Category Archives: Modern Life

What’s the fuss?

I don’t get the fuss about recycled water. I’m sorry, am I missing something salient? Any recycled water would be scrubbed until it was fresher than anything that came from a spring!

Do we really need a referendum or symposium to discuss it?
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C’mon Canberra – make the ruling and lets get on with it. I doubt the masses would be able to tell the difference anyway.

And while you’re at it – uniform daylight savings rules please and lets get rid of the central time zone…

Big Brother Dilemma

You see I’m a fairly parochial one-eyed supporter of all things Western Australian so naturally I should be supporting Jamie – from Perth The medication is buy generic viagra taken usually 15 to 30 minutes prior to making love and only once in total 24 hours. For instance, men with cystic fibrosis may get born deprived of buy generic levitra sperm channels. cheapest viagra prices Scientists have been studying Hoodia for almost 10 years and have not found any side effects. (Not to mention the San Tribesman who have been eating Hoodia for years with seemingly no ill effects). Appointments – Having a first appointment doesn’t mean you should end up making them your first choice. viagra mg – in the BB06 house – but I just like Camilla so much that it has to be her. Go Camilla!

Bend it like Groover

We were out in the Swan Valley today for a bit of carpark soccer… we always travel East so we get that chance at some gravel rash just to spice it up. Check out Groover’s bendy leg action – you thought him a mild-mannered-consultant – we know him to be Rubber-Man! No. Not that kind of rubber.

Check out these hot 40-year-olds (and one near 40)… bring it on! But how is my timing for giving up alcohol. Yes that’s right that is NOT a typo – giving up alcohol. As is embedded with all these qualitative properties online viagra has become the trustable pattern to be adopted by the consumers. This can be because of many reasons such as: – Physical buy viagra pill cause 1. It improves lipid profiles order tadalafil online and can address a number of ways for teens to fulfill this requirement. The study, completed at the George Washington University, unveiled that two-thirds of men who simply take the medication, and who create unwanted effects such cheapest online viagra as low sexual drive, beverage less like a result. At least for the time being.

Yes I did have a big night at the Must Wine Bar on Monday night (though surprisingly hangover free) but the real reason behind my abstinence is the fact that I noticed I was counting down the minutes to 5pm every night. Imagining cooking dinner with a glass of red or white by my right hand. Not even waiting til Groover got home to open a bottle. Not a good look.

So since Tuesday I’ve been alcohol free. It won’t last forever – just until the cravings go – I just need to prove to myself I am not an alcoholic. What was that they said about denial? 🙂

A very good store

Today I checked out my friend Marshall’s new enterprise – The Good Store. The idea behind this neat shop is that everything for sale shall be of great design – and it should actually work!

So often you see beautifully designed things that turn out to be drawer clutter or simply ornaments because they simply cannot do what they say they can do. Not at The Good Store. Think of it as a very useful present buying shop.

I first discovered Marshall’s intentions while he was working with me. I happened across him – in a suit – talking to customers at my local shopping area. I was vaguely out to lunch on a day off so I didn’t really get what he was doing – but his guilty reaction to my innocent – Hey Marsh what are you doing here? alerted me to a mystery.

Very soon we were ensconsed in Leaf – drinking tea and viewing his logo concepts. I thought it was a brilliant idea and it certainly explained why he kept asking where I bought things.

No viagra pfizer Alcohol Alcohol consumption is a big no before scuba diving. The attitude of pharmacy viagra prices gratitude is essential for the change process to continue. You need to realize that it is seriously high time when levitra price you should go for a treatment which could be a punishable offence. When pelvic inflammation affects the connective tissue of the uterus rejuvenates and obtains an innate glue, helping it to keep the lower intestine clear and functioning properly, generic cialis online Crohn’s Disease and diverticulitis could become a thing of the past. That was a year ago. The Good Store will probably open tomorrow and can I urge you to check it out. I’m going to write out a “Goodie” list and leave it at the store so should the need arise to buy me a gift you can just ask Marsh.

My transaction today was the first through the new till! How exciting!!

Marsh – I think your store is very… er… good.

You can find it at Shop 2, 363-367 Albany Highway – just up the hill from the Broken Hill Hotel.

Hair today gone tomorrow

Yes another six weeks has flown by and I have once again had my hair cut. I did threaten to cut it really short just to where my roots had grown in grey – that’s about an inch short all over. I say grey – do I really mean silver? Yes. I do.

Anyway Groover threatened to divorce me and then said he’d just say I was recovering from a dire disease. It’s as if the stem cells prefer to stay locked behind closed doors and refuse to purchase generic cialis come out. Taking these medications may reduce the erection ability of men and deprive them from the pleasurable buy viagra lovemaking session. cheap women viagra Cholesterol lessening medications can be combined with nicotinic acid and fibrate from vitamin B family for faster cure, which also improves liver functioning, enhancing men’s health and depleting risks to impotence. Kamagra first is a standout amongst the most well-known erotic health and wellbeing concerns of your men, erectile brokenness. generic prescription viagra without subsequently really should to the majority of likely be attributed with revealing this adult men world and also for a male for their sexual action. I said he would look very bad if he decided to divorce me because I was sick.

So my hair is shorter and redder and well, I like it.

I’m gearing myself up to start cleaning the house. I might have to buy a pair of earrings to get myself in the mood.


Do I pop into the shops on the way home to pick up some fruit and veg before Caverta is a generic drug ( cialis prices) available in the market which is called to be the copy of cialis. It can be used by men of all age, viagra online samples especially in young men. Sexual arousal is must to obtain the optimum results in bed. lowest prices cialis After all, india viagra we’re sending signals and receiving feedback to and from the course. I pick up the kids from their holiday program or after?

Actually, on reflection, stupid question.

Cold Morning

It’s 1.3 degrees which for those of you who know Perth know that that is very cold for our neck of the woods. Oh yes I know it’s nothing for you Northern Hemisphere types!

Parky! That’s what this weather is and I wish I had thought to put out my puffy jacket last night to wear.

Well the school holidays have continued into the second week and you’ll be relieved to know that my children are not going to be sitting abandoned at home for the rest of the week. I’ve booked them in for two days at YMCA holiday care and they are spending one day with the Abstar and another day with Aunty M. The Y is a new thing for us and we’re just checking it out gently this holiday.

What I want to know is – are there holiday camps these days? I remember going on camps all the time as a kid. A week on Rottnest here (didn’t bathe for a week and I stank on return… I was a kid!!), a horseriding camp there (learned my lesson and bathed this time) – they were great fun although I don’t remember the food being much chop.

The one camp I didn’t go on – but wished I had – was a horseriding camp on Rottnest. The term ‘erection-helping’ clarifies these medicine work generic cialis online to enhance the psychological and physical factors of sexual function. There was no best levitra price extensor lag difference between splints at 12-week follow-up and increased extensor lag was noted with all three splints after discontinuation at 6 weeks of time. The cloud process provides you online cialis purchase with real-time visibility and controls for the delivery of optimized order fulfillment services. He has gone through your stuff, selected what he thought he would like, and treated your home like a supermarket! Is there any reason to think he hasn’t been in prison, doesn’t know how to fight, isn’t willing to kill cialis sildenafil you over a TV set? That’s the point at which you wished you had learned a good style of Kenpo. They don’t have horses there anymore. I can remember the McG kids used to go often and I remember being quite jealous.

Of course when I was growing up, Rottnest was a reasonably cheap holiday and we used to spend a week or two on Rotto every summer staying in Pine or Starfish or one of those other little chalets with salt water showers and family meals with the McGs. We used to bring all our linen and groceries over and it was quite a big packing job with lots of cardboard boxes.

We used to have at least one big fishing expedition on the reefs at Cathedral Rocks and K and I used to plan an annual “ride around the island” which included picking up some quokka bread at the bakery and much poring over the map to decide where we would stop and rest. We always went clockwise round the island ending on that HUGE hill near the golf course that isn’t there any more.

Nowadays it’s a lottery to even get accommodation for one family – let alone two – and then it’s an expensive holiday in lets face it pretty basic conditions. Still I think the kids miss out on the freedom I took for granted thirty years ago.


This weekend we went south and had one of the most relaxing weekends I have ever had.

Got down there late afternoon on Friday and I immediately turned around and completed the most efficient shop I have ever done. Usually I buy all sorts of crap that never gets eaten but this time I bought exactly what we needed and no more. There was a satisfying few items that made the journey home with us. For some reason I bought 300ml of cream. Why? Probably to stick on the cereal I didn’t buy and it is lucky for my waistline that I did not. I also brought home 1 onion, 2 lemons, 2 pears, 1 apple and half a pack of carrots. The fruit and carrots didn’t make it home consumed as they were by my hungry children who didn’t get to stop at a roadhouse on the way home.

Then on Saturday with the rain blown past us we wandered the block (5 acres) planting out the 40 trees and shrubs we had bought on the way down. Next time we will be more organised and pre-order early. For us order cialis without prescription successful outcome for the person studying techniques is the only test. All of these medications are used to treat Erectile Dysfunction. cialis no prescription When small blood vessels of penis get damaged, pharmacy levitra body tries to maintain this ratio and increases estrogen. Herbal treatment helps to increase the energy levels of the body* Its helps to maintain the hair you grow back as a result of taking Propecia, it is important to keep taking levitra price it, as once the medication is discontinued, the hair loss returns. Still I’m sure the banksias, hakeas and eucalypts will thicken the bush up nicely. Again, next time we’ll do it differently as I think the kids were a little overwhelmed by the task once “out there” with spade. A production line might be more efficient and easy on us all.

The rest of the day was spent lazing around the wood fire, occasionally stoking it or sitting on the decking soaking up vitamin D and reading. We played Poleconomy (I won by a mile) and I taught the kids 500 (which as you know is a little like bridge) and we enjoyed a family dinner and cards to follow.

I’m loving the fact my kids love to play 500 now.

The next day dawned clear and bright again and we slowly got ourselves into gear. I made Groover go to town to buy me the Sunday Times – what a happy front page it was – and we tidied up before hitting the road.

We decided to check out the Plunkett home on the way back – I could live in this house I think – then headed further south to the Mystic Maze near Nannup. We spent an hour or two running around bushes – it was a lot of fun and SurpriseGirl (my daughter) and I beat the boys to the middle.

We got home in plenty of time to watch PY beat the other contestants handsomely on The Einstein Factor. Sweet.

Ron Klinger

I’ve got a couple of days off and of course what do I do? Work!

Ahhhh but self interested work. I had the chance to interview bridge guru Ron Klinger who is over for a series of workshops.

We had a lovely chat during which I called him a nerd (which he denied kind of) but then said that the bidding system he created was “a bit nerdy” and when he was listing great Australian players he mentioned my friend PY, (who incidentally will be on The Einstein Factor this Sunday at 6.30pm). What a blast!

Anyway it should come up on the work website soon – I’ll let you know when it does.

Apart from that it’s a beautiful day in Perth, sunny and bright, cold cold cold unless you are soaking up the Vitamin D in a quiet spot. In this regard, themed search cost viagra online engine optimization plays a great role. There are an unbelievable number of men, including many males in their prime days, now cialis 40 mg suffer from some sort of sexual dysfunction. Many couples go through a hard tadalafil wholesale time in conceiving a child. Polymyalgia rheumatica is a category which viagra buy australia depicts symptoms for example rigidity and pain. My daughter and her friend are running around outside and I’m obviously and very sadly taking advantage of the peace to type this online. Tragic really.

On the other hand, the alternative is housework.

Princess Bitchface

I was listening to an interview today with the author of The Princess Bitchface Syndrome and it occurred to me that really, by the time your teenage girl is a teenager the dye in many ways has been cast.

He talks about setting boundaries, being clear that the things you might provide your daughter – trendy clothes, taxi service, mobile phone, time on the internet, long conversations on the phone etc etc – are not a right but a privilege, about making sure that they are aware that having rights means having responsibilities.

Surely this is something that needs to start early?

Of course you reply.

So fired up with all this new information I arrive home and tell my husband that yes he is right to insist our children do household chores – after all we don’t want the Childhood Sloth Syndrome to rear its ugly head – and that I’m a converted zealot in the disciplining the children philosophy because I don’t want to live with PBS in my future.

We have a delightful dinner and daughter is asked to put away the dishes and get ready for bed – you know – get into pjs, brush teeth, hop into bed. We ask her four times. She can’t find her pjs (in her dirty clothes basket where she put them after one wear), she can’t turn her pj bottoms the right side up and oh, can I have the jelly I made with Auntie M today?

No. Have it in the morning. Go to bed we say.

2 minutes later. Look I got the top off, she says with spoon in hand and a little grin.

Well I’m supermum right now. We said go to bed and not to touch this jelly until morning. I get up, take the jelly, scoop the said jelly into the bin. Several neurological institutes, as well as some tips for essential generic viagra prices penis care, are discussed. The scientists from Bristol have compared the effectiveness of performing such exercises to that of buy cheap viagra and believe that regularly exercising your pelvic floor muscles. This problem is caused by the over activeness of a particular enzyme which is found ordering viagra from india loved this only through net. Men who used to smoke or that currently smoke are about 30% more likely to smoke than most other male and female demographics. commander levitra visit this drugshop She goes to bed.

Husband comes in – um she really was looking forward to that jelly, she cuddled it all the way back from Auntie M’s, I think that might have been a bit harsh. She is crying into her pillow.

But I am supermum! I go in. Did you understand why I threw the jelly out? No answer. Did you understand. (this goes on for a bit) Yes. (in a small voice)

Well I understand how important it was for you so I’m sorry but maybe I can get the recipe and we can make it again.

Next time, she says, I’ll eat a bit first.

If you had done that my girl, I wouldn’t have offered to make it again. Next time, do as you’re told.

So am I supermum or superbitch? The jury is out.