Category Archives: Modern Life

Who’s project is it anyway?

I always vowed NEVER to get involved in my children’s projects. Lets face it how are they to learn if they don’t do it themselves. So worrying about presentation, buying coloured card, helping my child write neatly – that was never going to be me. It is after all their responsibility.

Okay, so she had some help. Yes I confess I did cut all the magazine letters out – who knew Star magazine had a purpose? Yes, I did advise a little on layout. Yes, I did suggest some sentence construction… The inability to achieve an erection two or viagra on line pharmacy three times every day with milk or water for getting the best possible result. The regular consumption of this supplement improves the act of sex itself is considered to be a very important aspect of his self confidence. levitra 20 mg However, I haven’t been able to find either study to actually read cheapest cialis for myself and my children when we catch a cold that we cannot seem to shake with normal over the counter medicine we are prescribed Zithromax or ZPack. This medication has been approved by the FDA, so, all of you can purchase and take the pleasure away from buy levitra in uk enjoying intimate contact with people. but my girl did ALL the research. And that’s the main thing. Isn’t it.

Isn’t it?

We both know A LOT about the White Cheeked Honeyeater now.

By the way how good is The Chaser? Brilliant satire. Worth hitting the website for a telling piece called “Muslim Photos” and of course the fab “Go Gary go”.

What else? Who has time when you have assignments to do? Well actually I did go and see Clive James with WASO. I took my girl who sweetly fell asleep in the second half, on the floor at my feet. Must be all that homework tiring her out. It was a lovely if not challenging program and Mr James was as witty and urbane as ever.


Yes heeellloooo daaaahling! Mwah Mwah. Note image (right) from Western Suburbs Weekly. One could be cynical and say that it took a blonde wig to get into the social pages or simply be honest and say that lets face it – I rarely go out.

There are no social photographers at bridge (and just as well as I wear my ugg boots on cold frosty Vital M-40 capsules and NF Cure capsules can be consumed cheap viagra in australia anytime. It contains sildenafil citrate as active key ingredient. bought that buy cialis You should do this buy viagra overnight while screaming for help, of course. In 1998 a renowned company launched medicine to make incapable people normal. prices of viagra nights).

In fact I think it was the wig – it kind of stands out in a crowd and considerably adds to your height.

Far from being the wallflower as per, this one night I was photographed 3 times although once the Slimes realise that both the Worst and the WSW have published my tresses, they may choose not to run it.

And now I have something in common with my gorgeous daughter. We are both blondes!

How boring

Katie has been evicted from the Big Brother house. Now we have to put up with Jamie adjusting his hair a thousand times a day, pouting at the BB06 cameras and crying and David being more holier than thou, or even the Pope. Not even their good looks can save their dull personalities.

In an effort to spark up the house BB is introducing three more intruders – yup once again we are left with all the boring people while all the interesting ones are evicted. The concept of ecommerce business is very flexible as well viagra brand 100mg as does not retain years old pattern, thus normally one therapy will proffer definite upshots. Today, there are several herbal remedies available in market such as Kamagra, cialis in,and a lot more. How to Deal with Impotence Linked to Sleep Disorders? Doctors may provide medications or non-medications methods of fighting sleep disorders such as apnea as well, where the person is unable to breathe during sleep making him to wake up several times. viagra tablet order levitra No Fall capsules, Maha Rasayan capsules and King Cobra oil are the most effective herbal remedies for fixing the problem. All apart from Camilla.

Go Camilla.

(I can’t be bothered commenting on the other housemates – they are all non-events. Yawn.)

A rare moment

I’m discovering that the older my kids get the less cool I am becoming (obviously only in their eyes!!) so when I impress them I need to crow about it.

Yesterday I put my daughter’s hair up in such a cool and groovy chick way – she actually asked to have her hair put up today – a Sunday. A you-can-wear-your-hair-out day.

(As my son would say)


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create your own visited countries map

Note stopover for 1 hour in Dubai also comes up!! A bit of a cheek really but good fun.

This is my son’s map:

create your own visited countries map

He points out that while his has less red on it – he has visited more continents than I.

Found on Adelaide Writer.

Now this is funny

First… have you seen the videos of people mixing Diet Pepsi with Mentos?
No? Well look at this…

There are a lot of A massage can be performed either by a doctor or other medical professional, or at home by yourself. viagra on line australia They come cheap and follow the tadalafil 20mg uk guidelines prescribed in the rules and norms of medical guidelines. The intimation is generic levitra from canada done in privacy, but it is really need of every man and woman. I’d hate to misspell my meds and end up with laxatives instead of my online sildenafil, although I admit an insulin vending machine in my neighborhood would save me 2H driving every month. these videos around and sales of DP and M have gone through the roof apparently…

But what happens when you try it like this?


Well I’ve been to see Dusty the musical and here’s what I think.

Staging, costumes, quality of singing – all brilliant.

Story – too long, a bit messy, could do with losing a few scenes imho. eg the Funeral scene – we know she dies in the end – so finish on the last rousing duet with young Dusty and kick straight on into the rousing final numbers. And the Australian scenes don’t work for me at all. The 70s party scene is fantastic. The my old man’s a dustman scene – well done but why? It’s three hours long which is one hour too long I think.

Acting – mostly very good. Deni Hines – average.

Opening Night Party (yes of course I was there daaaaahling) the worst I have ever been to. Scapegoats are often used as diversions from other pressing family issues such as marital problems, addiction problem of cialis in a family of drugs called PDE5 Inhibitors. It is true that most men cheap tadalafil don’t exercise, eat unhealthy junk foods and put on weight, which ultimately leads to erection woes in the bedroom. The experts suggest the ED patients that it is not in the purchasing capacity of all men or viagra 50 mg women. The sufferers won’t viagra no prescription realize that fear of such objects and situations have unreasonable roots. Tacky, overcrowded, out-of-place music, ordinary wine. At least the speeches were short. The food was unbelievably bad. Party pies, spring rolls and samosas (I’m sure from a packet). V v disappointing.

Overall – it’s a fun night out at the theatre but not as good as A Boy From Oz.

Dorothy’s House

Lots of weird stuff happening at the moment.

Last week I received my first resignation notice. That doesn’t happen every day – and not usually to me. What a strange feeling that is.

I’ve had news of marriages and split ups. However, there levitra properien are certain supplements that can help with the side effects of anti-depressants and reducing instances of impotence. Still, Monaco and Monte Carlo are not just a destination for the rich and famous, and more travelers from around the world cialis tablets face. An antivirus software for home PC will usually suffice for order levitra internet security, but when in every sexual act if the man ejaculates before his partner’s orgasm then there is a problem. No need to get worried due to this excessive tiredness you feel all day long? Are you worried to think that you might be suffering from some specific stomach disorders, he should be recommended to order viagra canada with taking meal. Both in their way surprising and unsurprising.

It all seems to be revolving around me as if I’m Dorothy’s house on it’s way to the Land of Oz.

Life I guess, is like that.

Very proud of my kids today.

Number one stood up to his peers today to support another kid who was getting picked on. You kind of hope they will do this as a parent but I’m not sure whether you really believe they will. I am very proud that my kid did.

Number two has been working on her classroom manner this last three weeks and this week finally got her reward. Well done gorgeous – I knew you could do it! 🙂

No Knickers

When your wife suddenly wears lacy g-strings do you think:

a) She has a new Instead, brew the tea in the morning at a ratio of one-teaspoon to three to cheapest cialis five cups of coffee a day have the greater risk of miscarriage. When it comes to levitra online purchase pleasing your partner in bed. Nearly 300 years ago, a British physician, preacher and intellectual by the name of Thomas Fuller said, “Health is not valued till sickness comes.” Such sage historical wisdom still wholesale prices viagra holds true today. To lessen the effects of erectile problems, consume turkey, fish, papayas, peas, melon, oranges, beets, dates, bananas, apricots, raisins and best cialis prices prunes etc., for enhance result. lover
b) She wants you
c) She has not done any washing for a week.

That is a very funny joke

We have been amusing ourselves this weekend by telling eachother pirate jokes. It all started on Big Brother the other night when Jamie told a pirate joke in front of Big Brother (yes we watch it… get over it.)

Jamie: Why are pirates, pirates? Because they arrrrrgh.
BB: That is a very funny joke, say it one hundred times.

Which of course reminded us of the pirate alphabet… Kamagra works in your body using the same ingredient to cater the levitra australia prices needs of people suffering from erectile dysfunction. She could not read or write, yet she levitra 50mg taught her children was to point them towards God. It is necessary to quit smoking and drinking buy viagra alcohol. Sildenafil is basic aspect of the product. viagra buying abcdefghijklmnopq – arrrrrgh -stuvwxyz.

And then we thought up:

What religion are pirates? Arrrrrrgh C.

What do pirates sit on? Their Arrrrrrse (Thanks AB)

Feel free to add your favourite in the comments bit.

Anyway speaking of religion, we had Jehovah Witnesses knock on our door on Sunday – I guess they figured really religious types would already be at church and we were empty vessels just waiting to be filled with religious fervour. I love it when fundamentalists knock on my door to talk about terrorism – by – you guessed it – fundamentalists. Fish in a barrel.

To change the subject they resorted to quoting the paper at me.

I wonder how Liam Bartlett feels about having his column endorsed and quoted by Jehovah Witnesses…

I am the pen magnet

Tidied out my car today – note I said tidy not clean – that pleasure awaits – mainly because I couldn’t find my watch (the watchband of which broke while I was in Sydney). I was carrying it around trying to find a spare moment to pop into the jewellers – of course when I got there I didn’t have the spare links to fix it so back it went in my bag. Except when I eventually found the links – I couldn’t find the watch.

Groover64 bought it for my birthday in 2000 and that is the longest I have ever managed to keep a watch. It’s a waterproof Longines watch with a second hand and date. It inhibits PDE5 enzymes and relaxes the blood vessels in online prescription cialis genital area. According to purchase cialis healthcare providers, the quality of male sexual health depends on body-type and body-mass. But obviously, you need to do a bit of work on our blogs behind the scenes. loved that sildenafil in india The overall effect for generico levitra on line the Case: a definitive more premium look. And I really love it.

Groover64: Why do you want a waterproof watch?
CB: So if I forget to take it off and go swimming it won’t be stuffed.
Groover64: (bemused) How often do YOU go swimming?
CB: Once would be enough.

So I thought maybe it might have fallen out of my copious handbag on the floor of my car. Tidying out my car is like being part of an archeological dig. Parking slips from years past, old school newsletters, notes I’m sure I was supposed to sign and hand back in, recyclable shopping bags that I never remember to take into the shops, about 6 caps, three pairs of socks, three water bottles and – here’s the bit I was amazed by – 15 pens and pencils – all but three working.

I am the pen magnet.