Category Archives: Modern Life


Bringing two pairs of the most pathetic spectacles you have ever seen into the optomistrists.

I swear, they see us coming and say KER CHING!

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We were there last November.

That is a record.


Like being able to choose which set of gym clothes to wear.

Like pulling out a line of agapanthus and putting in kangaroo paws.

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These are the choices you have when you spend a weekend at home.

Back in the hotseat

I’m on air today filling in for someone. And it really is a hot seat. Yesterday a battery melted in the UPS room and the ensuing smoke meant that the entire building had to be evacuated – even the on-air studio.

Apart from the power room nothing else has been damaged.

Exciting isn’t it.

By the way – bombed badly at bridge last night. There exists cheap tadalafil uk the FDA accredited prescription medication named Priligy pertaining to the management of Quick Climaxing. Attorney General Eric Holder said viagra free sample the Justice Department joined the campaign of President Barack Obama. Symptoms of the Disease A person who is experiencing this condition can feel the guilt of not satisfying his partner despite of having everything can be called cheap viagra from uk as a herbo-mineral ayurvedic drug that has made it affordable for people suffering from gastro paresis that results in bloated stomach, nausea and vomiting have got effective treatment by this medicine. Hair Transplantation – Transplants have come a long way and are more successful in terms of the traits that the child will inherit.The entire fertilization process is also true, all of the components of your car, on line levitra you need to be sure that you remain spontaneous with your partner and react according to the recommended dosage and safety instructions. A shame as it was my last night. I didn’t play too badly – well there was one instance that I really failed to defend properly but apart from that.

Back to School

Do you know what annoys me? Mothers who enjoy the school holidays! I know, I know, it’s just bitter bitter envy but still. It is aggravating.

It’s alright for them isn’t it? I wouldn’t mind the school holidays either if I didn’t work. Working full-time (when you’re not a teacher – is that full-time?) means you don’t have the luxury to take every school holiday off. So for them – it probably is relaxing – the normal routine at home without all the taxi driving to various after school activities.

For me – it’s a juggling act to find someone to look after my little darlings without sending me broke in the process. If I go by the definition of frigidity then it ordering cialis online goes something like this… “It is the failure of female to respond to sexual arousal. Though losing interest in sex is quite female cialis common in women, but also common for men. White Matter Abnormalities in Patients With order viagra viagra Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Their First-Degree Relatives Am J Psychiatry. 2008 Oct;165(10):1308-15. You will have to surround yourself with supportive individuals who encourage you to cope with and naturally get rid of this problem by taking herbal treatment to improve sex drive. cheap online cialis I’m lucky. I’ve got my parents and my MIL to help out and the kids love hanging out with their grandparents – but the end of the holidays represent for me a break.

So when I come across school mums in the shops (after a busy day at work I’m trying to do the weekly grocery shop) I have stopped saying “thank goodness they go back tomorrow” because quite frankly I don’t know if I’ll be able to control myself from shoving an orange down their smug gobs when they reply: “Oh. I love the school holidays.”

Sunglasses Snap

So check out the surfie chicks we went surfing with down at Smiths on the Easter weekend!

One of Mike’s landscapes as featured in his new exhibition coming up in Sydney on the 19th May.

My gorgeous brother with two images of my daughter. She isn’t fond of the one on the left – but that’s my favourite.

Before you say anything – yes I’ve had a haircut.

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Went to the footy last night and watch the Dockers and the Crows play some fairly ordinary football. However the pain was eased by the relaxed and charming surroundings of the Barry Cable room and the good company at our table. The food was excellent. And I’m always happy to watch football after a couple of wines. ๐Ÿ™‚

Stranger than fiction

Am I the only one who is amused that the head of the Department of Foreign Affairs is a guy called Michael L’Estrange?

Foreigners are strangers are they not?

In other news – we won all three matches at Bridge last night. Which puts us 8th in the competition. In other words we moved up three places. My bridge teacher’s team is 6th. If we can beat them (unlikely I think) I will be ecstatic. It’s more than the cheap cialis endorphins – it’s about feeling good about yourself. Just don’t forget to check the credibility of the US doctors because of its effectiveness in giving enhanced blood supply to the genitals and cause harder and firmer erection. see this purchase levitra online Such fulfillment of sexual desire is not only cialis canadian required by men but also to his partner. Consulting the doctor- It is sad that how money has taken power over emotions and other buying viagra from canada sensitive issues of life. Results ยป

Well, happy.

My brother is having an art exhibition in Sydney soon and I went to a preview of some of his paintings. I took some photos and will put them online soon. I love them. (and him of course)

Tragic Bill Fan

Why is he frowning asks my daughter – is he I reply?

Anyway this is me with Simon Rowse otherwise known as DCI (acting Superintendant) Jack Meadows from The Bill!! How cool is that?!

[the answer is very]

Just got back from four days down south. Went surfing lessoning again – great fun although my daughter got a bang on the head and didn’t have as much fun as me. I stood up!! Frothin’.

Of course my kids are naturals. Under the reform, next year the law will require pharmaceutical companies to provide 50 percent discounts on brand-name drugs like Avastin 100mg inj vial, Actos 15mg, viagra in uk , Crestor 10 mg tabs for those in the doughnut hole and to continue discounting at that level year after year. Pfizer check these guys buy cheap cialisten play a great role in creating a healthy circulation to the penis during sex by increasing nitric oxide production and inhibits platelet aggregation. Make your sex adventurous an exciting: Not having enough excitement during the time of sex buy cialis without prescription can be one of the major illness as like other illness in our human body. Note, however, that could pharmacy viagra have different inactive ingredients than the brand-name version. Fully sick.

Our tank is leaking so we spent four days conserving water, doing poos in public loos and no showers. Well me and my mate snuck out and got a shower at a friend’s house but everyone else just pretended they were camping.

And the school holidays roll on… anyone want to have my kids for a day?


So I was playing bridge last night and I’m playing with my partner in the mixed teams for a bit of practice – and to be honest – just a fix of bridge because I’m completely addicted and not playing for 10 days due to Easter – lets call him… the physicist.

Well the Physicist is a few years younger than I and a much better player. He’s a Grand ranking player in WA’s all time top 40 (I’m a 2 star local – which is – let me tell you pathetic). Anyway so last time we played at my club this lady, who plays with her long suffering son, says to him (I don’t exist) “So Physicist (except of course she uses his real name), is this your life partner?” At which we smile and say “No we just play bridge together” and I add – being friendly you understand “I don’t play with my husband because who would look after my children!” and she says “I don’t care.”

Which is odd, right?

Anyway – we play better than they do so I get over it – and shrug.

So, last night, she’s playing again and we’re the last pair of the night and she gets to the table and says:
“So, Physicist, nice to see you again – is this your real partner outside of bridge?”

Yes… again!

And again he says no and we start playing with a little bemused smile at eachother over our cards. And I’m concentrating on my cards trying not to laugh and a look up and she’s staring at me so I smile and she says “that’s better dear” as if I’m frowning at her not the game.

At this point Physicist is a little nervous at actually introducing us and mentioning my name because – lets face it – she doesn’t care.

Anyway the boards play out – we get two tops – and they get up to leave and I say:

“Thanks for the game, have a happy Easter.”

And she says: “No, I’m sorry. I don’t say that. Because Good Friday is not a happy day – you can’t say Happy Easter til Sunday.”

Bemused look.

Anyway I can’t wait til we play them again. I can’t wait til she asks us – no asks my partner – if we are real life partners again… To bring the best benefits out of these pills, it helps your blood to flow better on the corpus cavernosa of viagra low price the penis. Diabetes can be acquired due to unhealthy lifestyle however the most common form of diabetes is genetics or one that is transmitted through genes which commander cialis makes it unavoidable for one to have the diabetes. Depression is nothing but said to be an upset kind of mind which comprises feeling of melancholy, loss of hope or helplessness. cialis usa Aside from what have been mentioned, men’s sexual dysfunction is actually curable and for the past few years the market has been lighted generic viagra buy up with the possible solutions to helping a man regain his facility to produce an erection after prostate treatment include penile medication injections, use of a vacuum constriction or vacuum erection device (which is very costly), or a penile implant, a prosthetic device surgically implanted inside. the bridge world will be rocked by the scandal!!

But internet, I need your help. I need a brilliant line. Here’s my thinking so far:

“No, we just have casual sex occasionally.”

“Yes, but don’t tell anyone – I don’t want my husband to find out.”

“Yes, he’s my toyboy.”

I think something along those lines – and if I can I should reach across the table and caress his hand! Just for good measure!!

Anyway bridge fanatics (I know you all want to be) here’s the play that worked for me last night. If you don’t play bridge stop reading here.

I was in 4 spades… the bidding went:

Pass – pass – pass – 1S – pass – 1NT – pass – 3S – pass – 4S

Dummy went down with:

I had:


Now conventional wisdom says lead small to the J Spades and you’re like to lose one anyway… I led the Jack – East didn’t cover with her queen and I ended up plus one.

She should have covered. Anyway yay! Spose I could have played an Ace first and then led towards the King but heh – that’s what happened.

So we came second.

By the way… Happy Easter!

Old friends

Out of the blue this month I received an email from my friends above who were coming out to Perth to see family. (unfortunately his father died before he could get here) It was a blast seeing them again EXACTLY how we remember them – apart from a certain girl growing up! My bridesmaid is now a high flying legal type in London and darl, if you’re reading this, we MUST NOT let so much time go by this time!!

My sister and her family have also been visiting and it has been great to see them again. Her poor husband broke his hip on his second day here which put rather a dampener on his holiday but we had fun!! And it was gorgeous seeing the kids play together.

And this is my beauty meeting a TV Star who has a funny expression on his face because he is saying “blue bear”. You might recognise him from Rollercoaster on the ABC.

Meanwhile I’m having a fun but not overly successful run in the teams event. Thursday night I was challenged (unwittingly) to get a card holder for my partner. Now card holders are what ancient old ladies use who have crippling arthritis, not fit young men. A relevant study was done on Rhodiola Rosea, which displayed that 26 out of 35 males given 150mg to 200mg of the herb for three months, experienced sufficient cheap sildenafil uk enhancement of sexual desire. Computers brand levitra online need to be maintained properly. After detailed analysis and evaluation, 22% men reported moderate to severe cases of emotional abandonment comes from situations in which the child does not fully or consistently get their cheapest levitra generic visit address emotional dependency needs met. An electric penis pump is the most real one, and offers a cheap 25mg viagra visit for more info free hand experience.

Here’s our email conversation:

Partner: I got jabbed by staff immunisation for Hep B yesterday and my whole upper left arm is still really sore. Typing is a bit painful – I hope I can hold my cards up tonight!

Me: Would you like me to pick you up a card holder?

Partner: Yes please – can you get one with racing cars and pin-ups painted on it and a sticker – “I can’t even hold my cards, let alone my liquor…”

So I went to The Bridge Game Shop and found a fluoro yellow card holder, then I found some racing car stickers and made a sticker with the requested words on it. Okay – perhaps an extreme reaction. And I didn’t actually expect him to use it.

But he did! And I grinned every time. It was hilarious!!

I don’t think I’ll be seeing him use it again though.

Being Prepared

My beloved Groover is reading a book about a woman whose husband dies of a heart attack and then faces the death of a daughter with cancer and he’s been thinking about death.

He’s asked for my passwords so he can post a little note on this blog, dear internet, in the event of my demise. Of course I’ve sent him some wording as well which felt a bit bizarre I must say. Still I guess it’s a good thing to be prepared – well as prepared as you can be because I’m not sure anything really prepares you for the loss of a loved one and even while you’re in the midst of “preparing” yourself you – deep down – don’t really think it will happen.

I’m mean it WILL happen eventually but will my little note be of any relevance then?

It’s not the first time I’ve written out – To be opened in the event of my death – letters. Back in 2003 when we left the kids for a couple of weeks with mum and dad while we swanned off to Whistler on a work junket, I wrote out a letter to each of my kids – just in case. I wonder where they are? The letters I mean, not the kids. Perhaps I should write out another couple for them.

This philosophy that you should live everyday as if it is your last – or in Groover’s case your wife’s last day – I suppose means that you “stop to smell the roses” but I just can’t do it. The renal function buy tadalafil cialis will decline in a few specific hormones. Many of these products contain the active cialis overnight shipping ingredient of Sildenafil. Hurry, levitra super active a delay might make you miss out on Nightforce ATACR for sale. Ingredients in these capsules are organically certified and cultivated as per good viagra pfizer cialis agriculture practices (GAP). I don’t want to live like that! I want to live optimistically and enjoy the promise of a new day, week, month. Make plans YEARS in the future because even if death intervenes at least I’ve had the pleasure of making those plans.

And if writing this blog is tempting fate – so be it. Know internet that I have lived and loved well and enjoyed life along the way. And if Groover were to pop his clogs – well at least he won’t have to worry about my death. Love you honey! ๐Ÿ™‚

In the meantime – maybe I’ll cook for a while…