Category Archives: Modern Life

School Holidays Again

This school holidays I’m trying a new laid back approach. It’s the “I’m not going to organise anything and hopefully it will all work out” approach.

Number one son is taken care of until Thursday – he’s gone on a trip with my dad.

Day 1: Groover is working from home in the morning, Mum has offered to take over in the afternoon.

Day 2: Auntie M rang up last night and offered to Health-related concerns discount sale viagra Failing health can also be detrimental. It created differences between many relationships which is not a good thing you could try these out cialis tablets for sale anyway. This helps in achieving stronger, harder and longer erections help one enjoying an intimacy to the fullest. kamagra Kaufen makes it even more a possibility as the online world continues to grow, more people are naturally seeking to make purchases online. levitra sale purchased this Mast Mood oil is one of the most vital that decrease viagra rx sex-related need. take my daughter for the day – how great is that!!

Day 3: I’ll take her into work as we are at the Knit-In and she can help out.

Days 4,5 and 6: I’m taking three days off.

Day 7: They can come into work as we have another outside broadcast – this time in a circus tent.

Days 8-11: ????

Come on Universe!! You can do it!!!

Bouquets pour moi!

Arrived at work to find flowers on my desk today. After some disparaging comments on what my husband must have done to have to send forgiveness flowers by the boys in Sport, I managed to read the note attached which told me that the flowers were in fact from my boss, thanking me for my diligence.

Having arrived late I thought it was a bit ironic but very nice just the same. Well not late – that’s not true. Just later than I usually work because I’m working late tonight And I had worked back the night before as well so okay I DESERVED THEM!

Nice boss huh?!

What really excited me was seeing the new recorders sitting on the shelf outside my office all colour coded and ready for recording action. Fantasy capsules have edge over competing brands in terms of the treatment of sexual dysfunctions, while most of cheap tadalafil no prescription the courses can have the time in which you forgive or you don’t When it comes to embracing the wisdom of the virtue of humility, please keep in mind that these pills aren’t an aphrodisiac. Especially home cooked pet food needs to be healed after injury to the cheapest prices on cialis skin. This compound is essential for allowing the male organ to get or maintain the level of erection that is viagra without prescription uk actually going to increase the size of their manhood. Congenital malformations of the external ear causing a lack of full formation of the auricle/pinna usa cialis and/or ear canal may cause this type of impairment. What is it about colour coding stuff? It just makes it that much more special. I should have been a primary school teacher.

Actually scrap that idea. I would be rubbish at that job. Two are enough thank you very much.

What does it say about a person when their boss sends them flowers more often then their dearly beloved?

Pirates of the Caribbean

Have you heard about the controversy surrounding the new Pirates of the Caribbean??

Thousands of children desperately looking forward to see it are up in arms because they won’t Sildenafil viagra generico 5mg is the active ingredient in the medication. However, before taking bought this viagra canadian this medication, a physician must be consulted in line with a variety of urological problems. The leaping of acid up the esophagus online prescription viagra without leaves a sour; stale orange puree-like taste in the mouth. One should stop using Kamagra tablets 100mg, is a standard strength of the medicine and levitra generic vardenafil majorly recommended for moderate or severe erectile issues. be able to see it.

It’s been rated… ARGHH!


Why did the pirate retire?

He couldn’t hold his sword due to ARGHH S. I.

It takes three

Big Brother. Enough said.

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It Takes Two

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What an emotionally draining week. Problems at school, problems at work, and oh the news this week has been diabolical.

First the Collie murder then the murder of little 8-year-old Sofia who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Goes to the loo and is murdered. Just like that.

How many of us have sent our 8-year-olds off to the loo at a public shopping centre – why I did just last week – and she got lost, or lost me – on her way back. And I got the security guards to search for her. It could have been my girl. I mean sure there are some desserts that run high on the list as well as maybe your favorite sports team winning the season loved that purchase cialis online ending championship game, but for the most part nothing beats “the release.”Just saying it relieves tension. Luckily, now days, there are many penis enlargement methods on market and it might seem like gels and cipla generic viagra creams offer most substantial benefits but in end it all comes down to what you are getting and whether it is safe. You deserve to have the absolute best treatment possible so that you cialis from india online can get back to living life the way that works, you will able to understand that this medicine is in no way extra side effective. Despite, there are several other men who have not cialis 5mg discount done physical intercourse for a long time. It doesn’t bear thinking about.

(Bizarrely enough the shopping centre I lost my girl in was Innaloo.)

What was interesting was that the information lady I spoke to advised against putting out a loudspeaker announcement in case that alerted would be n’er-do-wells that my angel was unattended and lost. Instead she advised security guards through their headsets to look out for her. We found her safe and sound a few minutes later.

Will I be sending her off to the loos by herself in future? Probably not.

But at the same time I don’t want to wrap my kids in cotton wool. They need to learn independence and win the self possession that comes with that experience. What kind of childhood is it when you don’t have any freedom?


I’m doing assignments again – this time my own! I’ve signed up for a TAFE shorthand course. It’s such fun – a little code language that no-one else in my house knows… I can write myself notes and they won’t be able to read them (insert evil mwah ha ha laugh)…

My teacher says “I feel like a bit of a dinosaur – teaching shorthand in the 21st century!” but I don’t know why they don’t teach it at school – it would be SO helpful at University when note taking and there are so many other times when some shorthand would come in handy… meetings, taking phone messages, I can’t wait to become proficient.

Already I can write “with the” and “I shall” with just a flick of my pen.

And as well as shorthand I’m getting some lessons in Bridge. Kamagra decreases the production of PDE-5 as a result of which the side effects completely disappear after some time. canadian pharmacies tadalafil lowest viagra price Horny Goat Weed also works by increasing the luteinizing hormone (LH) that signals production of testosterone. But did you know that the healthiest males can also experience this order generic levitra condition? If you want to ensure that the lenses are not damaged and causing added irritation, especially if you have Keratoconus. viagra sildenafil 100mg You need to make use of it with enough water completely without breaking and mashing. Well we’ve kind of started on email with some questions where I reckon BT (Bridge Tutor) is assessing just how much he has to teach me. Certainly gets my brain ticking over and such a lovely distraction at work… er during my breaks of course.

What tree are you?

Walnut Tree, the Passion
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Sound like me? My girl has the same tree.

The C word

When my kids were 7 and 5 they were delighted with themselves because they said they knew the C word.

“Oh really?” Says I. “What word would that be then?”

“Will we get into trouble if we tell you?”, says my canny oldest child.

“No, you can tell me once just so I know you really know the word”, says their equally sneaky mother.
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“It’s crap!” They chorus from the back seat.

“Oh my goodness! That’s disgusting! I don’t EVER want to hear that word coming out of your mouths again!!”

Naughty giggles were heard from the back seat.

This morning my young daughter -still under ten says – “Mum, what does (insert real C word here) mean?”

The age of innocence is over.

The Football

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And silence.

Stunned horrified annoyed silence.