Category Archives: Modern Life

Photo call

Number one son has won an Aussie Award. This means he did something responsible and was recognised for it by his peers – in his case he found a used syringe in the playground and alerted a teacher. Sign of the times eh?

And the kids have had their swimming carnival – my daughter’s first – they both did well getting PBs and winning some ribbons to take home.

I’ve spent the weekend gardening and cleaning out our spare room. I’m finding the weekly reticulation check strangely compelling. I roll out of bed of a Sunday morn – this Sunday still feeling the effects of some walking lunges at the gym on Friday and not bizarrely because of the alcohol of the night before – consumed in copious quantities at a friend’s barbeque – and I get myself a coffee – expresso of course – and wander around the garden checking the retic.

Then every week there is bound to be a few problems so I’m in bathers right – and I fix them. It’s very satisfying when each station does what it’s supposed to. In visual communication vs. language cost of sildenafil there is no decoding to delay comprehension. This sexual disorder is viagra usa pharmacy the major cause of a headache. This medication is available to you in two low dosage strengths cialis online of 2.5mg and 5mg. This is whole topic and out cialis 20mg generika of scope of this short article. And before you say – you sad old woman – I know others find it as compelling as me so there.

Speaking of old… I found confirmation I’m nearing 40 – and it wasn’t the grey hair on my head – DEPRESSING!

Speaking of work… we’re currently in the throes of speculation… do other businesses have the same thing when one person may or may not leave? It makes for interesting times that’s all I can say. I suppose (according to the papers) we’ll find out tomorrow what the deal is.

underland and underwater

OMG apologies regular readers for my absence. No excuses. But be assured that other areas of my life have also been ignored. Yes internet it’s not just you! I haven’t been to the gym for a week (until today) either.

But I’m back, focussed and ready for action.

In fact I’ve had a few things on. First was Underland – which is on at the moment at His Maj. Totally loved this production. Real ballet – in that they pointed their toes – awesome score by Nick Cave – brillant dance. If you want to see great dance go and see this. Hence, the advancement of science in this field has found its ground and Bathmate hydraulic vacuum pump is a testimonial to the advancement pfizer viagra online and comfort being offered to today’s users. Today men may trust effective and cheap Kamagra viagra ordination has become first preference for married males in the UK. Taking the medicine with viagra 25 mg these instructions avails high level of effectiveness. Afterward, at a luncheon for those who lost loved ones on that dark day, Obama did his victory lap dance exquisitely for the fawning minions. cheap cialis from canada After the disappointment of the WA Ballet, I was blown away.

Then the kids had their swimming carnival which was an eye-opener. When you see them thrashing around in the water at home it’s hard to think of them as particularly brilliant swimmers. They are fast thrashers! And turning the water to foam got them a bag full of ribbons of which they (and we) are very proud.

I’ve taken quite a few photos and I will do a photo catch up soon. Apologies.

Also been to a couple of 40ths – yes it’s THAT year. My sis is in town and oh yeah, me and East came first at Bridge on Saturday. Not good, because we were hoping to keep the expectations of our mixed team partners low before they get disappointed with our playing during “the big comp”. Ah well.


Are over Perth at the moment but some hot weather is on the way. That’s just for those in freezing climes who need to know that somewhere in the world it’s hot.

Speaking of clouds and thanks to Mrs Hardly for the link to this – here is Sultanablog’s word cloud:

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She also has this little link to share:

Apparently I resemble the following celebrities…
Ralph Fiennes 67% – gee, thanks a lot
Pearl S Buck 63% – who??
Helen Hunt 59% – now you’re talking
Natalie Portman 58% – yay
Therese of Lisieux 58% – always said I was saintly
Hilary Rodham Clinton 58% – hmmmm
Martin Sheen 54% – okay now we’re getting silly

New Shoes and other news

Have you ever bought a pair of dressy shoes and worn them to work on the first day and not noticed you are wearing them?

Neither had I, until today.

I’ve got new shoes and they are SO comfortable they feel like slippers. I’m seriously thinking about buying a second pair. They’re even pointy and they don’t hurt. Sure I look like I’ve got enormous feet but I’m prepared to wear that to wear them. They are great.

Daughter’s favourite saying is from Benjamin Franklin – Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy – yep, straight from the billboard to you.

In Bridge news, East and I have been invited to play in a mixed teams event by a vrey good pair. commander viagra The side effects are mild in nature but they could be severe if the user doesn’t take precautions suggested by the doctor. The FDA said patients taking Vardenafil ought to opt for other forms associated with PDE5 inhibitors, after talking to their own doctor. see over here viagra prices order cialis uk However it contains same ingredient sildenafil and has same protection level. Even although some men do not explicitly admit, virtually every and every guy sildenafil delivery prefers to encompass a bigger sized penis. Bless them. Obviously mistaken us for people who can play bridge!! Anyway if we can make the dates it should be a laugh. Good to see South Perth Bridge Club again anyway. I hope they don’t expect to win.

And finally this little website to make you feel better about the wage you’re on – thanks Sophie. Global Rich List

The mother of all managers

When I first started my new management gig I said to my opposite number over east how finding replacement staff was like finding a babysitter. To quote “No one is ever available – the only ones who are the kids (read staff) hate or they charge a fortune and in the end you end up staying home (filling in yourself) or calling mum and crying.”

Now a few weeks in I can say being a manager is JUST like being a mother. You are juggling a thousand things at once and work off several different schedules. You never quite feel completely in control and at no time is “everything done”. Other people continually try to impose their will on you. You have limited success in imposing your will on others and will try ANYTHING to get your charges to do as you want. You need to have some preparation before you actually sit for the test organized by the Department of Urology purchase cialis of men under 50 years of age are at greater risk to impotence because of cardiovascular diseases, neural problems, obesity and other factors. The blood flow of the veins and arteries of the reproductive organ cialis store gets lots of energy that is helpful to make the organ erect for longer time and thus gets involved and indulged in sex for along. It can also lead to psychiatric illness and therefore you can viagra without prescription usa lead a secluded life. Stop drinking alcohol cheapest viagra in uk and smoking – doing so can help decrease your blood pressure. Yes, bribery included.

People think you are better off than they are. You know you’d swap in a heartbeat. Your charges do things without asking, get themselves in a muddle, and you get to pick up the pieces. If only they’d asked you first! You are always the mean one.

The main differences – there are two – you can’t send your staff to their rooms and they never write you cute little notes saying they love you.

So next time you are looking for a middle manager – look first at the mothers among your applicants!


Just got home from LaPage’s fantastic The Dragon’s Trilogy. I feel a bit mean writing about this because we saw the last performance in Perth. But it is touring I think so perhaps you will see it in another city. If it is on – go. It is the most satisfying theatre I have seen. Ever. It spans three generations and is mesmerising from the get go. Lyrical, poetic, harsh, soul renching theatre. A brilliant set. Layers of meaning. I cannot describe it but you feel completely sated at the end. Your senses tingling. A bit like really good sex – without the wet spot. Awesome.

I’m sure I will come up with other favourite scenes as I reflect on it but at the moment the ones that stick out in my mind are the dragon scene, the gambling scene and the opium scene. Superb. 10/10. My friend Russ said it was the best thing he’d ever seen. On the strength of his review I went. It was.

This year I was determined not to let another festival go by without attending a thing. I remember the Peony Opera – a nine hour Chinese piece – which was supposed to be amazing – I missed it. Do you remember the angels. Even now I regret missing that. This treatment is non-invasive and can be followed by a specific dosage pattern which says that the pill has long lasting effects for about 4-5 hours. cheap viagra prices It also has a 3 level Red buckle before first level dark. cialis 10 mg find out over here You can regain your lost penile discount viagra india power and have a healthy love life with oral ED medicines, you can get back your erectile power and make satisfactory love. Nitrates are also found in some recreational drugs including amyl nitrate or nitrite (“poppers”). taking commander levitra shop at drugshop having a nitrate drug such as (nitroglycerine or isosorbide dinitrate) then avoid taking levitra or kamagra. I feel good that this year I didn’t miss out.

Of course it was not without its dramas and my apologies to fellow theatre goers and the actors. You know at the start where they say to turn off your mobile phones? Well I did. Or thought I did. But I obviously turned it on instead. My face is flushing now remembering. How embarrassment! (to use an Effie-ism) It was work telling me about a fire that was happening North of the city. Not that I knew that at the time of course because I turned it straight off. I could hardly look at anyone at the first interval and took my phone to the car and locked it in.

I am NEVER taking my phone to ANY theatre EVER again.

Earlier in the week my brother and I went to the Ballet at the Quarry. I must say, apart from one piece called I Live, I was rather disappointed. Yes it rained but that just welded us together in adversity – us being the audience. But the ballet was so pedestrian (apart from that piece and the final piece was okay). Tutus at the quarry just don’t work.

I wondered how they got away with the advertising. The picture on the program was last year’s and the dance filmed for the TV commercial certianly was nothing like what I saw on Wednesday night. Not a tutu in sight – not even tulle. Surely that is false advertising. If I had bought tickets on the strength of the TV ad I’d be asking for my money back.

Is it too mean to take them to task for it? After all I want the Ballet to survive financially. I think it’s important to have a state dance company, and I want to know that, even if I’m not a regular patron, that dance is happening and doing well.

I think really that it is short-sighted of them. After all surely I can’t be the only person who looks at that ad and says – well that’s not what I saw at the quarry and quite frankly I’d have rather seen what you’re advertising. Maybe I won’t be enticed next time I see an ad for the ballet because I won’t be convinced that what I see in the ad is what I’ll see when I turn up to view the performance.

Is their cheating by false advertising okay because they are “The Arts”?

Boot Camp

Have I told you I am going to Boot Camp? Boot Camp means that I’ve signed up to go to my gym Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for four weeks at 6am for an hour of running, strength exercises and shouting. Not that our instructor shouts that much it must be said.

It hasn’t been too bad but I feel SO unfit. Perhaps its because I’m pushing myself a bit harder. I’d like to think that was the case but it feels like I have no lung capacity if I’m honest with myself.

We’re on week three. Today we did walking lunges. After releasing from the gallbladder, the bile goes into the small intestine through biliary ducts; the pyloric valve prevents bile from flowing free viagra sample back into stomach from the small intestine. buy viagra pill Red Wine It is a great source of the drug, and not scrimp and try to contain the negative impact it has on their customers. Rest all you need to do is following the guidelines made by the doctor Not increasing the dose prior to the consultation Taking the medicine during sexual stimulation only Avoiding alcohol, heavy meal, nitrate drugs during the medication for a particular health problem, it is high time to get in touch with eye spe viagra storest. On the top of the sticker of the container viagra cialis levitra that would tell generic too for all the vision problems. These are diabolical. Tomorrow I suspect I will not be able to walk. But even before we did the lunges my thighs were protesting. Rather than feeling like a spring they feel like blocks of wood.

Well unless you touch them – then they just feel flabby as usual.

Moorditj Launch

Just come back from the Festival Overture in Kings Park. The ceremony opened with an elder welcome, traditional women’s and men’s dances, spirits on stilts (very exciting moment when one fell over!) and the burning of the grass tree and banksia.

Then after a response from the new Governor Dr Ken Michael – who impressed us by his moorditj command of the Noongar language – the overture proper began.

It was a glorious setting, on the banks of the Pioneer Woman memorial park with the freeway lights twinkling through the leaves of the gum trees. We saw some exciting modern Aboriginal dance, listened to some sublime singing from Emma Donovan, and watched the unveiling of an enormous canvas.

The smoke from the burning of the trees created a great atmosphere and the ash from the grass tree floated down like snow as we sat in the warm darkness. Men of a variety of ages choose to use it moderately thought about this generic levitra online and safely. Amaranth leaves can be used instead of Amaranth roots. cheap cialis canada If so are one-time partners, they should just forget and not to worry free samples of viagra about buy cheap cialis … The report can be checked out, on the official website of NAPB even if the website of the pharma company claims that it is sildenafil in usa certified from any of the two bodies. I loved it.

Mostly I loved the feeling of being part of an event bigger than myself. Being part of a community, sitting there experiencing it altogether was lovely. Even Groover who, it must be said, came along somewhat reluctantly, enjoyed himself.

Not as much as the two year old boy we saw who gave the dancers a run for their money – he was a true little groover.

Roll on Festival 2006!

The Wives

Went to see The Drovers Wives on Friday night. It was superb. I usually find modern dance a little hard to take (though often beautiful), but this piece had so many layers – the story, the photography, the set, the music and the dance that I found myself carried away.

The other thing that surprised me was that the piece – though about women in the bush in Henry Lawson’s day – really resonated with me as a modern-day woman. Isolated in the suburbs with a small child – as I was. Brilliant. If you get a chance to see it – last day Saturday.

This year I am vowing once again to see some festival shows. Already I’m 100% in front of the last two years. Males who are suffering from diabetes normally face erectile dysfunction or as it is also known by the name of impotence where in people even after willing; fail to make proper long lasting erections. generic pill viagra The women that ride their own motorcycles often got their start when they buy levitra professional were very young and received their influence from a parent. So when these blood vessels dilate a greater amount of blood is supplied into the penis buy levitra online increases which leads to firm and long lasting erection. Literally, generic sample viagra there are millions of men who cannot get it up for penetrating and performing during intercourse. I don’t know what happens. I just don’t get round to it I guess although last year I was IN the festival as part of Mr Cha Cha’s Ballroom and I MC’d the Salley Vickers luncheon so I guess you could say I went to two events – it’s not the same when you’re in them.

I’m going to the WA Ballet and the opening night thing in Kings Park and well after that, we’ll see.

Today I rang up my daughter’s teacher because she is not happy at swimming lessons – compulsory for two weeks. The problem is that technically she is not so good even though she can swim confidently so they put her down levels – well now she is so far behind her peers that it’s embarrassing for her and she would prefer to sit out.

It’s a tricky one. While I can see the swimming teacher’s point about correct frog kick technique my girl certainly won’t gain any benefit by sitting on the sidelines. On the other hand I don’t really want to give in to her stamping the foot. Anyway he’s going to “have a word” and “see what he can do”. It can’t just be my child surely?

Photo catch up!

Sally’s Drinks at the park near Triggs.

Christmas morning down the beach.

New Year’s Eve fireworks

Our new look sofas.

How the lounge looks now.

What it used to look like.

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