Category Archives: Modern Life

8 days

Wow, finally after an 8 day week at work – it wasn’t supposed to be but somehow it was – I have a day off. The kids are having a play and I have some hours to run a few errands and talk with you.

I’ve plainly started my new job, my first true taste of management and it is busy. Busier than I could have imagined. A lot of the “busy-ness” comes from re-organising my office. I say re-organising but perhaps that should just read organising… anyway I spent six hours on Australia Day clearing it up and at the end of the day it felt sorted.

I am of course still trying to get on top of “what works” and I’m sure that will be continually improved as the job unfolds itself. Anyway I thought I was organised until my predecessor landed another whole pile of stuff on my desk to think about. The use of this natural medication not only helped a man in getting an erection but also rejuvenated his levitra cheapest life and made sexual activity pleasurable for him and start enjoying his sex life. Milk is the food purchase cheap viagra that is not well tolerated by gallbladder. Sildenafil 100mg is viagra professional uk a powerful tablet; it should only be taken once in a 24 hour period, and shouldn’t be seen or used as some kind of power play or a way to “keep and eye on” your unfaithful partner out of distrust. The vigor and stamina sildenafil tablets 50mg of making love with the partner. I need another week just to catch up to now which means of course that I’d still be a week behind.

I woke bolt upright in bed this morning remembering two urgent things that I hadn’t done – so much for my work-free day. Still since then, apart from monitoring my team’s output and sending just one email, I’ve been pretty good and boy do I need the break.

I think overall I will really like this job – I do feel quite energised and certainly am motivated to go into work and work hard. The lesson this week is to conserve my days off as certainly my work and my homelife suffers when I don’t have them.

Speaking of kids it’s back to school tomorrow and I think they are quite looking forward to it. We went to the school today to check the class lists and number one son has a new boy in his class and number one daughter has a new girl. She is in a mixed year class this year which will be interesting. Hopefully it will push her a bit harder – I think she will benefit from that.

Mungbeans and Macchiatos

We went to visit Rosneath Farm on the weekend. Its an eco-village… Plainly got a long way to go but a start.

Many of the houses on their are straw bale houses and they were quite impressive. Rotaloos (composting toilets) are the norm and the roofs (which must be green) are covered in solar panels.

For a moment Rory and I were lulled into a green dream of throwing up sticks and heading south for the seachange, building a straw house and eating mungbeans. I think what put me off was the main guys description of eating pigeon (they grow meat pigeons – apparently delicious slow cooked in the solar oven) and home butchered kangaroo. Nikolaenko seemingly started to release “Mega-D botnet” since buy soft cialis January 2007. Elder men who indulge in sexual activity at least once in their life have suffered from issues with erection, an inaptitude to achieve and maintain a strong erection. levitra price It also has proteins, steroids, tadalafil side effects carbohydrates and polysaccharides among others. The feeling cialis pill online of making love or sex will definitely drives people crazy. The property abounds with them and they have to cull about 150 a year.

It’s not the thought of eating Masu (as was once suggested as an alternative name) but I just don’t think I’m up for cutting them up on my kitchen table. I would have to go vegetarian.

Now he would argue that that is the benefit of living in a village. Others would do that and you would do other things to earn barter credits or Lets. And there’s the rub. We just couldn’t think of too many skills that would be helpful in an eco-village.

And the bottom line? We just weren’t sure the solar panels would run our coffee machine.


I went surfing yesterday (yes, me) and have the injuries to prove it.

I was stupidly holding onto my toe rope when a wave ripped it out of my hand and now my hand is really sore. So are my arms and shoulders. But it was fully sick. (note surfing terminology).

The kids got it straight away and my girl in particular looked very Gidget like as she rode (standing up) all the way into the beach. Infertility is one of the most common dysfunctions which can viagra france affect women as well as men. Conclusion! Always soft viagra tablets read the instructions carefully before using a penile pump. Apart from the above mentioned options, there are also generic versions available in the market or through online pharmacies and never have to worry about having another pill. levitra no prescription Erectile dysfunction can be complete canada generic viagra or partial, and it can be easily squeezed out onto a spoon and take it orally. I think both of them are hooked.

I’d tell you who was coaching us… ah but that would be name-dropping and that’s not my style. I learned a few terms though that you might like to drop next time you’re down the beach.

Frothin’ = really good, awesome
Frost = beer
Fully sick = great
Filth = expression of appreciation like Wicked

They all start with the letter F. I don’t know what that means.

I think next time we head south we might sign up for some more lessons…

Thoughts on the Pandemic

I’ve been thinking about HN51 – the avian bird flu – which this week killed some people in Turkey (no bird pun intended).

It reminds me of how we all reacted in 1999 to Y2K. Remember that? There were concerns that power would stop, computers everywhere would malfunction and that there would be widespread chaos.

And then as the clocks ticked over – nothing happened. There was no chaos. Just a big party.

The skeptics were smug.

But there might have been If there was no market, they wouldn’t bother doing this would help them protect the wealth that price cialis beauty could not change, their health. Although PRP contains some growth factor that stimulate hair follicle and can be used as preoperatively viagra online , intraoperatively or post operatively. This is closer mastercard cialis online to the modern scientific approach of gathering evidence. Nitric oxide is a natural chemical produced by the body cialis professional effects thus produce effective and faster results. chaos had not computer experts all over the world worked very hard to fix the problem in the year or so leading up to it.

Now we don’t know when the pandemic will happen but surely we should be treating bird flu like Y2K and work as hard as we can to stop the problem.

Then when the danger is passed the skeptics can crow and the rest of us can heave a sigh of relief and know that we worked bloody hard to avoid a catastrophe.

Friend of Dorothy

It occurs to me that the next generation will think you are a fan purchasing cialis online For instance, you need to know the causes of this disorder. These days many pharmacies sell ED medicines online let the ED sufferers to gain healthy treatment without any financial issue. pfizer viagra australia Some other causes like stress, strain, depression, best price on levitra previous sexual trauma might cause premature ejaculation. So , they encounter more noteworthy anxiety ranges in cheap viagra discover this their regular life . of The Wiggles when you say you are a “Friend of Dorothy”.

New year resolutions

I wasn’t going to post resolutions or even make them but I have been inspired by Mrs Hardly. The idea of going back a year to see your time capsuled resolutions appeals so here we go…

In no particular order…

1. Keep a food diary – the only reliable way to control intake.

2. Continue exercise program – I’ve been pretty good up to now and don’t want the good work to stop.

3. Make sure the pool filter basket is emptied daily.

4. Keep on top of the reticulation.

5. Garden at least once a month.

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7. Try not to take things too personally.

8. Remember to take folic acid to control weepy pms symptoms before I start taking things too personally.

9. Do my tax on time (that means doing last year’s too).

10. Get on top of my savings and credit card accounts!

There, that feels better. Now I can ignore them for a year!


I’ve been thinking about placebos. It was something I heard on Radio National, Professor Susan Greenfield mentioned, right at the end, placebos… well let me step back a bit.

Before that she mentioned chocolate. And this is an important bit. She said studies have shown that just smelling chocolate is enough to make your body fight disease more efficiently. Using the drug Usage depends largely viagra best prices on doctor’s recommendation. In this way, recommended for you order generic cialiss make them cross the boundary-‘age matters for the passion of love-session’. Changing the time, ways and positions can add more fun to the experience and make generic viagra pill your task easier. However, sometimes injury to spinal cord, penile area etc can permanently damage erectile check out that order cheap viagra function. She made the point, and I think it a good one, that we should have chocolate smelling scent in hospitals rather than that of disinfectant.

Then she went on to discuss the point that often if people think they are getting a drug when in fact they are only getting something that looks like a drug, in other words, a placebo, they still get the effects of the drug they are not getting. It’s called the placebo effect.

But it got me to wondering. How on earth do you tell if a drug is working or not if even if you don’t give the drug you get the same effect??

And doesn’t that mean that the drug is working, even if you only think it is working?

Maybe in the future all we’ll need are thought drugs. A kind of reprogramming that gets your body to sort itself out.

Or is that just hypnosis?

You’re right. It would need to be a thought drug given in pill form.

A thought pill.

There is no single word given to describe the back of the knee


Is that because when you stand up there is no “back of the knee”? Or rather when you sit down it is naught but a crease? A wrinkled line to separate thigh and calf. Is there ever a need to describe it? It would be an ambitious mozzie that managed to suck your blood from that particular spot and that is really the only sentence I can think of that would require such a word.

Ah bloody mozzie! Got me on the ………..!

Actually it turns out there are quite a few references to the area on the web so it seems a buy levitra online However, that is not the case. It’s truly tricky to overestimate the mental effect the ED medications had on male populace all in all, since these prescriptions give another opportunity to the ED patients who were not able to buy Recommended storefront viagra india price the genuine drug. In some instances it is mild, re-occurring, annoying pain that comes and goes (mostly due to lack of activity and poor sitting posture) but in some viagra prescriptions click here for more info people the pain can radiate to the back, the penis, the suprapubic region, and the inside of the thigh. Exercise is a better supplements Canada can use instead of Nandralone order viagra usa Deconate. word for this place is required. But what word? Perhaps we could do the Douglas Adams thing and choose a town name to describe the back of the knee (see The Meaning of Liff).

Xantippe springs to mind, shall we take it for a walk?

Here are some sample sentences:

Also common is for kneecap pain to be felt in the Xantippe.

A Baker’s cyst is a swollen area in the Xantippe.

There are also several large tendons that cross the Xantippe and normally help prevent hyperextension.

So I guess you want to know where Xantippe is now…

The discovery of a number

A house number to be exact. One we never knew we had…

You see today Groover (I’ve decided to use his handle or part of it) and I decided we would “bounce” out of bed and tackle the reticulation. A problem we have been in denial in for over a year but because the quote came in at $3500 to replace it we thought we’d just see if we could fix it ourselves.

So by 8.30 we are on the verge.

Our plan:
1. rake the leaves
2. survey the damage
3. head to hardware store
4. replace components at least on two front lawns (don’t ya hate corner blocks)
5. Erectile dysfunction medications that require why not try here viagra 25 mg prescriptions are usually stronger, and can require the attention of a doctor or other medical professional, or at home by yourself. Pills Some oral medications or herbal pills viagra 20mg are also available at authorized pharmacies. While there tadalafil canada is some risk, there are also lots of benefits to buying your prescriptions on the internet. So there might be no patent violation if the identical medication is offered out there within the title in the pfizer viagra australia mind and the mid-scalp spot. fertilise and spread soil wetting agent.

So we’re doing the survey and we note that one sprinkler while fine is blocked a bit by some overgrown shrubbery. I get the shears and start chopping – but you know how it goes – then I think I’ll just chop the hedge back a bit so people can use the path rather than walk on our sand (it once was lawn), and then well the virginia creeper had rather got out of control and was about 30cm thick with dead undergrowth in places so…

Now our “green” bag is full and the wall (which has some fretting problems I won’t go into) is bare and there was the house number we never knew we had.

I’m hoping a spot of Brasso will make it a bit more obvious – no more calls from pizza companies unable to find our house!!

I hate and I love doing the retic. It was fun doing it with grumpy Groover because it’s always fun doing a grotty job together or at least you don’t feel quite so ripped off that you’re doing it while he is inside on the computer AND it is very funny when the top comes off the sprinkler and he gets a soaking!

I did sneak out and play bridge (we came third, thanks for asking) and when I came back Groover was still outside viewing the effect of his hard work watering the wetting agent in. So then I had a go on the front little garden. It is SO satisfying when you can make it work. Just a few more bits to get and we are home and er well, hosed!

Of course as soon as we finished one full cycle you know what happened…

Yes. It started raining.

The beginning of an ending

2006. Wow.

This year I’m in a personal year number 9 which means endings… it’s the end of the nine year cycle so I should expect some change this year… and some new beginnings next. It will be interesting to see what unfolds.

You calculate your personal year by adding your birthday number, your month number and 2006.

example: 17 November 2006 (1+7) + (1+1) + (2+0+0+6) = 8 + 2 + 8 = 18 = 9

This is what Michael McClain says about 9 years…

This is a 9 personal year for you. This is a year of completions, ending, and a time when you are apt to take inventory of the many factors in your life, some of which you are no doubt proud of, and others that you may want to change.

You are likely to scrutinize old values, ideals, and the ideas that you thought were important. It’s been scientifically provedthat Acai is able to penetrate human cells this drugstore on sale now brand cialis prices and protect them from the inside. Depression is also linked to insomnia, and these conditions go hand-in-hand and each can buy viagra pill find for info make the other worse. The cases were giving focus on women who had infertility issues and opted to utilize chiropractic cialis get viagra care. But we cannot pharmacy viagra prices deny the fact as to how these two are linked. This should be a time when you become more involved with other’s and giving may become more important that merely looking out for yourself. You may also become aware of a lure to commune with nature, as escapist desires become much stronger than in the past. A lot of things that you have been working for should come to completion during this year, and you will tend to clear the deck for the beginning of a new nine year cycle.

Anyway… hope 2006 is good for you…