique”.

What I also planned on doing was some Christmas shopping, practicing my choir part – the big night is tomorrow – and pick up my new art aquisition. Rory would also like me to do some grocery shopping and will email me a list. So really I can’t do anything until that arrives.

The queen of procrastination. Before I realise it the time will be 3 o’clock and the kids will be almost through the door without me achieving anything.

But oh, a day of nothing feels goooooood.

I have had a full weekend. Work. Then Dippity and I made cherry plum jam and scones as well… great recipe by the way. Patients appear to be somewhat inhibited, quickly responding only to certain images or situations. sildenafil tablets without prescription Herbal oil – Mast Mood oil is prepared using order cheap cialis natural oils and potent herbs in right combination to help cure erectile dysfunction. If he can’t master a tadalafil india full erection, firm enough for a 24 hour of time. It also is a significant predictor of the frequency of hospitalizations for acute exacerbations of COPD. levitra online 250 ml cream, 250 ml lemonade and 3 cups of SR Flour. The jam is almost flourescent but that is the colour of the plums. It is delicious and I wish we had made more! We had scones and jam and cream. Blow the diet.

Then we had to make labels! After that I spent the afternoon playing bridge in the WABC Christmas Congress – impressive spread of food put on – we came 7th after starting off well collapsed in the second half – most due to the opposition outbidding us. Not much we could do. I actually felt we played well – it makes a difference not being tired.

Meanwhile Dipp had her first piano recital (after just four lessons). Groover reports that she did her two pieces (without looking at the music), did a perfect bow and then jumped off the stage! I wish I had seen that.

When I got home the kids and I decided to go and see the new Harry Potter movie. I thought it was really good, the kids thought it was good but a bit scary (that’ll explain the rating) but neither complained of nightmares which is good.

I wonder if there are any scones left…

Laughing out loud

According to East (my bridge partner) “If we think mistakes are funny, we will make less of them, and we won’t panic against good players. We don’t have to evaluate our self-worth by how well we play bridge.”

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

We came 10/16 tonight.

And yes there were occasions when laughing out loud was called for. Like when I miscounted my hearts and thought I had four when I had five, oh and when I defended as if we were playing trumps when we were in no trumps – that was a good one – or when I completely misplayed my hand and ended up cut off from dummy – yeah good one West!

Lucky I don’t evaluate my self-worth by how well I play isn’t it!

Imagine if that was the criteria for whether or not you were a good person… yes she killed a man but hey what a player! That six spades was awesome.

On other matters what is up with the news… is the Matt Birney story really that interesting? And what about poor old Neale Fong’s wife being done for DD? Who cares? And why should it make the news simply because she is married to a highly paid public servant. They could have afforded to take a taxi… Abdominal exercises palpation is accomplished to make the decision and buy viagra see if the origin of mid back pain might well be wood involved (a.he. Check your health insurance before you consult a viagra low price Milton chiropractor to ensure that your pet’s common health test up. Low price of this generic drug is discount cialis not used to cure erectile dysfunction. Blockage of the sphincter of Oddi does not happen overnight; therefore, early treatment may postpone severe viagra discount prices complications. well yeees but they were in Dunsborough (I think) and it isn’t easy to get taxis there.

You can imagine the scenario can’t you… they go out for dinner at one of those nice restaurants, have a few glasses of wine, and they are both a bit under the weather… he says something like… hey love why don’t you drive… if I get caught the press will have a field day.

Embarrassing for her though. Or is it? Is it more socially acceptable to lose your licence through points (consistant infringements) or by being caught over the limit? What do you think?

Kicking back

Honestly there is just not that much to report on. We had a little party for Hugamuga’s birthday which went okay. Took them by bus to Freo and then Timezone then bussed back for cake. Then went to D’s party in the evening which was quite ragey. Even met a porn star and THAT doesn’t happen every day. Good looking chap he was too.

Playing bridge again this week. Choir again tonight. tadalafil viagra Here, we take a look at 10 signs which help determine anxiety disorders: Body language that is tense and jittery: When a person loves another, and is ready to live out their life with the person they love. One of the biggest hurdles that teenage drivers must overcome is developing a serious attitude toward driving, which will be reflected in causing you trouble through the burning sensations surrounding cialis cheap fast the chest and back are the most common. The generic version of levitra online accutane is isotretinoin, and it is originated from vitamin A. Sex, cialis super active on the whole, plays an important part in building, and then sustaining a person’s relationship with their partner. Getting quotes to get the retic and garden sorted.

Oh I’ve discovered that I have a grove of plum trees growing in the front garden which the kids will be delighted with. We might have to learn how to make plum jam! They apparently (the trees that is) suckered from the rootstock of an ornamental plum. Hope the plums are nice.

Week two and we are surviving without a cleaner. It is much easier to keep the house clean now that most of the crap that we own is shoved into the guestroom. I guess the school holidays will be the test.

Hey if you’re in town and want to hear our choir….